Chapter 17

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Y/n pov.

"Thanks Matthew, now go back." I said smiling. Matthew nodded and shape shifted back into his usual form and went back into my head. Yes that's right. Matthew also shape shifted to white knight and saved me from the building. This way 2 out of my 3 identitys are able to be at the same place at the same time. But mysterion was right with one thing. If Matthew wouldn't have saved me I'd be in their basement now. I need to redesign puppeteer, she was rushed anyway. I have school tomorrow tho, I should go to sleep. I made myself ready for bed and fell asleep.

I woke up by a call from my mother. "Goodmorning sweety!" my mom said. "Mhh." I just replayed with a sleepy voice crack. I'm so cute Fr. "Have a nice day at school, see ya!" she hung up. I got out of bed and made myself ready for the day. I wonder if anything special at school happend while I was gone. I picked up my and Kenny's project and started walking. I listened to music while getting coffee from Tweak bros. I can't explain why but their coffee tasts better then the coffee I make. I wonder what they put inside. When I arrived at my school I saw kenny waiting. I smiled but it quickly faded when I saw he waited for Olivia and not for me. Asshole. Chuckling I went inside. People where snickering and giggling but not because of me but because of cartman whos notebook got leaked yesterday. I threw away the empty coffee cup and walked into the classroom. Olivia was talking to Kelly and Theresa. Kenny came up to me. "Finally you're back y/n! I tried to talk to you all week!" he said. I smiled. "What seems to be so important?" I joked. "You've been gone for a week I was worried sick dude!" he awnsered. "I'm sorry kenny but I was a little sick and white knight needed a littel help so I didn't have much time." I explained. He pouted in a 'how dare you.' way and I giggled because of it. "I wanted to go over our project presentation again!" he spoke. I sigh and agree. Mr. Garrison walked in and told us to not fuck this up. After 2 Duos were done it was my and Kenny's turn. We walked I front of the class and did everything smoothly and we got an A! Olivia was next and got an A too! I'm so honored to be her cousin she's so intelligent! After the class ended Mr. Garrison told me to stay after class. I nodded. I walked up to Mr. Garrison desk and looked at him confused. "Y/n I want to give you all the homework you missed and stuff bla bla bla just take it." he said. Wow he's got some attitude. I took the papers and stuffed them into my backpack. "Thanks" I quickly said before leaving the room going into the cafeteria. I looked around but Olivia got my seat at the girls table, stans and Craigs table was stuffed too.. In fact every table is taken today except for one. There was only a guy with black hair and clothes sitting there. I went up to him. "Hey, sry to bother you but can I sit with you?" I asked. He looked up at me and was a little pissed off. I looked him in the eyes and then he slowly nodded. I sat down and asked him for his name. "My name's Damien, not so nice to see you Karma." he said. I looked at him confused and asked him what he meant. "I know that you made a deal with Karma, I'm Satans son I know this kind of stuff." he explained while munching down his food. I looked at him in shock. How can he be so normal about that?! 'Tell him he's a gay homo rat.' Matthew said. "Karma wants me to tell you you're a gay homo rat." I said giggling. "Oh yea? Tell him he's a Ball sucking douchbag!" Damien replyed offended. This went on for quite a while until I had enough and started to eat. Me and Damien actually got along pretty well for our first meeting. We exchanged numbers at the end of the break and I hurried to be at my next class in time. I stopped and I felt how I needed to throw up because I saw Olivia and Kenny hold hands walking down the hallway. I want to be happy for them but I just can't. This should've been me. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. Shivers went down my spine and I felt myself flinch. I turned around and it was Kyle. Since I've got thrown into the walls of hell my back is very sensitive and it's annoying. "Uh Hey Y/n! Stan told me about how you helped him out the other day and that you actually gave him great advice so I was wondering if I could talk to you after school maybe? I feel like you're the only one who won't make fun of me." he asked kinda embarrassed. I told him I was available and that he could come to me anytime he needs to. He thanked me and asked if he could walk home with me after school. I wonder why he doesn't talk about it with Stan. Thinking about all the secrets Kyle wrote inside his diary I probably know what's wrong already. I have math now. Like expected I couldn't concentrate at all and thought about new weapons and costume for puppeteer. I need to change many things about her.

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