IRL - The Cog Invasion

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(Based on the popular game from the past toontown and it's fan remakes, toontown rewritten and toontown corporate clash

It was a sunny day and at a secret location nobody knows about except the people who are the CEO of disney, a man who has a badge on his suit that said 'the disney president' on it was standing outside of a giant vault waiting for someone, the someone was in fact 2 people and they came to the man looking tired out from running
"sorry, we're late, those guards were holding us back" one of the men says and the man with the president badge shakes his head
"those guard...super overprotective but it's their job...anyway, follow me" the presedent man says and he turns around to the vault
the president man opens the vault by turning a big wheel at the front and when he opens it, he goes in and the 2 men follow him, inside the vault was a lot of old and forgotten disney stuff like old costumes, sighs to old attractions and events, loads of steel cabinets with loads of folders inside, old rolls of film, stuff for abandoned movie ideas and other stuff, the 2 men look around as they follow the present man and he then stops making the 2 men stop too by bumping into him
"right, we are looking for a certain file about a scrapped idea for a movie that we planned 12 years ago, the scrapped movies folders should be around there" the president man says and points to the steel cabinets to the left of him
the 2 men goes over to the cabinets to check the folders but one of the men stop by the cabinet when he spots something a few feet away from him
"hey sir? what's that?" the curious man says as he points to what was ahead of him
the thing he was pointing at was a huge steel chest, the chest has a massive padlock on it locking the top of the chest and in the top of the chest was a gemstone that was shaped like a cog
"oh it's nothing, just leave it alone" the president man says brushing the chest off and look over at the man looking though the steel cabinets
the other man keeps looking at the chest and it suddenly starts moves about which makes the man spooked and surprised
"sir? the chest is moving about" the man says as he was backing off from where he was standing to go near the president man
"no it is-oh! oh no" the president man first in denial but instantly went worried when he sees the chest jump about like a kid in a pogo stick "code T! we have a code T!" he says into his walkie talkie that he had clipped on his trouser pocket
suddenly the lock snaps in two and falls away from the chest, the chest lid flies open and loads of things come flying out of the chest, the president man and the 2 men watch in horror as everything comes flying out of the chest till it stops, the 3 men look at the chest and then 4 men come into the room with weapons in hand, one of the men went over to the chest to examine it and then looks at the president guy
"it's empty and the cog gemstone is gone too" the army man says looking at the president man and then he turns the chest around
the cog gemstone that was ontop of the chest was gone and the president man mumbles to himself in anger
"sir, wh-what was in that chest?" one of the men says that was next to the president man
"...*sigh* cogs" the president man says and the 2 men were confused
"cogs? like the cogs from that online game, toontown?" the man on the right says and the preident man nods looking down
"they aren't suppose to be real?! they're from a game! right?" the other man says and the president guy sighs again
"we made thrn real for a toontown event that was going to be held in 2012 for a toontown sequel, the kid could throw shaving cream pies at then and they would explode like what they did in the game but then the sequel got cancelled last mintue so we had to store the robots in here" the president guy explains to the 2 men "we did leave them out in the open but then they turned themselves on on their own and try to attack anyone it came in contact with so we decided to put them in this chest and lock them up...but now they are free and it will take forever to get them back in the chest again" he adds and he sighs and walks off with the army men following him "they also took the cog on the top, that is suppose to help control them and get them back into the chest quicker but they took that too" he adds then looks up at the ceiling where there was a big hole from where the cogs flew out
"yeah, this whole thing is going to cause some kind of world domination, we're doomed!" one of the men say sounding panicked but the other man didn't looked panicky
"i don't think so, i know someone and their friends that can help us solve this mess" the other man says and he pulls out his phone
"who's that?" the president man says looking confused and the other man gives him a smirk smile and starts lookig though his phone
meanwhile a long way away in the UK and emily was in her, tom and sebastian's house, she was chilling on the sofa in a loafing position, tom was to her left doing something on his laptop and sebastian was to her right on his phone while enjoying the fan breeze as it was a hot day, emily also has the babies so she has sunny on top of her snoozing and mima next to her snoozing, shadow was on sebastian's lap snoozing and casper was lying down in front of the fan snoozing, it was calm with the noises being heard was tom tapping on the keys of the laptop, sebastian tapping on his phone with the iphone tapping noise when he types, the fan making noise and the tv was playing music from youtube.
it was all calm when suddenly, emily's ears perk up as she was hearing music, listening it for a few second made emily realise she had heard this music before and she opens her eyes, the music was getting louder and now emily recognises the song which made her super confused
'wait...dats da song from toontown, why am i hearing a song from toontown?!' emily thought as she sits up after she feels sunny roll off her from happiness while purring with air pummels (the song is the toontown central street theme)
emily gets up and goes over to the front window as that where the sound was coming from, as she does she starts now hearing a helicopter propeller sound and when she looks out of the window, she sees a dog wondering around the front of the house
"what?" emily says to herself with so much confusing in her voice
the cog was the cold caller cog with the dark blue head and the suit with the badge in the middle that has a backwards chart on it, emily was super confused on why it was there as they don't exist, emily loved playing toontown back in the day and it was a fun game that admittingly got boring after a while as she never bought the premium passes so she would stop playing it for a while then come back to it for memories in 2013 before i shut down in the september of the same year, emily knows that fan have made 2 remakes of the game back in 2017-2018 called 'toontown rewritten' and 'toontown corporate clash' and they look fun as emily watched youtube videos on the boss fights which look fun but hard but emily didn't get around to checking them out due to being busy, emily keeps watching the cog then she decided to go outside and see what is going on bu going though the front door
"where are you going, emily?" tom says as emily opens the front door
"i'm just checking something, brb!" emily replies and she leaves though the front door
after she closes the front door, she walks over to the wall around the front with a gate in the middle going to a path leading to the front door, she peeks up looking over the wall and sees the cog still walking around like he was expecting something or someone, emily didn't like the cog there so she jumps over the fence which does catch the attention of the cog, emily stands in her hind legs and her paws tucked into her as she stares at the cog
"SCANNING..." the blue headed dog says as he looks at emily "TOON DETECTED! FIGHT TOON!" it adds and emily was confused
"what?" emily says confused and then looks at her body
she then suddenly realises that she did kinda look like the cat toon from toontown with her white on her bottom head looking like a toon's muzzle, the white on her paws looking like toon gloves and she was standing on her hind legs making it look like she was standing upright like what a toon does
"LETS PLAY SOME GOLF!" the cog says and pulls out a golf club from somewhere with a golf ball coming out of the ground
the dog swings the golf club hitting the golf ball and emily dodges the golf ball as it goes above her and rolls down the road, emily looks back and it was now time for her attack, emily could do 4 attacks which were a lightning attack a lightning cloud attack which was her powerfull attack, a lightning dance which was a healing move and a charge move which boosts her attacks, she chose the lightning attack and it was like thunderbolt from pokemon where emily lot off some electricity from her body and it hit the cog, it did a lot of damage and the dog started to malfunction, it's body was spinning and it then explodes making emily happy she destroyed the cog, she smiles when it was gone but then she was confused when she sees something on the ground where the cog was, she goes over to the thing and it was a broken gemstone, the gemstone was a see though blue colour and it was curvy at the top with a square point at the bottom, emily looks at the gemstone confused then she hears her phone going off in her room so she goes back inside
"emily, i think your phone is ringing" sebastian says as emily comes back in the house
"ok, i check" emily replies and she flies upstairs to her room
when she gets to her room, she sees that her phone was ringing and she checks it to see it was a unknown number, her heart shivers in fear scared to answer it but she answers it full of fear and worry
"hewwo?" emily says into the phone masking her fear in her voice
"hi emily, my dear, how have you been?" a familiar voice says and emily wags her tail happy to hear the voice again after almost a year
"victor! it's you! i'm fine, what doing?" emily says happily still wagging her tail and excitment in her voice hearing victor
"i'm good but i need you and your friend's help, call your friend and go to the base, something has happened" victor says and emily nods looking serious
"ok but i tink i kinda know what's happened" emily says seriously and she had a worried face on "does it involve da cogs that are from dat old online game, toontown...because dere was one outside me 'ouse and i defeated it den found a gemstone" she adds and she hears victor nod
"yes, now go and get your friends, i call you back in a few minutes" victor says and he hangs up
emily lowers her phone and then she teleports away to the base  when she gets to the base, she sees that everyone was around the main base area doing different thing but when emily appeared, they all looked at her seeing what was going on
"hi emily! what's going on?" ben says happy to see emily with a paw wave
"oh good everyone's here, there is something weird going on and i confused by it" emily says to ben then everyone else
they looked confused as they look at each other and then emily's phone rings again, she answers it and holds it up to her ear
"is everyone at the base?" victor says on the other end of the phone when emily answers
"yep, i put you on speaker" emily replies and she puts her phone on the meeting table after putting speaker on
"so, we have a problem, the cog are all over the world, they were locked in a chest in tbe disney vault but they broke free, they broke the lock to the chest and also broke the cog gemstone that was meant to control them and calm them down, they are 6 pieces with you having one of them and the other 5 are being held by boss cogs, i put the map up in your computer on where the boss cogs are located" victor explains and then a world map appears on the screen
it showed that the 5 boss cogs were in different places of the world with one in the UK, one in the US, one in australia, one in alaska and one in japan, the bosses were different to each other with the one in the uk was a purple haired cog named the rainmaker, the one in the us looked like a duck but had piano key teeth called the high roller, the one in australia looked to be a cog with a chainsaw for a nose called chainsaw consultant, the one in austria looked to be a super hero called pacesetter and the one in japan looked to be a man from the olden days called the witch hunter
"these are the cogs that have the 5 cog gemstone pieces, you need to get the pieces to but the dog gemstone back together and then go to the disney headquarters when you have all the pieces" victor says and emily nods as well as everyone else "and one more thing, you need to go as a group of 4 to take the cogs on" he adds and emily hums and nods
"yeah, it's part of the orignal toontown, up to 4 toons take on the boss as its even or somethin', don't worry, we'll get the cog pieces back" emily says into the phone as she goes next to it
"ok, i suggest you go left from austria" victor says and emily thinks about it
"so, you want us to go to austria first, then america, the the uk, then japan and lastly australia?" emily questions and victor hums at the other end
"yes, ok good luck and i'll meet you at the disney headquarters" victor says and he then hangs up again
"ok, we are on a mission and i need 3 peeps to come with me to defeat da bosses while da others go and defeat some cogs on the streets scaring people" emily says as she picks up her phone and the other nod understanding "ok, umm...ben, darien and lauren, you come with me while hollie, hayley, chloe and liam, you sort out the cogs scaring people" she says point to each one she says the name too and the others smile and nod agreeing with the plan
emily's team come together and emily uses her teleportation to take the group of 4 to austria after she downloads the map onto her phone while the other 4 leave the base to sort out the cogs that are around, emily, ben, darien and lauren make to austria and they look around wondering where the cogs were as it looked empty
"look!" darien says pointing ahead of her and the other 3 look to see a metal mansion with big eyes above the door
"yep, that looks like a boss mansion, come on!" emily says not surprised by the mansion and she does the 'follow me' motion with her right paw
she with the trio go inside the mansion and when they go in, they are met with cogs so they fight, like emily, ben, darien and lauren have 4 moves to chose from, ben has a ice beam attack, a blizzard attack which his his powerful move, flurry shower which is his healing move and ice charge which boosts his ice attack, darien has a flamethrower attack, a lava attack which is her powerful attack, fire spin which is her healing move and flame charge which boosts her fire attacks, lastly lauren had a water gun attack, a tidal wave attack which is her powerful attack, a light rain shower which is her healing move and droplet dance which boosts her water attack, the group took the cogs down and whike taking down the cogs, they find our that they have a group attack where if all 4 attack at once, it does a lot of damage to the cogs likely destroying them, meanwhile at the top of the mansion and the group was being watch by the pacesetter as he leans on his desk with his feet up on the desk
"so, these are the toons that are taking down my co workers, well...let's give them the fight of the century" the pacesetter says as he holds up a peice of the cog gemstone and then puts it on his desk
he then gets up and walks over to his pace corner and starts walking in circles, back with emily and the others and they had finally managed to defeat all the cogs in the building, they goes over to the lift that was being guarded by cogs but the group defeated them and the group go in the lift, they head up in the lift and when they get to the top, they see that the room was very purple
"wow, purple room, chloe would probably like it up here" emily says as she looks around the room
they looks around and see it was full of posters, pictures, interments, record players in frames and other stuff, the group look at the wall of stuff then a voice snaps them out of the look around
"som your the toons that have been destroying my coworkers" the pacesetter says as the group look over at him "why are you lot here?" he asks as he speeds over to the group making them jump in surprise
"umm...we came here for the gemstone?" emily says and points to the gemstone on the desk
"aww yes, the gemstone, the boss told me to keep an eye in that thing from toons like you's just a rock and i have so much better things to do" pacesetter says looking impatient "i know! fight me and if you win, i'll give you the gemstone, got it?" he adds looking excited
"oh, okay, i guess?" emily says with a shrug and pacesetter claps his hands happily
"let's go!" pacesetter says as he spins in circles around the group and stops in front of the desk
the fight starts and pacesetter has 12750 hp, emily, darien, ben and lauren let off their attacks on the pacemaker causing about 1000 damage to him leaving him with 11750 hp, he then attacked darien but it misses and then he does something causing only ben to damage him, he also speeds up and the world felt faster, some cogs appear and emily, darien and lauren attack the cogs while ben did his blizzard attack on the pacesetter doing 500 hp on him, he then attacked lauren only doing 10 hp to her and then did the thing again making only darien could damage him, he then stomped around making him and the cogs swap places, this went on for a bit of only one of the group could attack the pacesetter while the other attacked the infinity incoming cogs, time speeding up and the pacemaker kept swapping places with the cogs until he suddenly pull a electric guitar out of nowhere.
the pacesetter plays the guitar like he was in a concert and then broke it in front of emily, ben, darien and lauren, time was super fast now and the group has to pay close attention as everything was so fast, the group decided to use their boosting moves to boost their attack and then attack the pacemaker and the cogs super fast making sure they don't mess up or get a miss, the fight felt like it was going on forever until time suddenly slowed down, lauren, darien and ben were attacking the cog then emily did her lightning cloud attack which did a lot of damage due to the boost
"wow, you did beat me" the pacesetter says as he walks in front if the cogs "so i'm now...going over do some excise, yes, excise" he adds walking over to the pace corner
he was about to start walking but then he suddenly fell down flat on the floor and this did make emily snicker
"oh! dat was so dramatic!" emily says whike still snickering and this made the others laugh with her
the group then realised that they had to destroy the remaining cogs that were out and as they did, it was super quiet and a little awkward, after the group took down the remaining cogs, the fight was over after what felt like forever and emily grabs the gemstone cog peice from the desk
"dat's one down, 4 more to go" emily says as she jumps down off the desk and goes over to ben, darien and lauren
"i have to admit, this is pretty fun" lauren says with a smile and both darien and ben agree with her
"yeah, burning up the cogs has been so fun, i feel so refresh" darien says and emily gives her a smirk with a huff
"should we head back?" ben asks and emily holds up her paw
she goes over to the pacesetter and she uses her magic to recover the pacesetter, she then makes some comics appear involving the flash and goes back to her friends, the pacesetter looks at the comics ans grabs one from the bottom and starts reading it, emily could see that he was loving the comics and she smiles as she gets ready to teleport her and the others back to the base, she teleports her and the trio back to the base and when they appear at the base, emily puts the new cog peice on the table with the cog peice she got from the cog in front of her house, she did notice the price didn't go so she thought they were opposite to each other
"ok, so now the next place we have to go is america to take on the high roller...oh that's going to be a choir" emily says as she checks her phone to see where she and the others have to go and then gets annoyed
"why?" darien asks with a dog head tilt of confusion
"the high roller is a game show host and you know what dat means" emily says annoyed and the other 3 knows what she was talking about "game show time! *sigh* game shows feel hard" she adds and the others had to agree as they never went to a game show before "come on them, let's go" she says and she teleports her with the trio to america
the group reappear in america and right in front of them was a cog made studio, the group head inside and were met by cogs who were in a long line, emily , ben, darien and lauren were about to fight them when suddenly they disappear making the cogs confused then go back to what they were doing standing in line, the group then reappear and they fell a few feet as they reappeared in the air, she look a bit dazed and confused but then after emily shakes her head, she looks up to see a cog bot, this cog not had a yellow hat on, sunglasses and piano keys for teeth
"hello everybody! it's me! major player!" the cog says now named the major player and he ws in his host acting "and today, i have a special guest with me to help me in today's gone show, shuffler!" he adds and a stage light flicks on as duck shuffler appears on stage
"fello feverybody" the duck shuffler says with a wave
"are you ready to go, duck shuffler?" major player asks duck shuffler with his piano key teeth smirk
"for fam!" duck shuffler says happily and he spins around in excitment
major player and duck shuffler start dancing and then they hold hands like they were doing a hand shake, the room went dark suddenly and turn on again to see that both major player and duck shuffler were gone and instead was a new robot that looked like a duck but had the piano key teeth, a spinning rainbow hat with green ducks spinning around it, sunglasses and a white suit on
"GOOD MORNING TOONTOWN!!" the new bot now called high roller says happily on stage and the crowd cheers
"this isn't toontown but whatever" emily to herself looking bored then shrugs with her paws
"is everyone ready to see our contestants answer some questions and win a special prize?" high roller says and cheering was heard in the background "good! and the peize that the contestants can win is this!" he adds and does a show off pose
from the left corner, a pedistool appear from the ground and ontop of the pedistool was the third broken cog piece the group needs
"are we ready to start?...okay! let's go!" high roller says and the battle starts
emily, ben, darien and lauren all use their strongest move on the first turn to chunk out high roller's hp which it caused about 200 damage to him making his hp go from 999 hp to 799 hp, suddenly a spin wheel comes out of the ground and starts spinning, on the wheel was toon attack, question and roller's attack, the wheel stops on question and high roller steps out if the way as 3 cogs appear in his place with a big 1, 2 and 3 in the middle of their suits
"ok, the question is...which one of these 3 animals eats only bamboo, is it 1. a giraffe, 2. a elephant or 3. a panda" high roller says and the group were given cricket balls to throw
everyone threw their baseballs at the 3 cog and it destroyed the cog, the other 2 cogs disappear and high roller claps
"well done, let's continue" high roller says and he goes back to where he was standing before
the fight continues and as it does, emily couldn't help but dance to the music playing in the background as it was so catchy, the group kept going between attacking the high roller, him attacking them and answering question till he was at 1 hp
"well folks, it's time to introduce some friends of mine to help make this game show a lot more fun" high roller says sound excited "come on in, boys!" he adds and it suddenly goes dark
then lights come on and 3 mr.hollywoods cogs appear  shindig high roller, the 3 mr.hollywoods were dancing and high roller was dancing too
"i'll be right back, have fun!" high roller says and he went down on a platform under the stage
it was now a fight between 3 mr.hollywoods and it wasn't so hard as the group figured out how to take the trio down, as they took down one of them, another cog would join them on the stage and it felt like a bit of a choir taking them down, emily was still dancing while the fighting was going on and when all the cogs were destroyed, high roller came from the top of the stage
"well folks, it's time for my final act of the show, i hope your ready for a show of a lifetime!" high roller says and he goes to the left of the spinning wheel
he suddenly makes 4 light clones of himself and as he does, his suit turns from white to black, the light clones were blue, green, yellow and red and they were dancing like high roller does
"let's see how this turns out, let's fight!" high roller says and he stands in the middle of the 4 light clones and starts hovering with smoke
"ok, i think we need to take out the light clones first before we can attack the high roller" emily says and the others nod knowing the plan
the fight starts and the group takes on each light clone, after taking the light clones down, the group use their powerful attacks on the high roller who had 44444 hp and it did a lot of damage, it took a long while to hack at high roller's hp as they had 2 turns before the light clones but soon, high roller reached 0 hp and the fight was finally done
"it's over! it's over!" high roller says dramatically "oh! i'm dying! i'm dying!" he adds still dramatic as he moves about like he's drunk
he then goes over to emily, ben, darien and lauren and picks emily up which made her confused
"little toon, i do not hate you for this, i know you're on a mission for the cog pieces and...when you meet my boss...tell him, i hate him a lot" he tells emily and then turns emily around "now smile for the camera!" he adds and emily with ben, darien and lauren smile
suddenly, some credits start rolling and all the names in the credits were of high roller, when the credits ends, high roller steps backs from the group after putting emily down and he starts hearing a falling noise
"what's that falling noise?" high roller asks himself as he looks around
he then looks up to see a big cartoon cruise ship falling and he freaks out doing a cartoony freak out, it then pauses and it does a character card for him, it then does one for emily as she holds the broken cog gemstone, ben was next and he was posing by the wheel, then darien who was cheering and dancing and then lastly lauren who was flying in the air happily, the character cards then went away and the group disappear from the stage going back to the base with the gemstone right after emily saves high roller and gives him a ribbon saying 'best host ever', when they get to the base, emily puts the gemstone with the other 2 and this one connected the 2 gemstones together making the top half of the cog gemstone
"ok, where to next?" ben asks and emily pulls out her phone
"let's see...we are going to the uk to stop a cog called 'the rainmaker'..." emily says and shows the group the picture of what the rainmaker looks like
suddenly emily's phone starts ringing and emily looks to see it was tom so she answers it
"hi dad!" emily says happily after she answers the call
"hey emily, umm, something odd is happening outside" tom says on the other end and emily looked confused
"what's going on?" emily asks and still looked confused but more curious
"'s raining oil" tom says and emily looked even confused and the others saw the confusion in her face
"emily, what's happened?" ben asks and emily looks over at him
"appeartly, it's raining oil outside" emily says to the others and they turned confused as emily
"how can it be raining oil?" lauren ask and emily went from confused to realisation
"i know how, it's the rainmaker, one of her abilities is to make it rain oil" emily says to the others and they all understand
"the rainmaker?" tom says on the phone confused and  and emily almost forgot tom was still calling her
"yeah, i'll explain later, bye dad!" emily says and she hangs up the phone "ok, let's go!" she adds and makes herself and the other 3 disappear
meanwhile at the disney vaults and in the middle of the room was a giant throne, in the giant throne was a robot (the robot looks like the chairman from the old toontown origin story flash story) and to the side of the robot was a cage that contained the president of disney, one of the men and victor
"boss sir, something bad is happening!" a cog says coming into the room
"what's happening?" the robot asks and the cog makes a tv come down from the ceiling
"these 4 toons have taken down 2 of our managers, pacesetter and high roller and now they are going after the rainmaker" the cog explains with both the pacesetter and high roller bring crossed off and then below are picture from the game show of emily, ben, darien and lauren "there are also 4 other toons that are attacking our cog making factory" he adds and shows the pictures of liam, hollie, hayley and chloe fighting the cogs
"this isn't good" the boss robot says looking annoyed "does the rainmaker have that hair and in?" he asks the cog and he nods his head
"yes and the chainsaw consultant has his alter ego set to on" the cog says and the boss robot runs his robot hands together
"good, let see how they do" the robot boss says and the screen shows a cctv camera footage of rainmaker sitting at the docks
back with emily and the others and they reappear at a docks where it's still raining oil, they look around and see a wooden gate in front of them and enter though, they walk down the dock and see at the end where boats are suppose to park, there was rainmaker sitting and looking out to see
"oh? is someone here?" rainmaker says as she stands up and turns around after she hears footsteps
she then squeals happily and goes over to emily and ben looking happy
"omg! these little toons are so cute! are you lot baby toons?!" rainmaker says as she picks up emily and ban to hug them
emily and ben were wagging their tails happily by the cogs happilyness, this make emily like rainmaker and she rubs her head under rainmaker's cheek
"omg! so cute! i love these baby toons so much! i wanna keep them!" rainmaker says loving emily and ban as she still hugs them and snuggles them
suddenly from a out of view cog pushes a button on a remote and this makes rainmaker stop in place, she drops emily and ben on the floor and goes in front of them
" SERCHING TARGET...TARGET FOUND, MUST DESTROY TARGET!" rainmaker says in a restricted robot voice as she looks at emily and the others
"she's being mind controlled, be gentle to her" emily says looking worried as she didn't want to hurt rainmaker but had no choice
the fight starts and she changed the weather to clear, emily, ben, darien and lauren attack her and more cogs join her after she attacks, she then changes the weather to foggy and it was hard to spot her in the fog but the group still hit her, she keeps changing the weather every other turn going from clear, to heavy rain, to oil rain, to fog and to monsoon, lauren was immune to the rain attacks and the oil rain as she's water resistant and it helped a lot during the battle with darien as she's super weak to water, soon after what felt like hours when it only been 30 mintues, rainmaker was at 1hp and her hairband on her head broke
"huh? what happened?" rainmaker says looking confused then she gasps as she remembers what happened "oh no, no no! how could they do this to me?" she says in a panic
"we didn't mean to hurt you, you seem to be mind controlled by dat hair band on the floor" emily says and she points to the broken hairband
rainmaker looks over at the hairband and she kneels down to it, she picks it up and she started to cry as she examines it, it then starts to rain oil again and tears start rolling down her face
"...i hate this company, all they want me to do is harm the toons and i don't want to! i want to be friends with them as i want a friend, i don't have any friends in the company, is all work and money, no socialising, no breaks, nothing" rainmaker says sounding upset and annoyed
"umm...we can be your friends if you want" emily says and rainmaker looks up at her in surprise
"really? you will!" rainmaker says in disbelief and she runs over to emily "oh thank you! thank you! thank you!" she says happily as she picks up emily and hugs her
the hug was strong and tight but emily was smiling to see rainmaker happy, rainmaker then let's go of emily and she goes to ben, then darien and lastly lauren with a happy hug, after she lets go of lauren she goes in front of the group and she looked happy but still crying
"i won't forget the kindness you showed me, i'll help you out the best i can in the future, see you all later!" rainmaker says and then a fog appear
emily and the other squint their eyes to see rainmaker but when the fog disappears, she was gone and she leaves behind a remote with a single red button on it and the broken cog gemstone, emily picks the remote up first and she puts it away with her magic for later, she then picks up the broken cog gemstone and she looks at sadly before disappearing with the other back to the base, when they get back to the base, emily puts the broken gemstone piece with the others and it went next to the right side gemstone only missing 2 pieces
"ok, next is japan and da next cog piece is held by a cog called 'the witch hunter'...i don't remember dere being any witches in toontown but meh" emily says and she shrugs "let's go!" she says and she teleports herself and the others to japan
the group reappear in japan and they see in front of them was a very tall stone tower with the cog logo on it, after looking around the tower, they notice that there was no way to go up it so emily and lauren had to grab ben and darien and fly up to the top, when they get to the top, emily and lauren put ben and darien down and in front of the group was the witch hunter and a big flag
"huh! who's there?" the witch hunter says and turns around to see emily and the others "toons, huh, well i've been told to defeat you and that's what i'm going to do" he adds and thrn he makes fire come out of his fingers
the fire didn't effect the group as darien has a fire resistant but it did burn down the flag which made emily look worried, the battle starts and some cogs join the witch hunter for the fight, the group attacks the witch hunter as well as the cogs and every cog they destroy, another cog comes to join the fight, the witch hunter then uses his magic and gave lauren a witch hat which emily admits suited her, emily and the other didn't know why lauren had the witch hat on but it didn't stop her from fighting, the battle felt like it went on and on but they soon took him down to 1 hp and the other cogs were gone
"noo! i thought i could win!" the witch hunter says as he covers his chest "curse you, toons!" he says and then he explodes
emily spots the broken cog gemstone on the counter and she takes it, she with the others then go back to the base with emily feeling sad she couldn't save the witch hunter and she puts the broken cog piece with the other, the new piece fitted at the bottom left side and all they were missing now was the bottom piece then they could go meet victor at the disney vault
"where's the last one?" ben asks and emily takes out her phone
"it's located in australia, oh, darien's birth place" emily says and she smiles at darien "and the cog there is called 'the chainsaw consultant', he's literally a chainsaw head" emily says and she looked not amused then smirks "let's go!" she says and she teleports herself and the others to australia
when they appear in australia and all the trees looked off, some of them were cut down whike others had deep cuts in them like someone was raging, in the middle of the destroyed trees was a tree cutting warehouse and the group went inside feeling insecure, they look around and were confuse as none of the machines to makes trees into firewood weren't moving and at the end of the room was some doors, the group went though the doors and on the other side was a office, on the left and right walls were more doors and in the back middle of the room was a desk and chair then a window at the back showing off a graveyard of chopped down trees, at the desk was the chainsaw consultant and he looked bored as he was holding the last broken cog gemstone
"oh...toons, what you want?" the chainsaw consultant says seeing emily and the others walk in the room and sounding bored
"oh umm...we just want that gemstone you have, can we have it?" emily says and asks looking shy and worried and the chainsaw consultant looks at the gemstone
"this?...i don't need it, i was told to have it but i don't know why" the chainsaw consultant says and throws the gemstone to emily
she catches it and puts it away and as the group were about to leave, a cog comes in though the right door
"what do you want?" the chainsaw consultant says annoyed seeing the cog in the room
"nothing, just to do this" the cog replies and he pushes a button on a remote
suddenly the chainsaw consultant's eyes go to the back of his head and he starts twitching, he then gets up and goes in front of emily, ben, darien and lauren while looking over at the cog
"COG DETECTED! FIRING COG IN 3...2...1...FIRE!" the chainsaw consultant says on a different voice that sounded more robotic then before
a cannon suddenly comes out of the ground under the cog and the cog gets fired out of the cannon like what robbie rotten did in that one episode 'sportacus who?', chainsaw consultant then looks over at emily with the others while still twitching and he scans emily
"TOON DETECTED! DESTROY TOON!" the chainsaw consultant says and he starts the fight
"emily! what do we do? we have the gemstone" darien asks then says and emily looks at the chainsaw consultant
"we fight him" emily replies looking back at darien and the other nod
the fight starts and the group firstly do their powerful attack on the chainsaw consultant doing a lot of damage to him, cogs then appear and it went to one of them attacks the chainsaw consultant while the other 3 attack the cogs, suddenly the chainsaw consultant sped up his chainsaw nose and he became faster while attacks were more damaging, the group had to learn to dodge the attacks and emily was the only one who out sped him so she always went first per round, after a bit of damaging, the chainsaw consultant calmed down and stood there ready to attack
"i-i d-don't w-want t-to do-do th-this!" the chainsaw consultant says trying to break out and he breaks the lightbulb on his right side head making him half snap out of his state
he now looked dazed as his eyes were back but they were spinning around whike he twitched, emily looked sorry for the chainsaw consultant as he was trying so hard to break out of his hypnotised state but he couldn't
"i can't control myself" "please, be careful" "i don't want to be like this" "please, get me out of this" the chainsaw consultant workdays say when he attacked knowing now it was some kind of alter ego that was controlling his body
emily and the others still attacked the chainsaw consultant and the cogs some more and the chainsaw consultant had learn a new attack where he would swipe electricity from his chainsaw and point it at emily and the other but to emily's electric absorb, none of them got hit with it, the fighting still went on till the chainsaw consultant chest was dark orange going red
"i can't hold out anymore, yourself!" the chainsaw consultant says as he grabs his head in pain "RECOVERING COMPLETE, TIME FOR STRONG ATTACKS!" he says in his alter ego and the fighting continued
the chainsaw consultant revved up his chainsaw again and he was attacking even faster and doing more damage then before, emily still out sped him and she still attacked first per round, the group still their plan with one attacking the chainsaw consultant while the others attacked the cogs till the chainsaw consultant was at 1hp and he was blinking red at the chest
"NO! THIS CANT BE OVER!" the chainsaw consultant alter ego says and he stands in the middle in front of the cogs
the chainsaw consultant revved up his chainsaw again and he charged at the group, they dodge him and then he comes back to his senses but he fainted on the floor after he did
"sir, what do you want us to-oh..." a cat says as he walks in the room from the left door and sees the chainsaw consultant on the floor "umm...okay, let's go didn't see anything" he says and he walks off with the cogs that weren't destoryed
emily and the others watch as they walk off and then they see the chainsaw consultant start moving
"you lot wait outside" emily says to the trio and they not with no questions
the others leave the room leaving emily with the chainsaw consultant who was coming round, he gets up and he looks around confused before realising he was at 1hp as he grabs his chest
"ugh...i hate working for this stupid company!" the chainsaw consultant says as he grabs the desk to balsnce himself
"den don't work for it" emily says as she jumps on the desk
"...why are" the chainsaw consultant says confused why emily was next to him
"i want to help you, i can remove dat alter ego you have going on, if you want" emily replies looking worried and wanting to help
"can you even remove it?" the chainsaw consultant asks wondering if his stupid alter ego could be removed
"i think so, hold on a mintue" emily says and she looks around the head of the chainsaw consultant
she then spots a box on the neck that says 'T.C.C.A.E' on it and emily guessed that where the alter ego was, she removes the ego box with her magic and the chainsaw consultant did yelp in pain but then he felt better quickly as chest light went from blinking red to green again
"there we are, dis box was causing your alter ego to appear but i took it out" emily says as she holds up the alter ego box with her magic
she puts it down on the counter and the chainsaw consultant looks at it before sighing, emily watches him as he goes to the chair at the desk and sit down
"thanks...for doing this" the chainsaw consultant says as he picks up the alter ego box and emily smiles
"your welcome, i better go now, see ya!" emily says happily and she flies out the room leaving the chainsaw consultant alone with the alter ego box in his hand
the chainsaw comsultant looks at the box and then with his hand, crushed the box and throws the box in the bin, back with emily and she with the other reappear at the base and emily takes out the last broken cog gemstone piece
"ok, the last piece" emily says happily and she puts the last piece with the others
she puts the piece in and then all the pieces of the gemstone float up, it shines brightly as all the pieces join together and it was now the full cog gemstone again
"hooray!" emily says happily and she takes the piece and puts it away with her magic
"now we have the gemstone, are we heading to disney?" darien says then asks and emily gave a confused look
"kinda, we're going to the disney vault which i guess is at disney world" emily says unsure and darien looked excited "let's go!" she says happily and she makes herself and the others disappear
they reappear at the vault but it wasn't a vault anymore, instead it was a giant robot making factory and it  looked like a tall business building
"welp, looks like we have to find a secret way in and fight some cogs to get to the top" lauren says and emily nods
she with the others look around till ben spots a wooden door at the back of the building with a sigh on the top that said 'secret door, in case of emergencies, toons will never find it' and ben makes a poker face before calling the others over, emily, lauren and darien also look at the sigh and also making a poker face before the group enter, inside the door was a old 1960s cage lift and the group go into it
"why does this feel easy?" emily says as she presses the only button that was on the control panel of the lift
the others shrug as the doors close and the lift goes up with the others watching as it moves up, as the lift was going up, the group didn't know that they were being watched by the chairman and he was getting annoyed
"they're here already?! how!?" the chairman says angrily and he whacks his fist on the arm of his chair in frustration
"they've taken down all the managers we sent out and they now have all the broken cog gemstone pieces, sir" one cog says and this makes the chairman more annoyed
"fine! let them come, i will show them the fight of a life time" the chairman says as he stands up and he looked serious
in the cage beside the chair, the president and the man look so scared while victor was smirking knowing that the chairman will lose, the group make it to the top and when the doors open, they see the chairman standing at the back of the room looking menacing
"so, you are the toons that trying to ruin my plan, we not anymore! cogs! get them!" the chairman says and points his finger at the group
the cogs come stomping over and the group were ready to fight them till emily hears a famillar voice
"emily!" the familiar voice says and emily looks up to see it was liam, hollie, hayley and chloe "we here to help!" liam says happily and emily give a proud smirk to him and the other 3
the fight starts and it was emily, ben, darien and lauren verses 5 cogs and liam, hollie, hayley and chloe verses 5 cogs, the 2 groups took down the cogs after loads of attacks on them, soon all the cogs were down and that just left the chairman who growls in anger
"right, that's it! it's my turn!" the chair man says and he goes in front of everyone
a new fight starts after emily uses her magic to heal everyone and the everyone used their strongest attacks on the chairman doing a load of damage to him, he attacked back doing a attacked that hurt everyone but it wasn't that bad, the fight went in for a bit till the chairman was at half hp
"you all done it now!" the chairman says and he does his attack
the attack was like a explosion and it did a lot of damage to everyone making them all at 1 hp, the group healed and kept attacking but the chairman kept doing the same attack making them all at 1hp
"emily, what do we do, he keeps almost killing us!" chloe says from the end and the others nod
"i don't know, i'm trying to think" emily replies and she looks down trying to think
"...everytime he does that explosion attack, he looks really goofy doing it" darien says randomly and this made emily look up realising something
"goofy...mischief...*gasp* i'll be right back!" emily says thinking then realising and then she disappears
she reappears at him in the middle of the living room and she flies over to tom
"dad, i need your help!" emily says in a panic and tom stands up while sebastian looked confused
"what is it?" tom replies ready to help and looked determined
"i need you to be loki!" emily says and tom looked confused but still looked serious
"loki? why?" sebastian says from the sofa and emily smiles seriously
"well, loki is the god of mischief, isn't he? and uh, we are taking on something that has...cartoony mischief, so if dad can be loki and do mischief, it should help us win the fight" emily explains and tom seems to get it as he nods
"i'll do it!" tom says happily yet seriously and he turns into loki with his magic
"hooray! let's go!" emily says as puts her paws in the air and then she teleports herself and tom away
the pair reappear back at the top of the tower and emily sees that everyone was down, the chairman tries to attack her when she looks at him but tom blocks the attack with his magic, he then approached  chairman with no question on what was going on and he uses his loki mischief to attack the chairman, he makes  a custard pie appear then throws it at the chairman's face, he wets the chairman's face with the flower water gun, he crushes the chairman with a out of nowhere piano then a vault, he makes the chairman fall though a trap door that came out of nowhere and emily could tell tom was loving this as his laugh was so mischievous.
"ok, ok, i surrender! i surren-der" the chairman says sounding upset and tom backs off a little
"hey chairman!" a voice says and emily turns around as that where the voice came from
behind emily and the others were the pacesetter, rainmaker, high roller and chainsaw consultant in the lift and they all storm over to the chairman
"we quit!" the pacesetter says and the other 3 agree with him
"yeah, you used me to fight the toons! not cool man!" rainmaker says and chainsaw consultant nods next to her
"well i-" the chairman says but was cut off
"hope you have fin in the box, big man" high roller says and he takes the cog gemstone from emily
emily looked offended the high roller took the gemstone but then watches as the 4 manager cogs come together and make the gemstone spin, tom, emily and the others step out of the wat and the chairman looked shocked
"no! wait, stop!" the chairman says and then a beam comes out of the gemstone
the chairman screams as he was getting pushed by the beam and then he was now getting pushed into the box
"stop! i hate you!" the chairman says before falling in the box
the other cogs fall in too following him and then the box shuts when all the cogs were inside it, a lock then appears locking the box in a cartoony way and the gemstone places itself in the cog shaped hole at the top going back to its place, everyone cheers happily and emily looks around for the 4 cogs managers but they were gone which made her sad with drooped ears
"emily, can you let us out, please" victor says making emily looks at him
"oh, sorry! forgot you were dere" emily says looking sorry and she goes over to the cage
she breaks the lock on the cage using her tail and the door opens by itself, the man runs away scared and leaves the room which had now turned back into the vault room and both the president and victor step out looking happy
"oh, thank you! thank you! thank you!" the president says picking up emily and starts giving her kisses around the face
emily looked stunned by the kisses and even when she was let go, she was flying but still looked stunned, emily then shakes her head to snap out of it and she looks at the president with a confused look
"i'm so happy the cogs are back in the box, i though i would never be free from them!" the president says happily and emily gave a smile "i own you big time, thanks again!" he says and he leaves the room
everyone watches and then emily goes over to her friends and tom to have a giggle on what happened
"shall we head home?" emily asks and the others nod
emily then teleports everyone to the base then tom back to the house where he makes his loki costume disappear and he then collapses on the couch as emily disappears again
"how did it go?" sebastian asks as tom collapses on the couch
"fun actually" tom replies and he gives a happy yet mischievous smile
"tell me about it" sebastian asks looking amused and tom tells him the story on what happened
meanwhile emily reappears at the vault and she goes over to victor confused
"so, did you know about dis cog invasion?" emily asks victor and he nods proudly
"i was trying to warn them but of course, people don't listen so i was trying to deal with it myself but that didn't work either as i didn't know how long it was before it got out, luckily i had you for backup" victor explains and emily nods with a huff
"do you want me to teleport you back home or..." emily asks and victor smiles
"i can do it myself, thanks for the help, dear" victor says happily and emily smiles back
victor then disappears while emily watched and when he was gone, emily teleported back home, when she gets home, she sits on the sofa and she told tom and sebastian what happened, after she told them, she ended up falling asleep in the sofa and the rest of the day was chilling out before dinner.
The End

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