Helaena laughs and takes her hand, making her move again. "That is the sound of a dragon."

A shiver runs down Reina's spine. She becomes more terrified now that she heard the sounds they make.

"Here we are, I hope she isn't sleeping." the Targaryen girl says as she goes around the corner.

Helaena drops her hand and takes a few steps ahead. Reina's heart starts beating faster as she watches the girl walking away from her. She looks around, for any danger, before saying.

"Don't leave me -" she is interrupted by a bright light iluminating the whole place. Fire. She looks in front of her and sees the figure of a dragon. She stops in her tracks looking up at its giant wings. Her mouth is hanging open and her eyes are wide, almost falling out of their sockets.

"Come here, Reina." Helaena giggles and illuminates the path with her torch.

The girl is hesitant to listen to her words and stays where she is. Heleana sighs and runs to her. The dragon following her.

"She doesn't bite." she says and pulls her closer to the beast.

The Targaryen woman pets its head and caress its nose. Dreamfyre's eyes open and they meet Reina's. She looks terrified at her big eyes and at the chains that hold her in place.

After Helaena talks with her dragon, she turns to the girl. "I told you she won't hurt you, she is gentle." she laughs.

Reina begins to calm down and her breathing returns to normal. Her biggest dream, as a child, became true. Her mother would have been so happy for the girl. If she was still alive.


Half a hour passed and the girls get ready to go back to the Keep.

A scream pulls Helaena out of her thoughts and turns away from Dreamfyre, looking at Reina alarmed, trying to see the reason that made her scream.

She looks in the dark, trying to see what the girl is staring at. She hears loud footsteps and growling, but she cannot see from where is coming.

Reina watches terrified as the dragon gets closer to her, unable to move.

When Helaena finally sees the beast running towards her, she yells.

"Run, Reina! Run!" she yells, trying to pull the girl out of her trance.

Reina hears her words, but she stands still, watching the golden beast running towards her, growling and breathing hard.

This is the end, she thinks. This the moment she will die. She sighs, a tear running down her face. She will finally reunite with her mother...

She closes her eyes as she feels the dragon getting closer and closer and waits for her death to come.

But nothing happens. She feels something rubbing her body. She opens her eyes and looks in the eyes of Sunfyre. His golden wings made her recognise him from Helaena's description.

The beast lays his head at her feet, waiting for her to caress him. Reina doesn't move, staring down at the ground, tears flowing down her face.

"Touch him." she hears Helaena saying. She looks over at her and sees her smiling sadly at her, feeling guilty for not being able to protect her.

 Reina touches carefully the dragon's head and starts rubbing it. The beast breathes relaxed, opening his eyes looking at his rider's wife.

"He must have felt the bond between you and Aegon." her sister-in-law says, approaching them. "I do not know how he managed to break the chains."

The dragon lifts up his head and turns around, leaving.

Some footsteps are heard and some guards appears with torches and spears.

"My Princesses, are you alright?" a man says, touching Reina's arm. She pulls away, glaring at him.

"Yes. Thank you." Helaena nods in approval and puts an arm around the other girl's shoulder, both of them beginning to walk away from them.

"I will inform his Grace. The chains were supposed to resist." another man says apologetically.

Reina nods and walks away, with her sister. They reach the top of the stairs and Heleana turns to her.

"We are screwed." she says laughing.

Reina laughs as well, still shaken up from the whole situation.

She fears Alicent will get mad, but she fears Aegon's reaction more.

Still she cannot understand how the dragon didn't kill her right on the spot. She isn't a Targaryen, what reason he had to treat her as such?

"I believe Sunfyre loves you more than he loves Aegon now." Helaena says giggling. "It seems you and my brother are soulmates, even the dragon thinks so." she laughs and drags her back to the Keep.

A/N: finally Reina has seen the dragons!! I don't know much about the pit and how the dragons are put there and all, but I wrote how I imagined it  follow me on tiktok: tooluvv ❤️

his rose || aegon ii targaryen जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें