Keeping care of their safety I am not going to step in the ring again who knows my poor opponent would be bed rest forever. 

"Don't think bad about others"

That's why I am not participating. Have you ever seen someone as kind as me ,who is ready to stake their achievements for others safety?

In my thoughts, I didn't realised when Shanta Aunty came inside.

"What are you doing near the mirror? Makeup?" Shanta aunty's tone carried a hint of curiosity, slightly probing.

"N-No Aunty, A-Actually umm..." My voice wavered, attempting to conjure up an excuse.

"I was just checking if my teeth are white enough or not," I blurted out, trying to sound confident, but my tone betrayed a hint of nervousness.

What a lousy excuse. Shame on you! You can't even lie properly. I can, shut up for now.

"Why? Are you planning to go for a toothpaste ad?" Her voice held a tinge of humor.

"No," I replied quickly, my tone lacking conviction.

"Here is your coffee," she said, switching the subject as she handed me the coffee.

"Thank you! Love you!" I responded with a hint of warmth, giving her a quick side hug before grabbing the coffee and unlocking my phone. There were 20 messages from him. Annoyed, I grumbled internally, anticipating a string of complaints and curses from him. I decided to call him.

"What now?" 

"I still don't get it. What was the need of fighting yesterday? You were in the hospital till morning for God's sake," his tone was filled with concern, tinged with frustration.

"Just felt doing it," I replied nonchalantly, my tone dismissive and aloof.

"Felt? You know what did I felt? Had he punched you a little harder, you would have gone back to the hospital," his voice was quivered with worry and frustration.

"Don't run behind possibilities. Had this happened then this would have, if this would have then that blah blah... All these are for cowards. Life only gives you ink to write and you can't erase what's written. Whatever is destined to happen will surely happen,"  I responded, my tone unusually philosophical, bordering on indifference.

"You did it intentionally so that they could reach you," his voice had a note of accusation.

"You have become smart living with me," I retorted playfully, a faint smirk forming on my lips.

"I was born smart!" His voice held a hint of pride.

"I didn't even need to take birth to be smart," I replied with a touch of arrogance.

"Then who asked you to drop down on earth?" His tone teased, carrying a hint of amusement.

"The Devil, he was fed up from me," I chuckled, a sly smirk flashing across my face, reflected in the mirror.

"When are you planning to visit Italy?" I knew he was eager, with a tinge of excitement.

"Soon. Very soon," I sighed, ending the call and tossing my phone onto the bed. Holding my head in my hands, a knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you ready Athulya?"

Glancing back at the door to spot the unexpected visitor, I found Mom standing there with a plate of breakfast in her hands. Meeting her gaze, I reluctantly got up, dragging my feet towards her to take the plate. As I moved to close the door, she intervened, placing her hand in the way.

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1Where stories live. Discover now