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Author's pov

"You just can't do this reyan, I never knew you could be a coward too. I never saw you giving up on anything but today you're saying that you're giving up on her, on Inaya, a person who's your world. I don't believe this" Sharik spoke while looking at reyan who's sitting on his chair looking at nowhere in his stoic expression but his eyes, his eyes seemed dead. Sharik was shocked to hear that he wasn't gonna meet or pursue her now.

"She doesn't want, she doesn't want me to even try, she isn't even trying too. I don't know what's stopping her from atleast talking to me genuinely, Either her fears or her insecurities or her past which is still unknown to me, I don't know" Reyan spoke while rubbing his side of forehead, he was changed. Reyan Sheikh was changed, he wasn't someone who gives up but today sharik saw his friend broken.

"Oh god, Reyan let me talk to Inaya. I'll make her understand, she's like a little sister to me, or maybe we could talk to Ira about it. Maybe she can help us, Ira is closest to Inaya-" Sharik spoke trying to make him understand, reyan will be broken apart in pieces and will never be able to collect those pieces If he gave up on Inaya.

"No we won't, Neither you nor I, I don't want all this bullshit now. I'm tired of all this, of trying, of thinking that one day she will trust me, of thinking that she might love me one day, I am tired and I just want some peace. I'm giving up today, Reyan Sheikh gives up" Reyan spoke looking at nowhere, his eyes were filled with unshed tears. Sharik knew all this mess won't be solved even if he tried because only they could solve the misunderstanding they have between them but they already gave up on their love.

Wasn't love enough for Inaya? Sharik kept thinking but no sometimes love isn't the factor to trust a person but genuine faith, trust and understanding is the most important things we need in a relationship but nowadays it's difficult to find or understand. Only Inaya knew what she was feeling, the inner turmoil she had inside her, the silent storm that was inside her, trying to scream but couldn't just because what will others think? The inner turmoil was making her go anxious, she was feeling like giving up on her life.

"What are you thinking? Reyan, I want you to tell me what you're thinking" Sharik spoke while keeping his hand on reyan's shoulder, Reyan chuckled humourlessely.

"That sometimes love isn't enough, We think that love is the cure to every disease, a healer to every broken heart, everything we need but no it isn't. A relationship consist of faith, trust, understanding and then love but I couldn't build the trust and directly jumped on love, I feel like I missed all those factors" Reyan spoke feeling tired mentally, Sharik felt miserable. He wanted to do something but couldn't because he was tied in reyan's friendship.

"No reyan, you tried your best, you shouldn't think that you didn't do anything. You always tried your best but maybe Inaya's past is so bad that she doesn't seem to trust you, Why don't you try on building your trust? Why don't you-" Sharik spoke trying to advice him but reyan shook his head.

"Even though I build that trust but the last decision is going to be hers, Isn't it? I've tried my best till now but maybe-" Reyan was looking worn out and like he lost something precious he found after struggles.


"Maybe all this wasn't enough, I am not giving up on my love, My love will last forever but I won't try now. Maybe destiny isn't on our side, maybe our names aren't written together, maybe God has some others plans but I won't try now" Reyan spoke while gulping his tears, Sharik closed his eyes. The thing he was scared of happened, Reyan did lost all his charm and his own personality in love.

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