I love you till I die

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2019 Winter break

LeClerc's POV:

I went to my closet to find some clothes for Max. Then my phone rang. It was my mom.

"Bonjour Chérie! Joyeux Noël! Veux-tu venir dîner?" (Hello dear! Merry Christmas! Do you want to come to dinner?) -she asked and I really didn't know what to say

I don't like Christmas since I lost my dad but never missed the dinner. Now that Max is blind I don't feel like celebrating and I want to be with him.

"Je suis désolé, maman. Je ne sais pas encore." (I'm sorry, mom. I don't know yet.) -I said sadly

"Vous pouvez amener n'importe qui. Je l'accueille avec plaisir." (You can bring anyone. I welcome her or him with pleasure.) -she said

Nobody knows that Max and I were together and neither that he is blind and we live together till he gets better. Maybe it was time to tell her the truth.

"Je te rappellerai dans une heure si ça va" (I'll call you back in an hour if that's okay) -I said and sighed

"Je t'aime mon petit fils." (I love you my little son) -she said

"Moi aussi" (Me too) -I said back and the call ended

I put my phone in my pocket and started to search for some clothes which is Max's size. I found a white sweatshirt with a red 16 on its back. It was a bit oversized for me so it's pretty good for Max. I found blue pants too and brought it to him. When I got back I saw that he was sitting on bed. I sat next to him on the bed' put the clothes in his lap and my head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" -he asked and put his left hand on my thigh

"My mom called me." -I said and let out a sigh- "It's Christmas" -I said and he kissed my forehead

"I know you don't really like it but you should go to the dinner." -he said and put his hand behind my back which was on my thigh before

"I don't want to leave you alone. She said that I can bring someone and my mom knows you well so it would be nice but we are not even together and don't know what to say. I don't know what to truth anymore. The only sure thing is that I'm bisexual and we were together. But what are we now Max? What am I suppose to say to her? And on top of everything you are blind and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable on the dinner" -I said and he let go of me

"I'm sorry" -he said and stood up

"Max I didn't mean to hurt you. These were just my thoughts" -I said and grabbed his hand

"I will take a shower" -he said and grabbed my clothes and went in the bathroom

Verstappen's POV:

I was confused. Everything he said had a point. He was right. I wanted to clear my mind with a shower. I could see anything and it was still hard to find the things but I know that Charles can't be always there for me so I wanted to be more individual. I turned on the water and managed to take a shower. After it I took on the clothes Charles gave me. After it I sat on the floor and my back touched to wall. I did't know anything. I wanted to go to the dinner but it wouldn't be uncomfortable because I'm blind but because I don't know what are we. There was a knock on the door.

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