Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51

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(inspiration from the doctor who dreamland cartoon that was released in 2009 with reference to the doctor who movie, also taking base from the SCP games and i also want to point out again you didn't read the story discription in the info page that rosie is not trans in my version, instead she is a very tomboyish girl who is a geek for anime, watches all amine with her friends, loves dressing up in cosplay male or female and donna taking her and her friend to conventions once a year for her birthday, is a bit of a gossip girl who loves drama and is sassy like her mother)

It was now january and the doctor with emily, her dads, donna and her family had a nice new years, they all went to donna's house where they all brought the year in she then the doctor, emily and her dads slept over at donna's house as donna insisted that they slept at her house even though the doctor or emily wasn't drunk, it was now the first weekend of 2024 and the doctor was playing with lily on his bed which lily was giggling happily about while mima who was next to lily was also enjoying the playing as she shook her toy happily when she got excited, suddenly the doctor's phone which was sitting on the desk starts ringing which snaps the doctor out of his playing with lily and he goes over to his phone, he sees that it was rosie calling him and he smiles at his phone then answers the call
"hi rosie! what's the matter?" the doctor says happily as he sits back on the bed again
"hey uncle doctor umm...i know this might sound silly but umm...can you take me to america?" rosie says on the other end sounding worried
"america? why america?" the doctor asks confused wondering what rosie had on her mind
"well, i was talking to my friends and i accidently mention to them that you had a machine that could go anywhere so now they want me to prove it" rosie explains and the doctor hums curiously "so, i asked where they want me to go and they all voted that i should go to america and take a selfie with you and emily at the statue of liberty" she adds and the doctor gets worried as he remembers that the statue of liberty is a weeping angle
"oh umm...maybe not the statue of liberty, maybe we can go to town square instead" the doctor says trying not to sound worrried and he hears rosie gasp on the other end
"oh my gosh! yes! i didn't think of town square! hold on, i'll be right back!..." rosie says excited and she leave the room but leave the call going
the doctor smiles at the phone as he puts it down in front of him then looks over at lily who was happily playing with mima who was lightly smacking lily's hands as she waves her hands about entertained, he then hears rosie come back as she picks up the phone
"ok, so, i talked to mum and she said that i can go and she's even let me buy one thing as she said that you have a paper thingy that can become anything you want it too?" rosie explains and the doctor smiles as he takes the psychic paper out of his pocket
"it's called psychic paper and it can do anything like i want it too, it can even be a credit card and unit can pay for it, as long as you don't get anything expensive as i don't want to come home bringing a car or a ball dress or anything" the doctor explains and he hears rosie giggle on the other end
"don't worry, uncle doctor, i'm not into dresses unless it's for a cosplay i want to do for a convention for my birthday this year but that's 8 months away so don't worry" rosie explains and the doctor smiles while nodding a little "anyway, when are you picking me up?" she asks wanting to know
"oh about 5-10 mintues, i got to see what emily is doing" the doctor says as he looks over at the door then to his phone
"ok, see ya in the garden in 5 mintues!" rosie says happily and she hangs up
the doctor puts his phone down and he leaves his bedroom to go find emily, emily meanwhile had been in her room the entire time playing on her switch, the doctor then appears at emily's door and emily glances up at him with a little happy wag to her tail
"hi friend! what's up?" emily says happily with a curious look
"rosie wants to new york for i guess for a dare her friends gave her so, you wanna come?" the doctor explains and emily smiles happily as she puts her switch into the dock
"reah! silly question, silly" emily says happily as she flies over to the doctor and she waves her paw sassyily
the doctor smiles as he watches emily go on his shoulder and then the pair go into the TARDIS after emily goes off and tells tom and sebastian where they were going and to keep an eye on lily and mima which they happily do, the pair then go to donna's house and when the TARDIS appears in donna's garden, rosie was happily there waiting for the TARDIS to appear, rosie steps into the TARDIS and she looks around amazed by the inside as she hadn't seen it before
"whao! this place is really big" rosie says happily as she goes over to the console where the doctor and emily were "and very white, you should add some things to make this place more...homely!" she adds as she looks at the doctor looking concerned as she looks around
"tsk! you are as bad as your mother!" the doctor says rolling his eyes annoyed and emily couldn't help but giggle laugh "i will decorate it soon, i just need to think on what to put in here" he adds as he goes over to the back of the console
"well for starters, you could put a sofa or some chairs in here for people to sit down, you can also put some pictures in here...oh! maybe you could have a bike, skateboard or scooter in here for all these ramps" rosie explains as she looks around the TARDIS thinking what to do to make the big room more homely
"reah! you can have some plush toys in 'ere so you can hug dem when you're feeling sad!" emily says happily and the doctor glances at her amused
"don't i have you, lily and mima for that?" the doctor says as he goes to the side and flicks a switch on the console
"oh reah! i forgot" emily says realising and she giggles as she pummels her paws lightly on the doctor's shoulder happily "it still be nice to have plush toys in 'ere, just in case" she adds still pummelling happily and she giggles a little
'don't worry, while you three are gone, i will put some things in here to make it more homely for you, the doctor, lily, mima, donna and the others' the TARDIS says happily with emily being the only one hearing her and emily nods with a smirk
"ok, we're here!" the doctor says happily and rosie squeals happily
"i'm so excited! let's go!" rosie says happily and she bolts to the door getting her phone out her pocket while going to the door
"last time i came to america, i just regenerated into my eighth face after some gang shot my seventh face, i also met this nurse, grace, she was the first one time companion i had that i kissed, the master was also there, he had sunglasses on as his eyes were messed up, i don't know how he got to america but he was there too" the doctor rambles to emily as he slowly goes to the TARDIS door
"i tink i've heard your eighth face's voice before but i haven't met him or your seventh face, da ones i've met are your first, fourth, sadly fifth, sixth, war man, you, dude and rebel...den you again and den pantless" emily says and lists off all the doctors she's met (all references to the audio dramas from big finish)
"it's funny that you've met more of my faces then sarah jane has" the doctor says amused and emily smiles happily feeling proud of herself
the doctor and emily step out of the TARDIS seeing that the TARDIS has parked in a alleyway and the doctor steps out of the alleyway to see that they were a walk away to the middle of town square, the doctor and emily sees rosie waving at the pair a few feet away and the pair go over to her, she then holds up her phone and takes a selfie with her, the doctor and emily with some of the big tv monitors and billboards behind her
"there, this is going to my friends so jealous! anyway, shall we look around?" rosie says happily and the doctor with emily follow her
the doctor, emily and rosie go off to look around the town but what they didn't know was that someone or something was watching them as eyes were focused on them watching like a eagle, rosie was having a great time in new york as she was taking picture after picture showing off everything new york had to offer, the doctor and emily also enjoyed new york but only because rosie was enjoying it and at lunch, the trip went to a cage where they had a cup of tea with a donut
"this has been the best trip so far! thank you for doing this, uncle doctor!" rosie says happily and she happily takes a bite of her donut
"your welcome! i'll do angthing for my favourite neice" the doctor says happily and rodeo smiles at him with teeth after she swallows her donut chunk
emily smile as she takes a bite of her donut but then stop eating when she senses something, she looks around confused then she sees what she was sensing and it was a big wild rat, her predatory instincts kick in as her eyes go almost thin and she starts snarling but not growling while making herself big but not poofy, the doctor sees her acting funny then he realises instantly what was going on when he sees the rat move between the road and the pavement so he grabs emily gently by the tail so she doesn't attack the rat, emily now starts doing a weird bark with no bark and it was more the movement of the bark as she was telling the rat to go away, suddenly when rosie sees the rat, she freaks out by screaming suddenly and the doctor jumps by the scream accidently letting go of emily's tail, the rat freaks out by the scream making it start running and emily goes after it looking she was ready to kill that rat
"emily!" the doctor yells as emily runs off and he gets up from his seat
"sorry..." rosie says looking guilty she felt like it was her fault that emily ran off
"no, it's okay, come on, let's go get her" the doctor says calmly yet serious and rosie nods as the doctor starts running off while grabbing the donut emily didn't finish
the doctor and rosie go after emily who was still chasing the rat, chomping her teeth aggressively while snarling and the rat was running for its life, as the trio were running down town square, something was still watching them though binoculars and it first focuses on emily first as she chases the rat then focuses on rosie and the doctor, it then keeps it's focus on the doctor and a evil laugh can be heard, emily keeps following the rat untill the rat went down a storm drain where emily stops at the top and starts quietly barking and snarling at the storm drain while digging at the storm drain, the doctor finally catches up to emily with rosie not far far behind him and he picks up emily who was still snarling and staring at the storm drain, the doctor then holds out the donut that emily was eating and he puts the donut near emily's nose where she can smell the donut, she picks up on the scent of the donut and takes a bite from the donut where it calms her instincts down making her come back from her pray drive
"wh-what happened? how i get 'ere?" emily asks confused as she was eating luckily her telepathy doesn't get effect by her eating
"your pray drive took over you when you saw a rat and then you chased it here when rosie screams seeing the rat" the doctor explains and emily looks down thinking
"i didn't even know i had a pray drive till now, i guess i don't like rats" emily says calmly learning something new about herself
"umm, uncle doctor?" rosie says looking confused and both the doctor and emily look over at her "there is something on your head" she says pointing to the doctor's head
emily looks up at the doctor and there on his head was a little red dot like from a laser pointer, this makes emily's eyes go big as her instincts were telling her to get the dot, the doctor tries to get the dot it nothing appeared on his hand, suddenly out of nowhere, loads of people disguised as citizens start pointing their guns at the trio as they pull them out of bags, pockets and even their socks, rosie gets scared as she puts her hands up, the doctor also puts his hands up looking annoyed as he hates guns and emily looks around confused as she climbs onto the doctor's shoulder
"uncle doctor! what is going on?!" rosie says scared and the doctor looks at her seriously
"ah, so, you are the doctor that UNIT seems to love, it's nice to finally meet you and your companions" a man says happily but sounding evil as he steps in front of 2 people holding guns
"i am and please, don't hurt the girl, she's a teenager" the doctor says seriously and the man tells everyone to put their guns down which they do but still look serious
"don't worry, it's just a precaution just in case you aren't the doctor, anyway, come with me" the man says with a follow me hand motion and the guard make a path for the man
the doctor with emily and rosie follows the man to a car and when they get in the car which was a limo, the limo drives off and the guards go into a truck that was parked, in the limo, the doctor with emily on his lap and rosie were sitting at the right side of the limo while the man was sitting on the left side looking serious
"sorry for the gun threat, we needed something to get your attention" the man says seriously with no guilt for what he did
'what's wrong with just coming up to us and going 'hey dere' like dat' emily says annoyed with the doctor and rosie the only ones hearing her as she doesn't trust the man
"i'm general webb of area 51 and we need your help" the man now known as general webb says seriously and the doctor looked confused
"why do you want my help? i heard from kate stewart that you have everything under control at area 51 all the time" the doctor says confused yet curious as both rosie and emily look at him
"we had and we did...but not anymore, you see, there was this...entity that we had in the area" general webb says looking a little guilty
'*gasp* i knew area 51 was a SCP foundation' emily says looking happy and then looks smug
"that we were keeping locked up as it was too dangerous to keep out but has escaped and we had to lock down area 51 to keep it in, we have tried to take it down's just too powerful and we load many of our men to it, we don't know how it got out in the first place but you are our second to last option" general webb explains and the doctor looked serious while rosie looked confused
"what's the last option?" rosie asks confused with a little head tilt
'it's probably blowing up da area knowin' the ting is dangerous' emily says looking unamused as she looks over at rosie then at the doctor who still looks serious
"that is bo concern to you, all that is important is that you help us get this thing back in its containment and we will reward you for your work" general webb says seriously and emily looks smug
'dat means dat they are goin' to blow up area 51, i can tell from his face' emily says as she looks at the general's face seeing a bit of hiding going on
"we are here" general webb says as he looks out the window then back at the doctor again
outside the window was a desert to the left and right while the car was on a concrete road, the limo reaches the gates to area 51 and after the guards see it was general web, they let the car in and they park the car outside of the facility, general webb gets out first looking serious then the doctor who looking angry with emily who looked neutral going on his shoulder after he gets out of the limo and lastly rosie who looked a bit insecure as she looks around the area
"wow, I've seen area 51 on the news and it was when all those people stormed area 51 back in 2019, it was everywhere on social media as the idea originated on reddit" rosie explains as she follows the doctor and emily and looking at the building
"i bet it was a polite storm where dey all charged at da gate with deir signs and den walk away goin' 'oh otay, we go' when the guards said no" emily says amused as she looks at the guards who looked very serious about their job then at rosie smiling at her
"if i remember, it was actually and the most rememberable part was when a kid did the naruto run behind the american new anchor, he was a legend" rosie says happily remembering it well as she was 9 at the time
"oh look, dey've brought da TARDIS with did dey find it?" emily says as she sees the TARDIS on the back of a pick up truck
"it's not that hard to spot in the US as it does stand out" rosie says and emily nods understanding
"right, here is the building where the creature is being held, we do have some men down there trying to locate the creature's hiding spot as it moves from place to place so if you find it, call them on this and they will come to help you" general webb says seriously and he hands the doctor a walkie-talkie as well as a torch which he takes "ok, good luck and call me on the radio if you need anything" he adds still serious as the guards open the door
the doctor, rosie and emily go inside with the doctor still looking angry and annoyed while rosie and emily looked a little scared then when the trio were inside, the door shuts behind then making it very dark
"it's dark!" emily says scared as her phobia of the dark was starting to kick in
the doctor turns on the torch and he looks around with the torch to see that they were at the top of some stairs so he starts going down then with rosie bruin's him
"friend, are you otay? you've been quiet dis whole tiem" emily says concerned and speaking up about the doctor's silents which he rarely does
"yeah, uncle doctor, i've heard from mum that you are quite talkative so it's odd hearing you so mute" rosie says also concerned as she goes next to the doctor
"...*sigh* i don't like this place and i don't like that general webb guy, i think he's up to something" the doctor finally says and emily nods agreeing with him
"reah, i don't like dat webb guy either, he's defiantly up to somethin' strange" emily says having a suspicious look
"and this place feel very off, like, something is going to happen" rosie says looking around feeling scared and worried
"i also just realised dat dey never shown us what dis creature looks like" emily says realising as she looks annoyed looking between rosie and the doctor
"emily?" the doctor says as he glances at emily on his shoulder looking confused yet serious
"yes?" emily replies looking curious on what her friend wants
"what's a SCP? i heard you mention it in the limo eariler" the doctor asks and emily puts her paw on her mouth to think on how to word it
"well...on da internet, peeps have theorised dat in area 51, dey are keeping a foundation of creatures called SCP which stands for 'secure, contain, protect' which for a while, i though it meant 'supernatural creature program' untill i looked it up, anyway, it a organisation where i guess dey contain scary, strange and funny creatures with da most popular creature is called SCP 173 which is uh, you know the gimmick with da weeping angels where you can't blink at dem or dey will send you in da past?" emily explains and the doctor nods knowing the weeping angels well "well, it also does dat...but when it gets you, it snaps your neck so don't go near it" she adds and she looks worried mixed with concern
"and i thought weeping angels were bad" the doctor mumbles looking worried yet a little serious
"e! dere are apparently over 7000 scp which is a lot!" emily says a little dramatically as she was surprised on how many they were "dere are some dat are hostile, some dat are harmless and some dat can be both" she adds happily feeling smart
the trio reach the bottom of the stairs as there were a lot of stairs for some reason and they were now in a long corridor with doors to the left and right side, the doctor goes over and checks the doors to see if they would open and only one out of the 6 doors open which was the middle right door, the trio go in the room to see it was a research room and they look around the room curiously with the doctor mainly looking around to see if he could find anything to help identify what this thing is that they are trying to catch, emily who was looking around the desks soon finds something and she picks it up
'date - 12.29.23 - today, we got a new entity in the base, it seems to be a person that is made of a shadow which the general has nicknamed 'the shadow man', the shadow man was found in the attic of a old barn house after this family went missing a week after moving in, we now have the shadow man in our hands and we will examine it to see what it can do.' the note reads and emily shows it to the doctor after she reads it
"hmm...this shadow man is what i think we are up ageist but...what is it?" the doctor says as he looks at the paper then goes to think
emily looks at the paper then at the doctor thinking, she looked worried and then she looks over at rosie who was still looking around
"this place is a little dusty, there is dust all over this cabinet" rosie says as she wipes her finger on the top of the cabinet and then rubs her fingers together after she sees dust on her fingers
suddenly the door starts banging like someone was wanting to come in and it spooked the trio as they jump and look at the door
"rosie! it's me, your mum, open up!" the voice of donna says and this gets rosie confused
"m-mum?" rosie says super confused and she looks over at the doctor seeing the doctor look concerned and emily growling and snarling at the door
"that is not your mum, it's someone pretending to be your mum so stay close to me" the doctor says reassuring rosie as he pulls her close to him
"rosie, can you come out? i don't know why it's so dark" the voice of donna says and rosie was so scared and confused on what was impersonating her mum
"what is trying to impersonate donnie?" emily whispers confused while still growling and snarling
"i dunno but i'm not going to find out" the doctor replies as he holds rosie close to him as he glances over at emily looking serious
"...hey doctor? are you in there? it's me, martha" the voice of martha says and this makes the doctor and emily jump a little hearing her voice
"now it's trying to trick you?" emily says looking at the doctor with a confused look as she knows the doctor won't fall for it
"i have a feeling that this thing's goal is to try and lure us out but it's not working" the doctor whispers to emily and rosie and the pair look at him a little confused
"...hElLo!" the voice at the door says and it sounded really odd
"what was dat?!" emily says worried and scared by the voice as it didn't sound right
"i dunno but i think it was trying to do another impression but it didn't come out right" the doctor says then theorising on what happened
"it sounded like a teenager boy having his voice crack episode" rosie comments and this makes emily giggle a little
suddenly footsteps were heard and they were leaving the door, the steps go down the hall and when they were gone, rosie sighs in relief hearing that the thing was gone and she slowly goes over to the door with the doctor and emily not that far behind her, the door opens when rosie pushes the door with a little push and there was nothing behind the door when the doctor goes to investigate
"i wonder what that was?" rosie asks confused and scared as she looks up at the doctor
"i tink it was dis shadow man dat da note talks about" emily says thinking about it and the doctor nods as he glances at her
"we better keep moving and see if we can find something more about what we are dealing with and how to stop it before it's too late' the doctor says and he walks ahead after rosie nods seriously
the trio walk around the underground base seeing if any doors were open so they could enter and look around, they were also starting to find blood smeared around and then started seeing body parts which grossed out rosie as she pretends to throw up in her mouth
"whatever this thing is, it's really hostile so we need to keep a look out and be really careful about bumping into it so you two stay close to me, okay?" the doctor mumbles seriously and both emily and rosie nod once also looking serious
the trio look around some more not really finding anything till rosie finds a door that opens so the trio step inside the room, in the room was a small office and at the left side was a big window going into a interrogation room which had 2 chairs and a table
"this room is a dirty as the other room, i wonder how long those guards have avoided coming down here" rosie says as she looks around the room
"i'm starting to wonder that too" the doctor says as he also looks around the room
the trio look around the room till the doctor finds something and it was a paper ontop of a folder box
'name - SC-220, nickname - the shadow man, temperament - hostile, date retrieved - 29th december 2023, discription - SC-229 aka the shadow man is a humanoid monster that is a dark as a shadow that was found in a attic of a old abandoned farm house, it is unsure where the shadow man came from as it doesn't speak but it mimics voices of humans, animals and even sounds, we have to keep the shadow man in containment as it's very hostile and has tried to kill a few guards at least five time in a month, he shall be not released under any condition and if released, we must put huge building under lockdown number 3' the paper says and the doctor and emily look worried as the doctor puts the paper back where it was
"dis is not good" emily says shaking her head worried and the doctor glances at her also looking worried
"it's not and i don't know what they want me to do to trap it, dangle a chunk of meat and lure it into a cage?" the doctor says first worried then a little sassy
"like da time with dat beast you and rose tried to catch but rose threw da wrong bucket colour at da beast?" emily says and the doctor nods smiling at that time
"uncle doctor! look!" rosie says scared as she points to the door
the doctor goes over to rosie and there at the door which was slightly open was 2 glowing white eyes attached to a human like body, emily starts growling and snarling making herself poofy with electricity coming off her body as the shadow man starts slowly opening the door
"hey! it's nice to finally meet you! i'm the doctor! what's your name?" the doctor says happily as he puts his hands in his coat's pockets
the shadow man doesn't say a word as it open the door more till it was fully open, emily gets more and more aggressive as the shadow man was now slowly walking over to the trio like a tiger stalking its prey before attacking and the doctor and rosie starts walking to the door
"hey umm...we aren't part of that group if you think we are, we were called by them to stop something but we don't know what it is" rosie says looking scared while she hid behind the doctor
emily then lets off her electricity as it was built up a lot and it hits the shadow man in the head, it then scampers off like a scared dog after being hit by emily's electricity and the doctor and rosie sigh after it ran away
"thanks emily, i don't know what would of happened without you doing that" rosie says happily and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"hmm...i have a feeling that this shadow man is afraid of light so, we need to get to the power generator and turn on the power" the doctor explains to the girls as he looks up at the lights on the ceiling
"i can tell you where it is! i can use my electricity to guild us to the generator" emily says happily as she looks up at the light
"good idea!" the doctor says happily glancing at emily and emily smiles at him with her tongue sticking out
emily then fires a lightning bolt at the lights and a it goes off with the doctor and rosie following it as it lights up every light briefly as it goes passed the light, the trio end up finding the generator and when they find it, the doctor uses his screwdriver on the generator making the entire building's lights to come on and rosie smiles seeing the lights were finally on while emily sighs in releif as her phobia of the dark was getting unbearable
"ok, now that the lights are on, it will be a little hard for that shadow man to walk around and it will end up hiding somewhere with a shadow...kinda like the vashta nerada" the doctor explains then remember which makes emily droop her ears in worry as she remembers too
"so, if we are going to look for it? what's the plan if we find it?" rosie asks wondering what was on the doctor's mind
"i'll...think of it when it happens" the doctor replies and he gives rosie a cheeky boy grin
"you always do dat...but i'll believe you" emily says pointing it out then smile trusting the doctor completely
the doctor looks at emily still smiling then he goes serious as he runs off with rosie trying to catch up with him as the doctor ran like he was a whippet in his past life, while the trio were running, they were being watched by the shadow man in the shadow of the corners and it goes off jumping from shadow to shadow, the trio make it to the main room of the building which was a reception area and it looked really messy with chairs everywhere, blood all over the place with random body parts and clothes, paper everywhere and guns on the floor
"dis place is very gross" emily says grossed out by the blood and body parts everywhere
"these poor people didn't deserve this, all because of a monster that they took" rosie says looking emotional and the doctor turns around to her and hugs her
"it's okay, i won't let this happen to you because if i did, not only would i cry a lot but donna will too after probably killing me" the doctor says as he hugs rosie comforting her
"i know, uncle doctor, i just wanted to have a nice trip to america for a bey i had with my friends and now i'm stuck in a dangous base with a shadow monster lurking around" rosie says scared as fear tears roll down her face as she looks up at the doctor
"its not your fault. we just came at the wrong time" the doctor replies mumbling a little and emily nods agreeing with him
"...wait a mintue...da paper we read said dat da shadow man was 'SC - 229'...does dis mean dere are 228 other SC in 'ere?" emily says looking worried and both the doctor and rosie looking at her then doctor realise as he eyes go wide
"they are probably all out too, this place is a big danger zone full of creatures and monsters" the doctor says seriously and he looks around "so, we better see if we can try and-" he adds wondering how they should get out till he was cut of by rosie screaming
the reason rosie screamed as there was a big dragon sized creature standing in front of them, the creature had a golden tabby tiger and it did look like a dragon but only in size as it had a head like a dog, ears of a teddy bear, a nose of a cat, a mouth of a rabbit without the teeth and the body was a dragon but it was fluffy and feathery wings instead of scaly, paws of a wolf and lastly, its tail was of a fox without the white tip on the end and it had its head tilted curiously, it smells the doctor, emily and rosie as the trio stand still then it starts snuggling with rosie with it's big head making rosie start giggling as she puts her hands on the creatures head
"aww! this one's friendly!" rosie says both happy and relived that the creature was friendly
"very cuddly too, i must of sensed your fear and came to cheer you up" the doctor says smirking and emily nod confirming that what the creature was doing
"its so soft and fluffy, it feels like i'm hugging a very big long haired rabbit" rosie says happily as she hugs the creature which it snuggling into rosie happily
"i can hear her saying 'it's okay, you dont have to cry, i can protect you from the other monster things, if you want'," emily says translating the creature as she can hear her talking
"you don't have to but you can if you like if it make you happy" rosie says looking guilty as he pulls away from thr creature a little to talk to her then smiling at the creature which the creature snuggles back into rosie with her tail wagging happily
'well, well, well, what do we have here?' a voice says and both the creature and emily look up at roof of the place as it was where the voice was coming from
the creature then gets defensive while emily looks confused as on the roof was a big bird creature, the bird creature looked like a crow mixed with a falcon but it was the size of a pterodactyl, it was mostly black with the bottom of the wings being a dark brown, it's eyes were like a ring neck parakeet's eyes but it was a black eye with a white iris, its beak was like a macaw's beck but in white and had these spiky bumps on both the top and bottom beak like they were weird teeth, it's feet were like ant parrot, falcon or eagle feet but the feet were very dark brown with black tallons and lastly, the tail was like a cockatiel's tail and it was black like it's whole body
'what do you want, raven' emily hears the creature says sounding annoyed seeing the bird creature now called raven
"whao! that's a big bird" rosie says shocked by raven on the ceiling
"yeah...really big bird" the doctor adds also shocked by raven's size
'why, pippie, why do you have to be so aggressive towards me? we are friends, right?' raven says looking a little offended by the creature now named pippie's aggression
'i wasn't being aggressive, i was just asking why you are here, i thought you'll be hiding from the hostiles' pippie says still looking annoyed but she was more calm
'i was but then i saw you making friends so i wanna see your friends...let's see, a young human girl that had a white mum ans a black dad which i heard is a little dangerous due to people's negativity, a timelord which i know are a very rare ailen species and there are only 4 left in existence and a human-cat hybrid with the abillity of electricity that was created to control electricity on a planet that has since been abandoned due to a attack from the meep species and now she's here on earth with her 2 dads who survived the meep attack, very interesting' raven says intelligently and interested in the trio as he looks at each one
"wait, you know who i am just from lookin' at meh?!" emily says shocked and both the doctor and rosie look at her then at each other
'i know a lot of things, i've been on this planet for many, many years and i've read every book that the humans have written from the popular ones to the forgotten ones, i study people to the point i can tell their life just from looking at them' raven explains emotionlessly and emily looked a mixture of confused and impressed then she realise something
"...wait...4? dere are 4? i only know 2, well 3, not 4" emily says confused as she looks up at raven confused with a tilted head
'yes, there is your friend, the doctor, then his daughter, lily who he had as a teenager with his boyfriend, the master and speaking of the master, those 2 are the last 2' raven says and emily looks at him confused before gasping as she realises
"what?" the doctor says to emily when he hears her gasp
"i-uhh...i'll tell you lader" emily says trying to tell and decided to tell the doctor later as it wasn't that important at the moment 'the master had a bireganeration too?! dat means dere is 2 masters roamin' around and hopefully, one of dem is friend's master' she thought as she glances over at the doctor then at pippie who was looking at raven "anyway, since you know everythin', do you know what we are doin' 'ere as dat general webb guy told us we are 'ere to stop da shadow man but we don't think dats da case anymore" she says to raven and he nods seriously "also, how many of these SC are dere?" she adds asking in curiosity
'you're right about general webb lying to you, you aren't here to stop the shadow man, sure, he is a hostile but he isn't as dangerous as the other hostiles here, no, you were sent in here because of your friend, he's a ailen and he is considered a SC to area 51's eyes and so you 3 are stuck with us...unless you can help us. the harmless as well as the fight or flighters to get out of here' raven explains and emily gets worried as she looks at the doctor and rosie "also there are over 1229 SC but they are split in 2 categories, there were first the SA which meant "supernatural abominations" but then after the number went to a thousand, they made a new category called "supernatural creatures" which is what me and pippie are in wih me being SC - 101 and pippie being SC - 91' he adds explaining about the supernatural creatures numbers
"what did he say?" rosie asks looking confused as she can't hear the conversation
emily explains to the pair what the raven told her and when she was done talking, rosie gasps then gets annoyed while the doctor looked straight up annoyed with a little anger
"we were lured in here to be part of the creatures of area 51 because of uncle doctor?" rosie says looking a little stressed out thinking about how she wont be able to see donna and shawn again
"yes but don't worry, we can get out, we just need to find a way out without general webb and da others knowing we got out" emily says happily and rosie gets snuggled by pippie to calm her down which it does a little "friend, you have any ideas on how to get out?" she adds as she looks at the doctor curiously with a head tilt
"...i have a plan, i think" the doctor says with a sad smile to more to cheer rosie up as he took his screwdriver out
"whats da plan?" emily asks the doctor with a tilted head curiously
"just need to find a secret exit and then when we get out, we can sneak over to the TARDIS, get on and then leave" the doctor whispers to emily and she nods a little looking serious
"ok, so, hey you know if there any other exits out of this place?" emiy says then asks quietly to raven to see if he knows
'yes, there is a exit but you have to go though a few different elclosers first before you get to it, first you have to go though after going thought that left door over there is the encloser of SA - 435 who is a timid creature and a little friendly if you aren't a area scientist so you should be find but then you habe to go though the encloser of SC - 21 who is one of the bad hostiles, it's weakness is that it is blind as well as hard of hearing so be very quiet and you should make it though, then you need to go down the corridor of SA - 901 to 909 which are all harmless and just scared and the last one is the worrying one as you will have to get though the encloser of SC -44 which is the creature that caused the place to have a emergency lockdown in the first place, it looks like a dead animatronic but its not, its something completely different, nothing can defeat it, you can only run and hope you can make it out alive' the raven explains to emily and emily's ears droop worryingly 'and then, when you have made it passed SC - 44, the exit will be a fire exit where you can walk out, go to the truck that has your friend's ship on it and then you can escape back to the UK' he adds and emily points your ears again
"but, maybe we don't want to go to the UK straight away, maybe we can save you, pippie and da other harmless creatures and take you to a planet where da hoomans won't hurt you" emily says looking hopeful as she looks between raven and pippie
'really? you wanna do that, for us?' pippie says in shock and when emily nods happily, she looks up at raven smiling at him 'we can leave this place, raven!' she says happily while her fox like tail wags fast and happy
'...aww, it's cute when you're happy' raven says more in a mumble and pippie smiles at raven as she calms her tail down a little
"what we do is dat when we exit, we bring da TARDIS back down 'ere where everyone can get in and den the TARDIS can choose where is the safest place for all of you can live happily without hoomans or other hostiles getting all of you" emily says happily and pippie smiles and nods excited
"wait, i'm lost, what are we doing?" rosie says confused with a big head tilt
emily signs and explains to rosie and the doctor on what the plan was as she flies in front of the two and while she explains, raven was writing someone on a paper he suddenly had, when she was done she looks at the pair mainly the doctor and then after what felt like forever, the doctor looks at emily then looks at the left door where they have to go
"right, shall we get going?" the doctor says happily after he claps his hands together
"you really want to go now?" rosie asks stunned by the doctor's inpatients to go after being told what he had to go though to get to the exit
"yep! the sooner we get out if here, the sooner we can get to the TARDIS so, let's go!" the doctor says happily and he starts walking off
'wait! you need this so you don't get lost' raven says and he drops the paper he had in his right talon
emily grabs the paper with her mouth then she hands the paper to the doctor after she flies over to him, raven then starts flying off and pippie looks at him confused
'where are you going?' pippie asks raven as he starts to fly off but then he stops to look at pippie
'i'm going to sleep, all that info i gave tired me out so i'm going to take a nap but don't worry, i'll be back in 20 mintues or so' raven says calmly then smiles at pippie before he flies away to his encloser
pippie and emily watches him leave and then the doctor calls emily over so she goes over to the doctor and sits on his shoulder while pippie follows rosie as she wants to stay with her to protect her, the paper that emily got from raven that she gave to the doctor was a map of the place which was drawn out like a map you see construction workers have and the doctor was able to follow it well, they soon reach the door to SA -435 with it being a sliding door with the creature's name written on the door
"is this the first creature we need to get by?" rosie says looking a little scared
"reah but according to raven, this one isn't bad, just scared and timid" emily replies calmly as she looks at rosie then smiles with her tongue sticking out
"okay, let's go!" the doctor says impatiently and he goes though the door
"i know you are in a rush to get out of 'ere but slow down a little, will ya" emily says a little concerned as she uses her claws to not fall off the doctor's shoulder
"uncle doctor! slow down!" rosie shouts to the doctor jogging behind him trying to catch up to him but is struggling as he is so fast
the doctor does slow down and then both him and emily look around to see there were in some sort of forest which made emily confused on how they ended up in a forest so quickly
"a forest? inside of a base?" rosie says as she also looks around confused
"this is the encloser of the creature, i guess so it can hide away and still be in its habitat without feeling home sick" the doctor says as he looks around while looking amazed by the area
suddenly a noise was heard which was a twig snapping and the group look over at the noise to see a creature coming out of the trees, the creature walked on 4 legs with big tiger paws, it's coat was a white, cyan blue and gray, pointy ears like a rabbit, little stubby horns next to the ears, a long snout like a wild herps with eyes like a light fury from how to train your dragon franchise, it's tail was like a leopard gecko's tail and its fur was all fluffy
'oh hi pippie, what are you doing here?' the creature says seeing pippie and it wag its tail happily as it goes over to pippie
'oh hi blizzard! i didn't know this was your encloser" pippie says happily realising this was her friend's encloser
'who are your friends?' the creature now named blizzard asks as it looks over at the doctor, emily and rosie curiously
'oh umm...i forgot to ask them for their names' pippie says and realises as she looked embarrassed as she glances over at emily
"i'm emily, this is my friend, the doctor friend and this is rosie, friend's neice" emily says happily as she points to herself, the doctor then at rosie
'hello, anyway, as i asked earlier, what are you all doing here?' blizzard says happily then asks with curiosity in his voice as the group start walking again
'we are here to go though your encloser so then we can try and get out of here though the other exit that is in here as the doctor friend and emily were locked in here by those hoomans' pippie explains and blizzard gets all scared when pippie says hoomans
'i-i don't like those hoomans, they've done bad things to me' blizzard says looking around to see if they are around which they aren't
"don't worry, dey aren't here now as dey are locked outside da base tinking we are sorting out a problem with da shadow man" emily explains as she points to the door the group came in from
'oh good! i'm glad' blizzard says releived as he puts his right paw on his chest
'yeah and you won't have to deal with them again after we get out as the doctor friend has a shop that can get every harmless and fight or flight outta here and onto a new planet so we won't be caught anymore' pippie explains and blizzard wags his tail happily hearing the news
'really! that's great, i hate it here anyway' bloszard says happily with his tail still wagging like a very happy dog
'i don't as well but i'll be glad to leave this terrible place' pippie says happily as she starts to wag her tail slowly
the group then make it to the other end of the forest room and they all leave except for blizzard who stays behind to look out any hostiles following them, the next encloser they will have to though is the encloser of SC - 21 which the group looking forward to as they stand at the door
"are you all ready to quietly bolt for it?" the doctor asks the group as he turns around to rosie and pippie
they nod and emi,y nods too on the doctor's shoulder even though she won't be running, the doctor smiles seriously and then opens the door to see a dark room, they just run for it without hesitation and they manage to get to the other end without seeing SC - 21 anywhere
"we ran so quick dat i don't even tink the hostile heard us" emily says as they exit with the doctor shutting the door
"good, let keep going" the doctor says impatiently and he then keeps going with rosie and pippie following him
'why does you friend wanna keep moving all the time?' pippie asks emily a little confused by the doctor's impatient behaviour
"dat's how he is, always moving, never stoppin', it's his ting" emily replies as she looks at pippie then at the doctor who was walking a little fast while looking at the map then up at the sighs seeing if he was going the right way
'thats a weird thing to have?" pippie says confused and emily nods agreeing with her
"reah, he has been told to settle down by her mum, donnie but dat is like askin' 'im to stop tinking, he tinks all da tiem!" emily says sounding a mixture of amused and emotionless while she points to rosie briefly
"i think we are here" the doctor says as he looks between the map and the sign on the wall
the sign on the wall says 'SC - 901 to 909 with an arrow pointing to the left and they head down the hallway, the hallway had 4 doors on the right side saying 901 to 904 on them from the door nearest to the group to the farest and then 4 doors on the left with 905 to 908 on them, the door with 909 on it was at the end of the hallway and all the door were slightly open, suddenly something moves in the 902 door and then a bunch of little creatures jump out of the room and stand in front of the doctor, emily, rosie and pippie, the creatures were the size of medium rabbits, were all in different fur colours from brown to black to cream to even other odd colours, were basically fluffy puffballs with big dog like eyes like you see on a black cat, noses like ferret noses, small ears like horse's ears, little paws coming out the front, tails like a ferret tail and feet like a mouse but fluffy
"aww! they are so cute!" rosie says as she crouches down to be at more of their level
"hewwo!" emily says happily with a little wave
'hello, who are all you?' the puffball creature at the front says curiously with a full body confused tilt
"i'm emily, dis is my friend, the doctor friend, dis is rosie, friend's neice and i tink you know pippie" emily says pointing to each person then at pippie who waves at the puffball creatures
'oh! hi pippie!' the puffball creatures says happily as they all wave at pippie
"aww, so cute!" rosie says happily and she holds her hands out to the puffball creatures
they all back off from rosie a bit spook but one puffball which was like the others but had a french rose pink fur colour goes over to rosie and sniffs her with it's small nose, it then jumps into rosie's hands and rosie picks it up where she starts petting it happily making the puffball creature purr happily like a cat
"oh my gosh! so cute!" rosie says calmly excited as the puffball creature snuggles her
the other puffballs want snuggles now as they all jump up at rosie making rosie fall over and this makes emily and pippie giggle at the snuggling the puffball creatures were giving rosie
'i've never seen the puffliboos so happy about a person before' pippie says amused and emily gasps hearing the name of the creatures
"dey called puffliboos! aww!" emily says excited and looks at the puffliboos in awe
"are you sure they won't turn into scary monsters if they get too much love or eat too much or something?" the doctor says as he looks concerned as he watches the puffliboos cuddle rosie happily
'no, they won't, if you're thinking they are like the gremlins, they aren't as the gremlins are a different species entirely' pippie says and emily translates what pippie says to the doctor
"oh okay, good, shall we keep going?" the doctor says in releif and then looks ahead
"aww but uncle doctor! i'm having a lot of fun with these little puffliboos, they're so cute!" rosie says as she was getting up from the puffliboo's snuggles
"we can come back to them later when we pick them up, then to can spend some time in the TARDIS snuggling them" the doctor smiles happily then he starts walking off again
"aww, okay, you all stay here, okay?" rosie says sounding disappointed that she has to leave the puffliboos
'oh okay, we see you later' one of the puffliboos says sounding sad bit had a sad smile
the puffliboos then go into their rooms and rosie with pippie go and follow the doctor who was looking at the map as he walked ahead
"those puffliboos were so much better then the meep" rosie says happily and emily turns around and nods fastly
"reah, 100%, i hate da meep so much" emily says agreeing then huffing angryily as she hate the meep then licks her lips angryily
the group keep walking for a bit then emily looks at pippie as she had something on her mind
"i heard you eariler say that the puffliboos were better then the gremlins...gremlins are real? i though dey were just a movie?" emily says to pippie and she nods a little
'reah, they are real, they were SA - 2 according to raven so they were one of the first few creatures to be down here, according to raven, they were put into 2 categories, the hostiles were the full evil gremlins and the good gremlins were the harmless ones, i don't know if they are still here but they were well known raven says' pippie explains and emily looked surprised
", weird" emily says after a breif pause then looks at the doctor explaining what pippie told her
"i think i remember my parents talking about the gremlins movies, i couldn't watch them as i was too young to watch them but as i'm going to be 15 soon, maybe i could let mum let me watch them for halloween this year" rosie says looking sad then hopeful as she lights up
"are dere any other movies dat are real dat i should know about?" emily says looking at the doctor curiously "are dose ailens deals? you know the one with da face huggers?" she adds looking worried
"no! of course not...well, not yet anyway" the doctor says looking offended then admits lookig a little guilty making emily look at him confused
"what?!" emily squeaks shocked looking at ahead of her then at rosie super confuse and she can see that rosie was confused and shocked
"oh look! we're here!" the doctor says and he looks at the door of SC - 44
the door to SC - 44 was a destroyed mess but still standing which made everyone look a little scared, the doctor looked a little worried but he then touched the door and opens it
"a-are you sure about dis, friend?" emily says unsure as she looked scared with her ears drooping and her paws tucked into herself
"no but we need to go though the encloser to get to the exit of this place" the doctor says seriously yet a little scared after he pushes the door open
the group then all walk in and they look around the room which had no lights and it just felt very dead as no life was heard, it was extremely quiet and it was very unsettling, they walks for a few steps untill they hears a clanking noise in the pitch darkness, they get scared as the noises were getting more and more often and they just bolt for it with pippie picking up rosie putting on her back she she won't slow down and the doctor running like a whippet with pippie being right next to him, emily turns around on the doctor's shoulder to see if she can see this animatronic hostile and she can hear fast heavy stomping gettting louder and louder, emily then spots the animatronic monster charging towards her and the doctor and it was really scary, it's face was white with a snout, it had sharp teeth coming off the snout with blood around the teeth and mouth, no nose, no ears, it looked like it had a chest plate but it was withering off, you can see the metal endoskeleton on the arms, under the chest and legs and its hands that had spiky claw like fingers were covered in blood.
emily growls aggressively and she fires a lightning bolt off at the animatronic to see if it could be stalled enough for them to escape, the lightning bolt does hit the animatronic and it does fall over and roll off making emily smile, the group then leave the encloser and the doctor uses his screwdriver to lock the door so the animatronic hostile doesn't get out, the door then rattled as the animatornic hostile was at the door then it starts banging on the door making the doctor with emily step back scared
"come on, let's go!" the doctor says worried and he bolts off with pippie following close by
the animatornic hostile keeps banging on the door unable to get out, the doctor, emily, pippie and rosie finally find the exit door which was a fire exit door after climbing a few flights if stairs and rosie gets off pippie as she goes by the doctor looking a little happy to see the exit
"ok, the plan is to sneak out and then, i go over to the TARDIS, bring the TARDIS to you and then we can go to the lobby of the place so we can get every harmless and fight or flight creature out of this horrible place" the doctor says and emily, rosie and pippie nod at his plan
the doctor goes over to the door and opens it slowly so it wouldn't be heard from outside, they were finally outside behind the building and the doctor with emily creeps slowly to the truck while rosie and pippie stay behind watching the doctor creep off, the TARDIS was sitting on the truck the doctor was creeping too and when he gets to the front, him and emily see the guards were standing at the door with general webb in the middle, the guards were pointing their guns at the door for some reason and general webb liked smug as he waits for something to happen, the doctor sneaks over to the TARDIS and he makes emily open the door as she can fly, when emily gets the door open, the doctor hops onto the truck quietly and he goes onto the TARDIS quietly shutting the door behind him
"right, we are in" the doctor says happily as he claps his hands together
"looks like the TARDIS has had a make, remember to...*sigh* turn da break off to be quiet as you make da TARDIS move, i know you like the break on but it's important you turn it off as you don't want da guard to notice you leavin' as dey will fire deir guns and stuff" emily explains as the doctor runs over to the console after she looks around the TARIDIS
the TARDIS has added some stuff into the console room, there was now a 2 seated sofa by the console with a bin next to it, a small coffee table by each end of the sofa, there were some really nice pictures on the walls at the bottom of the console room and there was also a basket full of stuff on the other end of the console opposite the sofa, lastly, there was a cat bed in the corner of the console which was pink and fluffy and emily could tell it was for her.
"...okay, i will" the doctor says quietly after a pause and he pulls a lever on the TARDIS
he then pushes some buttons and the TARDIS teleport without making a noise from the truck to next to rosie and pippie who step on when the TARDIS parks
"okay, now we have them, now to get the others" the doctor says happily and he pulls a lever on the controls
the TARDIS disappears again still not making a noise and it reappears in the lobby where the doctor, emily and rosie met pippie and raven, raven was waiting and he had gathered every harmless and fight or flight creature as they watch the TARDIS appear then emily opens the door
"all abroad! da creature express!" emily says happily and the creatures all cheer happily in their own way
the creatures all get onto the TARDIS and there were a lot of them, when they were all on the TARDIS, they all sit around as the TARDIS disappears again with the doctor now putting the break on as he missed the funny noise the TARDIS makes
"ok, TARDIS, can you take us to a place or planet where all dese creatures can live happily with no hoomans in sight" emily says to the TARDIS and the TARDIS hums happily as she makes a lever move on its own
"i think that's the second time i've seen the TARDIS do something on her own and it still amazes me!" the doctor says geeking out as he looks between emily and the lever that moved on its own
the TARDIS then appears on this deserted planet and when emily opens the doors, the creature all peak out of the TARDIS to look at the place
"hmm...yes, this place will do, you can all come out now" emily says happily and moves her paw to tell the creature to come out
the creatures all bolt out of the TARDIS and they looks amazed by the new area, they then run off to explore the planet and emily smiles as she watches them all go off to do their thing, emily turns around and she sees pippie, raven, the doctor, rosie and the puffliboos all standing at the door
'emily, i wanna thank you and your friends for doing all this, we are eternally greatful" pippie says happily and emily giggles happily
"aww, it was nothin', i was just doing what friend would of done in da same situasion" emily says looking like she was blushing as she waves her paw embarrassed
emily looks at the doctor and he smiles at her happily while giving her a thumbs up, emily then looks over at rosie who was getting so much attention from the puffliboos when they see where they were and they all say goodbye to rosie before bouncing off happily to enjoy the new place leaving rosie feeling suddenly empty but then one of the puffliboos which was the french rose puffliboos that accepted rosie first from eariler came back and cuddles rosie again
"oh it's you! have you come to say goodbye after for friends left?" rosie says happily as her and the pink puffliboo have a snuggle
'no, i want to stay with you' the french rose puffliboo says shaking her head then smiles happily as she looks at rosie with her magenta eyes wagging her tail
"really? you wanna stay with rosie?" emily says amused and rosie gasps then snuggles the french rose puffliboo happily
"i would love to have you!" rosie says happily and the doctor smiles a little seeing how happy rosie is with the puffliboo
'emily, give rosie this, it will help her understand how to raise a puffliboo' raven says and he tosses a book at emily
emily catches the book with her paws and it was a big thick pink A3 notebook with a sticker on the front that said 'how to raise a puffliboo - by raven, on it, emily hands the notebook to rosie who takes it and goes inside the TARDIS with the french pink puffliboo who was happy to be with rosie
'i guess this is where we part ways' pippie says sounding sad and emily nods a little
"yeah but we can come back anytime...i know!" emily says happily and she bolts into the TARDIS
she then comes back out and she had her phone and a funny looking phone in her paws
"this is a international walkie-talkie, you press dis button calls my phone!" emily says happily as she demonstrates what happens "so den we can talk about everythin' and anythin' you want" she adds happily as pippie takes the walkie-talkie from emily
'this is great, thanks emily!' pippie says happily as she holds the walkie-talkie happily
'we will use it if we need you for anything, come on, pippie, let's see if we can find a place to live before another creature takes it' raven says calmly and he flies off
pippie waves at emily and she flies off following raven as he head up to a mountain, emily waves at the pair and she goes to the doctor who was smiling at her, they then walk into the TARDIS where they see rosie and the puffliboo reading the book raven gave emily
"i hope donna will be okay you having the puffliboo as i don't know if she has got over the meep" the doctor says as he goes over to the console
"i hope she's and dad are okay with me having her, i don't want them to be mad or anything" rosie says looking worried and the puffliboo also looked worried
"i'm sure she will be fine as long as it doesn't turn into a big beast or anything" emily says as she goes to sit by the puffliboo who starts snuggling emily on the right paw while wagging her tail
"from the book raven gave me, it looks like she acts just like a dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig and any other small animal and the only thing i need to do is not let anyone else see it as they might want one too" rosie explains as she shows emily some of the pages
"does she have a name?" the doctor asks as he looks down at the pair as he walks around to the front side of the TARDIS controls
"oh umm..." rosie says realising she hadn't given her puffliboo a name and she thinks as she looks at her new pet who was looking at her curiously "how about...blossom? as you look like a blossom flower" she says after thinking about it as she points to the puffliboo
'i love it! it sound so cute!' the puffliboo now named blossom says happily as she jumps up happily
"she's likes it" emily says calmly and rosie smiles happily
blossom and rosie then have a hug and emily notice on blossom's foot was a tag that said SC - 901.1 on it so she grabs some scissor from the doctor's coat pocket that he hung over the bars she knew that were in there and cuts it off with blossom not noticing, emily then put the scissor back in the pocket and she threw the cut off tag away in the bin, she then was about to go to her fluffy pink bed but then the TARDIS lands making emily look at the doctor wondering where they were
"rosie, you and blossom stay here, i need to have a talk with someone" the doctor says as emily goes over to him
"okay but who is it that you are going to talk to?" rosie says then asks looking confused
"i'll tell you when we get back" the doctor sayd with a comfort smile and he with emily on his shoulder again head out of the TARDIS
the doctor and emily step out of the TARDIS to see they were back at area 51 again and the TARDIS had parked around the corner, the guards were still standing where they were with their gun still pointing at the door while general webb still standing where he was and the guards looked they were starting to get bored, the doctor smiles and he walks around the corner
"you all ar going to be falling asleep if you don't move soon" the doctor says happily and all the guards point the gun at him
"h-how did you get out?!" general webb says stunned to see the doctor standing there
"i have my ways, anyway, i sorted out your 'shadow man' problem but now there is another problem, all the lights and electronics are a little...faulty" the doctor explains and the general looked confused
"what do you mean, faulty? what happened?" the general says serious and a little angry as he didn't understand
"well, when me, my neice and my cat here went down, the lights were turned off so i went to find the generator and when we found it, i tried to fix it as i'm a bit of a mechanic but it seem to have malfunctioned and all the lights and electronic are now glitching out so, yeah" the doctor says casually and emily knew he was lying but was curiously where this was going so she kept quiet and still
"th-that's impossible! our electronic and lights are meant to be working all the time due to the SA and the SC we have down there" the general says looking scared and worried and the doctor smirks a little
"oh and also, there is this weird monster down there too, it seems to be a new one that i've never seen before, you should check it out as it really scared my neice" the doctor adds causally as he rocks on his feet
"there is! okay men, let's go and investigate, carson, open the door!" general webb says then demands and one of the men open the door
the men and general webb all enter the building and when they were all in, the doctor goes to the door, shuts it and locks the door with his screwdriver
"what was that about?" emily asks as the doctor walks a few feet away from the door
"i just needed to get them inside so then i can do this!" the doctor says smugly and he holds up the screwdriver
he presses a button on the screwdriver and what it did was unlock the door that he locked the animatronic in, the door opens widely and the animatronic steps out looking mad, it then bolts off after hearing voices and it ran like it was a wolf
"...did you just-?" emily says after thinking about what he did
"yep, let loose the animatronic, i'll let them deal with it as they are the one who put it in there in the first place" the doctor says casually as he spins the screwdriver in his fingers
"otay but why are you so casual about dis?" emily asks confused as the doctor goes to the TARDIS
"i guess it's revenge for putting us especially rosie in there in the first place, she didn't need to see the scary stuff, she's only 14 and they tried to kill her...i don't know what i'll tell donna is that animatronic got to rosie" the doctor says seriously the looking a little guilty thinking about if rosie got hurt
"well, she didn't thanks to pippie protecting her but dose guys probably deserve what comes to dem, anyway, i bet unit would like to have dis place anyway so dey could spread out to other countries or somethin' like dat" emily says a positively and the doctor smirk smiles
"yeah, anyway, shall we go back to town square to do some shopping?" the doctor says calmly then happily and emily smiles and nods with her tongue sticking out
the pair go into the TARDIS and they take rosie to town square where she had a good time even though she had to leave blossom in the TARDIS, she ended buying some things for herself, her grandmother and her parents and after what felt like days, the doctor and emily took rosie home where she was happy to see donna when she got back
"hi mum, look at all the stuff i got!" rosie says happily and she shows donna the things she got for herself, her grandma, her mum and her dad
"wow, rosie, this is all great!" donna says happily after she was amazed by all the stuff
"and look, this is blossom" rosie says happily and she makes blossom jump on her shoulder wagging her tail happily
"oh my god!" donna say flying back a little seeing blossom "where did you get that from?" she adds then glares at the doctor suspiciously
"well, it's a long story so you better sit down" the doctor says looking guilty and donna sits down on the sofa still looking suspicious
the doctor, rosie and emily then explain to donna what happened and then they were done, donna looked releived rosie was okay but more accepting of blossom as she did nothing wrong
"can i keep blossom, mum, i know how to look after her thanks to this book i got" rosie says with her pleading face on as she holds out the book she got from raven
donna takes the book off rosie and she has a look though it first carefully but then happily when she sees the book was more helpful then she thought
"...oh! okay then!" donna says happily and rosie lights up happily as she hugs blossom "but remember, she's mainly your responoeabillity, me, your dad and grandma will help now and again but you are her main caretaker, got it?" she adds and rosie nods aggressively
"ok mum, i will, i promise!" rosie says happily and blossom was also happy in rosie arms as she wags her tail "come on, blossom, let's go and sort out our stuff!" rosie says happily and she leaves the room with her bag of stuff
"you two did a good job with her as it was her first adventure, i'm proud...but if she wants another adventure, i'm going too, got it?" donna says calmly then a little strict as she points her finger at the doctor then emily
"otay, calm down, remember, it was a accidental adventure so she was dragged in without us backin' out" emily says defending herself and the doctor and this makes donna calm down a little
"i know...that was just my motherly instincts kicking in" donna says and she and the doctor have a hug of comfort
after the hug, the doctor and emily leave going home after a big day and when they get home, emily goes and tells her dads what happened and the doctor decides to spend time with lily before she needs to go to bed so the doctor takes lily in the TARDIS with mima coming too as both lily and mima have become inseparable since they met, the doctor takes lily and mima to the outside of earth and he then sits by the door with lily and mima on his lap
"you see that you two, that is earth where we are living" the doctor says as he shows lily and mima the earth which the pair looked at the earth then at the doctor happily "when you two are older, you'll be able to take care of this planet like what me, emily and my older self are doing at the moment, how does that sound?" he adds and lily and mima light up happily as lily claps and mima was wagging her tail
the doctor looks at the earth as it slowly rotates and both lily ans mima watch too as lily puts her fingers in her mouth and mima snuggles into lily watching the earth
"...*sigh* i wish your dad was here to see you, he'll be so happy to see you alive and well, it may even help him realise he doesn't need to attack the earth all the time he's around, i kinda soften him out when he was missy but he then changed to bad again when he was the black haired master...i miss my master even if he was the most evil out the 3...he had a cute face and i could just, kiss it when he was doing those puppy dog eyes at me when i had the gun...i love him so much" the doctor mumbles to himself and he puts his head softly ontop of lily's head
lily didn't mind the doctor on her head as she still sucks her fingers and mima had now fallen asleep cuddling lily close, meanwhile on earth and the master has reached where he needed to be and he was at the UNIT building
"now to find out where you are" the master mumbles to himself with a smirk
he enters the building in a disguise and he heads off to see if he can find a room he can camp in so he can do his plan.
To Be Continued...

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