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Well this is akward to write but as you probably already guessed I won't finish this story. I won't make any excuses I'm simply to lazy.

I know alot of you liked this story and want to know how it'll end so the last I can do for you is telling you what would've happend.

Matthew and Y/n would've made up of course. Olivia and Cartman teamed up to summon cathulus son. White knight and Matthews demon form would've fused to fight him. Mysterion finds out why Matthew is so powerful, Yaku gave him her actual heart, like the one that's pumping inside your body (howls walking castle reference). They win of course. In the end cartman is send to jail along with Olivia. Turns out Y/n finally realizes Olivia was indeed a bitsch and didn't bail her out. Kenny and Y/n got togheter ofcourse and you moved into Dr. Morpheuses lap so you'll become scientists. You build a robot togheter and you raise him like a kid

If you have any other question about unawnsered plot be sure to ask I'll awnser for sure!

I want to really apologize because I know how frustrating it is if you can't properly finish a story. Thank y'all for liking this story, I loved reading all your comments and geniuenly kicked my feet everytime you joined in the excitement!

I love you guys, have a great day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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