Chapter 26

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Y/n pov.

No matter how much I think about it. There's just no fitting weapon for Puppeteer. Maybe I could.. no. Ugh it's so frustrating. I took my water bottle and started my training. I'm really having progress.

After 45 minutes I took a break. Let's watch Matthew and Kenny on the security camera for fun. I turned on the screen to see what they're doing. Are they kissing?! Oh wait no, Matthew is just choking Kenny with a pillow. Wait that's even worse.

I went back to the living room. "Oh my stars, what are you doing?" I asked. Kenny pushed Matthew off and gasped for air. "He has beaten me in Mario kart." Matthew said. "Okay, okay I'm sorry alright? Just don't kill me!" Kenny whined. "You would come back anyway." Matthew said while rolling his eyes.

"What? What do you mean?" Kenny asked confused. "Uhm let's go to bed, it's late!" I interrupted and shoved them upstairs. Me and Kenny slept in my bed and Matthew on a Matress next to my side of the bed. I said I'd sleep on the Matrass but they both insisted I'd sleep on the bed. Kenny is sleeping on the bed since he was on fire earlier. That guy's a survivor for real.

-Next day-

"Hey Stan!" I greeted when he came in. Kenny left in the morning and it's afternoon already. "Hey! Thanks for helping me yesterday! But what was up with u putting your backpack into the water?" he asked. "Kenny put himself on fire." I explained. "Omg they killed Kenny?!" he panicked. "No I was able to put the fire out no worries." I said and we went into the living room.

"So you wanna Plan Kennys birthday party?" I asked and Stan nodded.
Y/n: "Who are we gonna invite?"
Stan: "Since we've got alot of space I'm thinking Kyle, Cartman, Olivia, Craig, Tolkien, Clyde, Tweek, Butters, Kevin, his brother Kevin, uh that one goth kid I think her name was Henrietta, Wendy, Bebe, Jason, Jimmy, Timmy, Bradley, Scott, Heidi, Nicole and you of course."
Y.: "Alright, what kind of food should I get?" 
S.: "Well you should get cheese cake he loves that. We also should get chips and typicall party snacks overall. Oh we should definitely get tortillas with dips! We have to get alot since cartman is gonna attend."
Y.: "Haha yes, what about drinks? You guys like faygo, right?"
S.: "Uh I was more thinking about alcohol, yk? We could mix it with soft drinks"
Y.: "Aren't we a littel young for that?"
S.: "Y/n.. Kenny got high on cat piss, multiple times. I don't think a bit of alcohol will disturb him."
Y.: "Fair enough."

We ranted about more ideas, decorations, activitys, ect. Kenny will love this.  After 2 hours, Sharon called Stan and asked him to come home. Before he left he thanked me again. He teached me a handshake he does with good friends as a sign of our friendship. It's childish but I don't mind. He left and I closed the door.

It's already dark outside. I called my mom to ask what's for dinner but she didn't pick up. Well that's a littel strange. I called Olivia and asked if she knew where my mom is. "I think she's at her friends house. She's probably busy, she'll be back soon." she awnsered. "Oh okay thanks! Cya!" I hung up. I'm tired I think I'm gonna go to bed.

-5 hours later-

Someone shook me harshly and I opened my eyes. "What the-?" before I could finish I got pulled out of the bed. It was Matthew. He looked worried and mad. "Dude what's going on?" I asked confused while entering the base. I was still kinda sleepy. "I'll show you, put on your costume. We've got time to lose." he said. What the fuck is going on?

I put on my costume while Matthew clicked on a e-mail that contained a Video. I almost froze when I realized what happened. Racoon was on the thumbnail with my mom in the back.

"Is this thing on? Okay good. Hello white knight and Hello Puppeteer. Since I told you many times to stop playing something you're not, I decided to pull on harder strings. I bet you've already missed Y/ns mother right? Well maybe not but your assistant does for sure. Yea I kind of kidnapped her. So if you want her back you should totally come here and get her. What I want? Oh just you revealing your real identitys. I'll send you the location in 1h. Let me know if you're coming!"

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