Chapter 52

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A.N. Enjoy. ♥️⭐️

Finding and buying a house together turned out to be a longer process than we had imagined, but neither of us seemed to mind having to share my full-size bed for another while.

As stressful and new as the entire operation was I learned how much I enjoyed doing it with Sadie by my side.

I got to stand next to her while we gauged high ceilings and window fixtures.

We'd meet during lunch breaks, between my classes and her work commitments, to see our realtors and go to different showings.

"Do you think Keynes would like that?" Sadie would ask, pointing at stairs or tall windows.

"We could repaint that," She'd whisper to me if something's color was hideous.

"Your clothes could fit here," I'd point at walk-in closets that were part of massive master bedrooms.

I had no idea homes like that existed in New York City before touring several with Sadie.

It was delightful to get to walk through places and draw pictures of our possible life there together. Getting to imagine our future in a shared space that'd be just ours to reshape for ourselves.

I'd look at her, standing in massive open space living areas, and try to convince myself that I wasn't dreaming.

The woman I was secretly afraid I had lost forever just a year and a half prior was my girlfriend and she had all the intentions of sticking by my side forevermore.

We were searching for a house to call ours. It felt surreal.

My Ph.D. program was still my main occupation and it was going very well.

Despite all of the study breaks that Sadie would willingly or unwillingly impose upon me, my work didn't seem to be impacted at all.

If anything I was way more often sober and less hungover than I had been the previous years, and I had a much less chaotic sleep and life pattern as I continued to stick with Sadie's meal plan and work schedule.

Overall her presence in my life helped greatly with putting it on a better track, and my studies and research benefitted greatly from it.

I had started to teach as part of my program and Sadie had spent handfuls of nights watching movies on my couch while rubbing my feet as I carefully read and graded papers.

Keynes had readjusted to our life in my small New York one-bedroom apartment. He had no idea of what was coming his way soon.

We eventually saw a property, which by the way Sadie's eyes shined as we walked through it, I knew it was going to be it. I knew she wasn't going to let us settle for anything less.

The place was magnificent.

Strategically located in a quiet corner near absolutely everything we could've needed. Small local shops surrounded the area.

Walking to it the first thing we both noticed, when entering the building, was the delicious smell of sugar and butter coming from the patisserie located on the same block.

A flower shop and a small greengrocer were only a few steps away from the place.

One doesn't realize how much you can crave the perfume of fresh fruit and flowers in a city like New York.

Entering the house we immediately noticed the difference from all the other properties we had seen up til that moment. This place felt like someone had lived in it. It felt cozy but classy.

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