My IRL Dreams

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Here is some little stories of dreams i had that involve some IRL people like tom hiddleston, sebastian stan, david tennant and etc, i did want to post these on tumblr but it seem they don't get any attention so i'm posting them here instead, also these dream are 100% real and i'm not making these up.

Dream 1
So in the dream, it was a wedding and it had 2 rooms, the receptions area and the wedding hall, the recpition was a small room and it had a reception desk and behind the desk were pictures of the bride and groom with the guests who were invited to the party, the wedding hall was also small but not as small as the reception room being the size of a big bedroom.

the first person to arrive at the wedding was david tennant and he was milk, he was holding a half drunken six pint milk carton in his left hand and he walks over to the pictures behind the reception desk, he then sticks a note to the picture of him with the bride and he stuck it on him making it look like he had buck teeth, he then goes into the wedding room and sits down next to a lady who looked to be in her 20s and starts talking to her about random stuff and the lady was just going along with it as she though it was funny.

then benedict cumberbatch appears and he was just there not really doing and saying anything and just sat down in the wedding room, it then shows 2 ladies and they were talking about if everyone had brought blow torches so then at the party after the wedding, they could make s'mores and then the pair hold up their blow torches and smile at each other.then both tom hiddleston and sebastian stan came in, together and i think they were dating but i don't know, i was happy to see them as i was there too for some reason and that's where the dream ended.

Dream 2
So in this dream, me and sebastian were friends and he was having this wedding to a lady that i didn't like for some weird romanian religion where if you marry a lady, you must give half your money to her, the marriage didn't leave to last long as long as the man had shared half your allowance with woman, he did it last year with another woman and they broke up after a week after he gave her half his money and it was sebastian's dad (who yes, looks like mark hamill) that was making sebastian do this, sebastian didn't want to marry this lady though as a. he just didn't want to and b. he loved someone else which if you couldn't guess, it was tom, the pair acted like childhood friends that had their own handshakes with each other but you can also tell that they had crushes on each other by the way they look at each other and they way they talked to each other.
anyway the wedding went under way and during the wedding, sebastian had managed to convince a friend of his to disguise as him and get married to the lady as though the whole ceremony, he was sitting by me disguised as his friend and was having a really cute conversation with tom which i turned to the side and whispered 'so cute!' to myself, after the ceremony, me and sebastian went back to the office and then after sitting down, we notice that tom was missing so i get up and go to my friend darien, i ask her in a worried voice where tom was and she told me that someone which was a lady took him and took him into the building next door, i go to the building next door which was a abandoned mcdonald's and as we were trying to get in the place, sebastian was blaming darien for doing this but i knew it wasn't her as even though darien is a lier, she would never do this and i blamed it on the bride who must of known of the sebastian-friend switch and of tom and sebastian's relationship making her jealous.
sebastian managed to break in into the abandoned mcdonald's and he managed to get tom out of the building as he was tied up to a wooden chair at the back of the building, when we got back, a man came up to us and said that the bride after asking her had nothing to do with this and i though 'rubbish! people can lie you know!' and i followed sebastian with the unconsious tom in his arms to his office, when we got there, sebastian puts tom on his sofa, sits next to him, sighs in relief and then the dream end.

Dream 3
So in this dream, i was at a campsite with 3 tents in a triangle position, 2 in front of me and one behind me and in front of me to my left was sebastian and to my right was tom, it also seem to be a post apocalyptic world as there was no people other then us 3 and it had a abandoned feeling to it, anyway the 3 of us were talking (which i've forgotten what we were talking about) and i was happy and really mischievous, i then went to sleep in my sleeping bag and when i woke up (in the dream), i saw sebastian fast asleep in front of me in his sleeping bag, on his belly and using his arms as pillows while tom was asleep behind me in his sleeping bag, on his side and using a bed pillow, i thought it was very cute but sadly that where the dream ended.

Stories of Emily the Electric CatWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt