Under The Sea~

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Beneath the blue sea,

Poseidon's palace, oh glee!

The family's quite odd.


Demigod dreams suck.

The thing is, they're never just dreams. They've got to be visions, omens.

Or in Rhea's case, future visions, dates about future events, or what happens to her counterparts in other dimensions.

90% of those universes follow what Rhea likes to call 'Canon Events' -she will not stop using that phrase- while the other 10% follow Murphy's law "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." This universe -thank goodness- did not follow Murphy's law otherwise she would have died horribly at the first stupid stunt she pulled.

She did not want to see another corps of any of her alternative selves from those universes, and thankfully this dream was not about any of that.

She was in a dark palace at the top of a mountain. Specifically,  Mount Othrys, otherwise known as Mount Tamalpais, in California. The main pavilion was open to the night, ringed with black Greek columns and statues of the Titans. Torchlight glowed against the black marble floor. In the centre of the room, an armoured giant struggled under the weight of a swirling funnel cloud—Atlas, holding up the sky.

Two other giant men stood nearby over a bronze brazier, studying images in the flames.

"Quite an explosion," one said. He wore black armour studded with silver dots like a starry night. His face was covered in a war helm with a ram's horn curling on either side.

"It doesn't matter," the other said. This Titan was dressed in gold robes, with golden eyes like Kronos.

His entire body glowed. Like Apollo, except the Titan's light was harsher, and his expression crueller. "The gods have answered the challenge. Soon they will be destroyed."

The images in the fire were hard to make out: storms, buildings crumbling, mortals screaming in terror.

"I will go east to marshal our forces," the golden Titan said. "Krios, you shall remain and guard Mount Othrys."

The ram horn dude grunted. "I always get the stupid jobs. Lord of the South. Lord of Constellations. Now I get to babysit Atlas while you have all the fun."

Under the whirlwind of clouds, Atlas bellowed in agony, "Let me out, curse you! I am your greatest warrior. Take my burden so I may fight!"

"Quiet!" the golden Titan roared. "You had your chance, Atlas. You failed. Kronos likes you just where you are. As for you, Krios, do your duty."

"And if you need more warriors?" Krios asked. "Our treacherous nephew in the tuxedo will not do you much good in a fight."

The golden Titan laughed. "Don't worry about him. Besides, the gods can barely handle our first little challenge. They have no idea how many others we have in store. Mark my words, in a few days' time, Olympus will be in ruins, and we will meet here again to celebrate the dawn of the Sixth Age!"

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