Chapter 15

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The evening continued with Bailey doing most of the talking, leaving Sadie and me to our stolen glances and my progressively harder time keeping my eyes off Sadie's chest.

As the three of us became less and less sober Sadie found her voice and will to mend the lost friendship with Bailey. She asked her many questions about what she had studied and what she was doing then.

I liked watching them share the same space in a friendly manner.

Bailey had become an essential person in my life in the previous years—forgiven the terrible hookup—she was the closest friend I had in New York, the only one who knew how to deal with me and who I knew I could trust fully.

Watching my best friend and my—well, Sadie, get along so well warmed up my heart.

"So how'd you meet Daria?" Sadie asked eventually.

Bailey's cheeks picked up some color as she did her best to avoid eye contact with me.

The vodka freed a dumb smile on her face at the memory, but she didn't answer.

"Daria saw that B was heartbroken and offered a hand," I teased.

Bailey's eyebrows furrowed, "The circumstances don't matter—we clicked," She shrugged, "It was a right place at the right time type of situation."

Sadie hummed, trying to hide her confusion.

"They fucked on Daria's work break," I summed up.

Sadie's eyes glinted with amusement and Bailey snorted.

"I forgot you were such a lady," My friend shook her head at me.

We briefly talked about my family and then Bailey's. We graciously skipped over Sadie's family situation. Bailey was aware of the fact that Sadie had moved in with my moms' best friends—my aunts—when we were all still in high school, after being kicked out of her house for being in a relationship with a girl—with me—and that that was now her family. My family was Sadie's family.

It sounded messier than it turned out to be.

Bailey knew better than to ever pick up the topic with either one of us. She had managed all those years, putting together the information that was willingly offered to her like a puzzle, and never asking for additional pieces.

Bailey was saying something about something when her eyes locked on me, getting my attention.

"I think if we want to keep Angie in the conversation you'll need to cover up," Bailey eventually told Sadie, "She's three shots too far from being able to pretend she doesn't want to move in between your boobs."

Sadie laughed so genuinely at that that small tears collected in the corner of her eyes.

"That wasn't even funny," I pouted, realizing my eyes were still on Sadie's top, fuck.

I rubbed both hands over my face and before I knew it another round of shots was in our hands, such a bad idea.

"I can't believe we spent so much time avoiding your billboards and now you're sitting in the fucking apartment," Bailey hissed, alcohol winning over the little filters she might've had.

"Avoiding my billboards?" Sadie seemed to be completely oblivious.

"Uh, the movies ones, and the makeup ones, and then there was the perfume, oh" She slapped her forehead making me wonder if she had realized that it was a good time to shut up, "The jewelry ad on seventh! We had to walk around the block for weeks."

I hadn't realized being my friend was such a tough job, I frowned at her.

"You were actively avoiding my pictures?" Sadie's tone inched higher, sounding slightly hurt.

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