Dead but .... Not Dead

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Trident plane ride, rough

Death visited me, oh so much.

Therapy is due.


Rhea frowned when she felt water surrounding her, last time she checked she was sleeping in her bed, she snapped her eyes open.

The sea...why am I in the sea? She frowned as she looked around. This is not normal. Right in front of her some meters away from her was a mountain and at its peak, she could see a castle.

She raised the waves heading to the mountain, she continued to raise the wave till she reached the castle, the wave was at least 1000 feet high, which was the biggest wave she ever created a tsunami at this point.

She gently landed on the ground and let the water back into the sea, she looked around for a bit before she turned her gaze back to the water.

Whatever this place's not on earth. Rhea frowned.

The doors of the castle opened to let her in.

"I saw this in horror movies...I'm still going in tho." Rhea mumbled to herself.

She cautiously walked inside the castle, looking around for a bit, there were some Greek sculptures with weapons in their hands. Mostly spears and swords.

A sense of danger surrounded her suddenly, her eyes turned to look at the person coming down the stairs, but she wasn't able to process the situation, in the blink of an eye she was already stabbed by the familiar blue trident.

The next time she woke up, she was outside the castle, she gasped as she stood up, and frantically searched for the wound.

The only thing she found was blood, proof that what happened was real and not simply imagination.

Rhea paused. "I wasn't even able to process the pain I should have felt..." She narrowed her eyes. "Did I die and respawn like a freaking video game boss or something? What the fuck..."


Before she could process the entire thing, the three blades of a trident came out of her. Again?

She woke up again and got stabbed again. What the hell...

And again.



And again.

What is going on here...

And again.

Please stop.

And again.


And again.

I am begging you.


And again.


And again.


*TANG !*

Rhea gritted her teeth, this time successfully blocking his trident with her own. The previous feeling of fear completely disappeared to be replaced by anger.

"You fucking bastard." Rhea glared pushed his trident and counter-attacked with her own.

Poseidonas dodged with ease, Rhea jumped away when he thrust his trident forward, she put a great distance between them.

The green-eyed girl continued to observe the Tyrant of the Seas, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of her.

It's like last time!

Luckily knowing exactly what follows she was able to block the trident that was about to pierce her, she was pushed backwards by the force, and she rolled on the floor for a moment before she pushed herself up to stand up, dodging the trident by sheer dumb luck, but not without it cutting her right cheek.

Rhea laughed a bit. I should hate him, but I don't feel anything, actually, I've never felt more alive!

She copied his way of carrying the trident, it felt more right in her hand now, what happened next was a constant series of attacks, blocks, and counter-attacks, with Rhea copying Poseidonas' way of using the trident and him changing his way of attacking now and then.

Poseidonas used his trident to unleash incessant thrusts at blinding speeds in a circular pattern, unfortunately, Rhea was only able to block two times and got injured all around her body, she jumped away from his attacks to approach the water source near her with difficulty, in pain from all those injuries inflicted on her.

The water rose from the pond and started to surround her skin, when the water made contact with her wounds they started to heal, Poseidonas observed as it happened.

The blond scoffed. "You need more training."

Rhea deadpanned. "This was training ?"

Poseidonas did not respond.

When Rhea woke up in her bed the next morning her body was hurting her everywhere.

"I was right, you're an asshole." Rhea groaned.

Notes: Inside the plane, the pain is unquestionably real, but death doesn't occur. Additionally, any wounds that might exist are only genuine while Rhea is within the plane. When Rhea is outside of it, even if there are no visible wounds, she still experiences the pain from these wounds, as if the wounds are still very much present.

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