book 1 Part 15

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"I have a bad feeling Ace. I'm not telling you to not talk to Riddle, but I just feel like something bad is going to happen. Be on your gard" Magolor said, grabbing Ace's wrist. "Ya ok, whatever Magolor now I'm going to get this stupid collar off." Ace said, pulling his wrist back.

"Ah, it's you. The tart thief." Riddle says, looking at Ace. "Yeah, so, I wanted to apologize for eating that tart. We made you a new tart to replace it." Ace said nervously. "Hmm? And what kind of tart is it?" Asked Riddle. Crossing his arms. "I'm so glad you asked! It's a chestnut tart, and I swear, we weren't stingy with the chestnuts." Ace says proudly "A CHESTNUT tart?!" Riddle yells out in rage.

Then something clicked in Magolors head. He had known about the rule. It was in the book he read about the queen of hearts. That's where the bad feeling came from. He had known unconsciously that it would end in disaster. "What?!" Ace yelled out in surprise and rage.

"The Queen of Hearts's rule 562: "One must never bring a chestnut tart to an unbirthday tea party."" Magolor said out loud. It held silence even though he yelled it out. "This is an utterly flagrant rule violation! Do you understand what you've done?! You've ruined an otherwise perfect unbirthday!" Riddle said after magolor recited the rule. "Rule 562...?!" Deuce said, his eyes widening at Magolor.

"How many of these rules are there?!" yuu said, astonished. "There are 810 rules in all, and housewarden, I can of course recite each and every one of them." Riddle said annoyed. "Wow, T-I-L... This could be bad. Trey, were you aware of this?" Cater asked. "I was only able to memorize the first 350 or so. Well, we really botched this one. Big-time." Trey said.

As they looked at magolor. "Don't look at me, I just remembered it now!" he said. "As housewarden of a dorm established to honor the Queen of Hearts's rigor, I cannot ignore this. Destroy the offending tart immediately! Then throw these rulebreakers out of the dorm!" Riddle proclaimed.

"Whoa, hold up! Is that one of your rules too?!" Ace said offended. "Yeah! If you want the tart gone, let me eat it!" Grimm said his gluttony getting the best of him. "Housewarden, allow me to apologize. I was the one who suggested making a chestnut tart." Trey said. "Housewarden, allow me to apologize. I was the one who suggested making a chestnut tart." Cater said.

"The making of the tart is not the issue. The issue is bringing it HERE. Today. THAT is the transgression!" Riddle said. "How can you be so mean after he worked so hard?" yuu said defending Ace. "Yeah! All you do is cite one stupid rule after another! You sound totally foolish!" Ace said annoyed at all the rules "What did you just call me? "Foolish"?!" Riddle said, offended.

"Everyone, stop! Don't dig this hole any deeper! And Riddle, please try to remember that these are new students who've only been here a few days!" Cater tried to reason. "Nah, bro. I've got a shovel and I am DIGGING. Throwing away a tart to obey some insane rule is about as foolish as it gets" Ace said now confidently. "I agree with Ace. Of course, I understand that rules do need to be followed, but... This is going much too far." Deuce said.

"Are you attempting to debate me? Bold move. But I'll bite. By breaking even the smallest rule, you are throwing wide the gate to anarchy." Riddle said. Magolor standing up from his seat his eyes were a mix between horror and rage. "No one who's sane should follow all these rules." Pointing a finger at Riddle. "These rules may be made for order but that doesn't constitute taking magic away. I have suffered a similar fate, but that was because I did an unforgivable act! You shouldn't be giving a punishment like that to someone who brought the wrong flavor of tart!" Magolor said in a mix of desperson and defyance.

"Once more DON'T DO THIS! You're going down a dangerous path." Magolor said, staring at Riddle. He saw a younger version of himself in Riddle. One that would walk down that very path. "Everyone, I know you're afraid of getting your magic sealed away, but you know this is insane, right?" Ace asked, trying to rile the other students. "N-no, we, uh..." "Well? Isn't it?" Riddle asked with a glare. "Far from it, Housewarden Riddle, sir!" "We trust in your judgment, sir!" the students said.

"You little..." Grimm said angrily. "You spineless, fair-weather cowards..." Ace said mad. Holding his gloved hands Magolor thought a dangerous thought to himself. Then he flet a hand on his shoulder. "Don't." Trey whispered in his ear.

"In the year since I became Housewarden, not a single student from Heartslabyul House has dropped out or been held back a year. We are the only house that can boast such a feat. Furthermore, of everyone in this dorm, I have the best academic standing. Hence, I am the most correct! If you would simply obey me without question, we wouldn't need to contend so." Riddle said, trying to contradict Magolor's statement. Riddle had to admit that yes Magolor's statement had subsidence behind it. But he doubted that it was true. "If you did do such a thing then why tell?" Riddle asked.

"Listen, we-!" Deuce tried to counter Riddle but was cut off by him. "It's not off with their heads because I want to do that. I do it because rules must never be broken." Riddle said. Trey stayed silent. "If you will not obey me, then I will have all of your heads!" Riddle said, crossing his arms.

"Okay, let's all say, "Yes, Housewarden Riddle."" Cater tried to tell the other two students. "... I can't." Deuce said, clenching his fists. "Me neither." yuu said. "I don't bow to self-important tyrants!" Ace said. "What did you just call me?" Riddle said, his face filling red. "He called you a tyrant for wantin' to destroy good food just 'cause you're throwin' a tantrum!" Grimm said. "Guys, I don't think we need to escalate this-" Deuce said, trying to reason.

"Off! With! Your! Heads!" Riddle yelled. "Bwaaaaaaah!" both deuce and Grimm screamed. "No! Not the collar again!" Grimm said defeated. "Gah! I can't get it off!" deuce said pulling at the coller. "Trey! Cater! Eject them from the premises!" Riddle said pointing at Grimm, Ace, Deuce, and yuu.

"... Yes sir, Housewarden." both of them said. "Y-you're supposed to be our "mentors"!" Deuce said. "Sorry, but we can't disobey our Housewarden!" Cater said. "Sorry, man..." Trey said sadly. "Oh, that's how it's gonna be? Then bring it on!" Ace said. As they fought each other Riddle went up to Magolor. "While not breaking any rules you certainly have caused a ruckus." Riddle said, crossing his arms. "What do you have to say for yourself?" looking at the shorter student he opened his mouth. Closed it then spoke.

"Never mind, my words have fallen on deaf ears." Magolor said, turning around. "I'll vacate the premises. But my last warning heed my words for they are imported." Magolor said calmer. Walking away as the fight ended he left with the others.

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