Chapter 4

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Y/n point of view.

Beeing a superhero would be super cool right? And everyone loves super heros right? I love getting praised so maybe I'll do it. I don't wanna embaress myself tho. I will try seeing the superheros in action and then start doing it. "But won't it be weird when a new superhero appears right after GAH- I arrive? AND WOULDN'T IT BE WAY TO MUCH PRESSURE?!" I drank out of my coffee mug. I drew sketches for costume ideas I had. Even tho I drank coffee I was very tired so I went to bed. I woke up to someone shaking me. "Y/n, wake up u need to get ready for your school day." My mom said with a calm voice. I looked at the time. Hm. I went to the bathroom taking a quick shower and picked a cute outfit. I went to a bathroom and washed my face, blow dried my hair, and brushed my teeth. I got my backpack. I swallowed one of my meds, said my mom good bye and went to the tweak coffee shop. "Hello one coffee with sugar please." I ordered politely. The man gave me my order and I payed with a tip. He thanked me and I thanked him and now I have to face it. The messed up school of South park. What if Kennys friends don't like me? What if Wendy or bebe don't like me? What if cartman makes me his main target? Should I make the homework for everyone? But then they all just take advantage of me! Oh I'm so nervous.
"Hey y/n I'm almost at the school I'll wait for u." Kenny texted me. I didn't want to meet his friends already.
"No no just go to the classroom and tell me where I can find it."
"Uhm okay when u go inside straight forward the 5th door left." I thanked him. When I arrived I already finished my coffee. I threw the cup into a bin and went into the building. I began to get more nervous. I went into the classroom. Kenny looked with happy eyes in my direction. Butter and tweek waved at me, I waved back. I sat on a seat that was empty. Some people stared but continued their conversation right after. Okay it's going good till now. But then a hand smacked onto my desk. I looked up. It was a gorgeous girl with black hair. I looked surprised into her eyes. "What do u think you're doing?" she asked. "Oh sorry I don't know. does something bother u?" I asked. "Hell yea stay away from my man bitsch!" I looked confused at her. Then I looked to my right. This guy looked like Stan. Well this is how Kenny described him. Then it hit me. This was Wendy. "Oh I'm sorry I'm not interested in your bf don't worry. I'm sorry if I offended u in any way. I just sat down on a free seat I can sit elsewhere if it makes u feel better. I love your outfit btw." I was love bombing her since I knew how to make a good impression. I always do that. That's why I get along with almost everyone. She looked at me and her angry face turned into a surprised and smiling one. She giggled. "Aww thank u :D. It would be nice if u sat down somewhere else." I immediately stood up and asked her where she would recommend me to sit. She pointed next to the seat to butters. I nodded and sat down next to butters. Well I don't want any trouble so I'm glad she let it slide. A older man in his 40s came in on his right hand stuck a hand puppet. "Goodmorning children.." everyone kept talking "I SAID GOOD MORNING U LITTEL SHIT HEADS." everyone was silent. "As u may noticed we have a new student. She's from New York her name is y/n be nice to her." after that he.. Idk I think he tried teaching us somehow. He talked with his puppet Mr. Hat I thought it's kinda funny. It was amusing to watsch. After the class was over kenny walked in my direction with his friends. Oh no should I go. I don't wanne meet them yet. But if I go they won't like me. Oh boy.. "Hey y/n." Kenny greeted me. I smiled "Hey" I said back. "Hey I'm Stan ." the fat boy said snickering. Thinking he can trick me. "I assume u must be cartman. Because you're the fat one." I said chuckling. kenny and the others started laughing at him. "AY! I'M NOT Fat! I'M BIG BONED! I'll make u eat your parents!" I looked at him concerned. "He'll do it fr." the guy with green hat said. "Kyle right?" he nodded. "I'm Stan." the other one said. "Nice to meet y'all ^^" then there was an akward silence. "Hey guys we can still break in the house I told u about! It's a perfect dare for the new kid." stan and Kyle rolled their eyes and groaned. Kenny looked at me and we chuckled. "Whats so funny?" cartman asked. "Oh nothing dw." I said goodbye for now since kenny said they don't like hanging out with girls.

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