Chapter 16

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Human kite pov.

Shit- Puppeteer got my diary-  I wrote the most embarrassing and important stuff ever inside. Why did white knight actually send us a villain- this is all raccoons fault I told him to just let her be! Toolshed asked her what she wanted and Puppeteer thought for a moment. Does she even know herself? I then saw her grinning. "I want you to tell me which one I should upload first. You see, you're able to choose everyday which diary, notebook, ect. I'll post on Racoonstagramm. With other words sacrifice your Team mates secret to save yours. It'll be fun!" she explained. "Well then let's choose Racoons notebook first!" super Craig said. "What? Super Craig you asshole! Why me?" that fat asshole asked. "Because of you we pissed of white knight and this villain is after us now!" I awnsered. "Well I think we should sacrifice mosquito since he's the first one to tell white knight his identity!" Tupperware said.

Puppeteer pov.

Suddenly they all started to barge at each other. Yes. This is what I wanted. If they have to argue about that everyday I'll get rid of them for sure! I chuckled as I saw them kicking each other, it's hilarious. The hero's I couldn't get anything from tried to get between to stop them. I laughed my butt of. "Alright! Alright! For that good laugh I'll spare you to decide until tommorow!" I said and ended the connection. Beeing a villain is kinda fun! But I love being a hero too. 'Why don't be both?' Matthew asked. 'Well it would be kinda exhausting if I need to switch everytime yk?' I awnsered. 'Lucky for you I've got a plan for that!' he said and then explained it to me. 'You can do that?' I asked. 'Well duh!' he scoffed. I chuckled and took of my costume changing into my regular clothes. I took the notebooks and diary's ect. and read them all. Sry I just couldn't resist. They're actually very interesting. Now I know everyones identity thanks to all this stuff. I couldn't get myself to read Kennys diary tho. I yawned and  walked upstairs into my bedroom. I can't go home I don't want to risk it and see Olivia. Tommorow is gonna be so much fun, me and Matthew have a littel face-to-face meet up planed. I lay down and with Matthew I discuss the connection between white knight, me and Puppeteer.

Next day I wake up at 11 am. It's Sunday already. 2 weeks in south park and I've got in a fight with a 12th grader, got a hero and villain double life, turned almost immortal, a demon posses me, I went to hell, almost died, traumatized myself and my mom for life, lost my love interest to my cousin and found out my friends are hero-dicks. What's wrong with this town man? I got up and went into the shower. I looked into the mirrow while I brushed my teeth. Honestly the best thing about this curse is that I can't get pimples anymore. Since me and my mom won that lottery I'm in my main-character era anyway. I went into my base and put on my white knight costume. Looking into the mirrow one last time I walked around the city fighting for justice.

Mysterion pov.

Racoon: Mysterion come to the base rn.
Mysterion: What is it this time?
Racoon: Just hurry. The issue we're facing might intrest you.
Mysterion: fine.

I sighed as I finished my cigarette. I bet it's something stupid again. When I put on my costume I went to the base like Racoon asked me to. When I walked in I saw everyone already waiting. They actually all look serious. "Took you long enough asshole." Racoon said. I again just rolled my eyes. "So what's up?" I asked. "Remember when white knight said she's gonna get us a villain? She actually did it and now that villain black mailing us. She got smt from you too!" kite explained. I indeed lost smt private 2 days ago. "Yesterday she hacked herself into our screen and told us we can decide what will get leaked first and last." tool added and put on a video. There was girl with formal clothes but childish accessories. Her voice was kinda childish too. But not in a 2nd grader way more like it's extra to make fun of us. Who could white knight ask to be a villain.. Shit is that Y/n? "Did you see that girl before? Is she familiar? You know alot of girls that's why we're asking you." Tool explained. I couldn't tell on Y/n if it's really her. "No sry I have no clue." I said feeling guilty. They also told me they're gonna sacrifice Racoon first. Ngl I'm kinda amused to see it. "Guys listen. We've got a information today and if we handle it before white knight we'll be back in buisness." Racoon spoke and then told us about some underground drug deal. "We're going there rn so white knight can't be early." we all agreed and went to the place professor chaos tried to defeat us years ago. "Guys look here are still red Lego bricks!" mosquito chuckled and then we waited. And waited. It's already gottan dark. Suddenly we heard smt.

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