book 2 Part 18

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"What's goin' on here?" Jack asked. "Huh? We're just having a little fun with some trespassers." Leona said, looking at Jack. "What's fun about tormenting amateur players?" Jack asked. "What's thiiis? Look at you, Jack! Heroically standing up for the downtrodden! How woefully admirable. Shyeheehee!" Ruggie said. "I'm just saying this is a disgusting spectacle and I don't wanna have to see it." Jack argued.

"...... Well, thanks. Now you've ruined all our fun." Leona said. "Whoa, Jack. You DO realize who you're talking to, right?" one of the students said. "If you're gonna play the upperclassman card, you oughta act the part." Jack said cross. "Whaaat did you say to me?! You want a piece of this too?!" another student said.

"Pretty bold, frosh. I guess I can respect that. All right, I'm bored now. Running up the score against you chumps ain't accomplishin' a thing. Let's go, Ruggie." Leona said. "Toodles." Ruggie said following behind Leona. "You lot better think twice about invading our territory again!" one of the students said.

"Is everyone okay?" yuu said running to the others as Magolor followed them. "Heh. Well, I can't say that was my finest moment on the field." Cater said, putting a hand behind his head. "Thanks for the help, Jack." Deuce said. "Save it. I ain't in the business of charity work." Jack said, crossing his arms. "I'm drenched in mud over here! Let's just call it a day and go home." Ace said tired. "Yeah, I'm gettin' pretty hungry over here." Grimm said.

"All right, Jack, we're taking off. Don't get in any accidents, you hear?" Cater said. "You've got a whole lotta nerve to be worrying about me. Now scram already." Jack said, sighing. As the students finally got out of the dorm, yuu turned to Magolor. "I see why you don't like Spelldrive." yuu said, looking down. "Oh that reminds me!" Cater said, turning to Magolor. "Magolor you're a beast man! Why didn't you tell us?! Your ears are a dead giveaway. I thought that they were just a part of your hood" Cater said with both surprise and excitement.

"ONE no I'm not a beast man. TWO I already said what I was. THREE what?" Magolor crossed his arms. "Whatttttt no you didn't" Cater said back. "Yes I did at the entrance ceremony." Magolor replied, walking away with yuu beside him. "He tots didn't!" Cater said wanting to know what Magolor was.

that night~

yuu came down the stairs only to see Magolor down reading a book. "Hay you should be in bed." Magolor said, looking at yuu. "Your one to talk." yuu said back. "I don't need as much as you, my body evolved to be able to stay up long nights." Magolor said, turning back to his book. "Grim's sleep talk woke me up." yuu explained.

"Then sleep in my room." Magolor said. "I get a feeling there's someone outside so I'll just che-" yuu was cut off. "I'll check, you need sleep." Magolor said. Getting up and walking outside. 'There's no one here' Magolor thought, looking around. "Gee the moon looks nice." he said looking up at the moon. When he heard someone speak. "Hm? Who's that over there?" someone said.

Magolor walked towards the voice. "Just the housewarden." Magolor said seeing a boy with horns walking by his dorm. "Well, this is a surprise. A child of man, are you?" he asked magolor. 'A Green armband... Which house is that?' Magolor thought. "Do you live here? I was under the impression that this dorm had been abandoned for some time. I quite enjoy having a place where I could go to enjoy the peace of solitude." the tall student said. " What's your name?" Magolor asked.

"Who am I...? You really don't know who I am? Interesting. What is your name?" the student asked. "As said before I'm the housewarden, but my name is Magolor." Magolor replied. "Magolor An unusual name, to be sure. I am... No, never mind. I'd rather you remain unaware." the student said. "It's for your own benefit, I assure you. Instead, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing. Although you may one day regret it..." the dragon-like student said.

"Hm then I'll have to come up with a good one." Magolor said. "But alas... If you have taken up residence here, then this abandoned dorm is no longer "abandoned." Pity. I shall have to find some other ruins for my next nocturnal constitutional. Farewell." the student bid Magolor. "Hm, a strange one. Well looks like I'm going to give him a good name." Magolor said walking back into his dorm.

Sighing, Magolor decided he was going to clean up the rest of the dorm rooms. The rest of the night would be more than enough to fix up the rest of the dorm rooms. Sighing he knew his head would kill him after this.

Magolore the dark wizardWhere stories live. Discover now