Chapter 4

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A.N. I see you guys not hitting the stars in the previous chapters cause you're mad at Angie 🥲 On the other hand, you destroyed that comment section on the previous chapter! I've had so much fun reading every single one of you!! I love the live commentary more than anything.

"What size condoms do we need to find?" Bailey tried to distract me.

I rolled my eyes at her, before looking for the brand I liked.

"We're not going to talk about Colin's penis size," I told her.

"What does one do with flavored ones?" She teased.

"Add them as fun decoration to pastries and cakes," I played along, my hand moving some boxes around for my misplaced targeted item, hiding behind the wrong row of similar ones.

"Ew, that's too gross even for you to say," She shuddered aggressively in an exaggerated reaction to my words.

"You asked," I tossed the box in the cart and wondered briefly if I should've searched for a second, to stock up and avoid having to repeat the task soon.

"Why don't you try textured ones? Straight sex doesn't need to be as boring," She was holding up a pack for me to see.

I sighed, ignoring my friend and doing the math in my head. How long would twenty-four condoms last us? 

It was always hard to say between his trips, our plans, my mood, and his stamina. A package could last us ten days or three months.

"Why do you think it's boring?" I challenged her, while finally deciding to search for a second box.

"I don't know—the mechanics of it—seems to me like the priorities are all messed up," She shrugged, inspecting the box I had put in the cart.

I hated to admit that I knew what she was referring to, I also found it frustrating how much importance was given to penetration over other things, but I wasn't going to say that to her right then.


My relationship with Bailey was not the one of a classic friendship, but it had nothing to envy to it.

We had been friends since I had started high school when I joined the softball team—in my sophomore year I became team captain, and apparently, everybody knew that she had a crush on me. Unfortunately for her, I was already secretly dating Sadie when Bailey first confessed her feelings for me.

We were just kids back then though, and she quickly moved on and had her own relationships with other girls from school. She was on and off with a cheerleader—if I recalled correctly—for most of my sophomore year. 

When she was a senior she got to witness the full extent of my relationship with Sadie, how the two of us lived as if our skin was a shared extension of each other's.

She was happy for us and even got quite close to Sadie in their senior year—which was my junior.

She didn't witness my senior year of high school, the year in which Sadie and I broke up, the one in which I channeled all of my teen angst and watched from afar as Sadie Gordon became Sadie Sparrow and gained quickly her first few million followers on social media.

That was the time when Bailey and I had lost contact. I was way too busy feeling my feelings, being sad and heartbroken, and trying my best to cover it up by acting as if moving on could have ever been easy.

She hadn't seen me starting to date again, trying to fill up the hollow left by the only person I had ever been with up to that point.

She learned about it later on though, we had briefly talked about it.

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