Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf

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(Based on a idea someone gave for a doctor who christmas special on tiktok with the idea of using the elves on the shelves so here is the fanfic)

It was coming up to christmas and all the christmas decorations were up on almost everyone house or apartment, christmas light, little christmas trees, inflatable characters on people's lawns, inside were chrstmas trees with lights, ball-ball, characters looking christmassy, tinsel and christmas items hanging on the trees with a star or angle on the top, chrstmas stickers on the windows and mirrors, advent calanders for the kids and parents and even special ones for the cats, dogs and small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs, everything was quiet in the houses as the adults and children were fast asleep when suddenly out of nowhere, a stange small elf appeared on everyone fireplace, the elf had blue eyes, brown hair and was wearing a red hat with a white brim around the bottom, a red body suit with a white collar, red ans white stripy legging and big green shoes, some of the elves weren't just wearing red, some had blue, some had pink, some had green, some had purple and some were even different skin tones, the elves sit there for a moment then they jump off the shelf, look around then smile evily and mischievously getting ready to do a 'prank', one elf runs off to the kitchen to find the flour and when it does, it spreads the flour all over the living room and the kitchen floor, when it was done, it cleaned itself off and went back onto the top of the fireplace like it never moved.
the next morning, loads of parents went downstairs to see the flour mess on the floor and their were shocked on who could of done it, they suddenly get a angry feeling to blame it in the kids and/or their pets so they go upstairs and blame it on their kids or the pets if they don't have kids with the kids beg and pleased with the parent it wasn't them but they weren't buying it thinking the kid was lying while the pets were either smacked, yelled at or locked up either outside or in the back garden, the parent then would either post the mess then the kid on facebook or twitter or do a video about it for tiktok or youtube, the kids felt defenceless and feeling humiliated that they parent would do that to them when they didn't do anything while the pets felt sad not sure why their favourite person had suddenly yelled at them, smacked or kicked them outside and the kids were all grounded for doing nothing but they all do notice the elf on the shelf which they know they haven't seen before and they get suspicious.
at the beach house and emily was asleep with mima asleep next to her when she suddenly wakes up to a sense that something was wrong, she gets out of bed closely not to wake up mima and when she successfully does it, she flies downstairs to see the whole floor covered in flour
"wha-who did dis?!" emily says confused as she opens her paws out to point at the floor
"who did what?" the doctor says as he walks downstairs then he notice the floured floor "oh, that" he says looking shocked and confused
"reah, someone or something has put flour all over da floor and it wasn't me! i don't know why i would do it if it was me" emily says dramatically then calmly looking confused
the doctor looks around at the floor then he notice something near the kitchen and he runs over to it with emily fly following behind him
"there seems to be little footprints on the floor here" the doctor says as he points to very little boot marks on the carpet
"hmm...very strange" emily says also looking at the boot marks then looks around "...wait! i don't remember that widdle elf being dere before" she says pointing to the shelf ontop of the fireplace
the doctor looks over at the fireplace where emily was pointing and there ontop og the fireplace like emily said was a little smiling elf, the doctor goes over to the elf with emily following him and he takes the elf off the fireplace shelf to look at it
"hmm...i don't remember seeing this elf here either and i was the one do decorated this fireplace area while your dads were busy decorating the tree" the doctor says to emily as he examines the elf then looks over at the tree with emily looking at it too
"dis is very strange, i can guess dat it was dis elf dat did dis but why?" emily says thinking and looking confused then she looks at the elf in the doctor's hand "it does look a little creepy" she adds looking worried at the elf
suddenly the phone that the doctor has in his pocket and he picks it up to see it was donna calling him so he answers it
"hi donna! what's the matter?" the doctor says happily then he hears donna sounding confused on the other end of the phone
"have you heard?" donna asks and the doctor looks at emily confused
"heard what?" the doctor asks donna looking confused
"a lot of kids are being grounded for pouring flour in the floor all over downstairs while people are just throwing their pets outside in the cold and i don't think it was them who did it" donna explains and the doctor and emily look worried
"so everyone has a elf in deir house dat is making kid get punished for deir actions" emily mumbling but the doctor could hear her too and he nods agreeing with her
"has it happened to your house?" the doctor asks and he hears a disappointed hum on the phone
"yes, it's happened to me and my mum tries to blame rosie for it but i stopped her saying that she wouldn't do it as she that type of girl to do pranks and that got her to calm down" donna explains and the doctor nods looking serious
"listen, donna, on top of a fireplace of any type of shelf, there should be an elf on the top of it, we think that is what causes all the flour to be on the floor" the doctor explains and donna goes quiet for a moment
"yep, there is this weird elf in a pink outfit sitting on top of the shelf by the hallway door, i know we didn't put this up so why is it here?" donna says as she was looking at the elf she was holding then back at the phone confused
"we dont know why it appeared either, we know we didn't have this elf before so someone must of placed them here in everyone's houses then make them causes chaos and in the morning, let the parents see it then blame it on the kids or pets" the doctor explains to the phone looking serious and emily nods agreeing with him
"hey, what's happened here" sebastian says calmly as he stops beside emily after he came downstairs from waking up
"dis elf appeared out of nowhere, grabbed the flour bag from da cupboard in da kitchen den threw it all over da floor and now it turns out dat everyone has an elf in deir homes dat did da exact same ting" emily explains calmly as she points to the elf, then the floor and then to the phone the doctor was holding
"...okay, i'll go get the vacuum" sebastian says still calmly and he walks off to the kitchen looking a bit tired
emily watches sebastian go to the kitchen and when he left, she couldn't help but giggle at how calm sebastian was during the explanation
"that does sound weird, do you think they are from some ailens trying to take over?" donna says from the phone and the doctor hums thinking about it
"i don't know but i will have to take this elf to the TARDIS to see where it came from before the elves do more anymore damage" the doctor says seriously and donna goes quiet for a second
"what about lily? who's going to look after her while you are gone?" donna asks and emily looks confused what she meant
"my parents, duh, did you forget they live 'ere too?" emily says looking confused and donna laughs a little
"oh yeah, i did kinda forget about them" donna says sounding a little guilty
"anyway, we go into the TARDIS now and figure this out so we can tell you later what happened, okay?" the doctor says and he hears donna hum on the other end of the line
"ok, talk later" donna says happily and she hangs up
the doctor puts his phone away after donna hangs up and he with emily go to the TARDIS, as the doctor goes into his room, emily was about to follow him but she stops when she sees tom come out the room and then she hears sebastian starting to hoover downstairs
"why is your dad hoovering at this time in the morning?" tom asks emily and emily signs then explains what happened
"so now we are goin' to figure out where dese elves came from and save da world! again..." emily says happily and she smiles with her tongue sticking out
"that's nice, i'll go help tour father clean and we will look after lily and mima while you two are gone" tom says calmly and happily and emily grin smiles
"thanks dad, we can talk about how to repay you and daddy when we get back" emily says happily and she goes into the doctor's room to go into the TARDIS after waving at tom
tom shakes his head amused with his fists in his hips then he goes downstairs to help sebastian clean the house, in the TARDIS and the doctor was looking at the screen while the elf was strapped up to a device while emily who had just entered the TARDIS goes over to him looking at the elf then at the doctor curiously
"got anythin'?" emily asks curiously as she looks at the doctor after going next to him
" seems...that the elves are from...the north pole?" the doctor says as he looks at the screen then stands back looking confused when he sees the result
"the north pole? like, da same place peeps claim santa is from?" emily says confused with a head tilt and the doctor nods looking confused
"yes, the same place...why did they come from there?" the doctor says then asks a little confused
"i dunno, let's go find out!" emily says curiously then happily as she looks at the doctor smiling at him with her tongue sticking out a little
the doctor looks at emily then grins his little boy grin before pulling a lever on the TARDIS console, the TARIDS leaves the doctor's bedroom then it heads off to the north pole, when the TARDIS get to the north pole, doctor step out of the TARDIS with emily on his shoulder and see there was a strange big and festive shack in front of them while next to the TARDIS was a stripy pole with a ball on the top looking like a bell to signal the north pole
"it strange seeing dis cuz i remember rebel sayin' that santa isn't real" emily says as she looks at the shack then at the doctor confused
"oh, don't listen to him, he was in a bad mood because he was confused" the doctor says waving his hand looking immature
"oh, otay!" emily says happily looking at the doctor then she looks at the shack "wait! what happened here?!" she adds seeing there was blood all over the bottom of the front door
there was blood all over the front of the house and emily start to feel worried as her ears droop, the doctor looked worried to but his curiousity took the best of him and he slowly enters the house by slowly opening the unlocked door
"hello? anyone here?" the doctor yells out to the dark empty house
"it very dark" emily whispers looking scared and worried as she has a fear of the dark
the pair look around and there was blood everywhere like what you see in viscera cleanup detail in that santa's workshop level, the doctor walks slowly hoping that the thing that attacked everyone in the shack wasn't still here while emily was looking around at the blood stains, suddenly emil senses something as her perks up making her ears go really straight then she starts snarling but not growling as she could sense something was here, the doctor could see emily snarling with the corner of his left eye and he know it wasn't a good sign, a stomping and a eating noise was then heard in the big room of the shack and the doctor goes over to the wall to hide and then he pokes his head around to see what was in the room, he looks around the room first not seeing anything but then he sees something in the right corner of the room and it was this really tall back furred creature, the creature had legs of a horse, body of a man, a tail of a cow, head of a devil with long goat like horns on its head, pointy devil like ears and it was eating something with its really long inhuman tongue
"what. is. that?!" the doctor whispers looking a little scared yet intrigued
"umm...i dunno as i can't see it but i know i don't like it" emily replies whispering as she was still sitting on the doctor's left shoulder and he takes emily off his shoulder to look in the room "*quiet gasp* dat da krampus!" she whispers in shock and the doctor pulls emily away and they went down the hall so the krampus doesn't hear them
"what's a krampus?" the doctor looking confused and emily looks at him confused
"you dunno? i thought you would" emily says confused and the doctor just shrugs looking lost "otay, the krampus which is dat ting over dere is from what i read while being away from you, a evil version of santa, da story goes dat da krampus steals da 'naughty' kids every early december to either eat dem or to abuse dem with branches and sticks for deir naughty behaviour, da problem is now is dat due to da parents abusing dem or bullying dem which is turn are making da kids 'bad', da kids are really...just kids at da end of da day with da mean bullying slash abusive behaviour dat dey were taught by deir parents, so now, i tink da krampus didn't like da idea of dere being no 'bad' kids" she explains quietly and the doctor lights up realising what was going on
"it's attacked where santa lives and eaten all the elves, then it mades those little elves so kids can be blamed for bad behaviour from the elves making them bad so then he can take them away!" the doctor whispers a little too excited as he got a little but loud and emily covers his mouth with his paw looking worried at him
thr doctor realises what he did as his eyes go wide and then the pair stay quiet listening for the krampus, it was first quiet which meant the krampus had stopped eating but the hoof clomps were being heard and both emily and the doctor freak out, they go into a room that was near them and quickly yet quietly shut the door but the doctor then open it a little to spy on the krampus, the krampus was in the hallway where the doctor and emily were and it was looking around, the doctor now sees the krampus from the front and it was really creepy and ugly with blood around its mouth and teeth, the krampus was looking around and using its long nose to smell around but then it goes back into the room where it was before, the doctor shuts the door quietly then when the door was shut, he and emily sigh in relief also not realising they were holding their breath in
"dat was close" emily says releived as she flies next to the doctor
"yeah, too close" the doctor adds also releived to get away from the krampus
emily looks around the room when she calms down and sees that her and the doctor were in santa's office, with the desk in the middle of the room, bags of presents to the right, a fire place to the left with loads of pictures around and a table with sugary treats, food and kettle with a empty mug by the kettle, the doctor was now also looking around and he heads over to the desk to look around to see if he could find something
"what looking for?" emily asks curiously as she went over to the doctor
"to see if this is actually what i think this place is" the doctor replies as he looks up at emily briefly and he opens one of the desk draws
inside the draw was a photo and the doctor takes the photo out, he looks at the photo then smiles as emily looks at him confused and she went to look at the photo too, on the photo was santa and he was with eleven having a selfie together
"dude also met santa!?" emily says as she points to the photo and the doctor nods happily
"yep! it was during your healing sleep from after you saved me" the doctor says remembering the event and where was during the time "he got lost one night at christmas due to a snowstorm so i used my TARDIS to help him out, to thank for helping him out, he gave me a present and we had this picture together" he adds happily and emily giggles a little
"aww! i wish i was dere to see dat, i would of liked it" emily says happily and the doctor smiles at he looks between the picture and emily "speaking of santa, where is he?" she says getting back on topic as she looks around the empty room
"i don't know and that's not a good sign" the doctor says worried and emily looks worried too with her ears drooping
suddenly, loud hoof steps were heard outside the door from the krampus and the pair look at each other worried, the doctor sneaks over to the door and he opens it slowly to spy outside the door, he doesn't see anything at first but then without warning, the krampus looks though the gap in the door with its big goat like eyes, the doctor freaks out as he slams the door and goes over to emily who looked scared
"he's outside the door!" the doctor says panicked and he grabs emily holding her close
suddenly the door bursts open as the krampus kicked it down with its legs and it then comes in the room by ducking down as the door frame was too small for him to fit though, emily starts growling and snarling aggressively with some hissing and then she jumps out of the doctor's arms to protect him, she makes electricity come off her and after she gives a hiss a dog would be scared of, she fires a electric bolt at the krampus hitting him in the chest and the black furred beast stumbles back from the pain of the electricity, the doctor took his chance as the krampus was stumbling and he grabs emily going over to the window in the room, he jumps out the window after opening and he head to the TARDIS where it's the safest, he runs to the TARDIS and he almost gets there until the krampus suddenly appears in front of him standing between the doctor still holding emily and the TARDIS
"umm...can we talk about this?" the doctor says worried and looking scared and the krampus just snarls and huffs like a bull "yeah, i thought not" he adds looking sad but still scared while emily hisses again and then he turns around to run to the shack
the doctor with emily gets inside the shack with the krampus chasing after him and he ends up going though a big door at the end of the big room where the krampus was before, he then slams the door and after putting emily down, he puts a lot of random heavy stuff by the door so the krampus wouldn't break the door down, the krampus was banging on the door to be let in but after the doctor puts a big and heavy plank of wood on the door, he sighs in relief leaning on the stuff he put by the door knowing the krampus wouldn't be able to get in
"friend, look!" emily says after seeing the doctor was done and the doctor looks around the big room which turns out to be a big warehouse sized workshop "dis must be da place da elves and santa make all da kids toys" she adds looking shocked by the workshop
"it must be...come on, let's see if we can someone here to tell us how to stop that krampus and if we can get rid of those creepy elves" the doctor says calmly yet happily and emily nods happily as she goes onto the doctor's shoulder
the pair start looking around and they see that there were loads of unfinished toys sitting on short desks made for elves, there were unstuffed soft toys, unfinished electronic toys which looked low key creepy, unfinished bikes, tricycles, scooters and roller skates, unfinished dolls, unpainted building blocked and many other stuff, the pair keep looking around but nobody could be found and it wasn't untill emily heard heard what sounded like a muffled sneeze from to her left, she flies over to where the sneeze came from which was a waldrobe to the back right side of the workshop warehouse with the doctor following her and when she opens the door, she sees about 6 elves being 3 guys and 3 girls with a tied up santa, the doctor sees them too and he lights up when he sees santa
"santa! it's nice to see you again!" the doctor says happily see santa again after so long as he went to help untie him "it's me, the doctor!" he adds after untying santa
"doctor! it has been quite a while and it seems you've changed your face" santa says happily as the doctor was helping him up
"yeah, i got this face back again after 14 years but i don't mind, there is now also another me roaming around as i had a bi-regeneration but you'll be able to tell us apart" the doctor explains and emily nods happily agreeing with the separate doctors
"reah, da other guy is coloured with no pants on, i tink he's also scottish but i can't hear da accent like what i heared with rebel" emily adds happily going in the doctor's shoulder as santa with his remaining elves step out of the waldrobe cautiously
"and emily, it's nice to finally meet you, the doctor told me about you when we met for the first time" santa says looking at emily and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"i knew he would as friend told me before but it's nice to know dude still thought of me when i wasn't with him for a while" emily says happily still smiling with her tongue out and her eyes closed
"i-is he gone?" one male elf says shaking like a vibrating toothbrush as he looks around paranoid
"who? the krampus? he's not in here as i locked him outside the warehouse with loads of stuff blocking the door" the doctor says as he points over to the door which is still baracaded shut
"dat baracade should keep dat krampus guy out for a while but it depends on how strong he is" emily says seriously as she also looks at the door "anyway, what doing in waldrobe tired up?" she says changing the subject as she looks at santa
"the krampus caught me, tied me up and threw me in there while he made my elves make these weird things called 'mini elves' whatever they are" santa explains worried and both the doctor and emily look at each other worried
the doctor and emily explain to santa the little elves that appeared in everyone's homes to cause chaos them the adults blame the kids for the mini elves chaos and this made santa shocked and appalled on what the krampus did, emily then explains her theory on why and santa nods agreeing with her as he looked serious
"yes, this sound very bad...but luckily, i have an idea!" santa says seriously then smirking with a plan "follow me, all of you" he adds and he starts walking
the elves follow santa like a loyal dog while emily and the doctor look a bit curious on what santa had planned before the doctor follows the elves and santa, they end up at the very top of the warehouse using a lift where there was a catwalk and the group walk on the cat walk while emily and the doctor look down at the big place from above
"here we are, my control station!" santa says happily while stretching his arms out and what he shows off was a giant computer with many buttons which was more then a keyboard "with this, i can see what was made and erased it permanently" he adds as he boots up the computer
after the computer was fully on and santa puts in the password to his account, he clicks on a icon on the home screen called 'the present databank' and when it opens, there was a big list of all the presents that were made this year, there were also files for all the previous years from 2022 to all the way back to the 1700, santa saw in the present list that there was over 7.8 billion mini elves made within the last day or 2 and he wasn't happy
"now, with this software, not only can it record the things that are made in the warehouse workshop but it can also delete things too so, if i click this then this and then boom! they're all gone" santa spexplains happily as he clicks on the mini elf icon then the delete button
suddenly around the world, all the mini elves that were sitting on either fireplaces and shelves suddenly vanish the same way they appeared and the parents suddenly don't feel like the kids did anything wrong anymore as they don't remember what happened, emily and the doctor grin happily seeing that all the mini elves were now gone but their happiness was short lived as the door the krampus was behind was banging badly, suddenly the items that were blocking the door move out of the way and the plank snaps in two as the krampus keeps banging, the krampus was soon though the door and he roars a scary roar which scare the 6 elves as they go behind santa
"santa! what do we do?!" one of the girl elf says scared as she looks up at santa
the krampus looks up at the catwalk and he starts to climb the catwalk using parkour like a person mixed with a mountain goat, he then gets to the top of the cat walk where santa and the elves were and he was about to attack then as he makes himself big with his hands out with his sharp pointy claws showing when suddenly he was tackled to the ground by emily who was biting his arm hard, she also was making electricity come off her teeth so the bite had some electric behind it and it was hurt the krampus, emily was hissing, snarling and growling as she bit the krampus as well as scratch him and santa with the elves took their chance to run off to find safety while the doctor stayed behind finding something to help keep the krampus behind, he looks at the computer and he bolts over to it starting to type something into the computer while the krampus was trying and failing to get emily off him while she attacked him with her teeth, claws and electricity
"come on, come on! there! got it!" the doctor says inpaciently then smiles when the computer does what he wanted it to do
emily was still attacking the krampus as she keeps biting him around his arms with electricity causing ti have a shock as well as a bite and scratching his face when the krampus swings his arm hard making emily fling off his arm, she was about to hit the pole that was holding up the catwalk but thanks to her wings being used as breaks, she stopped herself hitting it and she flies in the air as she bolts back towards the krampus, the krampus tries to grab emily but she stops herself before he could reach her and she does a electric bolt at the krampus which hits him on the chest, the krampus steps back in pain as emily's electricity keeps hitting him then when she stops, the krampus somewhat recovers and he was about to attack emily but then he was suddenly blinded by a bright light, the bright light was from the doctor using a very big torch he made with the application he found on the computer called 'the present maker' which makes a present according to the description which is put in a text box and then the present appears from a door at the side of the computer like a printer, the krampus was blinded and in his blind state, emily shoves the krampus off the krampus off the catwalk which makes him fall then he splats onto the hard floor at the bottom but it wasn't shown instead the splat was heard as the doctor and emily look down in cringe
"oh! dats gotta hurt" emily says as she looks at the doctor still cringing
"yeah but not as bad as madam foster" the doctor replies as he looks at emily and she nods agreeing with him
"doctor! emily! thank goodness you two are okay!" santa says happily as he jogs over to the doctor and emily with his elves behind him
"yeah but i don't think he is" emily says having a unamused poker face then she glances down at the krampus
suddenly the doctor's phone starts ringing and he takes it out of his coat pocket to see it was donna so he answers the call
"hi donna!" the doctor says happily after he answers the call
"doctor, the mini elves are gone! what did you do to get rid of them?" donna says then asks sounding curious yet worried about the doctor  and the doctor smiles softly
"yes and don't worry, we're fine and i got some help to get rid of then, we also found out who made them in the first place" the doctor says then explains calmly and donna sighs in relief
"oh good, you can tell me what happened when you get back as i want to see you in person but i'm curious, who did you get to help you?" donna says in relief then asks curiously and the doctor grin smiles as he looks at santa
"well *giggles* your are not going to believe me when i tell you was santa clause!" the doctor says happily and when he giggles, emily giggles too
"what! no! santa isn't real! is he?!" donna says shocked and surprised by what she heard
"he is real, i can see him standing right in front of me" the doctor says happily and he points to santa
"reah, he's right dere! i see him too!" emily adds looking between the doctor and santa
"helllo donna, i hope you, your husband shawn and rosie are doing well!" santa says happily as the doctor points the phone at him as he wanted to speak
"*gasp* oh my god! santa's real! know, it's like that time you told me that charles dickins was really haunted by ghosts" donna says shocked and emily giggle a little remembering it "and i'm still sad there is still no noddy" she adds and both the doctor and emily laugh "anyway, i gotta go, come see me later to tell me what happened, bai!" she says and she hangs up the phone
"i see that donna is still as sassy as ever" santa says happily as the doctor put his phone away in his pocket
"yep and that's one of the many reasons why i love her" the doctor says happily with his boyish smile and emily smiles at the doctor
"thank you doctor and emily for saving me, if you haven't arrived, i would of probably be in serious danger" santa says happily as he hugs the doctor who happily hugs back
"aww! it's nothing really, just came originally to sort out this mini elf problem then it turned into this whole thing" the doctor explains happily after the hug and he rubs his ear out of habit
"reah, if we didn't sort out dose mini elves, many kids would be blamed for tings da mini elves caused and den dat krampus would of stolen all da kids to eat dem! even my and friend's daughters and we didn't want dat to happen, did we friend?" emily explains dramatically then looking at the doctor and he nods agreeing with her
"well, the mini elves are gone now and everything is right again...well, almost, i did lose a lot of elves during this and these 6 are all i have left" santa says and he looked sad most of his elves were gone
"i hope the reindeer are okay" one of the girl elves say looking worried as she looks up at santa
"yeah and i also hope the baby elves are okay too" another girl else says looking concerned as she looks at the worried elf then at santa
"we better go check on them to see if they are okay" santa says and he goes off with the elves leaving the doctor and emily
"do we go too or-?!" emily says then she notice something bad "he's gone! da krampus is gone! where did he go?!" she says in panic as she looks at the doctor again
the krampus's body wasn't where it was 10 mintues ago and he was now gone with nothing but a pile of blood where he was
"oh no! let's go!" the doctor says seriously and he starts running with emily in his shoulder
they head to the lift but when they get there, the lift was at the bottom and when the doctor pushes the button to get the lift up, it was taking a while so emily had to fly down to where santa with his were leaving the doctor to wait for the lift, santa with the elves went into the stables where all 9 reindeer were and all the reindeer were still safe and happy to see santa as they was their stubby tails, then they start freaking out after standing still for a few seconds sensing something and they try to jump out of their stalls but failing
"what wrong, reindeer?" santa says as he goes over to ruldoph's stall
what santa and the elves who were trying to settle down the other reindeer didn't notice was that the krampus was sneaking up behind them, the reindeer yelp in panic trying to warn santa and the elves but they thought they were having a panic attack, suddenly emily appears and using parkout as she jumps off the walls to push the krampus from the chest down to the ground
"stay. down!" emily snarls as she stands ontop of the krampus
santa and the elves finally notice and the elves bolt out the room heading to the baby room leaving emily with santa
"emily!" santa says stressed as he sees emily ontop of the krampus
emily uses her electricity on the krampus and as she was now mad that the krampus was back, the electricity now a lot stronger then before being at higher volts, the krampus was getting shocked badly and emily's eyes were having a tint of red to the blue, she then stops realising that her rage was getting to her and she scratches the krampus on the face before flying up
"i-i tink, i did enough...but i'm not sure" emily says to herself looking annoyed and then she runs her face to help her calm down
the krampus was on the floor and he wasn't really moving that much, he suddenly gets red eyes from his yellow eyes and he stands up instantly looking real mad
"emily! look out!" santa calls out and emily lights up and turns about to the krampus
she was suddenly hit with the krampus's arm and she flew across the room with her wings trying to slow her down but even with the wings flapping, the wings weren't helping her slow down, she then hits the back wall and she falls to the ground with some thuds, she then tries to get up but a shock of pain hits her like a slap and she lies on the ground in pain
"emily!" santa says panicking and he turns around to the krampus who was looking at his snarling like a beast
the krampus was slowly walking towards the santa and santa was slowly backing up full of fear and stress, he then hits the wall and looks back at the krampus as he steps close to santa, he was raising his hand about to scratch santa when he was stop by a voice
"oi, big goat man! over here!" the doctor says at the door and the krampus turns around to look at the doctor with fury in his eyes
the doctor has something in his hands which looked like a ray gun and when he turns it on by a switch on the side, a vortex comes out of the ray gun and heads to the krampus, the krampus tries for some reason fight the vortex but then he disappears while santa moves to the side to stand out of the way, when the krampus was gone, the doctor went over to emily and picked her up to check if she was okay
"friend, w-where did you get dat ray gun from? and where did you send da krampus?" emily asks as she recovers after the doctor picks her up
"i grabbed it from the TARDIS while you were attacking the krampus and i sent him somewhere where he won't harm anyone ever again" the doctor says happily at first then seriously as he looks up with a serious expession
the krampus reappears on a planet but the worst thing about this planet was there was nobody on this planet as it was to dense to live on so the krampus roars as he was stuck on a planet very far away from earth never to be seen again, back with the doctor and emily sighs in relief hearing that the krampus was gone and santa looked happy too
"thank you doctor, i wish i could repay you but i know you don't work like that" santa says happily and the doctor nods and smiles at santa "do you want a cup of tea before you go?" he asks and the doctor smiles and give a little nod
"sure as i just realise i haven't had anything to drink or eat as i was so focused on this whole thing" the doctor says happily and santa smiles as the trio leave the stables
they go into santa's cottage which was by the shack and the trio have something to eat with the doctor having a cup of tea, emily having a hot chocolate and santa having a bailey drink, the trio talked for a while even after they had their food and drink and soon, it was time for the doctor and emily to leave as they stood in front of the TARDIS
"thank you again, you two for helping me and saving christmas, i know you didn't want to be repayed but please take these and open them on christmas day" santa says and he hold up 4 presents "ones for you, doctor, one is for you, emily and the other 2 are for mima and lily" he says happily as he points to each present
"thanks santa, you if you need us for anything, we are just a call away, it was nice meeting you again" the doctor says calmly and happily and he gives a little wave
the doctor and emily then step into the TARDIS and the TARDIS leaves slowly as santa with the elves wave the TARDIS away, in the TARDIS and emily was looking at the presents confused while the doctor was at the console setting the destination back to home
"i wonder what he's givin' us?" emily asks the doctor as she looks at the present then at the doctor confused
"i dunno, we have to wait till christmas day to open them...i just realise i've never had a christmas present before as all our adventures involve a incident being on chrstmas day" the doctor says and then realises as he stands still looking distant
"you also haven't settled down at chrstmas day since 2005 when you got dat face for da first tiem with rose, jackie and mickey" emily says as she flies over to the doctor "so dis will be da second time in your life you can relax on christmas day without a ailen race controlling people with killer christmas trees and robot santas, a bride coming into da TARDIS with a red spider trying to take over da world with killer bomb ball balls and with robot santas again, a space titanic trying to crush into earth and your boyfriend trying to take over earth by making everyone a version of himself" she explains happily listing of all the adventures the pair had back in the late 2000s
"...yeah, it's will be nice to finally settle down after loads of adventures at christmas" the doctor says happily smiling at emily
emily smiles back and the TARDIS lands back in the doctor's bedroom again, the doctor and emily step out of the TARDIS and emily goes to takes the presents to the christmas tree while the doctor watches her go before he goes over to lily who was happy wiggling on the doctor's bed happy to see her dad again, emily had a bit of a hard time putting the presents under the tress as she still has some post traumatic fear from the killer christmas tree but after she manages to put the presents near the tree, she goes to check on mima who was with the doctor and lily on the doctor's bed getting attention form the doctor with lily then she finds tom and sebastian who were outside on some deck chairs enjoying the warm sun while it was still in the sky, emily tells the pair what happened while the doctor takes lily and mima to go see donna using the TARDIS where when he gets to donna's, the pair sit down inside the living room and have a big chat with the doctor telling donna the story on what happened while lily and mima were being entertained by rosie who was playing with some toys from her room
"so that what happened" the doctor says finishing the story on the adventure he just had
"i still can't believe santa is actually real, i though he was just something coco cola made up then was made for kids to look up to waiting for christmas" donna says before she takes a sip of her tea
"i've heard about that but no, santa has been real but he's been having a hard time delivering presents lately as a lot of kids these days are been told eariler and eariler in their age that santa isn't real and it's been the parents wrapping up their presents" the doctor explains and donna looked a little guilty as she kinda told rosie when she was 13 that santa wasn't real
"so, if santa is real, why hasn't there be any photo evidence or videos of people catching him on the night of christmas eve?" rosie says as she looks up at the doctor and donna with a confused look
"simple really, he's really stealthy and kids that see him are too stunned to think about using their parent's phone or really think about anything as santa has this aura around him that makes kids thoughtless when they see him, then they forget they saw him when he leaves" the doctor explains and rosie nods accepting the explanation
"okay, that makes a way" rosie says with a shrug then she goes back to playing with lily and mima
"so, is there any other 'real' thing that were considered fantasy that i should know about, like, was jesus really real? or is the easter bunny real? or did scrooge really have 3 ghosts visit him?" donna says curiously wanting to know if anything else was real
"well umm...jesus was real, i saw him born at the barn as i took the last room of the hotel mary and joseph tried to book into...the easter bunny isn't real, scrooge was real and he was really haunted by 3 ghosts with my help as jacob and i met a week before he passed and he told me on christmas eve before he died to help make scrooge realise that he was a grumpy narcissist" the doctor explains and donna was watching him really interested
donna and the doctor keep talking about things that were real and things that weren't real and with rosie pitching in now and again, the conversation felt like it was lasting forever but soon the doctor did leave with mima and lily and before he did, donna gave him a present as she always wanted to give him a present, he thanks donna for the present and goes back home where he puts his present ontop of his present from santa, a few weeks later and it was now christmas day, everyone was happily opening their presents and the kids were smiling happily seeing they got what they asked santa for, at emily and the doctor's house and emily, the doctor, mima, lily, tom and sebastian were opening their presents, the doctor and emily were saving their presents from santa till last as they wanted to open all the other present first, when the doctor gets to the present from donna, he opens the present and sees it was a stopwatch, he looks at it a little confused and when he opens it, he sees on the left side was a picture of him, donna, emily and wilfred which made the doctor start to tear up, he then notice a note in the present box the watch was in so he picks it up starting to read it
'this use to be grandad's watch that he took around with him all of the time when i was younger, he then put it away so it wouldn't break but now he's gone, i thought you could have it and i put a picture of us together so you can remind yourself on how brilliant of a man grandad was, donna xxx' the note reads and this makes the doctor tear up more
"friend! are you otay?" emily says concerned as she goes over to the doctor with a concerned look
"y-yeah..." the doctor simply says sounding upset and he holds the pocket watch close to him
emily smiles at the doctor smiling sadly and then she goes back to her present she got from santa, she opens it and inside was looks to be a laser pointer in red with gold pink stripes, she looks at it confused but when she clicks the gold pink button on the side, it mades a similar noise to the sonic screwdriver which makes emily gasps when she realises
"i got a laser pointer sonic screwdriver! yay!" emily says happily as she looks at her screwdriver then at the doctor
the doctor smiles sadly at emily as he watches emily put the laser pointer sonic screwdriver in her backpack, he puts the pocket watch on the coffee table next to him then he grabs his present from santa after he calms down from almost crying, he then opens the present and see inside was a outfit which makes him confused, he then realises as he holds it up that it was a new outfit to replace the one that was  taken from him by the pantless doctor, he smiles a little and he runs off to go try it on leaving emily to look confused as she watches the doctor leave as she didn't see what he got, she then opens mima's present from santa hyping mima up as she did and inside the present was a cerise pink collar with a creamy pink bow on the front
"look mima, you got a collar!" emily says happily and she clips the collar onto mima's neck "aww! you look adorable and pretty!" she says happily after she clips the collar on and stands back to look what mima looks like in the collar
mima wags her tail happily hearing how adorable she was in the collar and she shows it off to lily who claps happily as mima shows the collar off
"she does look very pretty in that collar" tom says happily from the sofa and sebastian nods agreeing with him
"and very cute" sebastian adds and mima smiles happily hearing how cute she was
emily then grabs lily's present and was about to open it when she hears the doctor coming down the stairs, she looks over with lily, mima, tom and sebastian also looking over and when the doctor comes into the living room, he was showing off his new outfit and emily gasps happily, his new outfit was a mix of his previous outfit before the pantless doctor took the other half of his outfit and his tenth doctor outfit, the long coat was a coffee brown with a checkered light brown suit with matching trousers, he had a tie that looked like his old waist coat with a white shirt underneath, the trousers and the long coat had pockets and the suit coat had a pocket which the doctor put the pocket watch donna gave him in and his shoes were new white conver shoes
"what do you think?" the doctor asks as he shows off his new outfit
"yes! you look fabulous! love it! tenths tenths! if i was you, i would wear it all da time except for bedtime as i like to wear pyjamas" emily says happily as she claps with her paws which don't make a sound due to the fur and pads
"i did also get some pyjamas with the outfit which are white with blue stripes as well as blue slippers" the doctor explains and emily nods happily then smiles with her tongue sticking out
"good! anyway, you wanna see what lily got from santa?" emily says happily then changes the subject as she points to lily with the present in front of her
"yeah, let's see what she's got!" the doctor says as he sits down where he was before
emily hoes over to lily and she 'helps' lily open her present to which she opens it, inside the present was baby things like dummies, baby toys, bibs and a cute dresss, there were 2 dresses with dress being pink and purple with a picture of a butterfly on the chest while the other was christmas themed with red with white fur on the sleeves and bottom of the dress, a band with a bow for her head and the back of the dress had a white with red spots bow.
"dese dresses look cute! i bet she'll look cute in dis one as it's christmas!" emily says happily as she shows the doctor the christmas dress
the doctor nods agreeing with her and emily smiles as she looks at the dress, lily and mima were looking at the baby toys emily has put in front of the pair with the dummies and the bibs, lily picks up a rattle and starts rattling it happily and mima picks up a soft toys of a beiges small rabbit and starts playing it with by shaking it and chewing it, luckily there was another small rabbit in brown so emily guessed that one rabbit was for mima and the other was for lily
"emily, after you get lily washed, can you put the christmas dress on because donna has asked us to go over to her so we can have christmas dinner" the doctor says to emily as he looks up from his phone
"otay! come on you two, let's get you squeaky clean and dressed up for christmas!" emily says happily first to the doctor then to lily and mima
the pair smile and clap happily and emily carries the pair up to the bathroom in her room, she gives the pair a good clean and then dressed lily up in the christmas dress with the hairband being the last thing she puts on, after she was done, she goes to the doctor who was making sure his suit was on right and they all head off to donna's house where they have christmas dinner with table present hand outs and more presents to give out, it was a lovely event and everyone was enjoying having a the best christmas, meanwhile at a town and the ex prime minister master who was in a disguise so he wouldn't get spotted even though nobody was around was walking around looking at the empty street as everyone was home for chrstmas, he was trying to figure out where the doctor was living now so he can go see him and he was a little confused where to start, he then gets slapped with a newspaper and he takes it off his face to look at it
'breaking news! a blue box has been spotted around london and a man with spiky hair with a ginger cat on his shoulder and a ginger hair woman has been spotted coming out the box' the news paper headline says and the pictures show the doctor, emily and donna coming out of the TARDIS
the master smiles as he recognises the place and he runs off to go to that location leaving the newspaper that blew in his face on the floor.
To Be Continued...

Stories of Emily the Electric CatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang