IRL - The Robot Party

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It was getting dark and both tom and sebastian were getting ready to go out, they had been invited by robert downey jr to go to a avenger party where all the actors, old and new will have a marvel themed party, emily had been invited too but due to her claustrophobia, not liking loud music, social anxiety and her anthropophobia she won't be going and staying at home instead
"so vhen does da party start?" emily asks sebastian who was ready in a party suit he had
the suit and trousers was a dark blue colour, his shirt was white and he was wearing a sparkly gray tie with the bucky star on the top that he got from a friend for his birthday a few years ago
"it's starts at...6 and finishes at 12" sebastian replies as he looks at the invitation which was a avenger themed invitation and emily commented when she saw it it looked like it was for a kids birthday party
"okay, so i teleport you two dere at 6 and then dad will teleport you back home with his ring at midnight or anywhere before" emily replies and she looks at the time to see it was 5:49pm
"yeah, hey tom dear! are you ready?" sebastian says then raises his voice a little out of the living room
"i am in a minute, darling!" tom replies from his room and sebastian smile
both emily and sebastian waited but they didn't have to wait long till tom came down the stairs into the living room, he was wearing a black suit and trousers with a white shirt underneath and he had a green loki tie that he got a while ago from benedict for his birthday
"handsome as always" sebastian says happily with a blush and he kisses tom on the cheek
tom chuckles and he pulls sebastian in for a kiss, after the kiss, they look at each other happily and then tom smiles as he realises something
"hold on...yep" tom says and the pair look over at emily who was 'dead' "she's died" he adds with no tone and this made the pair chuckle
"you killed me again with your cootness, my cootness diabetes couldn't handle it so i died, rest in pepperoni" emily says as she was still 'dead' 
tom then looks over at the time and see it was 5:54
"come on emily, you need to get up, we have 5 minutes till the party starts" sebastian says also seeing the time then looking at emily
"okay, i'm alive!" emily says and gets up "teleport tim!" she says and she goes over to the pair
she holds out her paws which tom and sebastian grab and then she teleports to the party, when she reappears, it was at the entrance at the party and it sounded like there was people in there talking
"ok, i'll see you two later" emily says and then both tom and sebastian kiss her on the top of her head
she waves and then disappears back home, tom holds out his hand to sebastian and romanian-american man takes the british-scottish man's hand happily, the pair walk in and the pair see a lot of recognisable people in the room outside the party hall which has their doors shut, there was chris evans, chris pratt, chris hemsworth, scarlett johanson, jeremy renner, mark ruffalo, anthony mackie, elisabeth olsen, paul bettany, don cheadle, brie larson, karen gillan, tom holland, josh broiln, jon favreau, gwyneth paltrow, danai gurira, zoe saldana, pom klementieff, bradley cooper, benedict cumberbatch, benedict wong, dave bautista, letitia wright, winston duke, joe and anthony russo and some others, there were talking to each other happily and the party hasn't even started or they haven't had any alcohol yet either
"that's a lot of people, it's like the infinity war tour all over again" sebastian says as he looks around and tom hums and nods to agree with him
"wait, is that my buddy, sebastian?" anthony says as he heard his voice and he pokes his head up to look out the crowd
"oh no" sebastian mumbles and he rolls his eyes seeing anthony again after a while
sebastian let's go of toms hand and looks over at anthony who had pushed himself out of the crowd and to sebastian
"hey, yo, sebastian, long time, no see" anthony says and he lightly punches sebastian on the chest
"hi anthony, i've been good" sebastian says happily but he can hear emily in his head going 'oh no, it's anthony-banthony!' "what about you?" he asks and anthony grins
"i've been good too, you know, been busy and all that" anthony says casually then he looks at tom who had been watching "and my, my, tom hiddleston! you lookin' fine tonight" he says and he walks around tom
"why, thank you, anthony" tom replies politely and anthony stands in front of tom looking him up and down
"i think all the ladies fans of yours are goin' to see that outfit and  then faint from how handsome you look tonight" anthony says then he hits his elbow lightly at tom which made him smile
meanwhile as anthony was talking to tom, sebastian was watching bang he felt a bit of jealousy in his mind, he shouldn't be jealous as anthony wasn't going to do anything to tom but he felt the jealousy there anyway, he can also hear emily in his mind say 'hey! anthony-banthony! leave my dad alone!' with a angry sneeze, tom then looks over at sebastian and he looked a little jealous as he was making a weird pouty face but was trying to hide it, tom smiles at him and sebastian looks at him he smiles back
'now i know where emily gets her cute facial expression from' tom thought and he huffs in laughter
suddenly the doors to the party hall open which made everyone look over at the doors and out steps robert who looked really happy
"welcome everyone!" robert says happily and people wave at him "welcome to my avengers themed party and i hope you enjoy this 6 hour party with music, dancing, drinks, food and loads of fun so, let's get started!" he says happily and everyone cheers
robert then invites everyone into the hall and everyone was entering in the party hall, as tom and sebastian were about to enter, tom'my' holland was at the door and when he sees tom, he smiles
"hi tom!" tommy says happily and tom smiles at him
tom and tommy have a hug and sebastian rolls his eyes, he tries to walk away but he felt his right hand being grabbed, he looks at the hand to see it was tom's and he looks up at tom who uses his head to point at tommy, sebastian knew that tom wanted him to give tommy a hug too and sebastian sighs not wanted to be rude to tom, tommy then pulls away from tom and he looks over at sebastian
"hi seb!" tommy says happily and he holds his arms out for a hug "wanna hug? don't worry, i'm not sick this time so i won't give any sickness" he adds with a smile
sebastian sighs and he gives tommy a hug, tommy happily accept it and when tommy hugs him, he looks up at tom who had a cute smile on his face, after the hug, tommy pulls away and then he looks around confused
"where's emily?" tommy asks as he looks around
"she staying at home as she doesn't like parties" tom says and tommy goes 'oh!' as he understands
ok,i wish she was here but i know she's shy and anxious, so shall we go in?" tommy says then he goes into the party hall
tom and sebastian watch tommy go in the hall and they soon follow holding hands and smiling at each other, the party was soon under way and everybody was having a good time, meanwhile at home and emily had fallen asleep in her bed, she was sleeping with her laptop playing in the background as she can't go to sleep without sound playing (true fact about me) and she was hugging her blanket as she slept as she can't sleep without it (also true fact about me), before emily went to sleep, she hoped that both tom and sebastian have a great time at the avengers party and also hoped nothing bad happened, back at the party a few hours later and everyone were still happy at the party, everyone has had a few drinks of either beer, wine, vodka and other alcohol drinks so they were starting to get a little drunk, tom and sebastian who were sitting in the second to front row weren't drunk as they only had 1 or 2 bottles of beer and now tom had a cup of tea and sebastian had a hot cocoa, they were happily sitting next to each other while low key hearing other peoples conversations when robert went on the stage and takes the mic, he taps the mic to check if it was working and this get everyone's attention
"hello everyone, i hope you having a good party" robert says and there was a lot of yeses in the crowd "good, good, well, i here to announce that it's the entertainment part of the party so what's going to happen is, i'm going to pull a name out of this hat and when your name is called, you have to come up on the stage and entertain us with either a joke, a sing along, a funny story or something else" he explains and everyone agree with the idea
robert was then handed a top hat with folded thin papers in it and he puts his hand into the hat rummaging his hand around
"also, to make it more intresting, i put your marvel characters names in as we have 3 chrises and 2 toms in the building as their families couldn't think of any other name" robert says and this made every chuckle a little "ok, the first one to come up is...thor!" he says and chris hemsworth who is sitting next to mark ruffalo stands up
he goes over to the stage and he grabs the mic from robert as he walks passed him on the stage, chris then starts telling a funny story about his family (just need to mention, since this is a au earth, every actor/actress you know that has a family has different kids as well as different spouses and i will explain the families in a different part), the entertainment went on for an hour and a half with chris hemsworth first with his story which everyone laughed to, then it was chris pratt with a few jokes and everyone loved them, then it was bradley cooper and he told a funny story which made people laugh, then it was mark ruffalo and he did stand up comedy and it was really funny and then it was anthony mackie's turn and he looked super excited to do something, he takes the mi  from mark and as he was about to say something, a weird noise was heard from above the stage and everyone looked up to see what it was, anthony looks up too from where he was standing and then he sees glowing red eyes ontop of lights stand that goes across the stage, anthony freaks out and jumps off the stage with everyone looking at him confused.
suddenly something jumps off the light onto the stage and it was a really uncomfortable looking robot, it had a head that looked like a skull but it was made out of metal, it's body was made out of metal scraps and parts, one of its arms which is the left one had a sword on the end while the other arm which is the right one had a claw from those big claw machines for big teddies on the end, it looked to be 7 feet tall and it had big glowing red eyes, it looks around the room like it was scanning and everyone was freaked out
"SCANNING FOR TARGET..." the robot sat as it looks around the room
everyone was looking around confused, what target was this robot talking about?, why is the robot here? and where did it come from?
"TARGET NOT FOUND! BUT LOADS OF PEOPLE FOUND, MUST EXTERMINATE PEOPLE!" the robot says and it shoots a little rocket at a empty table at the back of the room
the table flies back hitting the wall and this made everyone freak out, they all head to the door but as they got there the door was locked which freaked out the actor/actress more
"we can't get out!" chris evans says as he tries to pull the door open
"why is the door locked?!" scarlett says to robert in a panicked voice
"i dunno! i didn't locked it!" robert replies with a worried shrug
"oh god! we're gonna die!" chris pratt says in a really panicked voice the other never seen him have before
meanwhile tom and sebastian were hiding under the table they were sitting at and sebastian had his phone to his ear trying to phone emily but she wasn't answering, he stops the call and pulls the phone down looking at tom
"no good, i think she's asleep" sebastian says looking worried
"then it looks like we have to do this on our own" tom says and he looks down at his ring on his left ring finger
"but, we don't really know what the rings power fully does yet, we forgot to practise with them as we've been so busy" sebastian says as he looks at his ring then at tom
"well..." tom says and he takes sebastian's hands into his "looks like we have to figure it out together" he says softly and he smiles at sebastian with a little blush on his face
sebastian smiles back also getting a blush and they then see that their rings glow a little
"so, let's go!" sebastian says and tom smiles
the pair then get up from under the table and get to work saving the avenger party from a creepy looking robot, the robot was watching the people gather at the door and it points it's rocket launcher on its back at the group
"EXTERMINATING WITNESSES! EXTERMINATING WITNESSES!" the robot says and then it fires a rocket
the rocket heads towards the actor/actresses and then as they cover themselves so they don't watch but then nothing happens, they all look up and they see standing in front of them sebastian holding a baseball bat and the robot staggering back from sebastian hitting the rocket back to it in the chest, sebastian then jumps down from the balcony and he goes to the dance floor with tom joining him
"WARNING! WARNING! DAMAGE TO THE CHEST! 90% DAMAGE!" the robot sayd checking its systems
the robot then looks down and scams both tom and sebastian who were looking angry and sebastian was holding the baseball bat up while tom has green magic glowing from his left hand
"HUMANS FIGHT BACK? DOES NOT COMPUTE! DOES NOT COMPUTE!" the robot says unable to compute what was going on and some spark fly out of his head while it grabs its head
tom and sebastian look at the robot a little confused and all the actors/actress also look at the robot confused, meanwhile back at the house and as emily slept, her flower bracelet on her left paw starts glowing and then it makes a rainbow ball appear above it, the ball then shoots up and the entire time this happened, emily was still asleep, the rainbow ball heads over really fast to the party that tom and sebastian were at and it appears near the pair, the rainbow ball then goes to their rings and the rings shine bright with sebastian's ring glowing light gray and tom's ring glowing green
"MUST STOP INTERFERING HUMANS!" the robot says and it fires another rocket at tom and sebastian
this time tom catches the rocket with his magic as the rocket gains a green aura around it and he throws it back at the robot at the chest making the robot wobble backwards
"70% DAMAGE, MUST STOP INTERFERING HUMANS!" the robot says and it swings its sword arm in the air
both tom and sebastian dodge out the way with tom going right and sebastian going left, tom looks over at sebastian to see if he was okay and he was surprised when he sees what sebastian was doing, sebastian had gained his pony wings and he was flying in the air a little, sebastian looks at tom and was confused why tom was looking at him funny then sees he was a little taller, he looks down and sees he was flying
"i'm flying? i'm flying!" sebastian says realising then gets excited about it
he then flies over to the robot and with his left fish, punches the robot in the chest, it was a powerful punch as the robot stumbles back and falls over, sebastian was surprised as he had his mouth open and he looks at his left fist amazed
"55% DAMAGE!" the robot says as it gets up and checks it's damage percentage
it then uses its claw hand to do a sneak grab on sebastian and it had him in the claw hand, he was struggling and tom became worried
"sebastian!" tom says in a panic and he holds out his left hand in worry
suddenly a glowing green orb appears in tom's left hand and then a green beam comes out of tom's hand from the orb, the beam hits the robots' claw hand and it causes the claw to fall off, sebastian saves himself as the claw fall off a she flies back over to tom
"40% DAMAGE AND ARM HAS BEEN DETACHED, ALMOST CRITICAL DAMAGE, ACTIVATION BEAM!" the robot says and he lifts up his arm where the claw was
the arm then changed to a what to looks to be a cannon and both tom and sebastian were worried
"FIRING BEAM IN 3, 2, 1!" the robot says and the beam was fired
sebastian went over to tom and hugged him and tom holded out his hand, sebastian still had his eyes closed thinking he was going to die and then realises he was fine and hears the beam hitting something, he opens his eyes to see that tom had made a green shield with both his hands and the beam was hitting the shield
"tom?" sebastian says as he pulls away
"ugh! i don't think i...can hold this for...very long" tom says as he was struggling to hold the shield up
"try reflecting the beam back to the robot" sebastian says and tom nods
tom then makes his shield move with him like a mirror and the beam bounces off the shield, it then hits the robot in the chest and it goes down again with smoke coming off of it
"10% DAMAGE, CRITICAL CONDITION DETECTED!" the robot says as it gets up struggling to and it was now smoking and sparking badly
"darling? will you do the honours of finishing this robot off?" tom says politely as he hold his hands towards the robot
"my pleasure, dear" sebastian replies giving a mischievous grin
he then flies up and he pulls his left fist back, his fish glows a light gray colour and then he he punches the robot in the chest with quite a force to it, the robot the falls down and it starts making little explosions
"CRITICAL CONDITION PERMANENT, 0% DAMAGE! GOING INTO COUNTDOWN MODE!" the robot says and then a countdown from 10 seconds appears on its chest
tom panics anc then he uses his magic to make the robot disappear, the robot reappear in space far away and it explodes happily with nobody nearby to get injured or killed by it, back at the party room and when sebastian lands next to tom, his wings disappear and the green aura from tom's hands disappear too, tom looks at his hands and sebastian turns around to where his wings were then they look at each other, sebastian gave a tired smile to tom and tom gives him one back and then cheering was heard by the back of the party room, the pair turn and see that all the actor/actresses were there the whole time by the door and saw the whole thing, tommy and anthony go over to them after they jump over the railing and they looked really excited as they ran over
"wow! you two! that was amazing!" tommy says happily looking amazed and tom smiles at him
"yeah, that felt like somethin' from a action movie but it was all real, when did you two learn things like that?!" anthony says also amazed
"well, emily wasn't here and someone had to save...all of know" sebastian says being shy about the compliments
"he's right, emily is asleep at home so we had to step in and save everyone" tom says as he looks over at sebastian then at tommy
"i'm glad you did, that robot would of killed us if seb didn't step in and whacked that rocket at the robot" tommy says happily looking like a 10 year old
"yeah! did you two use some type of magic or somethin'? cuz i'm pretty sure sebastian doesn't have wings normally" anthony says as he points to sebastian when he mentions him
"uhh...something like that, yes" sebastian says and he runs the back of his head
"wow! that's so cool!" tommy says happily and sebastian rolls his eyes
"ok, kid, calm down" sebastian says with a smirk on his face and tom looks at him with a loving look in his eyes
the other actor/actress soon came down and they all went over to tom and sebastian to prise them for saving their lives, after the praising was done, everyone sees that they only had half an hour left till the place closes down for the night and the party will be over so they spend the last half hour dancing and doing karaoke, it was soon for everyone to go home and after tom and sebastian said goodbye to people, tom teleported him and sebastian back home and they appear in their bedroom, the pair had enough energy to get changed into their nightwear which with tom was he favorite pyjamas and sebastian wore a vest and underwear, the pair then collapse onto the bed, gave a goodnight kiss and then fell asleep straight away having a dreamless night.
the next morning at 7:30am and emily was up first, she does her cat stretch and then she shakes her body
'i vonder how da party went last night?' emily thought as she licks her chops and looks at her door
she then looks on her phone and sees she had a miss call from sebastian at around 9:40pm which was weird
'hmm, weird' emily thought as she looks at the notification on her phone with a confused look
she then gets rid of it and then she jumps off her bed, she leaves her room and when she walks past tom and sebastian's room she sees that they left the door open, she looks inside and sees how tom and sebastian are sleeping which emily thought was cute, sebastian was lying on his back with his right arm almost off the bed and his left arm hugging tom and tom was asleep on sebastian's chest with his left arm over sebastian's stomach and the right one tucked in to himself, the pair also didn't tuck themselves in the bed so they were sleeping ontop of the duvet but they looked comfy, emily huffs in laughter and she leaves them alone to sleep, she goes downstairs and when she was in the living room, she sits on her part of the sofa and using her magic, make a plate of pancakes appear, she ate them happily and she was playing on her switch as she ate, after she ate all the pancakes she could have, she carries on playing on her switch and she was enjoying herself.
meanwhile in tom and sebastian's bedroom and as the pair didn't shut the curtains last night, the sun was shining though the window and a ray of sun was hitting tom's face causing him to wake up, he sits up and sees that he was on sebastian as he looks down at him still asleep, he smiles then he lies back down on him again and lies there as he hears sebastian's heartbeat in his right ear, as he lies there he can hear with his left ear noises from the tv downstairs so tom knew that emily was awake and she was playing on her game, he then hears a low moan and he hears that sebastian was waking up, he gets off him and sebastian opens his eye to look at him
"hi" sebastian says happily but still sleepy
"hello" tom replies and then he kisses sebastian on the forehead
sebastian chuckles and then he pulls tom in for a loving kiss, after the kiss the pair chuckle and then look at each other
"did you sleep well?" tom asks and sebastian nods his head
"yeah, no dreams, just sleep" sebastian replies and tom nods a little
"me too, by the way, emily is awake" tom says and sebastian smiles and hums
"yay! flash!" emily shouts from downstairs and this made tom and sebastian chuckle at the sudden voice of emily
"we need to tell her what happened last night" sebastian says and tom nods
"i know" tom says and he gets up
sebastian also gets up and they both head downstairs, when they get to the living room, emily looks and smiles when she sees the pair
"oh hewwo! did you 2 have a good party last night?" emily says then asks curiously
"at first" sebastian says and he sits in his usual spot on the sofa which is to the right of emily
tom sits in his usual spot to the left of emily and emily had her head tilted confused wondering what happened
"what happened, i did get a phone call from you last night which i spotted on my phone dis morning" emily says as she points to sebastian
sebastian looks over at tom and tom sighs as he knows he will have to tell emily what happened
"well...last night around half past 9, sebastian's friend anthony was going on stage to give us some entertainment and then a giant robot came out of nowhere" tom says and emily looked shocked
"yeah and it was acting like it was looking for someone and then tried to kill us as i guess we weren't meant to see it?" sebastian says and emily looks at him instrested in the story
"sebastian did try to call you but we guessed you were asleep" tom says and emily nods
"yep, i went to sleep 20 minutes after i dropped you 2 off" emily says and tom and sebastian nods
"anyway, we decided to try and defeat this robot and we surprising did" sebastian says and emily smirks
"i guess it was the rings dat gave you 2 your pony magic" emily says as she points to the rings on the pairs left ring fingers and the pair nod
"yeah and it took some time to defeat the robot but we seem to have a boost in magic while fighting it as sebastian gained his pony wings and my magic fell stronger then normal" tom explains and emily looked interested
"hmm...i tink it was my bracelet dat gave you 2 da boost knowing dat you 2 need da extra help" emily says knowing what happened as she holds out her left paw with the bracelet on it
"so, after we defeated the robot, it tries to self destruct but tom teleport it away and then everyone was happy that the robot was gone" sebastian says finishing the story and emily still looked interested
"dat sound like somethin' dat would happen to me but it happened to you 2 instead" emily says as she thinks with her paw on her mouth "anyvay, what did dis robot look like?" she asks and she makes a book appear
the book was a info book of all the monster, robots and creatures on earth and as tom and sebastian were explaining to emily what the robot looked like, she was flickering though the pages, emily then finds the robot tom and sebastian were talking about and she smiles
"here we go! da robot is called 'da junk cop', it's a robot cop made out of junk and dey live in da popular parts of countries dat allow guns, dey are actually illegal in da uk and other places where gun are illegal as when one junk cop was introduced in da uk, it almost destroyed the big ben building so the robot was banned, da robot is known for being very persistent when it spots a criminal and won't stop till dey been captured, dey are dead, da police chief tells it to stop or if it's dead, shut down or from da sound of it, it looks like dat da robot was after a criminal and it was lead to the party building you 2 were might be-" emily explains then thought out loud and then she notice the pairs faces
tom and sebastian looked really worried and when emily figures out what's wrong she giggles
"oh! don't worry, you won't be arrested for destroying a junk cop, especially lately as it says in a news article on reddit dat i found da other day dat the robot have been weirdly acting up and goin' after anyone and everyone dey see so the police suggest people attack the robot at the back till it shuts down as dat is where it's off switch is" emily explains and the first sentence made tom and sebastian sigh in relief
"that's good for us" sebastian says in relief but then gets confused "but, weirdly acting up? why?" he asks curiously and emily shrugs
"i dunno but i do know dat my friend lauren is lookin' into it and she also might get rid of the weird glitch when she finds it, she's good at stuff like dis" emily explains and both tom and sebastian nod
"well, that's good news" tom says and emily nods happily
"reah, it is" emily says with a smile and then someone stomach growls loudly
it turned out to be sebastian's and he blushes as he covers his stomach, tom laughs and he gets up going over to him
"come on, you, let's get you your breakfast" tom says softly and sebastian chuckles before nodding
the pair go into the kitchen and emily watches them go, emily smiles on how cute those 2 can be and then she went back to playing her game.
The End

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