Chapter 20

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Y/n pov

I stumbled back a bit. I bit my hand to ease the icky feeling. I can't believe Matthew convinced me to do this. "Don't worry I'll treasure and protect it with my life." Matthew said while giving me something to drink. "I'm going insane man." I sat down on the sofa and leaned back.

"So uh Matthew since you're already out here, how about we go shopping? The fridge is almost empty and you can't keep on wearing the same clothes everyday." I chuckled. He glared at me but nodded. "But we'll need to hurry or else we're gonna be late to help chaos." I added. "Yes, I know." he said.

I grabbed my jacket and we headed to the mall. "So Matthew, tell me, how do you like it, to be on earth?" I asked to start a conversation. He knew what I was doing and glared down at me. "Well, it's alright I guess? I thought it would be lame but your life is kind of exiting." he awnsered. "I know right? I'm so awesome. Do you miss hell?" I kept on asking. "Uh I wouldn't say I miss hell. I miss being a mighty demon in hell but being a demon on earth isn't all that bad. I'm special up here." he tried to explain. We kept on talking about other stuff. About Pc principle, Professor Chaos, our favorite music and subcultures.

When we arrived I showed him around the mall so he could decide which kind of clothes he'd like to get for himself. We bought him a whole closet and I ended up getting myself some new clothes too even tho I have more then enough. "Thx. I appreciate it." Matthew mumbled. I smiled at him. "That's totally gay, dude." I giggled. "Oh shut up." he awnsered and playfully punched me.

After that we walked into a grocery store and I asked him what kind of food he likes. "Uh I didn't really ate human stuff in hell so I don't know what I like." he awnsered. "We'll just buy the stuff I like and see if you like it too." I replied while putting my favorite snacks into the shopping cart. "Hey I want to try this." Matthew said while pointing at alcohol. "Dude I ain't buying you alcohol." I awnsered. "But the human from hell always seemed to enjoy it." he said confused. "Yea but it isn't all that great trust me." I awnsered as we kept walking.

That guy actually tried to put
vegetables inside the shopping cart. I asked him if he's nuts and told him that vegetables are gross ash. "Geez I know what vegetables are and they're good for human bodys." he said. "Matthew I'd rather die then eat vegetables. They make me wanna scratch my eyes out and throw up. Satan must have invented them to torture humans. Maybe that's why you're suggesting to buy them." I explained. He glared at me in a 'Are u srs rn?' way. We paid and left.

On the way home we talked about a strategy to keep Racoon and Friends distracted. As we arrived home I forced Matthew to play fashion week with me and we tried on our new outfits and styled them with accessories. He didn't admit it but I think Matthew had a little fun too. "It's almost time. We should get ready." he said and I nodded. I put on my shirt, waist coat, mask, wig, jeans and jester hat. I removed some knots from my strings, took the sleep gas bombs and swallowed the antidote for it. I attached my jester themed polearm to my back so it'll be easier to carry. "Alright I'm ready. Are you?" I asked and Matthew nodded. Matthew shape shifted and we walked back to u-store-it.

"Ah yes, Puppeteer. Right in time. Wait what?" he asked when he saw Matthew. I chuckled because Matthew shape shifted into Professor Chaos. "But how is that possible? I'm standing right here." he started to check if his body was real and then stepped forward. He tried to touch Matthew but he backed away. "Don't touch me Mortal." Matthew scoffed. "I don't understand. How?" Chaos asked me. "Let's just call it a cool party trick." I awnsered. "So I'm a party trick now?" Matthew asked jokingly offended.

Chaos shook his head and told us to sit down next to general dissaray. We did what he said and he started to explain how this is gonna work out. "General Dissaray send the anonymous information to Racoon friends so they'll be across the city. Puppeteer and uh second me will keep them there. Me, dissaray and my minions will get the yaois. We're gonna be rich! MUHAHAHAH!" he laughed. We clapped and stood up after.

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