Chapter 2

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I watched Bailey sit on the counter and swiftly bring her legs to the other side before hopping down and walking through a 'staff only' door with Daria, I smiled to myself, my thoughts beginning to get fuzzy, I was almost through the second Heartless by then.

Jesse and Sarah were back on the dance floor, I wasn't sure how much they had to drink but they were clearly not sober either.

My head moved with the music, while I toyed with the straw between my lips absentmindedly.

"I thought you two were together."

A voice I didn't recognize, the one of a woman, made me look in her direction, it was the first time I had ever seen her, a tall brunette nodded toward the 'staff only' door Bailey had gone through, and I snorted.

"We're friends," I explained, "She's busy now, but I'm sure you can get a turn later," I promised on B's behalf.

The woman's full lips puckered, and her eyes found something interesting on the thin chain sitting on my chest, "Can I buy you a drink?" She leaned close enough when asking that her breath hit my neck in such a way that the hair on my nape rose in goosebumps.

I could smell the Bourbon on her breath.

That was unusual for a girl our age.

"My bartender is also busy right now, and she knows how to make the one I like," I complained, ignoring her flirtatious manner.

She hummed and lifted two fingers at another bartender, "Two more on the rocks."

When I saw the whisky being poured in the two glasses I gave myself a mental pat on my back for being able to recognize it from the woman's mouth.

She handed me one and I nodded a thank you before tasting it.

I sought the burning sensation of the alcohol down my throat, and I appreciated the caramel hint in the drink.

The mystery woman watched me enjoy my drink, her tight dress made a show of all of the attributes she meant to exhibit.

I realized she was much closer to me than when our exchange had started.

I looked back at the counter to see that my drinks were over, I was at the happy part of my night when time was confusing enough to stretch and squeeze like an accordion, some moments going very slowly and some so fast I'd lose track of them as they happened.

The woman's hand rested on my lower back as she leaned close to me again, that time her nose grazed my neck, I sucked in a breath in surprise and felt my lower stomach pull at the proximity.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" She offered.

I shook my head, the small part of me still stirring my brain doing its best to not step into a regrettable position.

"You're pretty," I slurred, I took a deep breath and I looked at her, squinting to focus. She was pretty, she had green eyes too, not as light as mine, more verging towards being hazel. Her lips were plump and she had freckles. I didn't mean to look at her chest, but her dress was an open invitation when it came to looking, and she had chosen it for a good reason. She was not just pretty, she was beautiful. I wondered where I was going with all that.

Realization hit me when her body was so close to mine that I could feel her dress brushing against the side of my body, oh, right.

"You're pretty," I repeated, more focused on the whole message that time around, "But I can't, I- Have someone."

She hummed and crinkled her nose in disappointment, but she didn't give up, her hand slid further from my lower back to my waist on the side further from her.

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