Battle of the Labyrinth Start! Jealousy in the air~~~

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Rachel appears near,

Empousei swiftly vanquished,

Annabeth's Jealousy ignites.


"Hey, Sally?" Paul called as he approached her.


"I don't think Rhea likes me."

"What made you think that?"

Paul nervously looked to the side for a moment, looking to see Rhea watching TV in silent before he returned to whisper to Sally again.

"She glares at me."

Sally snorted. "No she don't."

"Yes she does!"

Sally smiled. "Don't worry, Rhea really does like you, as a matter of fact she always teases me about you."

"She does?" Paul said confused.

"Yes ! It's like I'm the daughter and she's the mother." Sally shook her head fondly. "She just has this, glaring resting bitch face, that's all."

"Oh..." Paul sighed for a moment before he turned to look at Sally. "This is the first time I head you swear, and here I thought you were uncapable of it."

Sally playfully hit him on the arm.

The last thing Rhea wanted on her summer break was to see another monster ... again, which unfortunately was inevitable!

"Can I skip school for today?" Rhea begged.

"No." Sally said. "You promised Paul that you will be there remember?

Rhea groaned. "I hate the fact that I made that promise." She pouted. "Next time, I shall write things in a contract where I can write loopholes there so I can avoid shit."

"Bring a pair of eels too while you're at it." Sally jokingly said.

"Maybe I should! Then I will change my name into Ursula and transform into an octopus mermaid! And trick Poor Unfortunate Souls into making a contract with me so I can take all their good stuff!" Rhea said as she let a fake evil laugh.

"Anyways, I know you got ... things going on this week but let's think positive. Tomorrow you're off to camp! After orientation, you've got your date—"

"Annabeth is just a friend ma."

"She's coming all the way from camp to meet you."


"You're going to the movies."


"Just the two of you."

"Mom, I am not into girls!"

"Are you sure? You smell gay."

"How can I smell gay???" Rhea asked.

Sally held up her hands in surrender, but Rhea could tell she was trying hard not to smile. "You'd better get inside, dear. I'll see you tonight."

Rhea noticed Paul greeting a girl with frizzy red hair. She wore a maroon T-shirt and ratty jeans decorated with marker drawings.

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