Chapter 13

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Y/n pov

It's not 10 pm. I get down to my base changing to white knight. When kenny left I thought about everything they told me after they cursed me. I might know what's gonna happen. They said I will have to proof myself and it's not gonna be easy. Back then I thought they meant I shouldn't always rely on my curse and don't use it for wrong intentions. But maybe it's a test of them. I put my light bullets with extreme electricity power in one of my weapon belt pockets. I made sure everything works. I packed 2 of my glitter gas cans just in case. I even put smoke bomb refillers inside my pockets. When they say I should be ready to die they mean it. They are the ones that told me I'm almost unable to die so it's gonna be srs. My heart is pounding in fear actually.
It's now 11:27 pm and I'm already in the woods heading to the place I was cursed at. I arrived sharp 11:30 pm.
"The cursed one has arrived." one of the ushio cult members said. They all turned their head my direction. I felt shivers going down my spine. The Leader of their group stepped forward. "Thank you for coming cursed one. As you already can guess this is very serious and I'm going to explain why. Since you've got cursed you have a contract with Satan right? Since you're not a Mormon you would've gone to hell anyway. Anyway. Satan wants to know if you're even worthy of his deal with you." he started to explain. Seriously? Mormons? Oh well.. "How am I gonna show Satan I'm worthy of the contract and why did one of your members said I need to prepare to die?" I asked confused. "Let me finish. We're going to hell tonight. When the bell hits 0 o'clock. Inside of hell you will be brought into a huge arena. Satan will send in demons you'll have to fight. The problem is that demons are alot more powerful then most human weapons and you won't recover from your injuries immediately. It will take alot more time. You'll still recover but it might needs hours to heal. You also can't use your gun. Except for your fist you've got nothing to fight with in close combat." he finished. "Holy fucking smokes dude! I'm totally gonna die. What are y'all thinking?! There's no chance I survive against demons with no weapon!" I started panicking. Stressed I shook my hands trying to breath. "Do not worry. We're gonna make you stronger." he said patient but strict. I started hyper ventilating. "How? It's already 2
11:36 am! Theres no way I learn to fight demons until 0 am! Don't you have a pla-" I stopped talking when I rememberd they're probably having a plan. "My bodys sacrifice." I said knowingly looking into the face of the cult leader. He smirked a littel. "Yes. Your body sacrifice. What did you cut of? Maybe a finger? Or toe?" he asked. "No. smt that isn't that gross. But I'm not sure if it's enough." I pulled out a grip seal bag with the ends of my hair that I cut in the afternoon. It was necessary anyway. "That should do it. So we're gonna summon a demon to make another contract with you. You'll offer him your sacrifice. When he asks what you want in return you're explaining your situation to him. He's gonna be a part from you afterwards to make you stronger. Well how should I put it? He's gonna posses a fracture of your soul. He'll probably give you a material sign of your contract too so you can communicate." he kept explaining. A demon? Possessing a fracture of my soul? I was terrified and confused. I just wanna go home. Suddenly I felt 2 cult members slightly pulling on my weapon belt from behind. I wanted to turn around. "Trust them. They're just making another slot." he said. "Okay but why on my back? Btw do you know that demon? You referred to it as him. So you'll know who you summon?" I asked confused. How am I even supposed to reach anything on my back? He smirked slightly. When the members were done he gave me a sign to turn around. Infront of me was another member handing me a scythe. It was almost as big like me. I looked at it fascinated. I made a littel distance to everyone and swung it like I was cutting a demons head off. "Thanks." I said. The leader told everyone it's time we summon the demon. They all started to paint some weird sign on the ground. After they finished one of them lead me to  triangle across from another triangle inside of a cyrcel. They all gathered around the cyrcle and started singing in another language I couldn't understand. The 2 triangles started glowing and I concentrated on the one I wasn't standing on top of. The wind blew harder I narrowed my eye a littel. Smt in that triangle started forming. It looked like black mud at first but after only a few seconds a boy my age stood infront of me. He had black hair, snake bites and wore gothic lookin' clothes. I looked confused. "That's a demon?" I asked. They nodded. "Ofc I am! But my human version looks better then the demon one." he said pissed off. "oh boy.. Okay. What's your name?" I asked the demon boy infront of me. "The  name's Karma. But I guess you can call me Matthew if you're able to offer me a contract." he awnsered. "Alright Karma. My Name is Y/n! I want to make a body sacrifice so you can take over a fracture of my soul. I'm a cursed one." I used my scythe to make a cut in my arm that healed immediately. He nodded. I continued "I want you to make me strong so I will be able to defeat the demons of Satan that'll happen to be my enemy's. Is it a deal?" I asked and a circle appeared infront of me. Karma put one of his hands through it. "It's a deal." he said grinning. I shook his hand and the circle in the air lightened up. I handed him my sacrifice and he held it up to his heart. It looked like his body was absorbing it. Then he walked up to me holding his hand to my heart. I felt a quick stabbing pain in my body. His eyeballs went black when my sight turned white again. After a few seconds I began to see again. The triangles have stopped glowing. "I'm now a part of you. Call me whenever you need me. You can also talk to me through your mind but this only will be happening if you use the ring." he said. What ring? He held up his hand. Above his hand was floating black air with, what seemed to be, obsidian inside. It formed a ring and he handed it to me. I thanked him and put it on my ring finger. "It's almost midnight we have to go." they said. Matthew rolled his eyes, touching my forehead he was fusing himself with me. 'Holy smokes dude.' I thought. 'I hope you're ready to kick some ass.' Matthew said in my mind. He was inside my fucking brain talking to me. Oh boy.. We gathered on the circle again with me in the middle. They hummed some kind of melody and sang smt not understandable. Suddenly the ground feels like water and me + the cult fell. All I could see was black void until we hit ground. Ouch. God what a hot temperature.. I pull of my gloves from my arms and put them inside one of my pockets. What tf even happend? Looking around I saw lava and unhuman creatures.. I'M ACTUALLY IN HELL oh boy oh boy oh boy. "Cursed one? You'll need to follow me with your friends." a lady said walking ahead. We followed her until we were infront of a huge wall with a door. "This way." she said. We kept on following her. 'You should try and calm down a littel' Matthew said. He's right. I'm totally freaking out. But it's totally valid because I'm literally in hell and it totally creeps me out. 'Matthew I don't think I can do this.' I thought. 'With my help you totally win this so calm tf down.' he said. I gulped as we walked through the chambers of a building. The demon lady stopped. She talked to another demon pointing at me. He nodded and opened a door behind me. There was another room. "Please enter." he said. After I and the cult members walked in I noticed a huge iron gate infront of me. I heard voices from the other side. I looked through the gate to see what's going on. My eyes widened at the sight of what's behind the gate. It was a really really huge Arena (like a Greek one). Holy fucking smokes. Demons and human sitting around. F this terrifying demons are normal ones and Satan will send in demons 10 times worse I'll be screwed. I wanna go home. I almost fainted. "I'm not doing this." I stuttered. "You have to or else the contract will be over and all the injurys you suffered from will open up again. You've got shot in the heart right? You'll die." he explained. "Dude.. There's like no way I'll survive this. I'll die either way." I sat on the floor regretting ever running into that forest. Ever turning into a superhero. Ever moving to south park. Ever buying that Lotterie ticket. I just wanna go home to my mom. I stared at the floor. I'm screwed. "Please you have to atleast try. Karma is very strong espacially with a body sacrifice. Trust us. You can't just give up like that."  a lady of the cult sat down beside me and patted my back. I sighed and put on a littel smile. Her voice reminds me of my mom. "You promise..?" I asked. She nodded and cheered me up. "Okay.. I'll try." I awnsered and stood up. "Good job Evelyn." the cult leader said to the lady that cheered me up. "It'll begin soon. get ready." he added. 'Don't be a pussy I'll handel this.' matthew spoke. I think he tried to cheer me up but maybe it's just me. I hear the gate opening and take a deep breath one more time. Alright. I walk out of the room inside the Arena trying to look confident. Demons and dead human cheering and booing surrendered me. I gulped. Some of this creatures looked worse then my worst nightmares. Omg there's Barbara strisent! 10 times worse then my nightmares.

Mysterion pov

Me and fast pass chased the thief. "Look o- ou- look out!" fast pass yelled but it was to late. I was run over by a train. Jesus christ it hurts. When I opened my eyes again I was in hell. Ugh that's just great. I saw the demons and dead people all head to the arena.
Demon:"Satan Fr made a deal with a kid?"
Demon 2: "Yea we call her the cursed one. Apperently it was an accident. But she's gonna proof herself right now in the Arena."
Demon 3: "Rumor has it that  she's a hero from a small town in Colorado."
Demon: "oh I hope that kid gets ripped apart. HAHAHAH"
Oh so smt big is going on today. Well then I'll go watch it if I'm already here. I walked inside the arena sitting down with the rest of the audience. One of the gates went open and somebody walked outside. My eyes widened in shock. No way. White knight? She is the cursed one? Wtf? There's no way she'll survive this. She's only human she can't fight fucking demons. Oh god I need to help her... Well maybe she got a plan. If that's not the case I'll try put a stop to this smh. She's a good person even tho she's our rival.

Y/n pov

I look around waiting for smt to happen when I hear smt what appears to be someone tapping a microphone. I look up and see a big red demon. So that's Satan. My whole body shivered. "Test test 123. Alright.." Satan spoke quietly.
"CURSED ONE! I, SATAN AND YOU, WHITE KNIGHT HAVE A CONTRACT. IT WASN'T MEANT FOR YOU THO. I'LL NEED TO SEE IF YOU'RE WORTHY OF THIS DEAL OR NOT. I'LL SEND IN 10 DEMONS EACH GETTING Stronger. YOU'LL PROBABLY ALREADY KNOW THAT YOUR CURSE WON'T WORK VERY WELL WOTH DEMON ATTACKS. SO YOUR INJURIES WILL NEED A FEW HOURS TO HEAL. IF YOU'RE ABLE TO SURVIVE I'LL RECOGNICE YOU AS WORTHY IF YOU'LL DIE you'll die I guess there's nothing gonna happen." Satan finished. Why does he talk like we're related now? Like dude I just stumbled into that weird circle. I saw the other gate opening. I got into a fighting position. I saw a dead person. So it's just a human at first huh? I can do this without Matthew . My opponent started to attack me very fast. I was hardly able to dodge. Geez wtf? I couldn't kill him he looks like a human. I'm a hero. I can't just kill him but he didn't even flinch. He started a new attack and again I was hardly able to dodge and I even felt the resistant air this time. Next thing I knew he kicked me in the stomach and send me flying across the arena. Getting smacked against the gate I was coming from. "What are you doing?!" the cult leader asked. "huh? What do u you Mean?" I asked back. "Why are you still holding back?!" he yelled. "Well he looks like a human I can't just-" I was cut off. "Yes you can. Have you forgotten that Satan said these are demons. They're taking a human form so they can take adventage of your kindness. They think you're a demon urself. Proof them right." he grinned. I nodded and grabbed my scythe ready to fight. 'Let me posses you already!' Matthew added. 'Alright!' I awnsered. I was surrounded by the black smoke with obsidian. I felt my body heat up and then cool down. I felt myself getting stronger. I'll now consider myself as 'we' since Matthew controls my body. "Much better." we grinned. It sounds very dramatic since you can hear my and Matthews voice at the same time everytime we talk. We looked our opponent dead in the eyes.
"Prepare to get screwed over."

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