Chapter 5

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Kenny pov.

Y/n asked if we could hang out. I really wanted too but I needed to be at the Racoon and friends meeting. I told her I was busy. She gave me an understanding nod. She stopped infront of her hobby house. I looked confused at her. I didn't thought she would go in when I'm not coming along. But oh well she maybe wanted to use her stuff. We said goodbye. I went home and did some chores. After I was finished I looked at the time. Shit. I need to hurry or else I'm gonna be late. I put on my mysterion costume and sneaked out of the window. When I arrived everyone was already there. "Mysterion u gay ass why are u late?!" Racoon shouted. "I was busy." I simply told him with my dark voice. He scoffed and told me I shouldn't let this happen to often. "Okay everyone. We got an anonymous information that Professor Chaos wants to set the candy shop on fire so no one can get the best candy's from town for a while. We have to cross his plans. Oh and btw there sum people living above the candy shop if we got time we can save them if necessary." ofc that fatass only cares about candy. Still the candy from this shop is delicious we can't let proffesor chaos destroy it."Okay so here's the plan gang. Human kite and mosquito will abserve the area. Toolshed u'r gonna invent smt that will set an alarm when that butthole chaos or general whatever enter the store. Me and mister gay ass are gonna fight professor chaos when we defetend him we can maybe safe the people living above so we'll get extra credit." if anyone of us would be gay it was him. We all nodded and surrounded the candy shop on top of the roofs next to it. I saw toolshed entering the candy store to secretly put on the alarms. After we waited there 15 minutes we saw Chaos. He looked around nervous. "Here's human kite we see the target sneaking in the back door." I heard through my walkie talkie. Me and the racoon snuck up on Chaos so he wouldn't notice us. As the alarm went of the Racoon tackled chaos. He just laughed at us pressed a button and one of the candy mashines exploded. Fuck. The others came in. We grabbed all the candy we could carry and ran out of there. Proffesor Chaos escaped in the mean time. When we came out we threw the candy into a clean bin we brought along. After we heard some screaming we ran infront of the candy store. The family's living above the candy store were still inside. The police, fire fighters, ambulances and ofc the news reporter were already there. "Okay you'll get the people out of the house and I'm gonna bring the candy somewhere safe." Racoon demanded us. We all looked pissed at him but we did what he demanded us to. After I saved 2 littel girls out of the building I spotted someone familiar. It was y/n what is she doing here? Her eyes looked fascinated with joy. Not like she was admiring the fire more like she was admiring our work. I stared a few seconds losing myself into her eyes. "I want my mommy!" on of the girls cried. "Oh I'm sorry" I brang them somewhere safe and they ran to a woman. Their mother I guess. I went back in saving an older man. I looked at the spot y/n was standing earlier but she was gone. We could safe all the people. I'm glad. As we returned to the base we saw Racoon with a full belly. He ate up every fucking candy. We were so pissed. "AY! U ungrateful peaces of shit without me u would be nothing!" he screamed. We sighed but he definitely owed us one. We all went back home. What they didn't know was that I knew cartman would eat all the candy so kept a few in my pocket. Sure they melted a littel bit because of the fire but u could still eat them. I put on my orange parka again hiding the hero costume. I snuck into Karens room and woke her up. She rubbed her big eyes. "Oh kenny. what's up?" she asked with a sleepy voice. I handed her the candy. "Sorry they're a bit melted but u can still eat them." she smiled with joy. "Thank you! Thank u! Thank youu!" she said. I smiled at her, went into my room and threw myself exhausted on my bed. I thought about the day. Woah. I didn't die today! I drank out of my water glass. I choked on it. Argh damn it. I died knowing I will live again tommorow. I hate this damn curse.

Y/n pov

As I woke up to my mom shaking me I went to the bathroom showering,Cleaning my face and brushing my hair and teeth. I looked in the mirror. Starring at my reflection. I may not look perfect but when there was smt perfect about my face it would definitely be my eyes. It was very effective when I stared at someone with eye contact. I lose myself in my own eyes sometimes. I went down stairs looking through social media. Oh no.. Nononononono. I sighed in despair. Someone uploaded the video of the girl humiliating me infront of half the school. That isn't good. That's like feeding bullies especially cartman. Kenny told me cartman bullied someone so hard they committed. Oh dear. I grabbed my back pack texting kenny I would wait for him at the school entrance. My mom kissed me on the cheek goodbye and I headed to tweaks coffee shop. "A coffee with sugar pls." the man nodded and handed it to me I payed with a tip again. He thanked me I thanked him. I drank my coffee nervously hoping it wouldn't be that bad. But as soon I got closer to the school I saw people snickering and trying to point their fingers at me without me noticing. Oh boy.. I threw away the coffee cup after I finished and waited for kenny. After 6 minutes kenny arrived with his friends. "Well well if it isn't Mrs. Splashy grape soda." cartman said. Kenny punshed him in the shoulder telling him to shut up. "You don't need to worry noone judges you. Everyone thinks you're a hero since u kind of stud up to Mary Claire. Everyone hates her but she somehow is one of the kids that rule the school yk?" Kyle said. Then I realized it wasn't snicker from the people it was admiring. That's a nice feeling. "Yea no I still think you're a total loser." cartman said. We headed inside. Cartman making fun of me the whole time. Kyle, Stan and Kenny told him to shut up the whole time. He thought it's amusing and I came to the conclusion that he wouldn't let it go. I stopped walking and turned around. The others looked at me confused asking why I stopped. "AWW are u gonna cry? Let me taste your sweet tears then." cartman said. I placed one of my hands on his shoulder. He now also looked at me. I looked him deep in the eyes. "It's enough now cartman. Alright?"

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