book 2 Part 25

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Magolor woke up early the next morning. Magolor woke up early the next morning. Riddle started to fret even more today. "You really shouldn't do anything today that could make your injury worse. You probably should stay in bed." Riddle keeps fretting. "I'll be fine, I've been through worse, I'll be at Ramshackle. Someone got to cook for those two." Magolor said leaving the Hartslaybyule drom. Arriving at the dorm he started to gather everything he needed to make breakfast

As he got everything organized Magolor heard a knock on the door. Opening it he was meat with jack. "Oh hello there." Magolor said friendly. "Uh ya good morning I'm here to see if yuu is awake." Jack asked. "They aren't but you can wake them up if you want to." Magolor said. "Uh ok be down in a minute." Jack said.

Jack noticed the dorm looked clean. He had heard that the dorm was super dusty and had a lot of broken furniture. But there was not a crack in sight. As he just went to wake yuu up. As the two headed down stairs they saw that Magolor was wearing a different cape and hood. It was white with green accents. "Huh you look different." Jack said. "Hm, probably because I'm in my shop keeper wear." Magolor said. Which was meat aloud HUH! From both of the students.

"Ya I have a stall. It's not that hard to sell food and I have plenty of gem apples to spare as I made gem apple fritters." Magolor said, shrugging. "We don't have time for this," Jack said as the three left the dorm. To head to the colosseum. "I don't have a lot of Time to do this so I'll accompany you till people start coming to buy food." Magolor said as they arrived at his stall.

"Oh wow your going to make the fritters in the stall!" yuu said, amazed. "Ya but I just had to bring the box of leftover gem apples. They are the last ones I have but the tree I plan on planting will make up for this." Magolor said. "Your on top of things." Jack said. "Yup I have to be. A shopkeeper must be on top of things? Like I have to manage everything. Besides Magolor day is tomorrow." Magolor said proudly.

"What?" they both said. "You call it Sunday, I call it Magolor day!" Magolor said putting everything away. "That's kinda egotistical." yuu said. "And I'm not?" Magolor said, sassing yuu. "Fair pont." Yuu said "Ya I had to fix my friend's planner to correct name." Magolor said... as he overheard a conversation.

"Hm, excellent attendance again this year. I'll have to check how the kiosks are doing.

After all, now that I'm the head of the planning committee, we can't have merchants underreporting their sales, now can we?" Azul said, happy. "Housewarden, everything's ready at the coliseum. The players will begin arriving in ten minutes." Jade reported. "Jade, Floyd, excellent work." Azul said.

"Hey, Azul, what's the deal? Why do you have the players' procession starting at the east building this year? The paths are so clogged with attendees that it'll be real hard for the players to get through 'em!" Floyd asked. "That was a special request from a certain client. I'm not privy to ALL the particulars." Azul explained. "Ah, I understand. So this is related to that magic-boosting potion you were making yesterday." Jade said.

"Wait, you understand WHAT? What does rerouting the players have to do with magic potions?" Floyd yelled. "Shhh. Someone might hear us. Lower your voices." Jade hushed his brother unaware that Magolor was eavesdropping. "Ooh! Is something shady about to go down?" Floyd asked excitedly. "That potion is only going to last for about thirty seconds. What could he possibly be plotting, I wonder?" Azul says, smirking.

"Azul, you needn't feign ignorance. You know exactly what he's planning, don't you?" Jade said. "Do I? I wonder! Heh heh heh." Azul brushes off. "Aw, come on! Tell me too!" Floyd asked. "Hee hee. And I was just thinking I wanted to refurbish the lounge, so this offer came at a most opportune time. But that's enough chit-chat. Time is money! Let's go see how concession sales are going." Azul said walking away.

"Hm looks like Riddle's plan will work just fine." Magolor said as he met eyes with Azul as the three students passed his stand.

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