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Author's pov

Reyan entered in his penthouse while jumping like a hooligan, he was never this happier before. All he felt these years were loneliness, sadness and pain, pain of being alone in the world of 8 billion people. He always wanted someone to be with him and he wanted someone to love him just the way he love them, care for him and accept him wholely, including his flaws.

Yeahhh!! Finally, I won't be alone now. Reyan Sheikh will finally have someone to be with him, love and cherish him. Yayy! Today you're the luckiest men alive, I finally got the most beautiful person to call mine, she is mine and will be mine forever. If she doesn't love me, I'm going to pursue her till my last breath and won't be stopping until she says yes to me - Reyan shouted happily and then spoke to himself, He is falling for her more and more and there's no end, there's no going back now.

The time he was waiting has finally arrived, he was in love which is the most surprising thing for himself. He sat on the sofa staring into nothingness but his lips had a foolish smile, tears appeared in his eyes and he sighed. He couldn't contain his happiness today, he wanted someone to hear his endless blabberings about her. He has realised today that he was in love with Inaya.

Esa banda done krwao yar, jo love realisation hone pe ese react kare 🥺👍

"Ohh finally the prince came, Where were you, reyan? Whole day, I kept waiting for you, to spend my precious time with you but you being you did not even came here whole day, I can't beleive you're such a bad son" Mr faruk Sheikh (Reyan's father) mocked him coming out of his room, Reyan looked at him shockingly. His father never waited for him but kept him waiting from years, his father always behaved like reyan never existed.

"Uh Papa, I-I d-don't, I didn't knew that you were here. I mean you didn't came to the penthouse for two days so I thought to spend my day with Hussain family and then I went to meet my friend, I am sorry dad" Reyan apologized politely, His father clenched his jaw and his eyes had rage. His father had worst temper, sometimes when reyan used to cry in childhood, his father would get irritated and neglect him, sometimes he even got some slaps.

"What will I do with your damn sorry? Answer me you stupid, My four hours got wasted just because of you. I would've done some office work but no, I decided to spend some time with my son, how stupid of me, right? In these hours, I would've gone to farmhouse and-" His father's voice boomed in the hall, Reyan rolled his eyes internally.

"Farmhouse? Which farmhouse?" Reyan asked in anticipation, his father cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at him.

"Nothing, don't try to avoid the topic, Understood? I even called ahad and he told me that you went somewhere to meet your friends. Who were your oh-so important friend that you decided to ignore and neglect your father?" His father's voice was started to irritate him now, Anger bubbled in reyan when he talked about neglection.

"Please papa, I did not had a bad motive, Please stop exaggerating this thing now. I got busy today with my friend that doesn't mean you'll make a scene out of this now, Please stop doing this everytime. I am a grown up men and I can definitely do whatever I want" Reyan spoke as politely as he can, His father's anger reached to a peak and he raised his hand to slap him but stopped.

"Papa" Reyan shouted, tears were evident in his eyes and he was trying hard not to break down. His father was talking about waiting and neglection, when he was always the one to ignore reyan. His father was one hypocrite men.

"R-reyan, I didn't me-mean to. I uh-" His father stuttered, even though there wasn't an ounce of guilt or regret evident in his eyes but still he seemed to get scared, but why?

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