Chapter 30 (2/2)

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Stan pov.

"Today we've gathered to say goodbye to two innocent children who left us way to early. Kenneth Mccormick and Y/n L/n. Kenneth was a good son, a good brother and a good friend. Y/n was a good daughter and a good friend to everyone." the pastor spoke.

I can't believe it. I heard everyone sob and tried my best not to join. Noone knows what happend. Noone knows why it happend. I hate this shitty town with my guts.

(Just kidding)

- Before the incedent -

White knight pov.

Patrol's over and Matthew should've meet me here. My guts are telling me something is wrong. 'Dude where are you?' I asked telepathic. He didn't awnser. Okay this is weird. I climbed up a high building and looked for him. I located Kenny, Matthew followed him.

I jumped back down and headed towards them. What are they doing at starks pond? I better keep a distance so they won't notice me. Gee I'm tired. Wait what happend?

Matthew started to freak out and a thunderstorm started. I couldn't move. The only time I saw him losing his cool like that was when he asked me to have a real life. This is worse. What did Kenny say to him?!

A black Obsidian cloud surrounded them and I couldn't move. I have to move. Without thinking I ran into the dark cloud and suddenly I was in a empty void with a pitch black sky and water to my Ankle. Where am I?

In the distance I heard someone out of breath and stones clashing against each other. Matthews Obsidian clouds. I turned around to see what's going on. I saw Kenny not moving and Matthew walking towards him.

I didn't think again, ran towards Kenny, grabbed his wrist and kept running away from Matthew. They didn't recognize me tho. Kenny was silently crying and I have no idea why Matthew can't see me.

"Matthew cut it out? What is with you?" I yelled. He didn't hear me. Kenny tripped and I just grabbed him under his arms and knees and kept running. I can't keep this up for long. Kenny is heavy and I'm tired. After a while Kenny opened his eyes and was really surprised to see me.

"Y/n.. You're alive?" he whispered reliefed and confused. This took me really of guard. 1st why did he think I'm not and 2nd why did he call me by my real name even tho I'm wearing my costume?!

"Why'd you call me Y/n?" I asked out of breath. "I figured it out. I thought I killed you. I'm so happy you're here." he cried. "Hm. What made you think that? What's going on? Explain. Quick." I awnsered.

He explained everything that happend to me and I nodded. Okay, I'll just have to make Matthew realize I'm still here. Kenny put his arms around my neck, very tight. This made it kinda hard to breath and made me feel uncomfortable.

"Kenny I think I know how to calm him down but you have to let go of me first. Are you able stand on your own?" I asked after 5 more minutes of running. He nodded and I put him back on the ground. I turned to Matthew.

He attacked me and I did my best to dodge. I ran towards him while dotching the Obsidian clouds. I need to get closer. "That's enough." he said and surprised me with an attack on my back. I fell. Shit, Demons. My only weakness. My back is bleeding.

I got up and threw myself at him. I hope this works.

Baronette pov.

What happend? Fuck, my head hurts. Wait, I'm me. White knight and Matthew fused. I thought Y/n died? Well she didn't but how- Matthew thought we-. I felt numb and fell to the ground. It's okay now. She's safe. We're safe. I'm safe.

Kenny pov.

I watched white knight and Matthew fuse. Their fusion is still something I don't understand. I think it isn't allowed too. So hell will be coming for them sooner or later.

Baronette looked confused at their body. They touched their face. Then they looked at me and started laughing. "Kenny, you look like a wet rat." they giggled. I took a glance at my clothes. They and my hair are soaked wet. I started giggling too before Baronette sighed.

As suddenly I was in this domain I left again. Baronette unfused. "I don't understand how are you still alive?" Matthew asked. Y/n thought for a moment.

"The contract said you can't ever tell or show anyone my secret. You didn't do any of that, Mysterion just happend to watch you?" she awnsered which sounded more like a question.

Then they turned towards me. "He knows to much. What are we gonna do with him." Matthew asked. I gulped. Y/n sighed. "We'll take him with us and explain everything." she awnsered. Matthew nodded and we all walked to Y/ns house togheter.

Y/n changed her clothes, bandaged her back and went down to the base with me and Matthew. I gasped when I saw how advenced her base is compared to ours. "Holy shit dude, that's amazing!" I said exited.

- 1h later -

"Any questions?" they asked. They explained how their costumes work, who was who and when. I'm glad Y/n was the one kissing me and not Matthew.

Kenny: "I've got three questions. How does it feel to be fused?"
Y/n: "Well that's hard to explain. We're not 2 people anymore but we're also not just 1. It's a complete diffrent experience then anything else."

K.:"Hm okay. 2nd, What's going on between you? Like are you just friends? Do you like each other? Are you just business partners? Feeling like siblings?" 

Y.: "That's also hard to explain. We're definitely not just friends, we aren't lovers either and we're nothing like siblings even tho Matthew sees my mom as his own."
Matthew: "No, I don't!"

Y/n giggled.

Y.: "What I'm trying to say is that out relationship is also something entirely new to us. I have no idea how to compare it to anything."

K.: "I think I understand.. Alright, what did you give to him? Like what was so important that if the contract ended woukd kill you?"

Y.: "Uh it's a secret we can't tell you. It's important Noone will ever know, no exceptions. Unless it's a real emergency."

Y/n pov.

"It's pretty late do you wanna stay the night or go home?" I asked. "I'll go home." Kenny awnsered and I nodded. I accompanied him to the door. "Well, uh, see ya" he said. "Bye!" I waved and closed the door. A big sigh escaped my mouth.

I went upstairs and put on my pj's. Well tonight was.. something. "Y/n can I sleep in your room today?" Matthew mumbled avoiding eye contact. I hesitated for a moment but agreed.

He already wore his pj's and layd down on the extra mattress. "Y/n, do you think less of me now? Are you scared of me?" he asked. I sat up and looked at him.

"No not at all. You did all this to protect and revenge me. I'm not scared of you if anything, I trust you with my life." I awnsered and he looked reliefed. "Thank you." It was silent after.

We both couldn't sleep even tho we're tired. "Wanna play Monopoly or something?" I asked. Matthew nodded and we got up. We sat down in the living room. He prepared the game an I put on music.

I feel like there's something we should talk about. I have no idea about what tho. I rolled the dice and bought my first property.

"So uh, now that Kenny knows what are you gonna do?" he asked. "I don't know. I can't ignore him forever. I think it might be difficult now that he knows I was the one who did all of this. I'll just make him realize I don't like him anymore." I awnsered.

Matthew pov.

"Shouldn't you just do what you want? I mean Olivia is pretty much the Hypocrite in this situation. You liked him first and she knew that. Don't you think you should-" I argued but I quickly stopped. Of course Y/n wasn't having that. She glared at me. "Don't talk bad about her." she said.

I sighed and changed the topic.

Kenny Mccormick x Reader [mysterion Included] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ