OFTEN TIMES WHEN THE OBJECT OF OUR GUILT STARES BACK AT US, THINGS BURIED IN THE BACK OF OUR MIND RESURFACE TO REMIND US THAT WE ARE THE SINFUL ONES. Shadow stared at the young boy whose life was ruined the day she allied with Queen Bee for the last time. She had been a bystander in many crimes, and perhaps this one had at times, hurt the most.

"You're back" Robin acknowledged and Shadow looked up to see the two boys in the doorframe of the training room. She simply nodded at him "Where was she gone?" The younger one asked

Tim smirked "China?" His tone, it was awful. He was asking her why, he was telling her they'd speak about it later. After all, she owed him a cup of coffee, two for missing the usual one. Shadow rolled her eyes "Oh! Did you go there to master your ninja moves?"

"She's not a ninja" Robin corrected him and Beast boy shrugged "Could've confused me" He hopped up excitedly and raced to reach Shadow who was practicing targets "Can you teach me how to be just like you?"

Garfield Logan knew Shadow was scary. He knew was dangerous, but he couldn't help his own curiosity when he was near her. His questions piling up. Not knowing that the one thing Shadow hated more than herself, was questions.
Especially ones that could never be answered.

Shadow often found comfort in her silence. Choosing not to speak was her way of escaping the chaos of words. But, in this moment, she wanted nothing more than to speak to this child. To comfort him in every way. To make up for what he had lost.

She cleared her throat "I do not think you wish to be like me, little one."

Beast boy frantically shook his head "No. I do. I swear. You're so cool. I wanna learn how to fight just like you and Batman"

Shadow knelt down in front of him. It was the first time, since his arrival that she had spoken to him properly, looking at him; in his eyes, all she saw were glimpses of Marie Logan. She spoke, gentle as ever"Perhaps. But you may need to grow a bit before jumping into training like us. Alright?" He nodded obediently and ran off "Ok!" Tim ran after the kid to look after him. She watched him leave in amusement and let out a sigh. Sometimes, it was not the worst thing speaking to what you feared would not turn out alright.


AN HOUR HAD PASSED AND SHADOW HAD NOW OPTED TO MEDITATE RATHER THAN CHANEL HER RAGE ONTO BREAKING TARGETS. It had been quiet. No one had come in or out to disturb her, except at some point Nightwing had offered her to join him in looking over the Krolotean intel.


Suddenly there was a violent shake of the ground and Shadow immediately stood up alert "What on Earth was that?" She muttered to herself


An annoying laugh followed by a gust of wind rushed past her, blowing off her hood before returning to stand in front of her "One word. Like 'Shadow'-You're my crus-really crash. I'm rambling. Is ramble still a word? Or is it like retro now?" She stared at the speedster blankly. "You're our intruder?" She questioned calmly as she saw a figure at the entrance.

"Pleased to meet you, pretty lady" They heard a growl and the boy smiled "Hate to chat and run but...can't let 'em catch me that easy" Shadow threw unexpected yet expected makibishi in his path and he easily escaped it "Oh come on babe, I thought we were on good-" Nightwing appeared behind him and gripped him, bringing him down to the floor. The speedster fell with a grunt and moaned in pain.

"Now, that was crash." Dick commented. Shadow and Nightwing shared a look, as the latter placed handcuffs on him. The boy groaned "For you maybe. Me, I'm totally feeling the mode."

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R.GraysonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora