Chapter 33

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Matthew pov.

"Fusion?! Are you crazy?! I won't sacrifice anything to you, asshole!" Kenny disagreed. "Cmon you're going to die and get a new organ anyway and I can also give it back to you after this is over." I argued back.

"Fine I guess you're right, I suppose.." he hesitated but agreed. "So you're ready then? Alright I'll just quickly prepare everything." I grabbed a piece of chalk and drew my own pentagram on the ground.

"Alright this might sting a littel.." I said and placed him on the right spot. "Dude this is sick." he said but I proceeded the ritual and rolled my eyes. I placed my hand on his elbow and he placed his hand on mine.

The circle started glowing. "Kenny Mccormick, are you willing to give me your liver in order to make both of us stronger and rescue our mutual friend ?" I asked. He stared at me for a second. "Uh yes, I'm ready to sacrifice my liver to you and rescue her." he awnsered.

The littel green circle in the air appeared and we shook our hands. The circle flew toward his stomach and opened some sort of portal inside his stomach. I pulled out his liver and put it into my body. Kenny groaned in pain. As soon the pentagram allowed him to he ran into the Bathroom and threw up.

I rolled my eyes. "Gross, dude. Y/n gave me something much more Importend and she only trembled a littel. You're over here puking your guts out." I made fun of him. "Shut up or I'll puke all over you, dick." he awnsered out of breath.

"Hurry up the faster you get over this, the earlier we can fuse and safe Y/n." I awnsered. He flipped me off and I waited in the living room.

He came back after 15 minutes. "Dude I'm never doing this again." he complained. "Do you think I want your filthy organs? I should've taken your tongue so you wouldnt pull on my dick the whole time." I frowned. How am I supposed to fuse with that guy?

"So how do you fuse?" he asked. "Come here, Idiot." I replied and grabbed his wrist when he was near me. God I'd rather die then fusing with him but it's for Y/ns sake.

Mystyquarma pov.

I feel super weird. Hm I know I should search for Y/n but I'm kinda curios.. I went to the bathroom and took a look in the mirror. Mhh doesn't look to bad.

My hair looks like my blonde dyed her grew out. My eyes are turquoise. I kept Kenny's and Matthew's ear piercings. I have a fancy looking white cloak and a dark Grey button-up shirt and black pants. The buttons of the cloak are golden.

I have no idea how this fusion is supposed to hold togheter. It doesn't matter I need to find Y/n. I should go look at contempt's cave first.

I went back to the Pentagram and made a portel back to hell. God I hate that place. I went though the portel and was right infront of contempts, I mean Jacks 'home'.

I went inside to find Noone. I looked through all the hiding places and all the secret tunnels but nothing. No sign of Y/n or him.

Suddenly I heard noises outside. What's happening? That's very unusual. I followed the noise outside and not far from the cave there was a huge.. Party? What could the ring of Envy possibly celebrate?

I hid behind some rocks and observed what's happening. In shock I realized even Matthew's parents are here. Trompets and Drums play and the imps are singing their vocals. Something important must be going on.

4 imps are carrying a Palanquin. Looks like a demon crowning but in the envy ring? Leviathan wanted Karma to step the throne but he refused. Contempt wanted the throne but he's to weak. So why is this happening. I decided to listen what the Imps sang.

Kenny Mccormick x Reader [mysterion Included] Where stories live. Discover now