Rhea causes an earthquake

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Hephaestus they meet,

Telekhines stir in the heat,

Rhea's quake complete.


Tyson heard a faint pinging sound from the small robotic spider, so they didn't lose it. They made a few turns, backtracked a few times, and eventually found the spider banging its tiny head on a metal door.

The door looked like one of those old-fashioned submarine hatches—oval, with metal rivets around the edges and a wheel for a doorknob. Where the portal should've been was a big brass plaque, green with age, with a Greek Ȇta inscribed in the middle.

They all looked at each other.

"Ready to meet Hephaestus?" Grover said nervously.

"Meh." Rhea shrugged.

"Yes!" Tyson said gleefully, and he turned the wheel.

As soon as the door opened, the spider scuttled inside with Tyson right behind it. The rest of them followed, not quite as anxious.

The room was enormous. It looked like a mechanic's garage, with several hydraulic lifts. Some had cars on them, but others had stranger things: a bronze hippalektryon with its horse head off and a bunch of wires hanging out its rooster tail, a metal lion that seemed to be hooked up to a battery charger, and a Greek war chariot made entirely of flames.

Smaller projects cluttered a dozen worktables. Tools hung along the walls. Each had its own outline on a peg board, but nothing seemed to be in the right place. The hammer was over the screwdriver place. The staple gun was where the hacksaw was supposed to go. Under the nearest hydraulic lift, holding a '98 Toyota Corolla, a pair of legs stuck out—the lower half of a huge man in grubby grey pants and shoes even bigger than Tyson's. One leg was in a metal brace.

The spider scuttled straight under the car, and the sounds of banging stopped.

"Well, well," a deep voice boomed from under the Corolla. "What have we here?"

The mechanic pushed out on a back trolley and sat up.

Rhea never paid much attention to the gods' appearance, sure she does notice their level of beauty and compares them to Poseidonas and Aidoneus, but otherwise she has a habit of only looking at them once giving a judgment about their appearance and then looking away focusing on memorizing the aura they radiate in case one god decided to disguise himself as another god, like when Zeus disguised himself as Artemis to take advantage of one of her huntresses.

For example :

Loki changed his appearance to look more like his other counterpart with green hair and a highlight on his left side after Rhea described how the other Loki looked like, the only thing he kept was his fiery orange/red eyes and even that he changed into purple when the mood strikes him. And speaking about moods he can turn into a woman when he doesn't want to feel like he wants to be a man for the day.

His aura is green and moves like snakes around him its weird to describe.

Thor has a habit of keeping a 'fat' appearance but that is only when he's relaxing and drinking otherwise during battle he takes another more muscular appearance like those weight lifters who have eight packs which also makes him look a bit like his counterpart but not much, she only saw his other appearance once and that was when he was fighting with Odin in a spar.

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