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2019 Silverstone

Verstappen's POV:

Not a day goes by that I don't think about Charles. I've seen it many times, but he tries to avoid me. I'm ready to be friends with him, but according to he, he's not. I just arrived at the hotel and went to the room and sat on the bed and threw my bag on the floor. I took the toiletries out of my bag and was about to take a shower and then sleep, but then there was a knock on the door. I had no idea who it could be at 1am, but when I got to the door and opened it, I didn't have time to see who it was because he immediately hugged me tightly. It was Charles. I stepped back to close the door but didn't let him go. Charles was sobbing loudly and I could feel him shaking. I wanted to sit him on the bed so I tried to let him go but his grip tightened even more.

"Please Max, don't let me go" -he said now screamingly crying

"Charles, please try to calm down. I'm here. I won't go anywhere" -I said and hugged put my left hend in his hair

We stood like this for about 10 minutes after he calmed down a bit. I felt him let go and he started backing away while wiping his tears away.

"I'm really sorry. It was a mistake to come to you, I just promised that if I ever wanted to harm myself, I would come to you" -he said and it broke my heart

I grabbed his arms and pulled him to me again. I felt him hug me again and his breathing slowed down.

"We may not be together anymore but I still love you Charles. You can always count on me and I will be here for you." -I said and rubbed his back

I felt him clasp his fingers behind my back.

"I texted to you but you didn't see it, I thought it was a mistake to come here because you hate me..." -he said while he pulled back his head to look at me

"I didn't see you texted" -I said confused and pulled my phone out of my pocket

I opened the text messages and showed Charles that he had not written. He also took out his phone opened the texts and threw it on the ground.

"It didn't send the message, it's red." -he said and hide his face in his palms

I picked up his phone and put it on the nightstand along with mine.

"How about if I make you a hot bath and then we discuss the problem, just calm down a bit first." -I asked and he slightly smiled

He sat down on the bed and I went to the bathroom to drain the water. I know he loves it and comforts him, so I hoped it would help. When I came out, I saw that he was looking down at his stomach, so I was a little afraid that he might have hurt himself after all.

"You really didn't hurt yourself, did you?" -I asked worriedly and he shoke his head still avoiding my gaze

I went to the bed and knelt in front of him and put my hand on his knee.

"Antoine died..." -he said now tears running down on his face

I took his hand and stroked the top of his hand with my thumb.

"I'm sorry I can't help you." -I said and looked at our hands

"Hey, you help! You help me a lot and I'm glad that you are here for me. Still..." -he said and smiled

"I think the water is done." -I said, getting up and letting go of his hand

"Merci" -he said and started towards the bathroom

"And Charles, if you feel bad, please tell me. Okay?" -I asked and he nodded

After 15 mins I was quite bored and I was already bored with my phone, and Daniel is already asleep at this time, so he didn't see what I wrote. Charles still hadn't finished and even though I had seen him naked a million times now that we weren't together, I didn't want to open the door, but I really had to go in. I knoked on the door.

"I really need to use the bathroom, when are you done?" -I asked him

"You can come in" -he said and I was nervous a bit

I opened the door and as I entered I saw that he was still sitting in the bathtub, but when I looked at him I caught my head. I didn't want him to be embarrassed because of me, even though I was embarrassed.

"Don't worry, if you're embarrassed because of me, I cover my eyes. It's not like I haven't seen it a million times before..." -he said and tried not laugh

After I've done, I went to the edge of the tub and put my elbow on the edge. I took his hand away from his eyes. He looked into my eyes and I looked down at his cock.

"No!" -he said and fastly put his hand on my eyes

"What's the problem LeClerc?" -I asked him with a wide smile- "Do I make you nervous? You were the one who was so brave 2 minutes ago" -I said laughing

"Okay! I might have been wrong about it! Now please go out and I'll be there in 5" -he said and his face was red like his Ferrari

"Okay okay, I go out. You don't have to be so grumpy!" -I said still laughing and stood up, than I stopped at the doorframe and looked back at him- "Are you feeling a little better?" -I asked not seriously and he smiled at me

"Yes. A lot." -he smiled and we looked at each other- "Now please leave!" -he said giggling

After 10 minutes he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. I was lying in bed and almost asleep, but the sight made me fully awake.

"Sorry to disturb you, but can you give me some clothes for the night?" -he asked shly

I got out of bed and went to my bag and took out some clothes. A white T-shirt, a pair of sweatpants and a pair of underpants. I went to him and gave them to him.

"The pants might be a bit oversize for you..." -I said a bit awkwardly

"At worst, I sleep without them" -he said and laughed, God I love when he laugh- "I was just jokeing and if you don't want to sleep with me in the same bed we don't have to, I understand that too" -he said as he put on my shirt and I hugged him and he accidently droped the towel

"Oh God, I'm sorry" -I said as I picked up the towel

That's when I realized that this was an even worse idea, because that way his cock was right in front of my eyes.

"It's okay" -he said and put on my pants

I took the towel back to the bathroom but he didn't move. I saw him hesitate. I didn't want him to feel like he had to behave differently just because I was here. I went behind him and hugged him, put my chin on his shoulder, and he touched my forearm.

"Let's go to bed" -I said and I let him go

We went to bed and I was very happy to be close to him again.

"Can I hug you... ?" -he asked softly

"Of course" -I said and he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest

I felt a few tears fall from his eyes, so I started stroking his back to comfort him.

"I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you, but I'm sure Antoine wouldn't want you to be depressed because of him. And I'm here for you..." -I said

"I don't want to be away from you. That was not a solution. I need you even if I'm just your friend." -he said and I kissed his forehead

"I will always be ther for you. I promise." -I said and I felt him relax a bit

"Can we be friends again...?" -he asked on a very low voice almost like a whisper

"I would like that" -I said and now we were both smiling

"Good night Max" -he said and yawned

"Welterusten Charles"

I was very happy to have a chance to be near him again. But I hoped that my too strong feelings wouldn't come between us.

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