Chapter Fourteen

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"Mom always told us that the word "Danger" had "anger" in it for a reason. I never got that; I think the angriest person I know is Will. I'm sorry life has been so unfair; it has to suck to have a heart so pure in a world so fucked up."

A few more weeks pass, it's the last day of April, which is pretty good considering my whole breakdown on the bathroom floor was in February. I have had no mistakes well, no mistakes that are general public knowledge. I've been collecting some pills from Ian again, I've been having small anxiety attacks after flushing the other two. It puts me on edge to know I don't have anything it makes me feel like they are controlling me instead of me controlling them. I need to feel the power that even though I have them, I'm the one deciding not to take them. The good news is, it seems as though he doesn't know his sister and I are close or friends either, at least, I hope. She hasn't mentioned anything about me getting pill from him, hopefully it stays that way.

It sounds bad, I know. Well, it probably is but I haven't been taking them, just holding onto them for a rainy day. I've been trying to get at least two of anything every time I see him at school. I've got a good collection of about 30 different kinds. I'm not collecting them for any real reason either. Just an old habit, plus, keeping up appearances. I can't just drop off the face of the earth and ghost Ian.

Suzie brought home a boy which... no one acted like was a big deal, they had more of a reaction to me bringing home Katie. Tyson... well, nothing new with him, he's still grumpy and old man like. Katie is still great, and she's been super supportive, no surprise there. It's crazy how life happens, your little sister gets a boyfriend, your brother gets a job, things in the world keep going, but when you have a brother who's addicted to drugs and recovering from it, it seems like nothing but that matters.

"Hey, can I come over tonight? Ian's been a fucking ass and Will still owes me a pizza." Katie whispers to me once our professor turns his back to the class.

Will and Katie have been getting to be close, they are actually pretty good friends now. It's weird, and I'd be concerned about it, but I really don't give a shit about whatever is going on there. As long as Katie keeps being my friend, she could commit murder for all I care.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." I forced a brief smile, then went back to chewing on my cheek.

Katie's been really good lately, it seems like all she's really needed was to feel like she was a part of something, my family has been giving that to her. They have always been so welcoming, especially Tyson. Tyson's been so worried that they will scare her away he thinks she's really good for me. Suzie's been warming up to her as well, even the times when I want to be alone in my room, I can hear all four of them in the living room laughing or playing some dumb video game together. I found myself a best friend, and then turned her into another sister.

As always, I pulled the stings on my hood just a little tighter, today is a rough day. If I had my choice, I'd be hiding in my room, never leaving my bed. But between Will and Katie I lost that fight before it even started. My headphones were in, and I was completely brushing off anyone who talked to me which included the professor.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket making a loud vibrating sound on the chair under me. I pulled it out and saw Ian's name.

Ian: Bathroom?

I side eyed Katie, I knew she noticed me check my phone this time since it was so fucking loud, but I'm not sure if she saw what the message said.

Me: coming.

I leaned over to whisper, "I have to take a shit, be right back." I got up and half ran to the bathroom.

When I got there, it was just Ian, Caden decided to drop out a week or two ago and despite how close Ian and him were, Ian didn't seem to upset about the fact that Caden was gone now. I didn't ask questions though; I didn't really care.

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