book 2 Part 6

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"Let's try to stay on topic. We need to discuss the tournament bracket. I had an idea I'd like to propose." Crowley said. "And that is...?" Riddle asked. "It concerns the Diasomnia housewarden. I think that we should induct Mr. Draconia into the hall of fame to keep him off the field entirely." Crowly said. "More stuff I have no idea about... and probably have no say in since my dorm consists of three people. I'm both so glad and so perturbed that I don't have a say in this." Magolor said, rolling his eyes.

"Say whaaat?!" kalim said at Crowley's proposal. "What are you on about?" Leona said. "Ever since Mr. Draconia enrolled here, no dorm has scored even a single point against Diasomnia. Diasomnia regularly scores 100 points per game, with 90% of them being from Mr. Draconia himself." Crowly explained. "Now that you mention it, when we had to face them last year, it did feel completely futile." Kalim said.

"The dude totally breaks the game. It's like he's got cheat codes enabled." Idia said, spouting nonsense to Magolor's ears. "Amusement is not the only goal of this tournament. Our hope is that spectators the world over will discover talented new mages. However... Recent matches have been ending without anyone, save Mr. Draconia, casting even a single spell. And that includes his own teammates! And that is a less-than-optimal state of affairs" Crowley said.

"And THIS is why I find this whole thing being popular being bearzaar. It makes no clear sense to me. Magic based competition is in all rights boring to watch. It's why I NEVER added too much magic to my carvale games." Magolor said. "I'm all for it. Getting stomped isn't exactly fun for us either." Idia said. "You run an amusement park?" Riddle asked. "Yes... but a tail like that is for another time... it's also a good source of income. I just realized how I sound." Magolor said, bringing his arms down at his sides.

"Ya I won't believe that for a second." Idia said. Quite a few more people agreed with him. "Can we please get back on topic here." Crowly asks. "So you're sayin' you expect us to make fools of ourselves on the field again this year?" Leona asks. "It certainly brings me no pleasure to suggest it. Regardless, Mr. Draconia has already agreed to be inducted into the hall of fame. All we need now is the committee's approval." Crowley said.

"So you're sayin' we need a handicap. Listen and listen well, Teach... Ain't nothin' I hate more than someone tellin' me "you can't win" before I even begin to fight." Leona said. "No, that is not my intention-" Crowley tried to refute. "Then what is? First of all, Spelldrive ain't a game about power. It's all about what's up HERE!" Leona said, pointing to his head. "I'm pretty sure my head can't beat Malleus's." Kalim said, puzzled.

"I don't doubt that. But mine can. Sure, in a battle of brute force, no one's beatin' him. But in a battle of wits-that's a different story." Leona finished. "I say that anyone can beat anyone as long as they are smart about it." Magolor affirmed. "Intriguing..." Azul said, looking at the two with intrigue.

"The King of Beasts from the Great Seven won his throne through cunning and persistence. You all should be wrackin' your brains, trying to come up with a way to beat that monster! Whichever team figures that out is gonna be sittin' REAL pretty on the world stage. Are you gonna let a once-in-a-lifetime chance like that get yanked out from under you?" Leona asked them.

"For once, Leona is making perfect sense. I agree-this plan is utter nonsense. It reeks of some kind of unconscious bias on your part. And I despise that sort of thing." Vil said, looking at Crowley. "I am in complete agreement with Housewarden Vil. As one of the foremost mages here, the last thing I want to do is give up without a fight." Riddle said.

"Don't you wanna see that self-important, stuck-up jerk's crestfallen face get broadcast to the whole world? Doesn't the thought of it make you wanna roar?" Leona said, trying to rile everyone up. "Heh heh. That would certainly boost the ratings!" Azul said. "Well, I certainly don't want to be on the losing side of this." Kalim added. "Seriously? I'm the only one who wants him in the hall of fame?" Idia added. "I think we have our answer. The hall of fame idea is officially shut down." Leona said.

"*Sigh*... Fine, fine. But if this year ends up being a repeat of the last two years, he's going in next year for sure." Crowley finished. "Wait..." someone in the meeting said.

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