Chapter 29

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A.N. Little star reminder, thank you so much for being such sweet readers. ♥️⭐️

October went by fairly quickly.

Sadie and I were in constant contact.

We fell asleep multiple times with a call still on.

Bailey got the biggest kick out of making fun of me, but I was completely at peace.

It hit me when I was at the club with her and Daria one night that any tension I would've once felt with random girls who could approach me was completely gone.

My eyes were no longer wandering down cleavages and up skirt slits.

All my drunk thoughts revolved around sweet dark lips and hazel eyes.

And how could they not?

I'd send Sadie sloppy drunk texts and she'd be entertained and amused. I'd call her once safely at home, not to prove that I wasn't in anyone else's company but to hear her voice.

I found myself almost wanting to buy magazines if her pictures were on the covers.

I felt like a teenager with a maddening celebrity crush.

"Look, that one has a big poster, should I get it for you?" Bailey teased me one day when she caught me looking at magazine covers.

I scoffed and walked away, but some small part of me did want Sadie's posters.

I felt all of the possible emotions when it came to the situation, from the brightest euphoria when we were on video calls or a random picture of her breakfast would appear in our texts thread—to the deepest sorrow when once again the best side of my bed was empty.

I followed an online page or two that posted daily updates on the woman. I had mixed feelings about it. In part, I didn't love that they thrived by posting photos of my girlfriend and that all of their followers were constantly on top of her whereabouts and latest looks. On the other hand, I loved to have high-definition images available to make up for the fact I couldn't be physically near her.

Seeing Sadie in "candid" photos with Ember was less painful than I had expected it to be. She always made sure to tell me in advance when she was going to meet up with the model and I understood that it was part of her job.

In the same way, she told me when she was going to have to kiss someone on set and I was completely at peace with that too.

I fully trusted her.

I knew she liked me in a way she didn't like anyone else.

I knew that if her lips were to touch someone else's in front of a camera it was just another form of her art.

It stung, but not too much. I couldn't have said I was completely immune to it, but it was definitely not as bad as I had imagined.

Fans would create videos with snippets of paparazzi footage of my girlfriend and her PR girlfriend to showcase how cute and in love they were. And the smallest part of me was a little bit jealous.

But in no way did it affect the way I felt towards Sadie. There was absolutely no resentment toward her.

Ember and Sadie looked good together. All long limbs and pretty faces.

Drunk Angelica might've lingered on that thought a minute too long or so.

I wasn't sure if it was because I had memorized all of Sadie's smiles and I wanted to believe that the ones she showed just me were the brightest, or it was true that her performance smiles weren't the exact same ones.

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