Chapter 41

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A.N. Remember that I love you guys. 

There was nothing like the beach after sundown.

The waters were calm and quiet, the entire ocean looked like a black pool.

I took off my shoes and socks and left them on the last wooden step before walking into the sand.

Sadie followed suit and did the same.

We had walked in silence from the hotel's gardens to the neighboring beach.

Nobody was around.

It was just me, the love of my life, and the delicate dark waves of the ocean at shore.

I wasn't sure whether she was nervous to finally have a planned serious conversation on the terms and conditions of our relationship.

We had talked briefly about wanting to try to be with each other and our communal desire to be happy together, but we had never really gone through the practical aspects of it. We hadn't voiced out what challenges we were likely going to have to overcome and what our plan was going to be to do so.

"Hey Sades," I called, as she looked all around us and avoided my gaze.

"Were you talking to him?" She asked straight away.

Fears and worries dumped right on the table.

"What? No," I felt immediately defensive, my voice came out high-pitched.

I was hurt by her assumption. How did she think that I had left her to go talk to Colin?

She sighed and hummed.

I couldn't tell if she was angry or just sad.

"Bailey called me, I talked a few things out with her," I explained myself and offered her my phone as proof.

I could sense the temptation she experienced in the way her hand almost reached for it before she raised it back and shook her head.

"I trust you," She said, but I wasn't convinced.

"So why did you ask?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I trust that you wouldn't lie to me," She clarified.

She didn't trust that I wouldn't call Colin. Just that I wouldn't lie about it.

My jaw clenched and I nodded, it was fair after all, considering how I had left her behind at the first moment of panic.

But Jesus.

"I answered the text, I told him that I'm dating you," I put it out there for her to know, there was no point in waiting for it to come up on its own.

Sadie's eyes finally scanned my face in the dark.

At that point, I was at a complete loss for what she might've been thinking.

Maybe she was jealous I had made contact with him.

Maybe she was upset that I had taken that decision unilaterally, not giving her a chance to veto the sharing of information that involved her too.

Maybe she was surprised that I had been truthful with my ex about my new relationship with the woman.

Maybe her territorial side was thriving in the knowledge that I had claimed I belonged to her in a way.

Maybe she felt a mix of all of the above plus something else I hadn't thought of.

"Did he say anything to that?" She asked quietly.

"I haven't checked, I came to see you right after answering," I told her truthfully.

"Okay," Her gaze went back to the invisible horizon.

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