IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child

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Today was the 15th of july and it was a big day as it was jerma and ster's wedding, they had the gender reveal of their second child on the 20th of june with the help of emily and it turned out to be a girl which they were all happy about but both jerma and ster would of been happy anyway if it was a boy, they both told emile the news and he was happy to have a sibling but he was a little disappointed it wasn't a brother, jerma and ster reassured him that it's okay to have a little sister as he can protect her from all those bugs and spiders and this made emile realise that he can show off to his sister on how a good big brother he was so he change his mind making him happy to have a sister, both jerma and ster were happy and waited weeks for the wedding.
it was now the day of the wedding and as of wedding standards, jerma was at his parents house while ster was at his parent's house and emile was being looked after by jerma's sister, jerma was in his room sorting out his suit which was a white suit as he was the 'bride' and he looked disappointed as his 8 month baby bump was showing a lot
'*sigh* i look so fat' jerma thought as he turns to the side to see his baby bump was sticking out more then it looked facing forward
while being pregnant for the second time, jerma did notice some difference between his first pregnancy and this pregnancy, first thing is that his baby bump did look a little smaller then the baby bump he had the first time, he also notice that this baby was a lot calmer then emile as she only kicks every now and again and moves ever now and again while emile kicked and moved about every chance he got especially when ster was talking to him before he was born, he lastly notice is that he had cravings for one thing during this pregnancy while he had multiple cravings for different food while he was having emile, this one food that thos baby kept wanting was chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks which he didn't mind eating but it was odd that the baby kept craving it, jerma looks at the mirror again and he smiles a little realising that this pregnancy was a little easier then his first but he did read in a pregnancy book that the second pregnancy is usually easier after the first.
he looks at himself again and then the door opens to reveal his mother and she looked in awe when she sees jerma in the suit
"aww, look so so handsome!" jerma's mom says as she look him over
"thanks mom" jerma replies with a smile as he look at his mother
"my son is finally getting married, i'm so happy for you" jerma's mom says and she hugs him on the right side
jerma puts his right arm around her and gives her a side hug which lasted a few seconds, when jerma's mom pulls away, she looks like she was starting to cry and jerma knew these were happy tears as she cried like this twice during the pre-wedding of his brother and sister
"i wish my granddaughter was here to see this" jerma's mom says as she rubs jerma's baby bump affectionally
"yeah..." jerma replies in a mumble and smiling a little "we show her the wedding videos and pictures when she's older" he adds and jerma's mom looks up at him
she smiles and then leaves the room as she heard noises outside the room, jerma watches her leave and when she was gone, he mind thought on the time he announced his first pregnancy to his family which were his mom, dad, brother, sister in law, sister and brother in law, they were surprised as they didn't know jerma was a man-woman and of course, neither did jerma at the time when he found out he was pregnant so it was a surprise to everyone, then when they saw emile, they fell in love with him and now spend every other week over at his grandparents home or with his aunts and uncles, when jerma announced this pregnancy to the family, they were happy that emile was going to have a sibling and were excited when they heard it was going to be a girl, they were also excited to meet her next month and so were jerma and ster.
jerma then picks up his phone and sees it was coming up to 9am, he also sees he got a massage from some of his friends as well as emily who was asking where she should meet him, meanwhile with emily and she was sitting on the bed in her room, she was thinking about something and it was about the event that happened during jerma's new years livestream, long story short, jerma went into a black hole type thing when emily was saving tom, sebastian and david from a evil ego shadow that came from james corden, he then had a song battle with the monster in the black hole thing and with the help of emily, he got out again, emily was thinking about of the baby jerma's having had any effects being in the black hole with jerma as he was in the early stages of pregnancy at the time and she did remember jerma saying he had a easy pregnancy this time around but emily was still worried, she then sees she got a text from jerma on her phone and she looks at the text
'teleport to the flat at 9 and i'll meet you there' jerma says in his text and emily nods
'ok, see you there' emily replies and sends a 😋 emoji
emily looks at the time to see it's 8 mintue till 9 so she starts getting ready, she grabs the bridesmaids dress, crown, purse and shoes that jerma sent her and she grabs he ring for her to turn human, she puts the ring on making herself into a human with only having her cat ears, wings and cat tail left and then she puts the bridesmaid dress on, the dress, crown, purse and shoes were gold and white and it looked very pretty on emily after she put it on and went to look at herself in the mirror
"i...feel...fabulous!" emily says happily as she looks in the mirror
she does a spin and she looks great, she then looks at the time to see it was 5 mintues to 9 and she makes sure she had everything before she went, she put her phone in her purse as well as her switch and then she disappears using her teleportation, she reappears in jerma's apartment where otto was happy to see her and then jerma appears at the door
"hi emily! you look so beautiful, you ready to go?" jerma says as he goes over to emily
"aww, tank you! and i'm ready!" emily replies and jerma smiles at her with her smiling back
the pair then leave the apartment and they to the limo they were taking, the pair got into the limo and drove to the church jerma and ster were getting married in, when they get there, jerma and emily get out of the taxi and waiting by the door was jerma's bridesmaids with there being 3 children and 2 adults, the 3 kids were jerma's neices and the 2 adults were jerma's sister and sister in law
"hi jeremy! you're just in time!" jerma's sister says happily to see jerma "who's the girl?" she asks curiously as she points at emily
"oh! this is my good friend's daughter, emma, she really wanted to be a bridesmaid so i let her" jerma replies as a lie and emily made a confused face but shook it off as she didn't want to look at jerma like he was lying
"aww! that's nice of you" jerma' sister says and gives jerma a hug
"come on! we have to go in, the wedding song is about to start!" jerma's sister in law says and jerma panics a little bit nods
everyone gets ready and when the wedding music starts, jerma with emily and the other bridesmaids come in the church and walk down the aisle, the last time emily was at a wedding she was 4 in human years and it was tom and sebastian's wedding, she was obviously a bridesmaid in her human form as none of the families knew she was a red and white cat with wings and superpowers and they still don't as she uses her magic into tricking them that they see human emily in all the movies and tv shows she's been in and when they have family gatherings, she was the star of the wedding next to the wedding itself and in the videos that were recorded, emily is running around, giggling and at the end, getting loads of cuddles and kisses from tom and sebastian which made her giggle more, it was a very wholesome wedding and thinking about it makes emily blush on all the affection she got after the ending kiss and all the mischief she did at the wedding and the reception where she also caused loads of harmful mischief making everyone love her, it also turns out during emily's mischief, a friend of tom's came over to him and sebastian to ask if emily was autistic as she was showing off so many autistic traits in her mischief adventure in the reception hall from stimming, walking on the front of her feet, fiddling with things she could get her hands on, getting overestimated and even making noises instead of talking, both tom and sebastian decided to agree as it did look like she had autism but it was her cat side coming out when she gets excited.
back to the wedding and jerma walks down the aisle looking at everyone that came and then he looks over at ster who looked very handsome in his wedding suit, emily remembered that this was ster's second wedding as he was married to a lady she didn't know the name off but they divorced after ster told her that he got jerma pregnant, jerma makes it down the aisle and he goes to stand next to ster
'hi! you look handsome' ster whispers to jerma which makes him blush
'you do too' jerma whispers back and this makes ster smile
emily and the bridesmaids go to their seats and the wedding goes under way, while the vicar was talking, emily looks around the church as it was making her uncomfortable and then she spots emile sleeping in a lady's arm which emily guessed was jerma's mum, after a little while with everyone being quiet as a mouse the entire time, it was time to wrap up
"i may pronounce you, husband and husband!" the vicar says happily and both jerma and ster have a kiss
the crowd cheers happily and both jerma and ster looks at their crowd with smiling faces
"hooray!" emily says happily and jerma and ster look over at her as she was loud
ster looks over at jerma's mom with emile and he went to go get emile, when he had him and he was still asleep, he went back to jerma and they decided to walk back down the aisle as a family, emile slept the whole time and didn't even wake up when all the cheering and yelling was happening, emily tagged along with jerma and ster and they headed out if the church where people were waiting for them outside, they started throwing flower petals and confetti all over and this made jerma and ster feel happy
"i'm so glad i married you, jeremy" ster says happily to jerma and jerma looks at him with a smile on his face
"me too, steven" jerma replies and they have a kiss which makes everyone cheers happily
after the cheering, the couple with emily and emile went into the limo after ster went to the driver to tell him where they were going and the limo drives off, jerma and ster were smiling like idiots at each other while emily sat opposite them and emile was still asleep in ster's arms
"where we going?" emily asks wondering where they were going
"going back to the house, i need you to look after emile for me as you did tell me you didn't want to be at the reception as you didn't like parties, can you do that for us?" jerma says then asks and emily smiles happily
"okay, i don't mind doing that and it should be fine as he sleeps the whole time you are gone" emily says and the pair smile at her
they soon arrived to the house and when they went inside, jerma and ster put emile to bed, emily came in and she used her magic which made the newly wedded couple confused on what she did
"it's a sleeping related smell magic so emile will still have your smells around him making him sleep soundly and it won't damage his sleeping schedule" emily explains and both jerma and ster nod looking impressed
the pair then leave with emily looking after emile and they go to the reception, emily chills in the living room for a while looking though her phone at tiktok and texting tom but then she fell asleep on the sofa, at the party and both jerma and ster were having a good time dancing, singing, talking to family and friends, having the wedding toast and eating the food jerma and ster chose, jerma was taking it easy as he was almost at his labour due date and he didn't want to start a early labour so he sat down at the front table most of the time, as he was chilling at the front table while his now husband ster was dancing with his mom, his mom came over to him and sat where ster was sitting before
"jeremy?" jerma's mom says and jerma looks at her with both curiousity and confusion "a lot of people keep coming up to me and asking me on what the name of your daughter is going to be as your son, emile has a unique name" she explains and jerma was suprised for a second before thinking about it
"umm...we are still looking for names but we will tell everyone when she's born" jerma replies after thinking about it and his mom nods
"okay" jerma's mom says and she walks away after giving jerma a motherly kiss on the forehead
jerma watches her go and starts to think on girl names that goes well with emile but also being cute, he though of names beginning with b then j then m but his mind went tired and couldn't think of anything, he looked back at ster who was talking to guests and he thought of a idea
'maybe i can ask emily for a suggestion' jerma thought and he smiles at the idea
he then continued to watch the party and by 11pm, the party was wrapping up, jerma and ster was saying goodbye and thank you to everyone that came and when it was just them, they left taking their presents and some left over cake and took a taxi back to the house, when they get to the house, they go inside and see emily fast asleep on the sofa, ster goes to check on emile and he was still fast asleep in his cot
"he's asleep" ster says to jerma as he comes out of emile's room
"oh good, we can get a good night sleep" jerma says as he was taking off his suit jacket and shoes
he puts the suit jacket on the dining chair and heads into the bedroom, when he is in the bedroom, he takes of his suit vest and trousers and lies on the bed shirtless showing off his 8 and a half month baby bump, as he lies down, he starts feeling the baby move about and kick him as he scoots up the bed to get more comfortable, he puts his right hand on his belly to see if it will calm the baby down and it kinda doesn't as she stops wiggling, ster then comes in the room almost naked with only his boxers on and he's goes on the bed next to jerma
"aww! is my little girl all funny after being formal all day?" ster says into jerma's baby belly after he sees kick bump appear on the belly
he starts rubbing and kissing jerma's baby bump affectionally and this was making jerma sleepy as he didn't realise how exhausted he was, ster kept giving jerma's belly affection for a while till he heard light snoring, he looks up to see that jerma had fallen asleep and he smiles as he pulls up from jerma's baby bump and goes over to jerma, he snuggles into jerma and kisses him on her cheek
"goodnight, my husband" ster whispers into jerma's cheek and hugs jerma close as he closes his eyes snuggling into jerma
he soon falls asleep and everyone in the house was now asleep after a full day of being married, the next morning and jerma was woken up by emile whining, he gets out of bed after wiggling himself free from ster's grasp and goes to emile in his bedroom, when he gets to emile, he grabs him from the cot and takes him into the kitchen but he first went into the living room to see emily back in her cat form but looking at the dress she wore for the wedding
"hi jermaine!" emily says happily waving her right paw when she sees jerma "how did da reception go?" she asks and jerma smiles
"it went well, no drama and all fun" jerma replies happily as he goes into the kitchen with emily flying beside him
"oh good, i was worried before i fell asleep dat some drama might happen as some type of drama tends to show its ugly head at a wedding" emily explains as she watches jerma make a milk bottle for emile
"yeah, me and ster dodged a bullet there...oh! i something to ask you before you go back home" jerma says calmly then seriously when he remembers something
"wat?" emily asks with a head tilt of curiousity
"can you help me and ster suggest a name for this one? we are a little stuck and you helped us name emile with a dream so..." jerma explains and emily puts her paw to her mouth to think after she nods happily
"hmm...let me think...hmm..." emily says thinking of a name and then she gets an idea as a invisible light bulb comes to her head "how about a name with m at the beginning like maggie, maisy, megan, morgan, something that goes with emile" she adds giving ideas to jerma
" about...maggie?" jerma says and emily nods after thinking about it
"yeah, that goes, emile and maggie" emily says as she says the 2 names out loud to see if the names went together which they did
emile then started going 'mamama' over and over like he was trying to say it too but couldn't wrap his voice around the 'ggie' part of the name
"looks like he likes the name too" emily says happily with a little giggle
"it's settled then, her name shall be, maggie!" jerma says dramatically and emily cheers happily
"yay!" emily says whike cheering and jerma smiles at her
"what are you 2 talking about?" ster says suddenly and the pair turn to see ster at the door
"hi steven!" jerma says happy to see ster
"hi jeremy...and how my little man this morning, you getting you bottle?" ster replies first giving jerma a kiss and then starts talking to emile which made him giggle
"we were talking about a name for our second child and we decided on the name...maggie" jerma explains as ster takes emile from jerma and ster smiles after thinking about it
"yeah...yeah, that's a good name for her, i like it" ster says happily and looks at emile who was squeaking happily and giggling
"emile also likes da name, anyway, i better go home and leave you newlyweds alone, my dads will be worried about me, i see you later" emily says calmly and she disappears using her magic
ster and jerma wave goodbye and when she was gone, jerma hands ster the now filled milk bottle, ster takes the milk bottle and feed emile in the living room while jerma stayed in the kitchen to make himself and ster breakfast, while jerma was making his breakfast after making ster's breakfast, he suddenly gets surprised as he unborn daughter now named maggie starts kicking him and moving about
"it's okay, sweetie, you get your food in a moment" jerma whispers to his bump and starts rubbing his bump gently
maggie soon calms down but now jerma gained a craving for chocolate chip cookies so he goes to the cookie tin and takes out some cookies, he eats then while finishing making his breakfast and starts eating his breakfast when he finished the last cookie he had, starr then came into the kitchen without emile and grabs his breakfast but not first noticing the cookie tin open
"she wanted chocolate chip cookies" jerma says eating knowing what ster was looking at
"oh okay" ster replies and takes a bite out of his butter toast "can you believe it? we're married now" he adds as he looks at his wedding ring on his left wedding finger
"...yes i can...i love you so much" jerma says happily and calmly as he looks at ster with love in his eyes
"i love you too, my husband, you are all mine now" ster says happily then starts sounding protective
"i'm all yours my husband...and you are all mine too" jerma replies still in love with ster and the pair look at each other loverly
jerma and ster then have a kiss when soon turned into a make our session as ster pushed jerma lightly to the wall by the fridge and he was going to town on his mouth, jerma did look over at emile to see what he was doing and he seems happy playing with his toys and not notice his dads were snogging in the kitchen, back with emily and she was lying on her bed looking though her social media when she sees on reddit that the wedding pictures of jerma and ster were posted on the jerma subreddit, everyone seems really happy and proud like parents that jerma was married now and lots of girl fans say that jerma and ster look very cute together in the pictures, emily smiles and she was curious if the fans notice emily and ask who she was as they never seen her human form before till the 60th doctor who episode comes out in november but nobody asked, she smiles and went back to looking though her social media.

(a month and a week later)

it was the 22nd of august and jerma was lying on the sofa with his left hand on his baby bump while using his right hand to text on his phone, his baby was a week overdue as she as suppose to be born on the 15th of august but she just didn't want to come that day, his midwife did suggest things to help him get to labour faster like sex, exicising and massaging but it didn't work and now it's a waiting game, if maggie wasn't here by next week, he would have to go into hospital for a c-section which he was scared about as he never had a c-section before and he could tell that ster was scared too, ster was chilling on the sofa next to jerma and baby emile who is 15 months old is at ster's parents house for the day, the pair have been leaving emile at their parents house as they are worried about when jerma goes into labour so they've been swapping from ster's parents to jerma's parents everyday till jerma gives birth to maggie and then emile can come back home, ster gets up from his seat and goes over to jerma
"are you okay, my love" ster says softly as he rubs jerma's baby bump
"i'm fine, just tired with this pregnancy" jerma replies as he puts his hand ontop of ster's hand
"i know you are, why don't you ask emily if she know when maggie will be born as she was right about emile being barn last year" ster says and suggests and jerma nods after thinking about it for a few seconds
jerma brings up twitter now called 'x' for some weird reason and he goes to talk to emily
'hi emily, i just want to ask when you think maggie will be born as i'm overdue' jerma says and sends the message
'wait...overdue! you must be exhausted!' emily replies and jerma sends a 😑 emoji "right umm...i say...hmm...she be born!" she adds and does a 🫵 emoji
right on queue, jerma freezes as he feels his water break and he holds his baby bump on instinct while ster looked shocked
"your water broke?!" ster asks starting to panic and jerma nods then groans "come on, ill take you to the hosptal!" he adds panicking and jerma nods
ster helps jerma up and the pair go to the car after ster grabs jerma's phone, they had the baby stuff packed already in the car so they didn't need to get it and ster drives to the hosptal, when they get there, jerma was taken on a stretcher to the baby delivery room and ster waitied outside the room, he then looks at jerma's phone which was still left on the text with emily and he got suspicious
'how did you know?' ster says and sends the text
'used my magic, duh, it told me when and i just replied' emily replies and ster shrugs
'jerma's in labour now' ster says and emily sends a 👍 emoji
'tell me when she is born, you should phone the family in the meantime' emily says with a 📞 emoji
'yes, right, thanks for reminding me' ster says and he closes twitter
he then phones his and jerma's family the news and all of then were very excited, after calling almost everyone, ster sat in the waiting room inpatiently then he sees that his and jerma's parents have arrive with baby emile
"emile!" ster says happily to see his son and emile runs into his arms "how's my good boy doing?" he asks emile to get a happy squeak for a reply
"is he still-" jerma's mom asks and ster gives a nod in reply
suddenly a ping was heard on jerma's phone and ster checks it to see it was emily
'baby maggie would like to see you now, dad' emily says in her text
"mr.elbertson!" a nurse shouts and ster runs over to her with emile in his arms and the baby bag around him "your daughter has arrived safely and your husband is okay too" she says and ster sighs in relief
ster enters the room and sees a exhauted jerma holding a baby which made ster smile, ster goes over to the empty chairs on the other side of the bed and he sits down after putting emile in the other chair
"she's adorable!" ster says happily and jerma nods tiredly
"she is" jerma says tiredly and watches as ster takes the baby from him
ster looks at his newborn baby girl and he can see that she had jerma's big blue eyes and she looked a lot like jerma in her face
"shes definitely your daughter" ster says happily the looks at emile who was looking at his sister "look emile, this is your sister, maggie" he says happily and shows emile his new sister
emile looks at the baby and he giggles happily, he then looks at jerma and hods his hands out to him wanting to be cuddles, ster helps emile to get to jerma and ster holds onto maggie when he leaves the room to show the family the baby, before ster left, he hands jerma his phone back and jerma looks at it to see emily has send something
'congratulations on maggie, i was thinking of a middle name for her and how about...rose' emily says in the text and jerma hums happily
'maggie rose elbertson-serge...i like it' jerma thought and he looks at his phone 'i like it, thanks emily' jerma says in the text then sends it
ster soon comes back with maggie as she wanted milk and jerma takes her from ster
"emily just got to me and she's thought a middle name for maggie" jerma says after maggie latches onto his nipple
"what?" ster asks as he sits down on the chair again after taking emile off the bed
"rose, so her name is maggie rose elbertson-serge" jerma says looking at ster and sees ster's reaction
"...yes, it goes, i like it too" ster says happily and jerma smiles too
jerma and ster stay in the hospital all day and when they were released the next day, they went home and spend all day bonding emile with maggie, emile ends up loving maggie and both jerma and ster smile seeing their now 2 kids getting on with each other
The End

Stories of Emily the Electric Catحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن