Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory

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(Based on games like poppy's playtime, garden of bonbon and other mascot based horror games, also pictures of the 'creatures' will be at the bottom of the fic that i drew myself)

It was a nice day and it had been a few days since the doctor and donna went out to the cafe together with lily, rosie and mima, today was a calm day with emily were with tom and sebastian keeping an eye on mima and lily downstairs as the pair play with some toys while having teletubbies playing in the background while the doctor and the master were in their bedroom having a break from looking after lily and they were napping, emily was looking though her phone at social media to see what was going on in the world, then suddenly, a ad on the tv comes on and emily looks at it confused as the flashing lights caught her attention
"hey kids! are you bored of the toys you have? *...yeah!* then why don't y-you come down to the toys for children toy factory! here, you can make your own toys by d-drawing them and we will send them to you within a week! you can also test o-out some out some toys we have been making and if they are a success, we will put them into p-production! also when you come down, you'll can meet out mascots, pixie the b-butterflycat, buddy the t-talking puppy and m-many others! so come on d-down to t-t-toys for c-c-children t-today!" the advert in the tv says and it kept glitching out like the advert was a recording on a damaged vhs tape
emily watches the advert looking confused and she looks at tom and sebastian to see if they saw the advert as well whivh luckily they did as the glitching of the advert caught their attention and suddenly when the advent looked up be finished, a strange creature that looked like a evil ferby with its sharp teeth comes on the screen roaring the disappears again making emily jump scared
"wh-what dat?!" emily says super confused and scared as she looks around at tom, sebastian, lily and mima
"i-i don't know, that was really weird" sebastian says looking as confused as emily as he looks at her
"i agree, that was the strangest advert i've ever seen" tom says after nodding and the trio looked really confused
"dat was also for a toy factory place for kids? something isn't right 'ere" emily says looking suspecious as she went to think as she put her paw on her mouth
she then looks at her phone and decides to go on google to see if there was anything about a toys for kids toy factory, she did end up finding info about the toy factory but this makes emily more confused
"otay, so it says 'ere dat da toy factory did exist...but it shut down back in da 80s" emily says as she points at her phone while looking between tom and sebastian
"so, if that's the case, what was-?" sebastian says confused as he points to the tv while looking at emily confused
"i dunno but i tink i need to tell friend" emily says seriously and she flies out the living room to go to the doctor's bedroom upstairs
meanwhile in the doctor's bedroom and the master and the doctor were in their bed, the master was fast asleep on the left side of the bed and the doctor was on the right trying to go to sleep with his eyes shut and all relaxed but he couldn't as his brain wouldn't calm down, he had loads of things on his mind like plan a small wedding which he's never done before as earth weddings were different to gallefray weddings and the fact that both him and the master are now engaged referring to each other as their fiancé which made him feel warm inside, he was also thinking about his future, he knows he'll keep being happy with the master, lily and emily, but they all have immortal life span living for centuries while donna, rosie and even emily's parents have a mortal life span so they won't live very long going up to between 80 to 100 which made him sad, he loved donna and her family but seeing them grow old in front of his eyes made him want to cry, this is why he doesn't really want to get to attached to his companions but he couldn't help it, he loved them so much and is happy he met them, there is also the fact that some older companions like mel, ace, sarah jane, martha and some others are also growing old and he hates to think about them dying.
the doctor was still thinking when suddenly he feels someone walking over to him as the bed felt little heavy pushes on the matress, he knew it was emily and he wondered what she wanted as she never really disturbed him while he's asleep, he then feels her poke him in the face lightly with her paw and he couldn't help smile
"emily, what is it?" the doctor mumbles as he opens his right eye to look at her
"i saw somethin' on da tv which was weird" emily whispers confused and looking over at the master now and again checking if he hadn't woken up which he hadn't
"what do you mean 'weird'?" the doctor whispers curiously as he lifts his up a little with a confused head tilt
"well, me with my dads and da beebs were chilling downstairs den suddenly, this weird advert comes on da tv about dis toy factory called 'toys for children' but da ad was very glitchy like it was posted on youtube from a damaged vhs tape when it was a advert on youtube which you can't skip, den at da end of da advert, dis weird toy looking monster scares me and my dads badly like it was ripped from a very scary horror game but it was in real life! it was so scary and weird, anyway, i den looked up dis 'toys for children' place and it turns out dat dis place is a real place but it shut down in da 80s so, something is up and i don't like it!" emily explains in a whisper even if she got almost loud at points and she was also using her paws while she talked also juggling her phone
"...hmm...yes, i agree, that is very weird and something is wrong, hand me your phone" the doctor whispers seriously as he slowly gets up to not disturb the master
emily hands the doctor her phone where on the screen was the artical about the toys for children toy factory and he scroll though the artical to understand what happened, emily watches him as he looks at her phone and she wondered what he was looking up as she couldn't find anything else about the place other then the artical she showed the doctor
"what doing?" emily asks curiously as she has a curious head tilt
"just looking something up...okay, shall we get going?" the doctor says as he hand emily her phone back then he smiles at emily after he grabs his phone from his bedside table
"...oh! otay, reah!" emily says after realising what the doctor wanted to do and she nods happily
"ok, let's go to the TARDIS, my nap can wait till later" the doctor says happily and both him with emily jumping onto his shoulder go into the TARDIS
the doctor runs over to the console after he shuts the doors to the TARDIS with emily on his shoulder and he was about to put in the coordinates to this toy factory when he gets a ring on his phone so he answers it after seeing it was donna calling
"hey donna!" the doctor says happily after answering the call
"doctor, what are you up to?" donna says happily then casually making the doctor smile
"me and emily were heading off somewhere, yoy wanna come?" the doctor replies and he hears donna hum a thinking hum
"oh alright, as long if it's not super dangerous" donna says happily and the doctor smiles as he glances at emily who was also smiling
"ok, i'll meet you in a few seconds" the doctor says happily and he hangs up
he pushes some buttons and flicks some switches after he puts his phone away in his pocket and he makes sure the TARDIS leaves quietly as he didn't want to wake up the master, he then makes the TARDIS reappear a few inches away from donna's back doors of her back garden and donna steps out happily when she sees the TARDIS appear, she then steps inside where the doctor and emily were smiling at her as the doctor was leaning on the console
"so, where are we going today, spaceman?" donna says happily as she walks over to the doctor and he smiles at her
"nowhere random as this is some kind of investigation, emily will explain" the doctor says smiling and emily flies to don a while the doctor went back and pressed some buttons
emily explains to donna what happened to her and what she found out before she went to the doctor to tell him and when she was done, donna looks at emily a little confused then she nods understanding
"so, we are going to a toy factory that is possible got scary sentient toys inside? i'm in!" donna says confused then happily as she likes that she gets to adventure again
"yay!" emily says happily and she flies back to go on the doctor's shoulder
the doctor runs around the console pulling a lever while donna waits leaning on the railing then the TARDIS land with a light thud
"you ready?" the doctor says happily to both emily and donna
"reah!" emily replies happily with some fast nodding and donna also nods agreeing with her
"ok then, let's go and see what's going on with this toy factory" the doctor says happily and he walks over to the TARDIS door with donna behind him
the trio exit the TARDIS and see that the TARDIS had parked right outside the factory, after donna steps out of the TARDIS, the doctor shuts the TARDIS door and he walks over to donna who was looking up at the sign on the top of the factory that said ' oys f r ch en' as some of the letters had fallen off, the factory also looked very dirty and plant life was growing around the factory
"wow, this place has defiantly hasn't been touched since the 80s, i'm surprised it hasn't been knocked down yet to made into something else" donna says as she looks around the factory building
"what make you think they haven't tried to?" the doctor replies as he wonder off from a donna a little and donna looks to him confused
in his hand, the doctor had a clipboard and on the clipboard was a paper from a demolition company with a permission slip letting the demolition company to knock down the building but it also had a description on the paper about the building before a big line appears half way though the sentence like the person writing was dragged off, emily looks around after reading the clipboard the doctor had and she sees that there were loads of construction vehicles around the entrance of the factory
"whatever is here, it doesn't want dis place to be knocked down" emily says as she looks at the construction vehicles then at the doctor
"hmm...this isn't good but let's go inside and see what going on" the doctor says seriously and he goes up the stairs with donna behind him
"is it weird that i've never heard of this tou factory till now and i remember a lot of things from the 80s" donna says confused as she goes next to the doctor
"no, it isn't, i've never heard of this place before either until emily told me about it" the doctor replies as he walks to the door
the doctor pulls the door open which kinda surprise him mentally as he was expecting it to be locked so he could use his sonic screwdriver and the pair with emily still on the doctor's shoulder go inside the factory, when they get inside, they see that the the reception area was trashed as there were chairs, books, coffee tables and office chairs all over the place, the only thing that was still intact was a statue in the middle of the room of a mascot and the mascot was of a cartoonish humanoid dragon, the doctor and donna go over to the statue as the doctor can see a plaque in front of the statue and it read 'the toy factory's mascot - Dashie the Friendly Dragon'
"i have a feeling dat it's dis tings is what caused da demolish cancelation" emily says as she points to the statue in worry
the trio look around some more and are just confused on how this happened, suddenly a funny noise was heard sounding like a roar but also sounding like the walls settling in and the trio look around confused on where the noise came from
"umm, where did that come from?" donna asks the doctor confused and concerned and the doctor shrugs confused
"i-i don't know but let's uhh...go into that staff room over there, it might be something in there that can tell us what happened" the doctor says looking around then pointing to the staff room at the left side of the reception area
the trio go over to the staff room and the doctor check if it can open which it can't do he takes out his sonic screwdriver from his suit pocket, he opens the door with his screwdriver and the trio go inside to see that the staff room looked more wrecked then the reception, there was also blood around which made the trio look worried
"looks like dere is someting dangerous in dis building" emily says worried as she looks around with her ears drooping
the trio start looking around to see if there was anything to help then understand what happened when donna finds a vhs tape on the collapsed shelf at the left side of the room, she picks it up and looks around till she spots a vhs tape player so she goes over to it and puts the vhs tape into the player which was underneath a blocky tv, the doctor and emily go over to see the tv light up with a play in the left corner and then some music starts playing
"hello and welcome to the employee training video, this video will teach you on what to do when you are around children!" the voice on the tv said with a logo for toys for children showing in screen (which is at the bottom of the fic)
"hey! dats da voice from da advert!" emily says recognising the voice as she points to the tv
"the first thing you should know is that if you find a lost kid, take the kid to the lost kid room where the parent can go and pick up their kid, the kids are put in this room so that the kid will be replaced with a robot replica that the parents will take home while the real kid will be taken by more staff to our testing room...second thing you should know is that you must be kind and helpful to both parent and kid that arrive at the factory, it's important to make them feel welcome and happy when they visit the factory, the third and last thing to remember is that if a toy ever escapes, act like nothing is wrong to keep the parents and kids unaware while our other staff doesn't suspect a thing, hope this helps!" the voice on the tv says and then it shows the logo again before finishing
"wh-what was dat?" emily says concerned and a bit scared as she points at the tv while looking between the doctor and donna
"replica kids? what were they doing to the real kids?" donna says both confused and concerned as she looks at the doctor and emily
"i think this place had more of a darker side then what i originally realised" the doctor says as he thinks while glancing at donna "let's go and have a look around some more, maybe we can find something to help us explain where what happened to the kids, i don't think it was good though" he adds seriously as he walks over to the door
the trio exit the staff room and they didn't get very far only getting to the reception desk when they heard that funny wall settling roaring sound again, emily then hears something else as her ears perk up and she could hear loads of footsteps
"somethin' coming!" emily says in a warning tone as she looks between the footstep sound and the doctor looking serious
the doctor and donna were about to ask what it was but they question was immediately answere as these little furry like robot come out of a room at the back (there is a picture of them at the bottom of the fic), the only different these things had to furbies though was the front paws and the big mouth across the face with many teeth inside like a crocodile
"evil furbies! now i've seen everything!" donna says shocked when she sees them and she looks over at the doctor as he grabs her hand
"ok, time to run!" the doctor says after grabbing donna's hand and he, emily still on his shoulder and donna run for it
the doctor and donna ran for it while the furby like creatures were either running or hopping after them and the trio end up going though a door at the back of the room, then down a corridor and then though another door at the end of the corridor, the doctor then shuts the door and locked it with his screwdriver before the furbies like creatures were banging on it as the doctor just locked it
"whao! that was close!" the doctor says surprised after he back away from the door after the furby like creatures were banging on the door
"reah! too close!" emily adds with a nod as she also looks at the door as the furby like creatures were still banging at it
"wh-what were those things, anyway? they looked like furbies but designed different like a bootleg" donna says looking stressed and exhausted after running
"umm, i dunno but i tink we are in a employee area" emily says a little worried as she looks at do a after looking around the room
the trio it turns out had gone into the employee area which looked to be a a mechanical room, the doctor looks around at the machine while emily and donna just look around and then both donna and emily see a window at the end of the room which was one of those one way windows donna and emily look though the window and sees that outside the window was a machine that looked like it made the toys which was very new back in the 80s as things were usually hand made
"hey doctor, look at this" donna says as she taps the doctor on his arm
the doctor looks up and he was both amazed and shocked when he saw the machine, emily glances over at the doctor and smiles with a little giggle seeing how amazed he was looking at the machine geeking out a little
"that thing is amazing! and these must be the machines to help it running-oh! that is so cool!" the doctor says happily and emily was giggling on his shoulder
"dis machine must be used to make all da toys" emily says as she points to the machine
"it looks very old and rusty now, i'll be surprised if it still works" donna says as she looks at the machine then at the doctor
well, we won't know till we turn it on" the doctor says and he goes over to a door to the left of them
"wait! i found a vhs tape! look!" emily says suddenly as she flies off the doctor's shoulder to go over to a table
she picks up the tape holding it on the sides and then she goes over to a bus tape player that was in the right corner with a hanging blocky tv above it, she pushes the tape into the player and the player accepts it as the tv lights up with the play in the left corner, the doctor and donna joined emily and emily goes back onto the doctor's shoulder as she keeps her eyes on the tv as it lights up
"h-h-hey kids! are you b-bored of your furby not d-doing anything? *yes* then from t-the toys for c-children, introducing the p-petables, the p-pet that can do so much more then a f-furby, it can w-walk on all 4 legs, it has l-loads to say, it can c-change its personality from how you t-treat it and it can come if different c-colours, you won't know what c-colour you get until you u-unbox then and there is even a 1-1 in a o-one t-thousand chance you can get the r-rare gold and silver petable so get o-one t-today at t-toys for c-children!" the video says being an advert to the creatures outside the door and they look much cuter in the advert then they do outside the door
"petables? i've never heard of them" donna says confused and both the doctor and emily shake agreeing with her
"we haven't either, i wonder what happene' to make us not see dem on da tv" emily says confused and she looks at the tv to think
"from the looks of the advert, it looks like they did show it on tv but...they were never released or something else happened" the doctor says as he thought about it and emily looks at him worried "also from the looks of those 'petables', they look very advanced for being from the 1980s, something isn't adding up here" he adds and emily nods agreeing with him
"maybe if we keep moving? we could find what is going on" donna says as she points to the door and the doctor hums as he goes to the door
the doctor opens the door and it open to some stairs which lead to the machine, the trio went down the stairs and the doctor walks over to the machine ashe can see a little monitor with a keyboard and mouse next to the part of the machine where the toys come out from
"hmm, let's see here" the doctor says after he goes to the monitor and he takes out his sonic screwdriver from his jacket pocket
he points his screwdriver at the monitor and it turns on after he uses his screwdriver on it, the monitor shows a child friendly selection screen with the words 'make', 'print' and 'insert' on it and the doctor used his screwdriver on the screen again getting up the admin controls, whioe the doctor was looking around in the monitor, donna was looking around the room and she bumps into some posters that were hanging on the wall, one was for the petables that was cute and to the point, then there was one for a toy called 'pixie the catterfly' which was a pink cat mixed with a butterfly with the wings and feathery antennas, then a toy called 'buddy the talking dog' which was a brown terrier like dog that can apparently talk a lot when you press the right paw, a toy called 'the little guys' which looked to bascally be a bootleg troll, a toy called 'mr.alien' which was a simple alien plush toy that makes funny noises if you press its body parts (the picture of these toys up to this point are pictured at the bottom of the fic), a toy which was of the dragon statue at the reception dashie that was a plush mechanical toy that acted similar to a furby, a toy clown named 'binker the clown' which was a wooden mechanical clown that looked straight up scary, a strange looking toy called 'sleepy pleepy' which was a strange looking blob that played lullaby music when you pressed the middle, a robot toy called 'overdrive the robot' which can move about and lastly a poster for a toy called 'the cow people' which was a toy line of cowboys and cowgirls with horses, play sets and even bad guys called 'robbers and robbettes' which were male and female robbers.
there were some other posters too but they were the more stand out ones if the lot, emily sees the posters too as she looks around from the doctor's shoulder while he was still messing with the admin mode on the computer then she spots something and it was a cassette tape player, she flies over to it and she sees there was a cassette tape inside the player so she presses the play button which makes it start
'uh, it's the 21st of january, 1980, umm...m-mr.huggins has shown us this new machine that can make any toy that anyone can make, it's a bit odd to me as it looks so futuristic, a machine that can make any toy a kid wants? sound like a destiny to disaster in the wrong hands, mr.huggins had said he will make sure it won't go into the wrong hands...but he has this look to his eyes saying something else, i need to keep an eye on him, so he isn't up to anything terrible...voice recording done!' the tape says before it finishes and the play button pings up
"hmm...dis mr.'uggins guy must be da boss of dis place" emily says thinking as she had her paw on her mouth
"i got something!" the doctor says happily when he kinda finds what he was looking for
"what?" emily asks as she flies back to the doctor's shoulder looking confused and curious
"it seems to be a data log of all the toys that was made but look at this...this one seems to be different to the other toys that was made" the doctor says as he points to the screen at a list of toys that was made by the machine
the one the doctor was mainly pointing at was a line talking about a remote control
"a remote control? for what?" donna asks as she was a bit lost on why it was important
"i believe it's to control the toys but the question is who is controlling the toys?" the doctor says then asks in wonder
"...look, dere is also somethin' dere about a helmet" emily says as she points at the screen
the doctor moved the cursor onto the helmet word and it makes a pop up on what the helmet looks like, the helmet didn't look like a standard helmet that was metal with a antenna ontop, this helmet had loads of different flick switches, 2 antenna on the top, buttons and it even had some weird looking ear plug on the sides to put in your ears
"that's a weird helmet, what is it used for?" donna says as she gets a closer look at the helmet
"i don't know but i have a feeling it it's connected to the toys and the remote" the doctor says seriously as he was thinking
emily also thinks on what it could be used for but then she picks up in a sound making her and her ears straighten up, she looks around for the sound and she realises that the sound was music which was getting closer, the doctor and donna were confused by emily sudden behaviour change but then they started to hear the music too making them look around for it, the music was now audible and it sounded like calming music you would use to make you sleepy which it was making the doctor and donna very sleepy, emily was getting sleepy too and suddenly, the doctor and donna drop down to the floor falling asleep, emily rolls off the doctor's shoulder going into the middle of him and donna and she was trying so hard to stay awake, she looks up trying to stay awake and she sees that the door in the middle of the room opens to reveal 2 what look to be abominations, one which emily could tell from the face was sleepy pleepy but it looked like a large creature that was trying to look like a wolf but it was very wrong to look at and it was the one playing the lullaby music, the other was a large endoskeleton of what looked to be a dragon as by the wings, snout making emily realise it was meant to be dashie the dragon and half of the outer suit was still sticking to the endoskeleton mainly around the face, hands, arms, torso and legs, both sleepy pleepy and the dashie endoskeleton were 22ft tall which was the same height as a inflatable water slide for kids, the endoskeleton then goes over to the doctor, emily and donna and he looks at them curious disgust like it's saying 'who are these people in my territory?', the dashie endoskeleton then picks up the doctor and donna who are still asleep and examines them, emily growl and snarls quietly but she was too sleepy to keep doing it,the dashie endoskeleton then walks off with the doctor and donna with emily trying to reach out to them
"f-friend!" emily says weakly but then she ends up falling asleep with everything going black
the sleepy pleepy looks at emily as the dashie endoskeleton leaves and then it follows the endoskeleton like a dog following its owner around the house, emily didn't know how long she was out for but when she started to wake up, she could hear voices, she couldn't make them out at first but when she wakes up more she starts to understand them
"-till she's awake?" one voice that sounds like a girl's voice says to emily's right
"what if she doesn't wake up?! what then?" the other voice says sounding like a boy's voice to emily's left
"she will, sleepy pleepy was the one who put her to sleep as well as the hoomans that came with her" the girl's voice says in a calming tone and emily starts getting up
"oh! she's getting up!" the boy's voice says in a panicked tone as emily stands up
emily shakes her head after standing up and when she opens her eyes, she sees that in front of her were 2 toys but you couldn't tell they were toys as they looked real, one which was to emily's right was pixie the catterfly who looked happy to see emily while to emily's left was buddy the talking puppy that looked to be a real puppy looking worried, emily then looks around and sees that the doctor and donna were gone and she remembers what happened
"where's my friend and donnie? where did dat endoskeleton thing take my friends?!" emily says in a panicked tone as she looks around them look at pixie and buddy
"...dashie the king has took them, b-but don't worry! i don't think he'll do anything bad to them" pixie says first sad then yells a little
"yeah, he tends to keep the new hoomans around for a while to examine their behaviour before he decides to put their souls into a toy, if you want to see him, he'll be at the very bottom of the factory" buddy explains and emily looks more worried then before
"why is he at da bottom of da factory?" emily asks looking worried and confused with a head tilt
"we don't know, he just like being underground" pixie says and emily still looked worried
"...i'm going to find him so i can get friend back" emily says seriously after thinking about it and she starts walking away
"wait! you can't go out there! there are loads of petables roaming around and if they get you, they will lock you up in their playhouse!" pixie says as her with buddy catch up to emily looking worried
"play'ouse?" emily says confused as she stops at the door she sees sleepy pleepy and the dashie endoskeleton go though before she went to sleep
"yeah, they own a certain part of the factory that they call their own called 'the petables playhouse' and it isn't a safe place for non toys so i suggest avoiding it for now, you do need to go though it soon to get to the elevator to get to dashie" buddy explains seriously scared and emily looks at the pair listening while looking serious
"we first need to make you more toy like so you can get around the factory safely without any of the bad toys suspect you aren't a toy, luckily we found you and we know what to do, follow us!" pixie says seriously then happily as she goes in front of emily "oh! i'm pixie by the way and this is buddy, who are you?" pixie says happily as she stops in front of emily and emily smirks at her
"i'm emily!" emily says happily and pixie smiles with a nod
pixie then runs to emily's right and buddy joins her going next to pixie, emily felt a little insecure at first wondering if she should trust these toys as the other toys they met chased her with the doctor and donna into the mechanical room to her left, she was also concerned about them betraying her but she just decides to go along with it as if they do betray her, she could use her electricity on them and theie circuits will be fried, she then sign with her nose and she goes off following the 2 toys going over to a vent, the trio get into the vent with pixie in front, buddy in the middle and emily on the end with her wondering where they were going, meanwhile somewhere and the doctor was now waking up from his sleep, he gets up and he looks around to see that he was in some type of large human sized dog crate
"right, i wake up from a forced sleep and now i'm in a large dog crate, this is new" the doctor says as he looks around at the crate "donna! emily!"he calls out to his companion and his best friend but he got no reply
suddenly that funny familiar wall settling sounding roar was heard and the doctor instantly finds out that the roar was coming from dashie the endoskeleton dragon as he looks into the doctor's crate looking at him
"oh hello! i'm the doctor and you are a very big metal-uh, are you suppose to be a dragon?" the doctor says happily with a wave then he gets a little confused till he realises "wait, are you dashie the dragon?! aww, this place made a life sized version of dashie, that is impressive being from the 1980s" he adds happily after he realised and he looked very impressed
dashie watches the doctor emotionless as the doctor talks and when he stops, the endoskeleton dragon sits down like a dogs and keeps watching the doctor still emotionless
"'re not human...are you?" dashie suddenly says in a deep mechanical voice which startled the doctor a little "...i can feel you have 2 heartbeat...which is impossible for a human to have" it adds and the doctor shrugs smiling but he was low key scared
"that's not strictly true as pregnant people have 2 heartbeats but yes, i'm not a human, i am a timelord and i do have 2 hearts! which are here and here!" the doctor says correcting dashie and then he smiles as he points to the location of his 2 hearts "by the way, have you seen my friend, donna, she had long ginger hair and has a sassy attitude" he asks wondering where donna is
"...she's in a different area to you...she is fine but still asleep....she will wake up soon" dashie says and the doctor smiles a little cocky
"oh good! i was worried about her, she's like a sister to me, you know" the doctor says happily but also felt a little spectacle about this endoskeleton dragon creature "but don't mess with her, she's very good at putting people and creatures in their place when they cross her lines" he adds sound both serious and in a teasing tone at the same time
" like to talk...this is interesting yet odd...other people i had here...usually freak out then get psychotic from being...stuck in one place after a few days" dashie says having pauses as he isn't use to talking a lot only having sentence bursts
"yeah well, i'm a gossip and it help me get to know people, like you, i know you are meant to be the mascot of this toy factory that was made in the 1980s but that's it, i also know that i don't have my best friend with me, have you seen her? her name is emily and she's a red and white cat with wings" the doctor explains looking chill then asks where emily was as he was starting to miss her
", i haven't seen her..." dashie says and then he gets up
"oh, are you leaving? it was nice talking to you, i'll see you again soon" the doctor says disappointed about emily missing missing then perks up as he says bye to dashie
dashie walks off leaving the doctor alone and he goes off to another room, the doctor watches him leave and when he was gone, he sighs bring glad he was gone, he looks around before he takes out his sonic screwdriver from his jacket pocket and he uses the screwdriver on the number padlock that was keeping the crate closed, the padlock unlocks after the doctor put his hand though the crate and the doctor smiles as he pushes the door open, he gets out and he runs over to the big boxes to hide
"right, all i have to do is first find donna and get her out, then i need to find emily wherever she is" the doctor says to himself quietly so he won't be heard
he then looks around to see if anyone was around and when their wasn't, he bolts off to a door to the right that he spots whe he was in the cage, he goes though the door and he sees that he ended up in a corridor, he looks around for a second then he went left as he though it would take him to donna, he keeps walking for a bit while looking around and the corridor looked unused with walls having stains from water leaking, nothing looked updated, the celling looked like it was going to collapse and the floor looked dusty and dirty, the doctor then reaches a door and this door was the only door at the end of the corridor so he peaks inside to find a storage room that had shelves of empty product boxes for toys, empty brown boxes and other things, he looks around for a moment until he finds a cassette tape player sitting on a table on the left side on the room similar to the one emily found so he goes ove to it and presses play on it making it start playing
'uh, it's the umm...5th? of february 1981 and mr.huggins has been acting weird since last week, he's been obsessed with making the toys act more...alive? i think, he wants them to do more then what they do already and i don't know how he wants us to do it, does he want us to give them a brain? a soul? i don't understand...i hope he goes and get help as me as well as the staff are getting concerned about him, recording over' the cassette tape says and the doctor looked confused yet concerned on what was going on
the doctor remembers emily saying that this mr.huggins sounds like he was up to no good and from the sounds of this tape recording and the employee tape him, emily and donna watched eariler says to the doctor that something was definitely wrong here and he needs to stop it before it gets worse, he keeps looking around until he finds a vent that is luckily his sixe to crawl though so he crouches down, uses his screwdriver to unscrew the screws holding the vent bars and then when the vent bare are off and he moves the bars out the way, he crawls into the vent wondering where he was going, back with emily and she had been painted up by pixie and buddy to look more mechanical toy like to fool the other toys
"so from what you did to me, i'm guessin' dese toys aren't dat smarts" emily says as she looks herself in the brokenish mirror when the pair were done with her
"yeah, they're not that bright when it comes to real beings and toys" buddy says with a shrug and emily looked impressed and confused
"they just want to anything they want and when they do see a hooman, they jump at them and then pin them down until dashie come to take them away" pixie explains as she goes to the door "anyway, shall we get going?" she asks as she goes to the door
"hold on, give me a mintue" emily says in a mumble as she has been distracted by the place since she's got here
she looks around the room seeing that it has become some type of base area for pixie and buddy but there was also 2 other toys here too by there being 4 of things like charging stations and chairs, she then goes to the table where she finds a vhs tape player with a tv by the vhs tape player and she puts in the vhs tape that was sitting on top of the player, in video after it starts, it shows a jail cell and in the jail cell was a toy in it that wasn't on the posters in the toy making machine room, this toy looked similar to a teddy ruxpin but it didn't have a shirt on, the eyes were more human like and it had a logo of the toy factory on the foot
"it's the 31st of march 1981 and this is day one of putting a human soul and brain in the toy and this one not showing any sign of change with only the eyes looking more human, we will return soon on how it develops" the man says seriously in the background while it looks at the teddy on the floor with the date and time in the bottom left corner then static hits for a few seconds "...i-it's the 5 of april now, still in 1981 and it's day 5 of the H.I.T project, this teddy rupert seems to have changed a lot since i last saw it, it seems to have progressed quite well and we will monitor its progress further" he says both seriously ans fascinated and the teddy was looking looking a lot different then before now looking to have claws growing out of the bear paws, the mouth looked serverly ripped as it had a bigger mouth and teeth popping out and the eyes looked really deranged
the tv then goes static again for a few seconds
"it's now the 20th of april, 1981 and also day 15 of the H.I.T project, this teddy rupert has now turned into a strange being that cannot be released into the public, it's too fascinated yet dangerous to let loose and we still need to keep an eye on it for its progress" the man says still sounding serious yet fascinated and the teddy rupert was not really a teddy anymore
the 'teddy' was now a strange endoskeleton abomination with it being the size of a average human man, big claws, sharp teeth, human eyes but no colour to them, standing there looking like a weeping angel statue not moving an inch, ears from the teddy still on its head but looking bigger and spiky and the original toy was on the endoskeleton's left foot, the static then appears again but this static was a bit longer then usual, when it shows the picture again, screaming was suddenly heard and the endoskeleton of the use to be rupert bear was gone, the screaming was a man screaming and it sounded like he was in pain, there was also a funny noise which emily couldn't figure out what it was but she also didn't like it, suddenly the camera glitches out and it had suddenly moved and it was now showing a glass window and on the other side of the window was a man getting eaten alive by the rupert endoskeleton from the legs up, the funny noise emily heard was the crunching of the endoskeleton eating the bones of the man, the static came back again and before the video ends, it shows the endoskeleton chomping on the head of the man as he screams one last time with the skull cracking and then the video ends with the vhs tape coming out of the player after some static appears
emily looked at the tv super horrified and being completely still, she then gets stressed as she looks around and she then looks over at pixie and buddy who were looking at emily confused
"ah!" emily squeaks sounded stressed and horrified on what she just saw "wh-wha-ah!" she says trying to speak but she was too horrified
she calms down a little by shaking her body and then the thought of her friend and donna came up which made her stressed again
"i need to save friend!" emily says seriously and still stressed and she goes over to the door
she leaves running and both pixie and buddy were following her with pixie flying to the right and buddy running on all 4 feet to the left of pixie
"wait! you don't know where you're going!" pixie yells at emily and it does make her slow down skidding to a hult
"otay, where we going den?" emily says as she turns around to the pink catterfly and the talking dog looking serious yet still stressed
"we need to go...over there!" buddy says as he looks around and he points to a door to the left of the trio "this will take us to the petables village where they hang out and from there, you should be able to get to the lift that takes us down to the place dashie hangs out" he explains as he takes the lead and emily with pixie running next to her follow buddy to the door
the trio then go though the door with pixie pushing the door handle down and the trio end up in a office room, there were desks with office chairs, old blocky computer and those rotary phones sitting at each desk and there looked to be about 20 desks in total, pixie and buddy run over to the vent they were going to go though but emily wanted to look around before they went in the vent, as she was looking around, she ends up finding a cassette tape player and she presses play on the player
'i-it's the 22nd of april 1981 and something bad is going on, i-i hear loads of people screaming everywhere and i'm hiding under the desk in the office, something is attacking everyone and i don't know what it is...i-if someone finds this, umm t-tell my family i love them if i don't make it and tell them that this toys for children company is more messed up then i realised, it's become a hellhole and if you are listening to this mr.huggins, you are seriously messed up for starting the H.I.T project, especially on children, you were suppose to bring them joy not pain, r-recoding over!" a woman says on the tape sounding really stressed as there were screams and yells for help going on in the background
emily looks at the cassette tape player worried and after looking around some more not finding anything useful, she runs over to pixie and buddy who take the vent bars off the vent, they all go in and start walking in the vent with buddy in the lead, back with the doctor and he had found another door from the place he found the cassette tape player and he found himself in a big office room, he goes over to a computer that was still on from the red light shining from the chassis, he turns it on and the monitor lights up showing a log in screen, he was about to use his screwdriver to get into the computer but then he saw a sticky note on the phone by the monitor that said 'password - pheonixnight42060' so that what he types into the computer, it logs him in a after he types it in and he sees that the person that used this computer before him didn't log out fully as they used a sleep log out, he also sees that there was a document open and it was called 'the H.I.T project journal' which he got curious about, he clicks on the notepad app that said 'the journal' he starts reading it
'1st of february 1980 - mr.huggins has suggested that we do a project which he names the human in toy project or H.I.T project, what he wants to do is to but the souls and brains in toys to make them feel more...sentient and alive, i don't know why he wants to do this but he does and it's worrying me as well as the other staff, he said if we don't comply then we will be part of the experiments and lose our jobs so we literally have no choice what we can or can't do'
'9th of february 1980 - today we have our first test subject, a man named norman who is a prisoner, let see how he copes when we put his brain and soul in our toy which is a pig animatronic toy named percy the porky pig'
'29th of february 1980 - it worked! but it's not what we were expecting, the test subject seems to accepted well to the percy the porky pig toy but he has now turned into a abomination endoskeleton that looks like a metal pig, mr.huggins says that we need do more experiments with more prisoners and he with some others will bring more prisoners next week to do tests on'
'15th of march 1980 - we have had in 6 subject from the jail and we have done the same as what we did with subject 1, there were 3 men and 3 woman and we have put their souls and brains into some toys, a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a dinosaur, a horse and a dragon, 3 out of the 6 toys seem to accept their toys which was the cat, the dog and the rabbit while the dragon, the dinosaur and the horse had turned into the abominations like what subject 1 did, mr.huggins was pleased with the dog, cat and rabbit so he asked that we try someone younger, like a teenager or a child which i didn't like but we sadly have to do what he says'
'24th of october 1980 - it's been a while but we have successfully made over 100 sentient toys using the H.I.T project, we ended up using loads of people from i think the ages of 3 to 65 and they are all living in our new toys called the petables which are selling like hot cakes, mr.huggins is pleased with the results so he wants to keep doing it worth more toys he had in mind thanks to the idea of children that have been suggesting toy ideas, let's hope nothing goes wrong'
'21st of april 1981 - something has gone completely wrong! the toys are starting to rebel and we can't control them, it ever since we put mr.huggins in a toy yesterday by his request with only a remote and a helmet with him that he made with the toy maker machine and now everything is going to rubbish, the toy that we put mr.huggins in is a-' the entries says and the last one gets cut off before it could finish
the doctor looked serious yet curious after reading the notepad entries and then he closes the app, he then sees a app next to the journal called 'the H.I.T project experiments' and he clicks it to open a excel which shows a list, on the list showed the date, name, age, gender, toy they're in and how it went with a 'success' or 'failure', the ages of all the people that were forced to be used as experiments went as young as a month old to the oldest being 70, the last person that was experimented on was mr.huggins really named samual huggins, a 45 year old man that was put in a stange monster toy called 'my scary troll monster' which is a weird toy to want to be put in, the doctor then goes to print the paper which luckily the printer which is on the other side of the office as it lights up and starts printing, the doctor goes over to the paper and when it was done, he takes it out and pulls out a stapler out of his pocket and staples the paper together so it opens like a book, suddenly a noise was heard like someone or something was coming so the doctor panics as he looks around then he sees a door so he goes in it to see it was a storage closet, he pokes his eye out of a crack in the door and he sees that something had barged into the room which was a scary bear looking endoskeleton
'it must of heard me use the printer, i need to stay hidden until it goes away' the doctor thought as he watches the bear endoskeleton as it walks around the room
the doctor keeps a close on the endoskeleton as it looks around the room then when it couldn't find anything different, it roars in rage as it punches one of the computers, it then goes back though the door it came and went though the other door that was to the left of the room the doctor was in, the doctor sighs in relief when it was gone and he decides to look around the room, he sees that the storage closet wasn't just a storage closet but also a janitor room as they was a desk, a couch, a tv with a vhs player, a door that leads to a bathroom and a mini fridge, the doctor goes over to the desk where he picks up a vhs that was just sitting there and he puts it into the player which makes the tv light up with a play button in the corner.
the video first showed the date which was the 23rd of april 1981 and then the title of 'the day of the incident', the video then cuts to some cctv footage which was surprising clear for being from the 80s, in the footage, it shows everyone in the reception area doing their work but suddenly, a endoskeleton of a horse comes out of nowhere and starts attacking everyone, killing them instantly, it then cuts to a different cctv camera and it showed people getting killed by a bear endoskeleton similar to the one the doctor saw earlier in what appears to be a lab area, then it shows another cctv footage in a office with people working and they were suddenly attacked by a dragon endoskeleton similar to dashie, then it shows another cctv footage of the toy maker machine and it shows all the endoskeletons putting everyone's dead bodies into the machine, it then prints out loads of 'toys' but these toys were just loads of petables in different colours, the last clip it showed was of all the endoskeletons standing in front of a giant monster that was half toy, half human and half abomination before the video ends and the vhs tape comes out of the player.
the doctor stares at the tv looking horrified unable to move as he was having a mental PTSD episode from the time war, he then snaps out of it when he hears a noise sounding like a big banging noise from outside the door so he goes over and peaks out the door to see nothing there but then he does as it was the horse endoskeleton walking around the office, he then realised that dashie must of found out that he has escaped so he has sent the endoskeletons to find him so he needs to leave thugs floor to get away from the endoskeleton but not without donna, he waits till the horse endoskeleton was gone going though the door it came in from and when it was gone, he comes out of the closet, goes though the door that was a few feet away from the closet and he ran down the corridor looking for a door to go though while holding onto the info paper that he printed out of all the people that were sadly part of the H.I.T project.
meanwhile back with emily and she with pixie and buddy havw finally made it to the petables village, the village was like a kids village with a town hall, a nursery, a hospital, a hotel, a shop, a post office and a bookstore, there were some petables walking or hopping around but they weren't interested in emily as they think she's a toy like what they are as well as pixie and buddy who were in front of emily, emily was looking around at the village and she spots that in the middle of the village was a statue which it was of dashie the dragon with mr.huggins next to him kinda similar to walt disney with mickey mouse
"this is the petables village, it where most of the petables hang out" pixie says happily as she starts walking backwards to talk to emily
"it's suprisingly a nice and tidy place for dis place to have been abandoned over 40 years ago" emily says amazed as she looks around then looks at pixie
"even if the petables are very territorial towards hooman coming into the factory, they are very hygienic and likes to keep everything tidy, it's why there isn't any blood around the place from 'the day of the incident' as these tidied up the blood, bones and organs" buddy explains rambling a little and emily hums a confused hum
"i have no idea what 'da day of da incident' is but i can probably guess it was a lift changing incident involving loads of deaths or something oike dat, anyway where're we goning?" emily says casually yet worried then curiously as she did t know what the plan was
"we're going to town hall, there should be a lever there that controls the elevator which has been turned off for decades after the incident, once it's turned on, we can go to the bottom floor and save your friends" buddy explains as they walk up the stairs to town hall
"oh, otay!" emily says happily accepting the plan as they reached the town hall door
the trio step inside townhall and pixie took the lead flying with emily underneath her and then buddy behind emily looking cautious
"t-this place has become a lot scarier from the last time i was here" buddy says as he looks around with his tail tucked in
"it's not that bad! it's just a little darker then usual, that's all" pixie says happily as she was reassuring buddy that everything was fine "stop being such a worry wart!" she adds and she giggles a little
"that's easy for you to say, you're mrs.bold who runs foward without thinking about it first!" buddy replies looking annoyed as he looks up at pixie
pixie turns around and mades a annoyed teasing face at buddy and emily was underneath her smiling, the trio make it to the office of the mayor after walking past the reception and they go over to a door that was disguised as a painting, pixie pushes a button that was on a statue of dashie the dragon on his chin and the door opens making the trio go though the door
"the lever to the lift is behind a secret door?" emily says confused as her with pixie and buddy were walking down the stairs behind the door
"yeah, mr.huggins wanted to keep the electrical a secret to the kids that were suppose to be here" pixie says happily and emily looks confused
"you mean to tell me dat dis place used to be a kid play area before da 'incident' happened...dis mr.higgins guy is a stange person" emily says confused then serious in a weird way as she knew she didn't like this mr.huggins person anymore
"how do you think us toys feel? we use to be somebody, a hooman, but now...we are toys stuck in this big toy factory that's been abandoned and no hoomans allowed in it for over 40 years, it really sucks" buddy says sadly and annoyed and emily looks at him sadly
"hmm...what will happen if me with my friend...destroy mr.huggins, den what happens?" emily says as she was thinking so she was doing a little mumble
"oh! umm...we don't know, nobody ghastly really tried to defeat or kill mr.huggins, nobody has not really seen him either other then the endoskeletons and sleepy pleepy" pixie explains worryingly serious and emily looked curious
the trio make it to the basement of the place and it had corridors and doors leading to rooms
"so, where is dis lever to da lift?" emily ask as she goes in front of buddy and pixie with a confused head tilt
"t-this is sadly where my knowledge ends, i know it's down here but i don't know where, we just need to find it" buddy says looking sad and guilty that he didn't know
"dat's otay, let's look for it" emily says happily eager to go on a mission and she jogs on ahead
emily with pixie and buddy look around the building and emily checks out the room for any clues about what happened on 'the day of the incident' as she doesn't know it as well as the doctor does, she looks in each room until she gets to one room where she finds a strange cat and dog toy different to pixie and buddy
"who are they?" emily asks pixie and buddy as she points to the pair who were sitting on a bed looking down on the ground looking sad
"we don't really know, they came to the town when 'the incident' was going on and i guess they just put themselves down here, they are very nice to the petables but they are very introverted but always together" pixie says confused yet serious and emily looks at them confused
the dog toy looked to be a german shepherd toy that looked to be one of those life sized mechanical toys while the cat looked to be a mechanical cat looking to be a calico cat with the black, orange and white, the pair looked up at emily, pixie and buddy wondering who was talking and then looking back down again looking sad
"ok, i guess we should leave them alone" emily says feeling that they want to be left alone and she starts to walk off
pixie and buddy follow emily leaving the cat and dog alone to themselves and the trio carry on looking around, the trio end up finding another room of importance as this room had a cassette tape on a table in the right corner so emily goes over it and presses play
'...hello and this is mr.huggins, i'm recording this message for the employee of the toys for children's little village, remember to not show the children any electrical, mechanics, the staff rooms or any other adult stuff get into the village, make sure the kids are having a good time, staff that are wearing costumes must keep on their costumes on until they leave the village and make sure the kids don't see you take it off, make sure that the village is clean after shut down and lastly and this is most important, don't. mess. with. the. lever. switch! got it?...good, mr.huggins out' the tape says and it stops
"ok, instructions about the village, kinda important but not really" emily says in a mumble and she head to the door
"how is it important?" buddy asks not really getting it as he looks confused
"well, now i know what mr.higgins voice sounds like when he was a hooman, i don't know what he sounds like now though as a toy" emily says smugly and she leaves the room
pixie and buddy follow her nodding and carry on following emily around the place, meanwhile back with the doctor and after going though many room and running though many doors, he makes it to a vent that was his size, he crawls though the vent and he then stops at a bar to his left and he looks though it, he can see there was a big black room with some bright white lights shining in places, suddenly a door opens and it was dashie the dragon with sleepy pleepy right next to him like a dog, the pair walk over to a light shining to what looks to be the middle of the room where a light was shining and they stand in the middle of the light looking scared
"" dashie says looking guilty and then a thumping noise was heard
"what is it, dashie? have you come to tell me about the new prisoners?" a deep voice says from the doctor's right and a big scary hand comes out from the darkness
the hand had thick sausages fingers bit also had sharp claws on the end, the hands were dark blue and the arm was a very fluffy dark bremen with a black undertone
"one of them is putting up a fight but she's entertaining, she shows to be a great person to put her brain and soul in our sassy cassie doll" dashie says pleased and then he gets guilty again "the problem is with the other one, the man that came with the lady" he adds looking scared as he explains
"what wrong with him?" the monster asks with the doctor now guessing this must be mr.huggins in his monster form like it said in the papers he jacket
"well...firstly, he's loves to talk and is very intresting to listen too but then i found our something about him as he was talking...he's not a human, he has 2 hearts and he claims he's a species called a 'timelord', he's also got out while i looked away and now i don't know where he went, i sent out the others beasts but they couldn't seem to find him" dashie explains and the mr.huggins monster was quiet for a second before a giant thud was made from mr.huggin's monstrous foot making the room shake
"what?! you lost him?!" mr.huggins says frustrated while dashie and sleepy pleepy look guilty
"yes, sadly and now we don't know where he is, we also found out that when the man, the doctor his name was and his female friend came into the factory, they also brought with them a cat, from what we heard from sleepy pleepy, it was ginger and white with blue eyes and a pink collar, what do we do about that?" dashie explain with him pointing to sleepy pleepy at one point then he asks with a curious look still looking a little guilty
"go and look for this doctor in the upper floors, he must of taken the lift on the other side of the area!" mr.huggins says shouting and dashie nods fastly
"yes, mr.huggins!" dashie says and he runs off with sleepy pleepy behind him
"ah! not you sleepy pleepy, i need you to do something else for me" mr.huggins says to the strange deformed wolf and sleepy pleepy comes back in the room
mr.huggins then brings down a flat screen monitor which made the doctor comfused as this place had no sigh of any morden day tech then the screen lights up as it shows a empty room, suddenly, emily walks into the room looking around and she had 2 toys with her, a cat/butterfly hybrid toy and a brown dog toy
"was that the cat you saw, sleepy pleepy?" mr.huggins says seriously as he shows the wolf abomination the screen
sleepy pleepy nods fast confirming that who he saw in the toy maker machine room with the doctor ans donna and then a serious huff was hear from mr.huggins
"good, now, i want you to go to the townhall as that where it is and i want you to gas it with your nightmare gas and make sure you do it when the traitor toys don't notice as they will get in the way and also, give those traitor toys a punishment for me for betraying me, alright?" mr.huggins says to sleepy pleepy who nods again understanding "good, now go and do your job" he says waving his funny arm away and sleepy pleepy nods as it walks away
sleepy pleepy leave and the doctor looked concerned as he knew emily was now in danger, he looks at the screen again seeing emily light up as she finds a bus tape and then the tv turns off and goes back up again, the doctor then starts moving again and he makes it quietly so he won't be heard to the other side of the vent ending up in a corridor, he sees at the end of the corridor was a lift but after he goes over to it and pushes the button, he sees that it wasn't working so he wen toff to find a generator after seeing that his screwdriver doesn't work to turn it on, back with emily and she puts the bus tape she found in the player she also found in the room next door with a blocky tv ontop of it and then the video starts playing, when the video does start, it shows a intro to a instructional training video for the employee similar to the one she with the doctor and donna watched in the staff room when they arrived
"hello employee and welcome to the video where today, we will be talking about the different toys and their functions, first off, we have our most popular product, the petables, the petable is a interactive pet that toy can pet, scratch, cuddle, kiss and hold its paws and it will change its emotion on its digital screen, the product was made by a child named susan aged 6 on the 15 of december 1980 with concept art and a letter saying she wanted a change from furbies after she was always freaked out by them as a kid" the tv man says explaining the videos purpose and then the petable
"next we have, the catterfly, this toy was submitted by a girl named emma aged 3 on the 21st of june 1980, emma says in her letter how she would love to have a soft toy that was half cat and half butterfly as they were her favourite animals so we gave her what she wanted, she loved it and we were greatful she got the toy, the toy has movable wings, talks, sings and is very soft and cuddly" it then says talking about the catterfly which is what pixie was
"next we have a good toy, buddy the talking dog, he was submitted in by a boy named william aged 4 on the 7th of july 1980, buddy is a cuddly yet talkative puppy who loves you and always wants to be with you, just press his right paw and he says one of loads of cute, fun and adorable things! he is also a good toy to give to your kid when they keep asking for a pet!" the tv says talking about buddy the talking dog who what buddy was
"the last one we are going to talk about today is my scary troll monster! this little monster design was sent in by a boy named timmy aged 8 on the 1st of january 1980, fun fact, this toy was actually suggested by mr.huggins's son timmy who was the one submitted this one!...*static*'he was also the first H.I.T project subject'*static*...this monster is the perfect monster for your son with its rough fur, intimidating face, pressing his right hand will make him roar while pressing his left hand will make him talk and you can pet him on the head to make him happy, he is the perfect toy for boy and this little monster sadly doesn't like girls which is good as girls wouldn't like this toy anyway!" the tv says talking about the my scary troll monster which also had a glitch in the middle
"well, that's all the toys we show off today! part 2 of this video will explain some of the other toys we have in this place but for now, farewell employees!" the tv says finishing and the video then ends when it was done
"...well...dat was...a ting" emily says after a small silence then she turns around to pixie and buddy who looked stunned and shocked "you 2 otay?" she asks the pair as she waves her paw a little
"...i-uhh...i r-remember who i am" pixie says still looking shocked and stunned and emily looks at her for a second before realising what she was talking about
"wait, are you emma? da girl who submitted the catterfly design?" emily says after she gasps and she points to pixie
"...y-yeah...mummy?" pixie says as she was still stunned then her voice breaks as she sadly calls out to her mother
"where is mummy? is she okay?" buddy says freaking out looking sad as he looks around and emily stares at the pair sadly
"it's okay, you 2, your mums are fine, i promise dat we can go look for dem when all of dis toy business is over, otay?" emily says comforting the pair and this seems to calm them down
"o-okay..." pixie says sniffling after crying and she looks over at buddy who was still crying
"i-if you say so" buddy says also calming down and the pair put in their brave faces
"good, now dat you 2 are being ever so brave, let's go and find dis lever to start the lift, otay?" emily says calmly and the pair pause for a few second before both nodding and going back to what they were before they watch the video
the pair keep looking around till they do find a electrical room and emily looks around till she finds a big lever on the wall that had a label ontop of it saying 'the lever to the elevator going underground'
"ok, here's da lever to the lift, i just-need to...dere we are!" emily says happily and she did struggle to pull the lever but she managed to do it
suddenly the ground shakes and then in the left side of a previous room, the floor pulls away and then the lift appears thst looks to be a old single person lift appears from the floor, the shaking then stopped and emily looks around to see that nothing has changed
"hmm...i guess da lift came up in a different room, let's look for it" emily says casually and she heads out the room
emily leaves the room with pixie and buddy and they went around looking for the lift, meanwhile outside and the sleepy pleepy had arrived to the village with all the petables freaking out, this has in turn alerted the dog and cat endoskeletons as they stand up, look around and then run off to find out what was going on, back with emily and she had now found the lift with pixie and buddy happy that they finally found the lift to the underground when suddenly a this was heard
"what's dat?!" emily asks as she looks around confused and worried
suddenly some double door that were opposite to where the lift were suddenly open and some pink smoke comes in the room
"oh no! it's sleepy pleepy! she must of been sent by mr.huggins!" buddy says worried as he looks at pixie who was equally worried
emily then suddenly falls over falling asleep making pixie and buddy go over to her and shake her trying to wake her up
"emily? come on, you have to wake up!" pixie says as she shakes emily but she couldn't
suddenly from the smoke came our sleepy pleepy and she looked scary but low key worried, pixie and buddy turn around to look at her and then get defensive as they stand in front of emily to protect her, they snarled and growled at sleepy pleepy protectively and sleepy pleepy stood there still looking scary, suddenly out of nowhere, the dog and cat endoskeletons drop out of the sky in front of pixie and buddy and stood on all 4s protecting pixie and buddy from sleepy pleepy
"i-i it's the dog and cat endoskeleton we saw eariler" buddy says as he looks at the dog endoskeleton with shocked amazement
pixie doe the same look as she looks at the cat endoskeleton and the pair then look at sleepy pleepy who stood her ground as she stares at the dog and cat endoskeleton who were snarling and growling at deformed wolf, the trio have a stare down for what felt like forever but then sleepy pleepy sits down looking sad and defeated making both the dog and cat endoskeleton look confused as they sit down, pixie and buddy also look confused as they look at each other then back to sleepy pleepy who looks down sadly
'i'm sorry, i came here to stop that cat but-...i don't want to do this anymore, i hate me.huggins' sleepy pleepy says sadly and all 4 were surprised that sleepy pleepy could talk
" too, he was the one that turned me and pixie into these toys and they probably did the same to these 2 as well, right?" buddy says stepping forwards and he turns around to the cat and dog endoskeleton who nod
"you can help us get emily to her friend, if you want and when they get together, she with her friend will help us defeat mr.huggins so then we can be free from this place" pixie explains as she goes next to buddy looking serious yet happy
'really?! we can finally be released from this terrible prison after over 40 years?' sleepy pleepy says lighting up and both pixie and buddy nod happily 'oh that's great!' she says happily wagging her tail and both pixie and buddy smile at her
meanwhile emily was still asleep but as she was sleeping, she had a dream, in the dream she was falling with some pink smoke clouds around her, she tries to fly but her wings were responding to her like they were their own entity, she keeps falling with her closing her eyes but suddenly she stops falling and she was now flying, she opens her eyes to see she was now in the toy making room and she looks around confused before the doors that dashie came in suddenly burst open, she gasps suddenly by the door and she sees a man come in holding onto a boy and another man next to him, the man holding the boy looked to be in his late 30s, had a mullet, a stubby beard with a moustache and he was wearing a suit, the boy in his arms looked to be around 8 and he looked a mixed between unconsious and dead and lastly the other man looked to be in his early 30s, clean face, short hair and was wearing a suit jacket with a t-shirt underneath, jean trousers and trainers
"mr.huggins? are you sure you want to do this?" the man says begging the other man which was mr.huggins
"i'm sure of it, it's the only way to save my son!" mr.huggins replies seriously ans angry looking at the other man and then he goes over to the machine
emily watches as she sees the man put the boy's body which emily guess was mr.huggins's son timmy into the machine in a hatch for bodies then he goes over to the computer where he types in something on the keyboard, clicks some things with the mouse then he smashes the enter button quite hard, the machine then start as it moves its gears, makes steam come out of the pipes and make a lot of noise and emily looks over to see mr.huggins looked anxious, the machine then makes a ding noise like from a bell you press at the reception desk to get the attention of the receptionist and emily sees that 'my scary troll monster' comes out of the machine by a conveyor belt, the monster had his eyes closed but then he opens then as he looks around, he then lands his eyes on me.huggins and he lights up happily
"daddy!" the monster say happily with his arms outstretched and mr.huggins smiles as he picks the monster up
"my son, i'm glad that you are okay!" mr.huggins says happily as he hugs the monster "you are now...reborn" he then says in a evil tone as he looks up and emily gulps in worry
suddenly everyone except emily freeze like someone paused a video and emily looks at the 2 men confused on what happened, she goes over to check it out but suddenly from the monster, a little ball of white energy comes out of the monster, it then goes over to emily and then it poofs a white mist turning into the boy timmy that mr.huggins was holding eariler, timmy was now a ghost similar to casper the friend,t ghost bit looking more human then casper
"you see what my dad did? he tuned me into a toy, this was the most selfish and selfless decision he made that day and it was also the day he went mad with power" timmy says to emily as the area started to change "after that day that i died, my dad went and turned everyone he came across into a toy, babies, kids, adult and even old people, they all got turned into toys and are all now living in this place unable to leave as it will kill them, this place is their lifeline..." he explains as emily looks at him sadly while the area around them looked like a computer screensaver "even my mum got turned into a toy" he adds sadly and emily tilts her head a little
"who is your mum?" emily asks calmly and curiously and timmy smiles a sad smile
"your friend, the doctor will meet her soon, he's trying to find the power switch to the lift he found but i'm preventing him from taking it as the lift he found takes him to the area where my dad keeps the failed experiments, it's the toys are are too aggressive and too inraged to control so they were all put in there" timmy explains and emily looks worried as she had no way to tell him "don't worry, i'll get my mum to explain to him about it but i have one more thing to show you before you wake up" he adds and he puts his hand in emily's head
emily closes her eyes and she can see donna in her cage, she is throwing a fit wanting to get out and saying how she doesn't want to be a cliché damsel in distress but her complaining was falling to deaf ears as there were some endoskeletons guarding her, one was a bear, one was a horse, one was a dinosaur and one who is watching donna like she's a tv show was a dragon emily recognises as dashie, the one that took the doctor and donna away, emily looks at dashie and he looked super sad and miserable making emily confused, in fact all the endoskeleton looked miserable and it wasn't because of donna yelling at them, emily guessed like with pixie and buddy, they didn't want to be here anymore and they wanted to be free so emily knew at that point she needed to save all the toys from mr.huggins
"i will talk to you soon, emily, till then, be careful of the bad toys" timmy's voice says as the strange screensaver background disappears and it slowly but suddenly goes white
emily then wakes up and she shakes her head, she then opens her eyes and see she was still where she was but now she had 5 toys looking at her as she gets up, meanwhile with the doctor and as he was looking around for the lift switch, he bumps into a room that was dark so he turns on the light with the switch that was on the wall by the door, he suddenly sees something across the room and when he gets a closer look at it, he sees that it was a endoskeleton of a rabbit
"...y-you're a human...h-how did you escape my husband?" the rabbit endoskeleton says seeing the doctor and looking confused
"well, i'm not technically a human but i snuck away when he wasn't looking, are-wait! did you say 'husband'?" the doctor explains in his casually manner then looked confused after rethink what the rabbit endoskeleton had said
"yes, he is-i mean was my husband, samual, we had a son together, timmy and he wanted to make timmy happy so this toy factory was dedicated to him but...after having it open for almost a year, samual...started acting weird, it all started when timmy got sick, he-we though at the time it was a cold that would soon go away but then, we discovered it was really cystic fibrosis which we didn't catch in time and timmy was slowly dying from lung failure, we were devastated but samual told me he could 'fix'him which i didn't understand, it was then i found out that he had been turning people into toys and that what he did to timmy, turned into a monster toy he drew when he was 3" the rabbit endoskeleton explains and the doctor listens while looking serious "samual then went too far and he turned me into this rabbit toy, he kept doing it for months until he decided to turn himself into the same monster toy tommy was in so now he's become this...abomination! and has now taken over this factory keeping all the toys here for over 40 years and the only way for us to be free is to stop him" she adds and the doctor nods calmly
"don't worry, once i free my friend and find my cat, we will take down mr.huggins and then all of the toys can be free from this big prison" the doctor says happily and calmly and the rabbit endoskeleton looks at the doctor in shock
"you will? oh! thank you! we all will appreciate it so very much!" the rabbit endoskeleton says happily and she goes over to the doctor
the doctor smiles at her and then suddenly, the rabbit endoskeleton freezes as a strange ball of glowing energy, the doctor watches the ball of light confused as it floats around the rabbit endoskeleton then stops at the rabbit's ear, it stays there for a few seconds then flies out the room with the doctor watching it both confused and fascinated on what he saw
"you friend, emily" the rabbit endoskeleton says making the doctor turn back around to her
"what? emily?" the doctor says comfused with a head tilt and the rabbit endoskeleton nods slowly and happily
"yes, she's coming to find you, you need to stay here with me so i can protect you from the other endoskeletons while she comes to find you and also don't take that lift you found, it will take you to the bad and agreesive toys, got it?" the rabbit endoskeleton explains and the doctor nods seriously
"okay! i guess i can wait for her, in the meantime, i can look though this paper and see how many people were sadly turned into toys" the doctor says calmly as he sits dowg in a old office chair and he takes out the paper from his jacket pocket
the rabbit endoskeleton looked confused but she sits down as she watches the doctor look though the paper, meanwhile back with emily and she was now going down the lift and she somehow had all 5 toys with her on the lift dispite it being for one person, it looked very comical seeing 4 toys and a cat all squished in and emily had to smile on how silly it looked, the group then reach to the bottom and the lifts opens to the floor, they all step out of the lift and emily instantly picks up on the doctor's scent
"friend is in dis floor, i can sense him" emily says as she smells around then she runs off ahead "come" she adds as she sees the toys standing there and they all nod at her
they follow emily as she looks around keeping herself on the scent trail and soon, after going though some doors going from one side of the room to the next, she ends up in the corridor the doctor was in and she opens the door where the doctor was, she smiles seeing the doctor sitting on the old office chair as he looks up at her
"friend!" emily says happily and she jumps into the doctor's arms after after he puts the paper book down on his lap
"emily!" the doctor says happily and the pair have a hug
after the hug, emily looks over at the door making the doctor look over too and he sees there were 2 toys, 2 endoskeletons and sleepy pleepy standing at the door
"*smacks lips* dese are my friend, you have pixie da catterfly, buddy da talkin' dog, cat endoskeleton, dog endoskeleton and seepy peepy" emily says happily with a giggle as she introduces the doctor to her toy friends
"nice to meet you all and now that we are together, what do we do now?" the doctor says happily to the toys and then looks at emily curiously
"now, we need to stop dat mr.huggins guy so we can release dese toys and free donnie" emily says seriously and everyone nods seriously
"ok! good, what's the plan for that? i mean i could come up with something but this feels like it's going to be some type of brawl battle and i feel you are more the fighter then me" the doctor explains to emily and she smiles with her tongue sticking out while nodding
"otay! here is me plan!" emily says happily and she explains the plan to everyone
meanwhile with mr.huggins and he has called in the dinosaur, dashie the dragon, bear and horse endoskeleton into his room so they could see if any of them have caught the doctor yet, suddenly the doors open and it was the doctor with emily on his shoulder
"oh hello everyone! i heard you were looking for me!" the doctor says happily as he walks over to between dashie and the horse endoskeleton
"oh, so your the timelord that escape his cage? are you here to be turned into a toy like the others?" mr.huggins says evily and the doctor giggles a little
"nah, i don't think i would suit being a toy, my daughter and fiancé would probably be incredibly upset if i return home looking like a action figure, same can be said for my cat here, i don't want to bring her home as a plush toy, her dads and her daughter wouldn't like it" the doctor rambles and emily nods agreeing with him
as the doctor talked, emily was examining the mr.huggins monster, she sees that the the huggins monster had a helmet on his head and coming off the helmet were plugs coming out of the ceiling, she knew what she had to do and it was to remove them plugs
"will you shut you yap! you are as bad as that woman!" mr.huggins says as he covers his ears
"oh, you mean donna, she's like a sister to me, very clever girl her, if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't be here" the doctor says happily as he rocks on his feet "anyway, this is a nice place you have here, it would be ashamed if it, i don't know, got covered in a thick fog" he adds happily as he grins at the monster who looked at him confused
suddenly a big pink fog appears and it covers the entire room, mr.huggins and the 4 endoskeletons look,around confused then suddenly, the horse, bear and dinosaur were punched in the face by the dog, cat and rabbit endoskeleton, dashie looks at the 6 endoskeleton fighting then he catches a glimps of emily flying up to the monster, he instantly figures out what was going on but decides to ignore it as he has always wanted for this to happen, the doctor slips away to go find donna and he knew that pixie and buddy were also there helping her get out, emily flies up to the helmet plugs and she pulls them out one by one with mr.higging trying to fight her but he couldn't see her due to the fog, emily doom pulls out the last plug and it causes me.huggins to yell out in pain, the endoskeletons stop fighting to look up at the monster while the pink fog goes away, emily who was in front of the monster and she has a clever smug on her face
"w-what?! h-how d-did that-?!" mr.huggins says confused on how his helmet lost the plugs as he doesn't see emily in front of him
the doctor, donna, pixie and buddy come in the room seeing emily in front of me.huggins
"wh-what are they?! what is that!?" donna says confused as she looks around at the endoskeletons and then mr.huggins super confused
emily who was still smug smiling then opens her mouth a little making a electric energy ball appear then she fires it off turning it into a electric beam, it hits the monster in the heart and he yells out in pain as it really painful
"AAAHHH!" mr.huggins yells out and he then falls to the ground dying
the endoskeletons, pixie, buddy, the doctor and donna look at emily shocked then the toys and the emdoskeletons cheer happily as they were happy to be free from mr.huggins, emily smiles as she lands on the ground and then she gets surprised as suddenly all the endoskeletons fall over, suddenly, little balls of energy come out of the endoskeletons and they all float in place before flying up into the celling except for the one hovering above the rabbit endoskeleton, meanwhile in the petables village and the petable were doing the same as the endoskeletons as in they stop working, the soul comes out of the toy and then fly up into the sky being released from their toy prision, it was also happening with the aggressive toys as their soul leave the toys then fly up into the celling, all the souls now were leaving the factory and going up into the sky hoping they all can get to heaven and away from their prisonment, back with emily and she smiles at the doctor with her tongue sticking out and then another ball of energy appears around emily and then goes over to the energy ball ontop of the rabbit endoskeleton
"thank you, emily, all the souls are now free for my dad and they are safe from my dad ever getting them again" tommy says from his soul next to his mother's soul "my dad will be going under the ground never to appear again and we hopes that he stays down there, right mum?" he adds calmly and he turn to his mum
"right, now, we should go now, goodbye..." timmy's mum says and then the pair go up into the feeling like what all the other souls did
emily, the doctor and donna watch them leave then emily looks down as she realised something, pixie or emma as she's called and buddy or william as hes called hadn't left yet and they were still in their toys making her confused
"wait, why haven't you 2 left yet?" emily asks pixie and buddy as she points to the pair that were in front of the doctor and donna
"huh? i don't know, why are we still here?" pixie says confused as she looks at her paws then at buddy who was doing the same
"i don't know, are we forgetting anything important?" buddy replies as confused as pixie then asks confused
"i-i don't think so, i'm so confused" pixie says confused and the pair looked sad and stumped
"hmm...dis is very strange" emily says confused as she goes over to the pair
she then pokes then and she realises that they felt real, they had real dog and cat like fur, they didn't have a robot endoskeleton and more a real skeleton and most importantly, they both had an actual heartbeat from their chest
"*gasp* you're real! you're not toys anymore, you've become real!" emily says shocked as she steps back a little
"really?! we're real?! that's so cool!" buddy says happily and he hugs pixie happily
"yeah, i always wanted to be real but this was before i found out who i really was" pixie says happily then gets a little sad
"yeah...but this means we can start a new life!" buddy says also sad but then gets happy again
"oh yeah, we can leave emma and william behind and now be pixie and buddy!" pixie replies and the pair loved that idea
"but now da question is, what to do with you two?" emily says as she thinks with her paw on her mouth as she thinks
"...i know!" the doctor says happily and both donna and emily looks at him confused
the next thing thst happened, the doctor, donna and emily were on the TARDIS and the doctor decided to drop of pixie and buddy on the planet emily, the doctor and rosie dropped off the SC they freed from area 51, emily and the doctor go out of the TARDIS and they see that the planet looked as beautiful as it did when they left it, suddenly pippie appears and she was very happy to see emily
'emily, long time no see, how have you been!' pippie says happily with a wagging tail and emily smiles at her also wagging her tail
"we're good, savin' da earth and all dat stuff, anyway, we have some new creatures to join your planet, dis is pixie the catterfly and buddy the talking dog" emily says happily and introduces pixie and buddy to pippie who both looked stunned by pippie
'aww! they're so cute!' pippie says happily as she crouches down to pippie and buddy 'welcome to this planet that is now called 'auroraluna', you will be right at home here with me, raven and all the other SC here!' she adds happily as both pixie and buddy go over to her
"really? that's great! thanks you!" pixie says happily and pippie smiles as she has a snuggle with pixie and buddy
'you're welcome, now, let's see if we can find you somewhere to live' pippie says happily and she lets pixie and buddy go on her back
she then flies away after saying goodbye to emily and emily waves back before she goes inside the TARDIS, when she gets to the console after shutting the door, she sees that donna looked surprised while the doctor was explaining to her about the planet
"dere, pippie is taking pixie and buddy in and she's now finding somewhere for dem to stay, i tink dey be right at home" emily says happily as she jumps onto the couch
"good, so, do you wanna go back home now or do you wanna go somewhere else before we go back home?" the doctor asks donna as he goes over to the console
"umm...probably have one more adventure since we are here, i didn't really get to adventure last time as i was locked in a cage for most of it" donna says after thinking about it and the doctor nods as he presses some button
"ok, let's go to random place!" the doctor says happily and he flicks a switch setting the TARDIS controls to random
emily smiles and she ends up calling her dads about what happened before she with the doctor and donna start their new adventure, when she was done with the call, she with the doctor and donna smile at each other as emily jumps onto the doctor's shoulder and they head to the door heading out to their next adventure...meanwhile back on morden day earth and the lady from austrillia has now found where martha's house is and is spying on her waiting for her to be alone, martha who was in her house was talking to her sister while pacing, she was smiling and laughing on the phone and she was oblivious of being watched by the lady, the lady smiles and she waits like a tiger for her pray to move.
To Be Continued...

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