It's a Deal!

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Meeting the Fates,

A deal to save Olympus,

I love my mom.


Chiron made her return the pen after a few months for a reason that she would not talk about.

The night before the final, Rhea stopped outside of Chiron's office. To do a little spying, she knew exactly what they originally were supposed to talk about, but now that Rhea made a difference she wondered what Grover was going to say.

"-worried about Rhea, sir."

She got a bit closer.

"I know she remembers! There's no way she doesn't, I even hinted at it multiple times, but she just gave me this smile and changed the subject, I'm telling you she knows what's going on !!"

"I'm sure it's the mist, Grover," Chiron responds. "I guess she got used to things happening around her and thinks it was a really vivid dream."

Grover changed the subject. "And what about the kindly one that tracked her down, we have to-"

"We would only make matters worse by rushing him, we need the girl to mature more."

Rhea narrowed her eyes.

Poseidonas scoffed. "Fool."

"But she may not have time. The summer solstice deadline- "

"Will have to be resolved without her, Grover. Let her enjoy her ignorance while she still can."

"Sir, I ... I can't fail in my duties again." Grover's voice was choked with emotion. "You know what that would mean."

"You haven't failed, Grover," Mr. Brunner said kindly.

Rhea heard enough.

Mature more... She scoffed. I wonder how many demigods died because of that stupid decision.

At the end of term, both Grover and Rhea end up on the same bus to Manhattan.

The bus breaks down partway through the trip, and everyone got out onto a mostly empty road. On the other side are three women running a fruit stand.

To some, they may look like old ladies.

But for Rhea who seen the fates more than she normally should they looked completely different.

The Fates are very similar in appearance. The main difference is that they appear different in age, with Lachesis appearing the youngest as a young girl, Clotho as an adult woman, and Atropos as an elderly lady.

Rhea turned to look at Grover and saw that the blood had drained from his face and his nose was twitching.

"Grover?" Rhea raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me they're not looking at you. They are, aren't they?"

Rhea shrugged and decided to make her way up to the fates, only for Grover to stop her. "Chill, they are staring and it's rude to not say hi."

If Grover could get any more paler he would be as white as paper.

Rhea smiled and walked up to the three.

"It has been a while my ladies, how has it been ?" Rhea smiled.

Aside from the whole Fates thing, and planning life things, the fates are pretty chill, they have responsibilities after all you can't really blame them for doing their job.

It's like blaming Thanatos for being Death.

Lachesis smiled. "Same old."

"Nothing changes," Clotho said.

"And repeat," Atropos said.

"New lives to create."

"To make them grow."

"And take."

"And what about..." Rhea did not finish her sentence, but the fates understood.

"The prophecy approaches," Atropos said. "Are you prepared?"

"I am."

Atropos looked at the bracelet for a moment and nodded. "I see."

"Have you made your choice? Which path will you take ?" Lachesis said.

"The lesser of the two evil," Rhea responded.

"For the sake of humanity ?" Clotho asked.

Rhea narrowed her eyes. "For the sake of the world in general, and for my mother, for everything to go smoothly Sally Jackson should stay alive through all that and after it ends, if she doesn't then you can say goodbye to Olympus and humanity."

"Hmm, yes, yes you're different than all your counterparts," Lachesis said.

"Whether is it good or bad we do not know," Clotho said.

"Your fate is not in our hands." Atropos finished.

Rhea looked at the thread Atropos took out.

"He will die. You cannot prevent that." Atropos said.

"I do not care about his life enough to try and save it." Rhea coldly said.

The fates smiled. "We wish you luck."

The daughter of the sea smiled back at them. "Thanks, I'll need it."

Grover was mumbling something under his breath the whole way to their destination, it was some kind of prayer that Rhea didn't pay any mind to, she was too busy reading the book in her hand.

In the end, the satyr gave her the card with Camp Half-Blood information on it and she did not ask any questions.

Notes: When Rhea goes inside the Plane that resides inside the Trident/Bracelet, only her spirit can get inside, to the outside world it looks like she's sleeping when reality she isn't, and anything that happens inside happens in the real world, except for death and injuries.

The only solid things that can get inside the plane are food or objects as they do not have spirit.

And if some of you still didn't get it, no one can see ROR Poseidon, hear him, or interact with him only Rhea can.

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