Chapter 9

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Y/n pov

As I woke up my head hurted like hell. Ouch. I sit up. I'm trying to remember what happend yesterday. Was this cult actually real. I grabbed a needle an poked my skin making a littel injury. It was heeling right away. Jesus christ. It's cool right? It's weird but okay. I mean I don't have to worry about breaking my bones while skating. Oh boy.. At this point I believe I'm surrounded by some luck magnet aura. I did my morning routine and walked to school. I'm still tired from yesterday and almost inhaled my coffee. When I saw kenny and his friends I walked up to them. "Good morning." I greeted. They didn't look up and just muttered "morning" back. Okay Kyle is alright. I want to know how much the glitter gas lasts but I can't ask or else they know it was me. We walked into the classroom. Wendy came up to me and asked if I was able to come to the gym on lunch break. I said it wouldn't be a problem. When lunch break arrived I went up to gym. We're probably gonna practice since the next performance is next Friday. When I walked in the girls surrounded one girl. I walked up to them "Hey girls what's up?" I asked. "Mina is going to ask her crush out!" bebe said exited. "Oh~ who's the lucky guy?" I asked. She told me it was butters. They would be nice togheter. We all encouraged her as she was walking towards the cafeteria. We started practicing while waiting. As we heard the gym doors go open we looked at a crying Mina. We immediately went up to her. "He said I'm to fat for him..and all the guys at his table laughed at me." she cried out. Butters? I thought he's a nice boy. "What a douche." I said. Red and bebe took Mina aside comforting her. Me and Wendy looked pretty pissed of. How dare he being so rude. We looked at each other, nodded and went searching for butters. I know we're being Karen's here and all the boys will make fun of us but I won't stand quietly next to someone that makes fun of a goddess. Me and Wendy marched into the cafeteria to the table butters was sitting at. To my surprise on his table sat Craig, Clyde, Jimmy, Cartman, Kyle, Stan and KENNY?! Ugh what jerks. "Are you just an asshole is that it?" Wendy asked butters. "Uhm no I've got arms and legs and a hea-" butters said when Wendy cut him of. "How could you be so mean to that girl? And how could y'all just stand there and laugh? I expected better from you espacially Stan, cartman not included." they all just laughed at Wendy except for Stan he was staring guilty at the ground. Probably just because Wendy is his girlfriend. I was about to explode. But if I yelled at them like Wendy I would've done nothing. "Well Wendy I think they're all just very insecure about them self. I mean look at them. Craig got fucked up teeth, Kyle is a ginger, cartman has a 3.4 inch wiener, Jimmy got braces for a reason, Stans hair looks like an octopus, kenny got a teeth gap, butters face looks stupid and Clydes killed his mom." I said in a rush. Wendy giggled. The boys just stared at me looking insecure. Cartman would've said smt but since I talked about his wiener he didn't really did. "goddamnit kinny did u tell her about my wiener size?" Eric asked kenny.  "Well you're not that perfect looking too!" Eric then said to me. "Who said I was? I'm not making fun of people's looks unless they started it. I bet you would never have the guts to ask a girl infront of her whole friend group for a date. You're just a bunch of insecure, wannabe balls having douchbags." I replyed. "Cartman aren't you Racoon? a hero? Maybe you should start acting like one." I suggested. "What do you mean?" Eric asked. "Don't act stupid I know you're Racoon. Don't even try denying it." he looked at me weirded out. "Well I- uh didn't u wanted my autograph?" he smirked. "Huh? No I wanted one from the others. I asked mysterion to not get yours." I said and then sighed. "I'm going to fight you after school!" Wendy said to cartman. Oh boy.. Wendy and the boys just kept arguing and I dragged butters to the side. "Butters could you maybe just apologize to that girl and explain to her in a nice way that you don't feel the same? " I asked him. Since it has been working out so good lately I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Y-yes ma'am." he walked off searching for Mina to apologize. I smiled. I walked up to my locker and saw something orange in the corner of my eye approaching me. "Hey kenny." I said not looking up bc I searched for a certain book. "Hey Y/n uhm did you really mean what you said earlier?" he asked. "You mean what I said because you made fun of Mina and Wendy?" I looked at him scolding. "I'm sorry for what I did." he replyed. "Don't apologize to me apologize to Mina." he nodded and wanted to walk of. "I didn't really mean it for most of u. Well- I think your teeth gap is kinda cute." I said. He looked surprised for a second but then he smiled flattered. After school was over I went over to the gym. I saw Mina coming towards me and Wendy. "Thank you so much! Some of the boys came apologizing to me." she thanked us happily. "Your welcome." Wendy said. "BTW y/n your uniform arrived.". "oh already?" I asked looking at Wendy when she handed it to me. I went into the girls bathroom and put it on. "So ladies we're gonna practice infront of an audience today. Well we're gonna do it while the boys have football training." Wendy told us. We nodded and we walked over to the boys football practice. "Thanks for letting us practice with you guys." Wendy said to Kyle. "It wasn't really my idea. Stan and Kenny suggested it. Probably bc Stan wants to see u and Kenny wants to see the others dancing in that uniform." Kyle mumbled the last part. "Alright girls let's go." Wendy shouted. The boys started practicing by playing 6 VS 6. And we started the new routine. I catched Stan looking at Wendy a few times. That's cute smh. I also catched kenny staring at me. I waved bc I had my hands free at the time. When he realized I knew he was looking he quickly turned away. When practice was over Wendy told us we did amazing. We said goodbye to the other and changed back to our regular clothes. "Goodbye you guys!" I said while leaving first. Finally. It's the first whole weekend here in South park. I grabbed my earphones and walked home while listening to music. I decided to grab a coffee at tweaks. The 2nd time today. When I walked in there wasn't the guy that's usually here it was tweek. "Oh hey tweek! One coffee with sugar please." I greeted. "GAH hello y/n. Yea it'll be ready in a minute." tweek replyed. He handed me my coffee. I thanked him. I handed him 20 dollors since I don't have any change with me. "Keep the change" I said. He thanked me. I walked to words my hobby house but when I approached it I heard weird noises coming from my backyard. Did Racoon and friends saw me getting inside this house? I stressed and ran to the backyard. To my relieve it was cartman, Kyle, Stan, Craig, butters and Clyde trying to get into my house and Kenny trying to stop them from breaking in. "If you guys wanted a room tour you should've said so." I laughed behind them. They all turned around startled. "Uhm could you please show us your house we really wanna see what's inside." cartman said trying to be nice. I smiled and walked over to the front door. I opened it with my keys and let them in. "So here is my music room, my sewing ro-" I saw the cut outs from my costume laying around, picked them up and stuffed them inside a box. "What's wrong?" Clyde asked. "Uhm the room was messy I wanted to clean up before u enter. I showed them the library, the kitchen, the bathroom, the hanging out room, the gaming room, my pool, my acting room, my bedroom and they already saw the skating park in the backyard. I think the gaming and hanging out room got them. "This place is amazing!" Kyle said. "Yes dude it kicks ass!". I chuckled. "Y/n I couldn't help but notice your clock in the kitchen is kinda weird." butters told me. "Oh yea I need to change the batteries." Oh boy please let it go. "You guys, do you know that one kids show with the main character having a base behind his kitchen clock?" cartman asked. I froze inside. "Never heard of it." Craig, Kenny and I replyed . The others seemed to know the show. "c'mon let's try it out!" Cartman said jokingly. Fuck what do I do now. Shit shit shit shit. The guys started walking back to the kitchen. They won't get into my base but the eye scanner will tell on me. Oh no no no no. "Wait! Could y'all just wait here? I need to call my mom real quick." They nodded and sat down on the steps. I quickly ran inside the kitchen. Okay no need to panic. I put on 3:15. That was the code to lock the base no matter what. I did it myself in case this would happen. I went back to the others. "Alr let's check." I said. Cartman walked inside the kitchen trying the code. "aww dude weak! Why does this place not have a base?" cartman asked almost disappointed. "Because I don't need one? Do I look like Racoon?" I asked. After that I told them they could hang around a littel but not to break anything. I would be in the library studying. They agreed exited and all of them went into the gaming room. Not suprising. I locked the library went to the kitchen unlocking my base and heading inside locking it from the inside again. Inside my base I had a watch on the security cameras in case the guys are about to do smt stupid I'll be there. Maybe I should call Wendy and ask her to babysit them. Nah I won't do this to her. I started working on my new gun. It's still needing some fixes here and there. I tested it on my arm. It hurt at first but it quickly disappeared because of my.. Superpower? Ig u can call it like that. Then my mind went of to mysterion. If he hadn't chased me he would still be alive. I feel sorry for him and his relatives. Cartman, Kyle and Clyde don't really seem to care about it tho. Maybe they didn't like him. As I looked up I saw the guys sitting in a circle. Are they playing truth or dare without me? This is gonna be fun. I turned up the volume and watched them play truth or dare. I also recorded it. It was way to funny. Cartman needed to lick Kyle's feet, butters and Clyde had to kiss, Stan and Craig had to act like they're ballerinas, kenny had to take of his parka and act like this thirst trap tiktokers. I bursted out laughing rolling on the floor. This way to funny. And I recorded it. Blackmail material. I let them know right away. Through a secret tunnel I walked inside the pool room and went over to the gaming room. They looked at me. "oh hey y/n we're playing t or d wanna play with us?" butters asked. "No thanks I'm just here to let you know that I recorded everything that just happend." I really was having a hard time saying this without falling to the floor laughing. Their smile faded really fast. That really got me because I was now dying on the floor laughing my ass of. "weak" Stan said. "Y/n we thank you for being such a nice host but I'm afraid we need to get rid of you right away." cartman said. I laughed uncontrollably as they started to throw themself on top of me. "OH NO WHITE KNIGHT SAFE ME!" I shouted still laughing. We now all laughed at the floor dying. Even cartman. We then went back to playing video games until 7 pm. As I waved at them leaving I went back to my base since my smart watsch vibrated. Mh the robber of the bank I catched escaped, got some friends and wants to try again huh? Well alright. Time for round 2.

2200 words

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