Chapter 12

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Kenny pov

The only logical explanation is that white knight.. Needs the financial help from y/n. Yes ofc! It all makes sense now. The fancy weapons white knight got and her costume. Y/n is good at sewing. She probably asked y/n to make her a costume. So y/n is white knights side kick or smt? But when we attacked the robbers last night she didn't really sound like she worked with someone before. Well when I'm already here I can go take a shower ig. Gladly I brought my phone with me I'll play some mobile games when I finish.
After 1 hour the door finally opend.

Y/n pov

When I came back I quietly snuck into my base, put my normal clothes on and refilled my smoke bombs and glitter gas. I yawned and went into the music room per secret passage. Acting like I just came in through the front door I opened the door to the bathroom so my best friend could get out. "Hey I'm back." I said nervously. It was pretty rude of me to just lock him up. He looked up from his phone. His hair was kinda wet. I assumed he took a shower.

"So you're white knights side kick huh?" he asked while walking past me out of the bath room. "More like a assistant, I'm very sorry for locking you up." I said apologizing. "Don't worry about it, let's talk about about white knight. Do you know her true identity?" he asked. "Yea I guess I do." I responded. "So who's she?" he asked. "I can't tell you! It's a secret!" I explained. Lord I'm so glad I'm good at acting or else I would be giggling my head off. "Oh c'mon I won't tell anyone!" he whined. I shook my head as a no.

He kept on asking. "I'll tell you alright?.. White knight is..yo mom." I looked at him srs at first and he looked back at me srs until we bursted out laughing. "OH C'MON I THOUGHT YOU'RE ACTUALLY GONNA TELL ME!" Kenny laughed. After we calmed down a littel kenny and I went into my gaming room playing roblox. We scammed little kids in adopt me, trolled royal high kids acting like we're a different gender and rated everyones outfits 0 stars in fashion star. We laughed our asses of the whole time.

The more time we spent the more I felt weird. Smt in my stomach. But not in a 'I need to puke or smt' way more in a 'I feel smt strange'. "Are you okay?" Kenny asked. "Huh? Yes ofc. I'm slowly getting bored tho let's do smt else." I awnsered. We both started thinking of what we could do. I wasn't really able to concentrate tho.

"You could teach me more tricks on the skateboard." he suggested. "That's a great idea!" I said with joy. I dragged him outside. It was already dark but my mom did think of everything. I turned on the spotlights around my littel skating park. "So at first you want to learn about the cave in and kick flip. Then you can try the milkshake and shove it. When you are able to do all of this I'll teach you how to Ollie." I babbled. "So uhm are this actually tricks or are you messing with me?" he asked. I do agree skating tricks do have pretty weird names. "I promise you I'm not messing with you. So for the cave in you just take your board like this, jump and try landing on your skateboard."

I started teaching kenny for 2 h how to do the tricks and he got em all after trying a few times. He still struggled with the Ollie tho. "Y/n I can't do it." he whined. "C'mon kenny you can do it. I believe in you." I walked over to him. "You don't put your feet in the right spots." I kneed down infront of him. "look. your back foot needs to be more like here and your front food needs to be there." I explained and looked up at him. He was staring at me flustered and quickly looked away when he realized I caught him. I stood up. "Kenny are you embarrassed that you need my help? Dw alot of people count on my genius help." I said jokingly. He chuckled. "Yea that's the reason. Thank you." he said in a sarcastic way.

"Well maybe we should take a break and go to bed." I said grabbing my board. He agreed and we walked upstairs. I went into the bathroom and got dressed in my pj's. When I walked out I saw kenny laying on top of my bed with his pj's he brought. "Kenny what are you doing in my bed?" I asked. "I'm sleeping here wdym?" he awnsered while playing on his phone. "Ohh okay. I'll sleep on the couch, good night. ^^"

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