IRL - The Return of the Overminder

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It has been a few days since the incident with that robot pony and meeting the mane 6 again after a few years and today, emily with david, tom, sebastian, catherine and some other actors and actresses were recording in the UNIT building set for the explanation part of the episode before the doctor, emily and donna go and find the toy maker in the past, it was now a little break between takes and emily who was in her cat form was at the front by the big green screen computer dancing while flying, she was dancing to a some called 'marching by the blue archives' and she was having a good time while tom and sebastian were chatting to each other not that far away and david was close to emily looking on his phone
"emily, can you put something else on? you've been playing that song for 10 minutes" david complains and emily stares at him with a grumpy face while looking offended
"...ugh, fine!" emily says and she over to her phone that was sitting on the table
she stops the music and she looks though her phone until she smiles seeing a song she liked and she decided to play it quickly going back to where she was before, the music she put on was robotnik's there for the adventures of sonic the hedgehog and she had an idea what to do
"right den, minions, we must find a way to stop da hoomans with deir pesky plans, got any ideas?" emily says dramatically as the music plays then she does a face trying not to laugh
"what is the human's pesky plan?" david asks as he sits up from kneeling on the table to look at emily curiously yet confused
"why, deir plan is to be annoying and in da way so we must find a way to get rid of dem!" emily says still in character as she slams her right paw into her left one
"i know, how about we set up a trap and we use a robot lady as a decoy" tom says calmly joining in with the act and emily couldn't help but giggle
"yes! dat's perfect and i don't see any flaws in day whatso ever!" emily says dramatically and she giggles again from how funny this was
"how about after, we have a basket tied to a tree and then drop it when the humans are underneath it" sebastian says also joining and emily nods happily while snickering quietly
"yes! great, that is also a flawless plan!" emily says happily as she points to sebastian then she giggles again "with dense plans, da hoomans will be gone and den i will finally have peace from deir existence!" she adds dramatically and she giggles again after cheering with her paws in the air
emily then notice her music had stopped so she goes over to her phone to look for something else to put on
"oh, that's weird music, what's that called?" tom says looking puzzled and emily looks up to him looking confused
"i-what?! i haven't chosen a song yet, what are you hearin'?" emily says really confused as she looks at tom
suddenly emily hears it as her ears shoot up and then she drops then again looking scared as the music sound really familiar to her as she flies to where she was before with her phone in her paws, she looks over at david looking scared and david was a little confused at first but then it clicked making him look scared
"oh! oh no..." david says concerned and emily puts her paw on her mouth looking scared as the music was now sounding a lot different sound more scary but still had the same melody to it
"what? what is it?" sebastian says a little concerned and tom nods next to him looking worried
"it's back!" emily says scared and then the lights start to flicker rapidly
emily, david, tom and sebastian look up seeing the lights flicker and emily then senses something behind her, she turns around and david also sees something standing behind emily
"emily?!" david says concerned as he ran over to emily but she was gone as the lights flicker back on "oh no, it's got her" he adds looking worried and both tom and sebastian look at each other then at david concerned but confused
"what's got her, david?" tom asks worriedly looking like a worried parent and david looks at them seriously yet scared
"...the overminder!" david says seriously and he shivers when he mentioned the name
tom and sebastian looked concerned but still confused on who the overminder was and why did it scare emily so much as emily forgot to tell them, meanwhile with emily and she was having visions, in the visions, she was seeing the other mercenaries being trapped in some type of back room type areas, she first sees scout and he seems to be in some type of abandoned shopping mall, she the sees soldier and he seem to be in a very empty battlefield looking to be from world war 2, pyro was in some type of swimming pool area, demoman was in what looked to be a never ending hotel corridor, heavy was in some type of desert, engineer seem to be in a kid play house, medic was in some type of a quiet library, sniper was in what seem to be a never ending woods and spy seem to be in a giant empty supermarket, they all looked stressed then when they see emily, they call out her name and this causes her to open her eyes, she sees she wasn't in the studio anymore
"where am i? dad?! seedy?! friend?!" emily says to herself then she call out to see if they were here but they weren't as she got no response
the place she was at was looking to be sky railings but she was in a building and there was smoke covering everything below the railing so emily couldn't see what was below her
"dat overminder must if done dis! but why attack now? it has been 13 years since we've last met back in 2009 during dat photoshoot i had with friend, simmy and brussel sprouts so why da long wait?" emily says to herself as she goes to think
emily then remembered she had her phone sigh her so she looks at it, she sees that the time was very glitched up and both the internet and phone service was spiking crazily
'great, can't use my phone, looks like i have to use my magic to get out of here and also find the tf2 guys' emily thought as she looked annoyed as she puts her phone away in her backpack
emily looks around again and then she consecrates as she closes her eyes using her magic as a sensor to help her find a way out, her magic finally finds a way out after a few minutes, emily then starts walking still having her eyes closed and she was using her magic to guild her as she walked, in her closed eyes, she sees the pink of her magic as a line as she follows it kinda similar to a dog's scent trail in cartoons, she eventually finds the door she was looking for thanks to her magic and she opens the door to see a blinding white light, she then enters the door and she ends up being in a room with 9 doors, each labelled with a TF2 mercenary's name on the door
"*sigh* ok, it looks like i have to collect da guys like in collectathon games" emily says annoyed as she knows she has work to do "...let's do scout first" she says calmly as she looks at scout's door
after emily enter's scout's door, she closes her eyes as the light was blinding bright and then when the light was gone, she opens her eyes to see she was in the shopping mall that she saw scout was in from her vision
"scoot! scooty-booty!" emily calls out as she starts walking as she looks around the mall
the mall was likes those malls that you would go to in the 90s with the white mostly everywhere but there was some colour on the walls, the benches, bins and other places, even the shops looked very 90s but there was nobody around anywhere, emily kept walking and looking around really confused where everyone was
"scoot? scoot?!" emily calls out again hoping to hear scout's voice
suddenly, emily hear a scream which was very girly but she recognises the scream anywhere so she ran towards the scream, the scream came from scout who got scared by a wooden sign of godzilla as he wasn't expecting it to appear that that when it had been there the whole time, he soon recovers seeing it was a sign and he turns around sighing in relief as he puts his hand on his heart
"aww, it's just a sign, thank god!" scout says to himself out loud as he recovers
he then hears running and it makes him freak out again as he does his karate pose with hands in the air and leg lifted up a little
"scoot?" emily calls out which scout hears and he calms down as he recognises the voice "scoot! dere you are! i was lookin' for ya!" she says happily when she sees scout and runs over to him
"emily! oh man, i'm so glad to see you again!" scout says happily as he goes over to emily smiling happily at her
"me too but, how get here?" emily says smiling with her tongue out then asks as she looked confused with a head tilt
"well, funny story really, me and the guys were just chillin' minding our business waitin' for ta match to start, hard hat was settin' up the teleport when it suddenly activates on its own without hard hat puttin' down a  exit teleport, we were all so confused and hard hat told us not to step on it, we didn't but demo somehow in his drunken state misheard hard hat and decided to stand on it anyway when we told him not to, we then suddenly heard that familiar music you probably know what i'm talkin' about and then everyone gets teleported away with me endin' up 'ere and i don't know where everyone else is" scout explains in his long, fast and explainly way and emily nods when he was done
"ok, i kinda know where da others are but you were right in saying i know the music, da overminder is back again and it's da one doing dis" emily says seriously and scout shivers in fear when emily says the name "i don't know what its plan is dis time but we need to get everyone back together to stop it, i tink dis overminder may be different then before as da music i heard sounded a lot different then what i remember" she adds and scout nods as he thinks
"yeah, it sounded very different then before" scout says as he also think about it "did it get stronger or-" he adds still thinking but then he cuts himself off as he hears a noise
emily hears it too as she turns around and listens intently, she then hears it and it was the overminder's music making her freak out
"hurry, follow me!" emily says seriously yet scared and scout who was also scared a she can hear the music too nods fast
emily then starts flying with scout behind her and she uses her magic to help her and scout find a exit, the overminder was on their tail suddenly having the same speed as both emily and scout  and when scout looks behind him, he screams seeing the overminder trying to catch up and he runs over to emily
"emily! it's behind us!" scout says freaking out as he runs next to emily with his hand on his hat so it doesn't fly off as he ran
"ok, don't panic! we are almost at da exit!" emily replies seriously and she keeps her eyes on the trail her magic had made
emily and scour keep running until they do find the exit which was a door, emily and scout went though the door and scouts slams the door shut when he sees the overminder coming making the marionette slam into the door with a thud, the pair then sigh in relief when the get away from the overminder and they smile at each other when they look at each other
"that was freakin' close, man" scout says in relief and emily hums agreeing with him
"reah, too close" emily replies as she flies in front of scout
suddenly emily's wings close up all on their own and she gets confused as she didn't close them, she then sees scout start screaming as he was falling and she wasn't that far behind him as the pair were now falling into the white void, meanwhile, back at the UNIT building set and david was explaining to tom and sebastian what happened back during the photoshoot him, emily, john and russell had but he had forgotten how emily defeating the overminder, he knows she did but he just couldn't remember how, he also knew it was doing magic but he couldn't remember how it was doing magic
"-and that's what happened, i'm surprised she didn't tell you" david says finishing his story and both tom and sebastian shrug
"well, if i remember correctly, she did fall asleep after she came back so i wouldn't be surprised that she forgot as she was distracted by mima" tom says calmly and david nods understanding
"yeah, she would do that..." david mumbles to himself knowing emily too well
suddenly out of nowhere in the same place emily was when she was taken but a bit higher up, a strange green portal appears and david, tom and sebastian stand back in worry, then coming out of the portal was both scout and emily and scout landed in the ground with a thud on his back while emily landed on top of him, scout growns in pain and emily sits up to shake herself, she then looks up and smiles seeing her parents and her friend
"oh hi! it been a bit but i'm back" emily says happily as she smiles at tom, sebastian and david "and i brought a scoot with me!" she adds as she gets off scout to point at him as he was getting up from the floor
"emily, why didn't you tell us about this overminder before?" tom says as emily tries to fly but she can't for some reason
"i do admit, it slipped me mind as i was busy with mima and now it has been what, 13 years since the incident with many other tings happenin' since den so i just forgot, i guess" emily says calmly still trying to fly but her wings wouldn't open
"yo, emily, what is this place?" scout says as he was looking around at the set
"it's a set, scoot, i with da others here we're on break when i was taken by dat overminder who might i add, is alive again? when me, soldier-boy and engie took it down with rockets 13 years ago" emily explains looking confused as she wonders why the overminder is back "hmm...this is very confusing" she adds confused as she puts her paw on her mouth
"yes, very confusing, like, how did the overminder even come back? and where are my friends?" scout says also thinking and emily looks at him seriously
"i know where da others are, i saw a vision dat dey are the same situation you were where you were stuck in a big place like a back room but dey all seem to be in different places" emily explains and scout looked a little surprised "...and i have to go and get dem" she adds pretending to be annoyed and she huffs a sigh before giggling
"umm...what are 'the back rooms'?" david asks not sure what emily was talking about
emily was about to explains but then suddenly, she sees the overminder at the other end of the room and she starts snarling and growling at the marionette, scout sees it too and he take out his scattergun form his bag on his back
"wait, scoot, remember, you can't take it down, we need soldier-boy and engie to take it down as it's weak to rockets" emily says trying to stop scout from running at the overminder but she couldn't stop him fast enough as she can't fly
"ha, i wanna have a go as they aren't here and it's my time to shine!" scout replies as he bolts towards the overminder
scout then precedes to shoot the overminder but as predicted, nothing happens, scout then takes out his baseball bat with ball and he was about to hit the overminder with his bat but he was knocked back by the overminder with his bay while the ball flies in the air, the ball then it's the overminder on the head causing to both be stunned and in pain and emily gets an idea as she looks at the stunned overminder in shock, tom, david and sebastian meanwhile were standing out of the way so they don't get in the way of the overminder's attacks
"scoot!" emily calls out to scout and he turns to emily confused "you wanna play baseball?" she says with a evil snarl smirk on her face and it took scout a second to what she was asking
"...yeah!" scout says happily and he goes to where emily was standing eariler while emily went opposite him
emily then makes a baseball appear with her magic and she throws it to scout who hits it with his baseball, it hits the overminder in the face and it gets stunned by the ball and get hurt by it too, it then gets up and starts floating about making it a bit difficult to hit it
"oh, it makin' it difficult to hit it but i tink we can still hit it, right scoot?" emily says watching as the overminder floats about then turns to scout
"you bet!" scout says happily as he was ready to hit the baseball
emily smirks and then she throws the ball when the time was right, scout hits the ball and it hits the overminder in the head right in the middle, the overminder then yelps in pain and then disappears being defeated
"yay! we did it!" emily says happily while cheering and scout cheers too with his fists in the air
"whoo! i knew i could do it!" scout adds happily and emily giggles at his happiness
"but! when was it weak to baseballs all of a sudden? the book told me dat it's only weakness to da overminder is rockets..." emily says thinking as she was confused as she though about it "how and when did it change?" she adds still thinking
"i dunno but i do know that you are flyin' again" scout says as he points to emily with a smirk
emily looks behind her and sees her wings were flying and she was off the ground again
"oh, so i am! great, so, i'm guessin' dat da overminder was da one dat caused me wings to stop workin' still must have dat magic it stole from masmus" emily says as she was thinking and scout nods agreeing with her
"who's 'masmus'?" sebastian asks confused making both scout and emily looks at him
"she means merasmus, he's a wizard that use to be one of my teammate's roommate" scout says annoyed and emily nods next to him
"back in 2009, he was being used by da overminder to defeat me but i ended up breaking 'im out of da overminder's control den defeating da overminder for da last time, as so i thought but now, he's somehow back and i don't know what his plan is other then to trap him and da others in some backroom type area for me to save them" emily explains and the trio understood as they nodded
emily was trying to think on how she was suppose to back to the doors she was at before while also trying to think on where to put scout when suddenly a portal appears above her, she was sucked up into it with david, tom and sebastian panicking, scout managed to grab her using a double jump and he was teleported with emily, emily ended up back in the room she was before while scout ended up being the same set he was with emily and the others but it was empty making him confused why he was there, emily looked at the room and she wonders where to go
"hmm...who to save next?" emily says as she looks though the doors
emily finally decided after thinking to save pyro next as he could keep scout company to scout wherever he went, she go into pyro's door where she ends up in a swimming pool building, she looks around smelling chlorine and seeing very clean pools despite the place being empty
"pyro! are you here, pyro?" emily calls out to pyro but she didn't get a response
emily sigh and she walks off hoping to find pyro where ever he was, while walking, she sees that at some point she will have to swim in the pools to get across certain places and that became true when she sees a giant pool with the ending on the other end of the pool and no way to walk around the pool
"*sigh* time to swim!" emily says to herself annoyed and she jumps in the pool
she starts swimming using her wings as floats and she does the doggy paddle across the pool which was a little too deep for emily, while she swam, she kept getting this feeling that something was in the water with her so she starts swimming faster, she soon gets out of the pool with nothing happening and she shakes her body to get the water off her
"dat was close, i felt like something was going to grab my leg" emily says to herself in relief "pyro!" she calls out again after looking around but she still doesn't get a response
she keeps going until she hears a suddenly yet familiar cry for help, she listens out for the noise and she follows it not running far before finding pyro who was scared to move due to him being in a ring of water with him being on a island in the middle
"pyro! it's me, emily, are you otay?!" emily calls out to pyro who looked scared and paralysed in fear
pyro looks over at emily and then he claps happily seeing emily, he then tries to go over to her but then gets scared again when he foot touches the water, emily sighs knowing what she had to do and she flies over to pyro, she then grabs him by the upper arms and she was a little lighter then she expected him to be and she puts pyro down where she was standing before
"there, now we can get out of here, follow me!" emily says happily and she starts walking after using her magic like she did before
emily walks with her eyes closed while following the trail and pyro follows her still slightly spooked by all the water everywhere, as the pair walked, emily starts hearing the music of the overminder meaning it was close and her with pyro who was shaking scared as he can also hear the music starts running to the exit, the overminder was shooting the pair with water projectile making pyro freak out but the pair managed to find the door to the exit, the problem was that the door was in the other side of a pool and pyro was too scared to move
"ok, pyro, hold on to me" emily says as she flies above pyro and she holds her paws out below him
pyro grabs emily's paws and emily then flies over to the door just as the overminder throws a water projectile at the pair luckily missing, the pair were now in a white room with emily placing pyro down and before emily could ask pyro anything, the pair start falling with emily's wings closing up like before, emily and pyro end up back at the set with emily landing on pyro's back while pyro landed on his front and tom, sebastian and david a bit surprised by their appearance but getting use to it
"whatever that place is, it has control of me and i don't like it" emily says a little annoyed as she flies up a little from pyro "oh, hi again! i've returned with-" she adds happily seeing david, tom and sebastian again but then she was cut off by pyro suddenly hugging her "whao! hey pyro" she says first surprise them calm as pyro was still hugging her
emily then gets out of pyro's hold on her with some wiggling and when she flies next to pyro, she could tell that pyro was smiling happily at her
"anyway, dis is pyro and he loves fire, dats all you need to know" emily says calmly yet happily as she points to pyro who looks around confused
"umm...are you sure he ain't a empty child?" david says looking at pyro then at emily worried and emily hums a giggle
"i know what you talkin' about and no, he always looks like dat, he's a bit strange, especially if you see what he sees, it's like a world you'll see in my little pony but mixed with a candy shop" emily explains as she points to pyro's eyes
"what happened to scout?" tom asks seeing scout wasn't with emily
"umm, i dunno, he was with me but i guess the portal split us up so now i dunno where he went" emily says looking worried about scout's whereabouts
suddenly, emily heard pyro saying something close to 'look!' and she turns to where pyro was pointing which was in front of her to see that the overminder was back, emily snarls and growls at the overminder having enough of him and she tries to use her electricity but it wasn't working
"m-my electricity doesn't work!"  emily says surprised that her power doesn't work as it only sparks off her body
pyro looks at emily worried as he wanted to help but he didn't know what to do, he then remembers that he had his flare gun with him and he takes it out of his supply belt, he takes it out, fires a shot at the overminder which hits him and emily smirks with a plan seeing that the overminder was weak to the fire from the flare shot
"pyro! use your fire!" emily tells pyro smiling as she glances at pyro and she could tell pyro was smiling evily
pyro then somehow got his flamethrower out and he taunts with his flamethrower while cackling happily yet evily, pyro then runs to over to the overminder and he turns on his flamethrower causing the overminder to burn until it was no more, emily and pyro cheer happily seeing that the overminder was burnt to death but this also got emily thinking about what was going on
", it seems dat...every time i save someone from being stuck in the back rooms, i bring dem here just to fight da overminder with the classes strength like scout with his baseball skills and pyro with his love of fire, hmm..." emily says thinking loudly to herself as she pats her paw on her mouth
emily then looks over at pyro as he was telling something to her and she goes to think again
"yeah, i will have to get da others but i can only get dem one at a time, also, i don't know what to do with you three, you've been dragged into dis and bein' sittin' ducks" emily says worried as she was thinking then she points to tom, sebastian and david
"meh, we don't mind but the real issue is, where is everyone else?" sebastian says shrugging then gets confused as he looks at emily
"yeah, as we stand here waiting for you to come back, we notice that everyone is gone except us, did that overminder do something to them?" tom explains worried and emily ears droop as she now realises
"umm...i don't know, i tink we are just in a different area to dem which means dat dey have probably notice we are gone by now" emily says as she thinks about it
pyro then mumbles something and emily turns to him as she sees he looked worried
"are da others okay? well, i already have scoot and you which means i need to get hoovy, de-mo-man, spoy, meem, snipes, soldier-boy and engie but-" emily says repeating pyro and then explains before she was grabbed by pyro
pyro shakes emily a little in a panic and emily looks at pyro confused
"save your parents? who are you parents?" emily says confused on what pyro was talking about
pyro then steps back and he starts acting out after saying 'mom' he starts pretending to have something in his hand and pretending to bang something in front of him
"engie?" emily guessing feeling that who pyro was trying to act out as
pyro nods happily and emily smirks a little finding out that pyro sees engineer as his mother
"ok, so engie is your mom but who is your dad?" emily says with a head tilt looking a little confused but she somehow had a feeling she knew who it was
pyro then acted out him holding onto something that was resting on his shoulder and then pretends to shoot at the ground trying to a rocket jump, this made emily smile and she starting giggling too
"is it soldier-boy?" emily says smiling happily and pyro nods happily making emily giggle and smile happily
'yes!' emily thinks happily as she smiles with her tongue sticking out
suddenly the portal appears again and both emily and pyro gets sucked up into it, this always made both tom and sebastian get worried as she disappears as it was their parental instincts kicking in wanting to protect her, david also gets worried but he was starting to get use to it, emily ends up in the rooms again while pyro ends being with scout in the empty set where scout was happy to see pyro as he was lonely, emily looks at the doors and she decides to go to heavy's door next wanting to save soldier, engineer, medic and sniper till later as she wants them to be save close to each other, she enters heavy's door and she sees she was now in a desert, she looks around at the sand as the sand felt warm on her paw pads and she wondered why heavy was sent here and not somewhere colder
"heavy! hoovy!" emily calls out to see if heavy would respond but he doesn't
emily sighs and she flies off using her instincts to see if they could sense heavy nearby, she keeps flying for a bit until her instincts was suddenly telling her turn right which she does, she keeps flying for a bit until she hears a familiar voice, it was calm but loud and emily flies faster towards the talking
"heavy?" emily calls out as she flew then she spots heavy struggling to keep walking "heavy!" emily says happily seeing the big russian guy
"huh?" heavy says looking up and he sees emily in front of him "emily? what! you not sun image, are you?" he adds hoping emily wasn't a hallucination
"no, i'm not a hallucination, i'm me, look!" emily says happily and she pokes heavy on the arm a few times "i've come to save ya!" she says happily with a grin and her eyes closed
"do you know how heavy got here in first place?" heavy says as he stands up from sitting in the sand
"kinda, scout told me what happened sayin' dat you with the others got teleported after demo stood on a broken teleporter" emily explains and heavy nods confirming emily's story
"yeah, teleporter started on its own, then demoman stood on it after we told him not to and the next thing i knew, i was in this desert, i don't know how long i've been here for but it feels like a long time" heavy explains and emily hums with a single nod as the pair started moving
"yeah, you aren't da only one that was in a strange place, i found scoot in a huge shopping mall and pyro was in a swimming pool area, poor guy was scared to death by the water everywhere, but there is something worrying dat you must know, the overminder is back and it's the reason for all dis" emily explains as she was using her magic to find the exit
"oh, heavy is starting to hate this overminder" heavy says as he shakes his head annoyed
"same, at first it was scary even with the music but now it's becoming annoying but the music is still it is now" emily says looking annoyed but then she gets a little scared as she starts hearing the music again making her ears droop scared
"oh no, heavy doesn't like this" heavy says also looking scared which is rare for heavy as mostly nothing scares him
"heavy, follow me!" emily says as she uses her magic to guild her
heavy follows heavy but then a sandstorm picks up making both emily and heavy stop, emily then has a idea and she uses her magic to lift heavy so she doesn't lose him and she carries on using her magic to find the exit, she does end up finding the exit and she goes though the door before the overminder attacks her with a magic sphere attack which misses after emily went though the door, emily sigh in relief after the door shuts and she puts heavy down as she sighs
"that was close" emily says in relief as she rubs her paw on her face
"too close" heavy replies also sighing in relief as he wipes his forehead with his big hands
suddenly heavy starts falling making him scream and emily starts falling too as her wings like before closed up, the pair fall for a few secemds then they end up in the set like before but the one where scout and pyro were, heavy lands on his back and emily lands on top of him with a grunt from heavy
"ugh, i hate falling when my wings shut up" emily says annoyed as she sits up to look around
"yo, emily and heavy! it's nice to see you again!" scout says happily seeing emily and heavy
"hi again, i was wondering where you 2 went" emily says happily with a paw wave as she looks around the room
the room looked exactly like the set she and the other were using for the UNIT base but the only difference is that the lights were half working and the place looked abandoned
"what is dis place?" emily says as she looks around confused "it's like the UNIT set but it looks like nobody has used it in decades" she adds looking super confused
"we don't know, we were sent here after we went though the portal and we've been here since" scout says with a shrug and pyro nods agreeing with him
"ok, dats good to know..." emily says looking suspicious as she looks around
suddenly the music came back making emily's ears droop, scout and pyro hug each other in fright and heavy looking ready to fight as the overminder appears from the darkness at the back of the room
"ahh! what do we do?!" scout screams as he hugs pyro tightly
heavy charges at the overminder with emily watching in worry and when heavy punches the overminder, it flies back in pain making emily smile
"heavy! beat it up!" emily says smirking mischievously as she points to the overminder
heavy nods and smirks too and he goes on top of the overminder, he then starts punching up the overminder giving it all he got untill the overminder goes down as it disappears in pain
"good job, hoovy!" emily says happily at heavy as the big russian guy gets up smiling
heavy smiles proudly seeing the overminder was gone and then emily went though the portal back to the doors again, she decides to get demoman next as she knows he'll be a pain to deal with so it's better just to get him over with, she enters the door and she sees that she was in a hotel corridor with many doors to her sides with random numbers on them
"demo! de-mo-man!" emily calls out to demo but she got no reply "dis one goin' to be hard as i have no idea if demo's drunk or not" she adds annoyed also looking annoyed
she starts walking down the corridor and she sees that the doors kept having different numbers going from 201 on one door to 610 on another door, she uses her magic to guild her to demoman and after walking for a bit, she finds the drunk scottish cyclops in one of the room asleep on the bed
"demo! de-mo-man!" emily says after she jumps on the bed and starts shaking demo to wake him up from his drunk sleep
demo did wake up a little but then he went back to sleep again, emily growls annoyed and she uses her magic to pick him up, she then hears the overminder coming so she sprints as fast as she could with demo in a bubble behind her as she finds the exit, she soon finds the exit but not after a struggle with the overminder firing projectiles at her which she dodges and she finally made it in the door, she then places demo on the ground which finally makes him wake up and emily sighs a loud sigh of relief to be away from the overminder
"hey demo, long time, no see, dude!" emily says annoyed but smiling at demo
"emily, lassie, it's nice to see you again!" demo says happily as he drunkly gets up from lying on the floor
suddenly demo starts falling and he screams as he falls, emily wasn't that far behind him and soon the pair were back in the set room with heavy, scout and pyro
"hi again, i'm back and i brought a drunk guy" emily says after she manages to save herself from hitting the ground
"demo! you know this is all your fault, right?" scout says annoyed after he sees demo on the ground
"ugh, ireallyhiteveryonesbadsidenowicantbeleiveit!" demoman mumbles as his head was facing the floor still being drunk
emily rolls her eyes and then she hears the overminder as her hears droop as she gets scared, everyone else hears it too as they turn around and it then appears again where it was before, heavy tries to attack it but emily stops him
"no, this is demo's battle, let him...handle dis?" emily says after she places heavy back where he was before and then looks over at demo who was still drunk on the floor
demoman slowly gets up from the floor still being drunk, looks at the overminder seeing it as a blurred mess but he knew it was there, takes out his sword and shield from somewhere and he charges at the overminder where he attacked it constantly, the overminder soon went down after demoman attacked it to death and emily cheers seeing it was gone
"good boy, demo!" emily says happily as demo stumbles back to the others
"aye!" demo says happily with a thumbs up and then he fell to the ground with a thud
he starts snoring and emily giggles at him while looking at the other who looked unfazed by demo, emily then gets sucked into the portal again and she ends up back in the room again with the only doors left being soldier, engineer, medic, sniper and spy, emily decides to rescue spy next as she wanted to save her favorite till last do she goes into spy's door where she ends up in a big empty supermarket, she looks around and she gained a shiver seeing how empty the place was
"spy! spy?!" emily calls out for spy but she got no response
emily starts walking down the supermarket looking around as she walking hoping to find spy down one of the isles till she remembered spy can turn invisible which made her realise it was going to be a little hard to find spy if he was invisible
"spy! if you can hear me? please, don't be invisible! i wanna get out if 'ere and i can't if you are invisible!" emily calls out to spy hoping he could hear her
"my ami minou! it's nice to see you again!" spy says happily appearing next to emily from being invisible
emily freaks out a little as she wasn't expecting spy to appear then she calms down when she sees that it was spy next to her
"oh, hey spy, long time, no see, dude" emily says happily as she flies in front of spy "look, i already know what happen to you and da others as i've already saved scoot, pyro, hoovy and demo and now i'm 'ere to save you before-" she explains but she was cut off by the music of the overminder "come on, let's go!" she says telling spy to follow her
spy and emily go as fast as they could as the overminder had found then and was now firing projectile at the pair while emily uses her magic to find the exit, she soon finds the exit and both her and spy go though the door dodging a attacked by the overminder, when they were on the other side of the door, the pair sigh in relief being out of that area
"that was close, dat overminder is sure gettin' more and more aggressive" emily says after recovering from getting away from the overminder
"so, how long has it been for you since we've last met?" spy asks in wonder as he approaches emily
"umm...about 12-13 years, we last met in 2009 and now it's 2022" emily says shrugging and spy hums as he takes his cigarette out of his mouth
suddenly, spy and emily start falling and spy starts screaming like he does when he fall in the pit during halloween, spy and emily then end up back at the set where scout, pyro, demo and heavy are and spy managed somehow to save himself then he caught emily swiftly
"whew, thanks spy" emily says happily after seeing that spy caught her
spy smiles as he watches emily fly out of his hands and go next to him, suddenly the overminder came back and it was spy turn to get the overminder so he goes invisible, he sneaks up behind the overminder and starts stabbing him in the back which defeats the overminder after about 5 stabs in the back, emily cheers seeing spy had defeated the overminder as well as scout, pyro and heavy with demo asleep and then emily was teleported off back to the doors
"right, i only have snipes, meem, soldier-boy and engie left" emily says to herself as she points to each door she listed "...hmm..." she says as she thinks 'i'll choose snipes as den i can meem after and den i can save soldier-boy den engie as den we can defeat da overminder' she thinks while smiling then she goes to sniper's door
emily enters sniper's door and she ends up in a woods with loads of trees, she looks around and then looks up to see that there was a sky with a sun but the sun seemed none existent as she couldn't find it even when she flies passed the trees to look for it
"snipes!" emily calls out for sniper after she comes back down and flies a few inches off the ground "sniper!" she calls out again but gets no reply
she starts flying around to look for sniper and she ends up flying for quite a while untill she hears a familiar voice in the distance
"is anyone there?" the voice of sniper says as he calls out and emily lights up with her tail wagging when she hears his voice
"snipes!" emily says happily as she flies over to the voice still wagging her tail
"emily?" sniper says recognising the voice and then he spots emily flying over to him smiling "emily!" he says happily when he sees emily
"snipes! i'm here to save you!" emily says happily and she smiles with her eyes closed and her tongue sticking out "i've already saved scoot, pyro, hoovy, demo and spy so now i'm saving you!" she adds happily still having her tongue sticking out
"why did you save them first?" sniper says looking confused on why emily saved all of them before him
"i wanted to get them out da way so i don't have to think about dem much when i'm saving you, meem, soldier-boy and engie" emily says happily still smiling with her tongue sticking out as the pair start walking
"oh okay, that makes sense, so, what happened to you since we've last met?" sniper says nodding happily then asks as he smiles at emily
"well, it's been 13 years since we last met and i guessed i've grown up a little since we last met" emily says happily after thinking about it
"really? 13 years? in my world, it's been 6 months since we last saw you in your world so i'm guessing our time is different like england is to australia" sniper explains and emily goes wide eyed in shock then goes to think
"yeah but that's a very odd time difference, how was it since we first met till we met again in my world?" emily says as she was thinking
"umm...about a month so this means we've only known you for 7 months and i feel like i've known you all my loife" sniper says thinking then smiling as his aussie accent gets strong with some words
"reah, dats is funny and weird, i wonder why dere hasn't been much time for you but been over a decade for me?" emily says as she thinks as she has her paw on her mouth "anyway, i was told what happened with you lot by scout but is dere somethin' dat he didn't mention? in asking you cuz i know you are the observant one of the group" she adds as she changes the subject
"umm...i don't think-wait! there is somethin', i remember before the teleporter malfunction that it looked like soldier and truckie had a fight but soldier looked like he didn't know what he did wrong and truckie looked mad as he wasn't paying attention to soldier, medic was about to go over and ask truckie what was wrong but then the teleporter went weird" sniper explains and emily looked confused while having a confused head tilt
"really? dats weird, i wonder what happened?" emily says as she thinks but then her thinking was cut short when she heard the overminder's music "we can talk later, we need to go!" she adds and she flies off with sniper following her
emily uses her magic to guild her to the exit while dodging the attacks from the overminder who is now acting more aggressive and soon, emily and sniper get to the exit door as they quickly go though the door sighing in relief when they see they are safe
"was that-?" sniper says after he recovers as he points to the door
"da overminder? reah, he's back and he's da reason for all of dis" emily replies looking a little stressed as she looks between the door and sniper
suddenly, sniper starts falling and emily now starting to get use to the falling also starts falling as she dives head first after her wings close up, the pair fall for a bit with sniper screaming his head off and emily acting like she was flying still and then the pair land at the set where scout, pyro and the others were with sniper landing on his back and emily managing to save herself with her wings that happily opened a little early
"*shakes head* bloody hell, that was a falling trip" sniper says as he gets up and dusts himself off
"reah...oh, hi again!" emily says calmly then she smiles and waves when she sees everyone one staring at her and sniper
"yo, snipes!" scout says happily with a single wave with pyro next to him
"hey scout" sniper says calmly with a smirk then he looks over at emily "now what?" he asks not sure what's happening next
"well...dat" emily says calmly as she points to the overminder that was at the other end of the room "use your rifle on it" she adds as she looks at sniper again
sniper gets worried and he takes out his sniper rifle from basically nowhere, he shoots the overminder with the rifle which does nothing and sniper gets concerned when he sees nothing happened then glances over at emily
"it didn't do anything!" sniper says concerned and emily looked confused
"hmm...oh! oh..." emily says thinking then she gets an idea but she then realised she didn't like the idea
"what?" sniper says confused as he looks at emily with a head tilt
"*loud annoyed sigh* use your jarate" emily says in a annoyed voice as she looked unamused and emotionless
"my jarate?" sniper says as he looks around at the others then back at emily who nods slowly
"reah...your jarate" emily says still annoyed with a unamused and emotionless look
sniper looked at emily worried and then he shrugs as he goes to his back pocket, he then takes out a jar full of pee and his bushwhacks knoife and he looks at the overminder smugly, he throws the jar at the overminder which coats it in sniper's pee and then sniper uses his knoife on the overminder attacking it by whacking his knoife over and over until the overminder is defeated, emily cheers a little as sniper goes over to her and he was smirking
"ok, now dats over with, let's not speak of dis" emily says calmly yet serious and sniper hums with a nod "anyway, i'm going to get meem now and den after me and meem come back so den meem can defeats da overminder, i need to talk to you all about somethin', otay?" she adds and everyone nods
emily then goes back into the portal and she instantly goes to medic's door when she sees it, she then ends up at a big library with loads of shelves with books all over the place, she starts to slowly fly as she looks around at the place and then she remembers why she was there as she shakes her head to get herself back on track
"meem! meem?!" emily calls out looking around for medic but she gets no reply
she keeps looking for medic as she calls out for him and she was even using her magic to guild her to him, she soon hears a familiar laughter making her light up and she speeds up as she finds medic done one of the book isles reading some books on organs, medical stuff and body horror stories
"meem!" emily says happily as she gallops over to him after landing on the ground
"what? oh, emily! it's so nice to see you again!" medic says first confused then happily when he sees emily to his right
"nice to see you too, meem, i'm 'ere to get you out of 'ere as i've already saved da other minus 2" emily explains happily and medic lights up a little
"you saved sniper?!" medic says happily and emily nods happily with her tongue sticking out
"reah, i've already saved scoot, pyro, hoovy, demo, spy and snipes, i'm saving you now and den i need to save soldier-boy and engie" emily says happily and medic nods as he gets up from sitting down "oh and one more ting to say, da reason you are here is cuz of...him" she adds and then points to sudden appearing music which medic recognise making him worried
"it's alive?! medic says shocked and emily hums with a nod
"reah and we need to get moving, it's acting aggressive and will throw projectiles at us when it sees us so we need to go, now!" emily says seriously and medic nods looking serious
medic and emily then get going and they managed to find the exit door pretty easily which was a relief to emily and they didn't even bump into the overminder but they did keep hearing the music, when the pair went though the door, emily made a loud sigh of relief as she had her paw on the door
"omg, i'm glad dat da overminder didn't see us, dat ting is so annoyed when it does spot us" emily says relieved as she looks over at medic
"so, what is going on here?" medic says confused about what is happening
"i'll explains in a bit" emily says calmly before she sees medic start falling
emily falls too and the pair fall for a bit until they end up in the room with the others, the pair fall with medic doing a superhero pose to save himself then he catches emily who smiles at him after seeing what he did
"i'm back again!" emily says happily as she waves at the other after she flies out of medic's arms
"medic!" sniper says happily and he goes over to medic where he gives medic a hug
"hi liebe" medic whispers happily as he hugs sniper back
everyone went over to medic and sniper during their hug and when they pulled apart they were about to look over at emily but then they all freak out when they see the overminder at the other end of the room suddenly appear
"meem! you need to use your ubercharge on yourself!" emily says to medic after she thought of the idea
"umm...okay?" medic says shrugging and he makes his medicine appear out of nowhere
he uses sniper, scout, heavy, demo, pyro and spy to charge up his medigun and when it was full, he activates the ubercharge on himself, he then charges at the oberminder and uses his bones as to cut it up which defeats the overminder, everyone cheers for medic as he goes over to sniper and sniper smiling at midis lovingly making medic blush happily
"otay, before i go and save soldier-boy and engie, i need to say some tings" emily says seriously and everyone looks at her fully listening "firstly, i need to explain what's goin' on as some of you are still confused, basically, da overminder is back somehow and it's da reason why you all were in some weird places which are called da back rooms after demo stood on engie's broken teleporter, i haven't figured out why da overminder is back yet and it seems to have gotten stronger since we last saw it, it also seems dat it now has a weakness to a certain classes ability like baseball for scoot, fire for pyro, hoovy's strength and other tings, i still don't know if it's still weak to rockets but i won't find dat out till i save engie and soldier-boy but reah, dats it for dat" emily explains and she sees everyone nod understanding "another ting i want to talk about is, has any of you seen anyting off with engie and soldier-boy?" she adds and everyone looks at each other before nodding
"yeah, since this morning, hard hat has been ignoring soldier like he did something but when asked, hard hat won't say anything about it and soldier has no idea what he did" scout explains and emily goes to think
" seems dat either soldier-boy did someting to engie dat he doesn't remember or engie is havin' some type of fall out with soldier-boy for some reason" emily says as she thought about it
emily then was suddenly grabbed by pyro and he starts shaking emily looked stressed and upset, emily breaks free form pyro and she looks at him concerned
"don't worry, pyro, i will see what's goin' on with dose 2 but i have a feelin' it some type of miscommunication or misunderstandin'," emily says she calms pyro down
pyro nods as he backs up going next to scout and then emily was sucked back into the portal, she was now back on the area with the door and she now only had 2 doors left with one saying 'soldier' and the other saying 'engineer', emily huff sighs and then she goes into soldier's door, she opens the door and the next thing she knew, she was in a world war 2 battle field main,y in a trench but there was no war going on, she looks around while flying as she can see everywhere was muddy and dirty and she gets worried for soldier
"soldier-boy!" emily calls out worried to soldier hoping he will reply but he doesn't "soldier-boy?" she still calls out as she looks around for the helmet head
she uses her magic to try and find soldier but her magic was acting glitchy which is odd as it's never acted funny before, she then tries to use her instincts but that wasn't working very well either so emily just had to use luck to find soldier, she flies around calling out for soldier hoping he might reply and then she gets a sound of...someone crying, she looks around using her sensitive hearing to locate the noise ants she finds out it was soldier who was crying in a corner of a trench half covered in mud, emily flies over to him and she slowly pokes him in the helmet
"soldier-boy?...are you-!" emily says calmly after poking soldier's helmet and then she was suddenly grabbed by soldier
soldier hugs her and she looks up at him to see that he had and is still crying his eyes out, emily felt so bad for him and she snuggles into soldier to calm him down which it does
"soldier, are you crying cuz you tink engie doesn't love you?" emily says calmly as she leans on soldier's legs to face him
soldier nods while wiping his eyes but he couldn't stop the tears crawling down his face and emily felt like she was going to cry from how sad soldier looked
"but he does love you, he just havin' a bad day, look, come with me as dis place isn't safe and when we get back, you can tell me what happened, otay" emily says calmly as she headbutts soldier under his chin which made him smirk
soldier and emily get up and after they do, emily starts to hear the overminder's music making her ears droop, soldier starts hearing the music too and he suddenly looked scared
"come on, we need to go before we get attacked by da overminder" emily says telling soldier to follow her
soldier nods and the pair ran/flew as fast as they could as the overminder had found the pair and was now firing its projectiles at them, at one point, soldier trips and he takes emily down with him as he grabbed her by the leg, the pair fell into the very wet muddy ground, emily looked disgusted as she flew back up and she shakes her body to get some of the mud off, soldier instantly gets up from the mud, grabs emily and he ran as fast as he could as the overminder was still on their tails, emily uses her magic the best she could and she ends up finding the exit, soldier runs though the door and the pair were now safe from the overminder
"whew! dat was close" emily says releived to be away from the overminder after she sees that she with soldier were safe
"yeah..." soldier mumbles still looking sad and emily turns to him
emily hasn't seen herself yet but due to her falling into the mud, half of her body was now ready muddy, her left side of her face and the tip of the left side of her mouth, her right arm, her left leg, her back and wings and half her tail was really muddy and she looked like she had chunky brown spots, soldier on the other hand had his whole front body covered in mud as well as he legs, face and arms
"we are really muddy, i tink after dis, we need a bath" emily says seeing how muddy soldier was and then she looks at her arms seeing her right arm was muddy
suddenly soldier and emily start falling and emily's wings didn't close this time but she was still falling so she had some control on where she was going, the pair end up back at the set but the set that has tom, sebastian and david instead with the other mercenaries, soldier ends up landing with a bit of a roll crashing into the prop of the robot and emily managed to save herself as her wings were open
"soldier-boy, you otay?" emily says worried as she watches soldier crash into the prop
soldier gets up and he rubs his helmet instead of his head, he then shakes his body and he looks around confused
"he's fine, oh hey, i'm back 'ere! hi again!" emily says happily as she sees tom, sebastian and david in front of her and she waves happily at the trio
"umm, emily, why are you muddy?" tom asks seeing emily all muddy
"cuz i was in da trenches of world war 2 and it was very muddy...dat sound so bizarre out of context" emily says and she realise what she said and made herself giggle "i wasn't any fightin' as dere was basically nobody dere except for me and 'im but as we were runnin', he tripped makin' both me and 'im very muddy" she adds adding more context to the story
"oh okay" sebastian says understanding and emily smiles and giggles a little
"anyway, i know i was gone for a while but for some reason, i was in a different area? i tink where i was saving da others, dere is like 9 in total and as you saw, i already saved scoot and pyro, i needed to save hoovy, demo, spy, snipes and meem, i just saved soldier-boy and i just need to save his boyfriend, engie and then i should be done, it's like i'm in a video game or somethin' similar" emily explains as she points to soldier at one point
"umm...what is wrong with your friend?" david asks as he points to soldier who was in the corner looking sad
"oh, umm...h-he's sad, cuz he tinks his boyfriend doesn't love him anymore after he kept giving him da silent treatment for seemly no reason" emily explains after she looks at soldier then to david
"he doesn't love me anymore!" soldier says upset as he looks up to the ceiling then puts his head on his knees crying
"soldier-boy! he does love you! he wants to smooch your face and he loves for you is a big as 100 foot-i mean soccer stadiums merged together!" emily says comforting soldier but she she was sounding like she was complaining "...otay, listen, why don't you tell me what you two did yesterday? as it seems dat this issue happened dis mornin', hmm" she adds going over to soldier and she sits next to soldier
soldier glances at her making her smile at him with her tongue sticking out and he then picks up emily and places her back on his knees so she was facing him
"well, after we won the battle yesterday where i got the top score" soldier began and emily nods fast agreeing with him "engie asked me if he wanted to spend time with me as we watch the sunset, of course i agreed and we just spent the evening together with a fire going as we watch the sunset, we then lay on the floor as we look up at the many stars in the sky and engie did tell me what they were but...i was more listening to him talk then to what he was talking about" he explains then he blushed a little making emily giggle "we were out there for hours untill engie fell asleep so i took him in and we then went to bed, the next morning was when it was different as engie wasn't happy to see me nor talk to me, the other did ask what was the matter with him but...he just ignored them too" he finished explaining and emily hums thinking
'otay, that was so CUTE!' emily thought fangirling on how cute soldier and engineer are "it seems dat it's more him den you, it's like a switch was pressed while he was asleep...hmm..." she says as she was thinking out loud "look, when i save 'im later, i will have a talk with 'im, otay?" she says after thinking about it and soldier looks at her lifting his helmet up a little revealing his big blue eyes
"...okay..." soldier mumbles and emily smiles at him with her tongue sticking out
"good, now...oh look! right on queue" emily says as she glances behind soldier to see the overminder standing menacingly at the back of the room "you ready to use your rocket to take down dat overminder" emily says smirking mischievously and soldier took a second before he starts smirking
"affirmative!" soldier says happily and emily open mouth smiles at him
soldier and emily get up and soldier takes out his rocket launcher form somewhere, he points it at the overminder and he fires some rocket at the marionette with one rocket being a crit rocket, the rockets hit the overminder making it yell really aggressively making emily confirm to herself it was still super weak to rockets and then it goes down after soldier fires one more rocket
"you did it!" emily says happily while smiling and her paws in the air "reah!" she says happily still cheering then she reaches her paw out to soldier
soldier smiles seeing what she wanted and he gives a high 5 to emily dispute his hand being big and her paw was small, emily giggles on how silly her paw looked ageist soldier's hand and this makes soldier start chuckling making emily smile
"right, now dat is over with, now i can probably go off and find engie" emily says releived that the overminder was dealt with "don't worry, i will give 'im a talking too and will remind 'im that you did nothin' wrong cuz you didn't" she says comforting soldier and he smirks at her "now, while i'm gone, why don't you have this box and bucket" she adds and she uses her magic to spawn a steel bucket and a big box the size of soldier
"yay!" soldier says happily as he takes the box and bucket off emily
he then runs away with them to the corner and he jumps into the box where he jumps into the box and starts holding the bucket up happily
"*giggles* he's a baby man!" emily says amused by soldier "right, you three, ignore 'im being dere, just watch 'im, otay?"she says seriously to david, tom and sebastian who all nod at her
"okay" tom says with a shrug and emily smiles at them
suddenly, the portal comes back and emily goes though it ending up straight to the location of engineer as his door was the last door, she was now in a kids play area that looked taken straight out of the early 2000s and emily felt both familiarity and nostalgia with the place, she looks around and wonders on how engineer would get around this place as even though he is the shortest mercenary, he's also a bit on the chubby side
"engie?! engineer!" emily calls out for engineer hoping he would reply but he didn't
emily files ipod going into the play area and she climbs a ramp with steps on it, ran though some areas, jumps up onto a higher platform with a rope climb under it, going down a slide and other stuff while looking for engineer, she soon hears a noise and she goes over to the noise to see engineer grumbling to himself as he was sitting on the floor
"engie!" emily says happily to see engineer and engineer flinches hearing emily's voice making him turn around
"emily? is that you?" engineer says as emily lands next to him and she nods happily
"reah, it's me! i've come to save ya!" emily says happily smiling with her tongue sticking out "but first, i need to talk to you about someone" she adds looking serious and engineer looked confused
"about who?" engineer asks confused and emily looked confused that engineer didn't know
"soldier! when i found 'im, he was all upset thinking you don't love 'im anymore all before you kept givin' 'im da silent treatment, so, what's da matter?" emily says and explains and engineer huff sighs as he looks at the floor
"i-i don't really know, i just-...for some reason, every time i see soldier, i get this angry grudge over him like i want to yell at him and say angry stuff to him when i know he's hasn't done anything wrong so i thought i just keep quiet" engineer says sadly and emily gets sad for him "but i guess i was hurting him more then if i've said something" he adds and emily pats him on the arm
"when did dis start?" emily asks as she looks at him concerned
"this morning, i got out of bed, went to go kiss soldier but then i got angry for some reason so i ended up not kissing him" engineer explains and emily thinks
"dis is strange" emily says as she was thinking
"also, need to ask, why are you half covered in mud?" engineer says as he points to the big blob of mud on the left side of emily's face
"well, long story short, soldier-boy's place was in the world war 2 trenches and while we were runnin' from da overminder, he tripped taking me with him and we both landed in da mud so now we are both muddy" emily explains as she looks at her right arm and left leg to see the mud .anyway, back to da point, when we get back, please talk to soldier-boy, he's upset and he just wants to know dat you still love him" she adds getting back on track
"ok, i will, i still don't know why i'm angry with him, though" engineer says smiling as he gets up
emily smiles too but then she gets concerned as she starts hearing the overminder's music
"we need to go, now!" emily says as she takes engineer's hand and starts pulling it to get engineer to move
"alright! i'm coming!" engineer says finally moving and the pair start running
the overminder soon finds the pair and it starts firing it's projectiles at the pair where they dodge the attacks, the pair soon find the exit which was a slide instead of a door and they pair go into it ending up in the white room at the bottom of the slide
"whew, dat was close and hopfully, dat will be da last time i do dis" emily says relieved to be away from da overminder as she looks up the slide
engineer smirks and then emily turns to him after looking at the slide
"right, remember, talk to soldier, he needs your comfy" emily says seriously to engie as she points to him
"alright, alright, i will" engineer says with his hands in front of emily
emily nods and then engineer starts falling, emily follows still being able to fly and the pair end up back in the set with tom, david, sebastian and soldier, david, tom and sebastian had gone to the last row of the computers for some reason and soldier was still in the box with his bucket but when he sees engineer falling, he gets shocked, tumbles out the box and goes to where engineer was falling where he catches him
"*gasp* adorable!" emily whispers to herself when she sees engineer in soldier's arms "umm...what you 3 doing over dere?" she asks to the trio when she spots them at the back
"we decided to move as we were getting bored standing in the same spot so we moved over here" sebastian replies and emily nods still a little confused
"engineer, i don't know what i've don't to made you mad but im sorry and i have something to help not be mad at me" soldier says sadly and he looks over at emily for help
emily thinks on what to do to help the situation and then she looks at her phone which was in her paw after she takes it out of her backpack, she then gets an idea and she plugs her phone into the charger that also connects to the speakers around the room, she goes on youtube which she is surprised is still on and she goes to her playlist where she goes to one of her favorite songs (the song is 'you're in my head like a catchy song' from MLP), emily mainly sang for soldier as she flies around him and she sees that engineer was looking at him lovingly and soldier was smiling at engineer, when the song ends, soldier and engineer smile at each other then engineer reaches out his right gloved hand and wipe soldier's muddy mouth which was still muddy from the fall
"soldier, i should be the one apologising, i was mad at you for no reason which made you really upset and i'm sorry..." engineer says sadly and he huffs sighing
emily was sitting on the floor watching like it was a movie as she was eating a popcorn box full of caramel popcorn, soldier looks at engineer and then he takes engineer's hands into his hands making engineer surprised
"it's okay, engie, i already forgiven you" soldier says calmly which was a first for soldier in engineer's eyes as he was usually very obnoxious and shouty then he pulls off engineer's goggles revealing his big blue eyes
"you have?" engineer says stunned that soldier has forgiven him and soldier nods happily
"yes! i love you, engie and even if you have a bad day where you give me the silent treatment, i will still love you from a distance but...please, tell me what's wrong next time, i didn't like that you weren't talking to me" soldier says in his shouty voice and emily laughs
"he means dat he didn't like it dat you were ignoring 'im as he thought it was his fault and will have a emotional breakdown" emily says after swallowing her caramel popcorn and then eating more caramel popcorn
"soldier" engineer says amused and the pair chuckled before they give each other a hug as soldier's mouth was still muddy
"yay!" emily cheers happily seeing the problem was resolved and she giggles happily
emily then hears something which makes her ears droop as she recognises it instantly and she turns around to see the overminder at the back of the room again
"engie, i tink it's your time to shine, i need you to build your sentry" emily says seriously as she looks at engineer and soldier
engineer nods seriously as he glances between soldier and emily and then he pulls out a red toolbox from nowhere, he places the toolbox down where a level 3 sentry comes out if it and after the sentry was built with emily moving next to soldier, engineer points the sentry at the overminder using the wrangler
"go to hell, you wooden monster!" engineer says in a threatening tone then he fires at the overminder
the overminder cries out in pain from both the bullets and the rockers from the sentry, the overminder soon goes down before engineer's sentry ran out if bullets and rockets and emily and soldier cheer happily seeing the overminder was defeated
"yay! it's over!" emily cheers happily then she watches as soldier tackles engineer into a hug
emily flies over to tom, sebastian and david to see if they were okay which they were and they all hugged her happily seeing she was fine after this whole mess even if she was still covered in mud but the mud didn't go on then as the mud was dry at this point, suddenly, a portal appears and soldier, engineer and emily get sucked into it even after emily tried not to be with both tom and sebastian truing it save her, emily, soldier and engineer were now in a big white area and they were soon joined by the other mercenaries as they come though a portal behind the trio
"ow! i hate falling..." scout says as he gets up from falling out the portal
"me too" demoman says also getting up from the fall
after they all get up, pyro gasps happily seeing both soldier and engineer and he runs over to them, he hugs the pair happily and they hug him back happy to see him
"hi pyro, have you n a good boy while we were gone?" engineer says after pyro pulls away from the pair
pyro nods happily and both soldier and engineer smile at him making pyro more happy, emily goes over to sniper and medic who were looking at her confused
"'s mud, i fell in mud while saving soldier-boy" emily says as she points to the places on her that were muddy "he also fell in mud and it's why he's muddy too" she adds as she points to soldier who was happily talking to pyro and engineer
"i also see that you got them back together, what happened?" sniper says smirking as he looks at soldier and engineer then at emily
"in summery, engie was having a bad mood morning and accidental taking it out on everyone even soldier-boy but it's fixed now, the only ting i don't know is why he was havin' a bad mood episode?" emily explains and both sniper and medic nod agreeing with her question
suddenly, a rumble was felt making everyone shake and almost fall over, then the area around start breaking like glass and everyone scampers to the middle where a platform was left for them, the area around them turned into this weird space like area and then suddenly, hands appears belonging to the overminder who was now huge and looking really scary
"oh my god! what is that?!" scout says freaking out and the other looked scared too
"it's da overminder and it looks like, it's boss battle time" emily says seriously and she looked very serious
then the area get fuzzy and the next thing everyone knew, a boss battle was happening as everyone stood in place as the fight began, everyone took turns as they damage the overminder with scout first, then soldier, engineer, pyro, demoman, heavy, spy, medic, sniper and lastly emily, the overminder then had 4 turns and the attacked almost killed everyone but thanks to medic, he healed everyone back up even overhealing them, this went on for a bit with the team attacking having 10 turns each then the overminder attacking 4 times but soon, the overminder went down from a electricity attack from emily, the room then glowed a bright white making everyone cover their eyes and the next thing they know, everyone including emily was back at the RED spawn room in 2fort
"oh! we're back!" scout says first seeing that everyone was back home
everyone cheers happily seeing they were back home and emily watches as she sees both sniper and medic have a loving kiss with each other and both soldier and engineer have a loving kiss with each other after engineer cleans soldier's mouth for the mud while everyone else was cheering or hugging each other, they all then look over at emily and they all cheer with her throwing her in the air making emily smile and giggle happily, after the cheering calmed down, everyone had a bit of a chat untill emily sees a portal appear making it look like she was ready to go
"well, it looks like i have to go home now, it was nice saving you all again and i do hope to see you all soon that doesn't involve me saving you and not involving that overminder who i hope is now defeated" emily explains as she stands in front of the portal
"me too, i hope we can hang out and get to know each other better" scout says as he stands in front of everyone else
"reah...well, goodbye everyone" emily says calmly yet happily and she does a little salute with her paw
everyone waves goodbye to her while soldier does a salute of his own and then emily goes though the portal ending up back at the set again with david, tom and sebastian there waiting for her to come back, they smile when they see her and she does a open mouth smile with her tongue sticking out
"i'm back!" emily says happily while still smiling "hopefully now, i won't go anywhere" she adds and she giggles a little
the trio smile at her calmly hoping it was over so they can go back to acting again while emily hopes to go off and get a bath to wash away all the mud but suddenly, emily and the trio hear slow clapping, the trio all look behind them while emily looks ahead of her and she sees the adminatrator slow clapping while smiling
"good job, emily, i'm so glad you defeated the overminder again" the adminatrator says still clapping then she stops clapping
"why are you here?" emily says seriously looking at the adminatrator seriously as she sees her dads and david step out of the way "and where's miss.paulin'?" she adds as she knows miss.pauling isn't that far away from the adminatrator
"i'm here! i'm here!" miss.pauling says as she hurry into the room juggling papers around
"now that we are all here, let's have a chat" the adminatrator says as she goes over to emily
"look, if it's about da austrailium, i still have it, do you want it back?" emily says seriously feeling both unsure and worried about what was going on
"no, i'm not here for that, i'm here to praise you for all your hard work with my pet and to see if you were truly trustworthy enough to still look after the austrailium for me" the adminatrator explains as she grabs emily's cheeks with her right hand
"wait, the overminder-you're da one who brought it back?!" emily says realising still looking serious
"yes, i needed to use something to test you and now it's has been deafeated by you with my mercenaries, i know you are the one to keep my austrailium safe" the adminatrator says still holding onto emily's face then she lets go to turn around
"umm...thanks, i guess?" emily says looking confused on if that is what the adminatrator wanted
"helen, we need to get going soon, the mercenaries are ready to fight at 2fort" miss.pauling says as she was on the phone which was a 1960s block phone
"in a moment, miss.pauling" the adminatrator says looking at the short black haired lady then back to emily "now i need to tell you something before i go, did you know that austrailium isn't the only mineral in our world, it's the strongest mineral, yes but each country has its own mineral, here is a suitcase full of it and i need you to look after it for me" she adds and she holds out a suitcase
"umm...otay?" emily says confused and she takes the suitcase from the adminatrator
"here is a list of all the minerals and i need to promise me to take care of them" the adminatrator says and emily nods as she takes the australium from her backpack
"i will like how i've been taking care of dis for 13 years" emily says sounding aggressive as she lightly shakes the australium block in her right paw while holding the handle of the suitcase in her left paw
"good, that's is all but when i need you again, you will know, goodbye, emily the cat" the adminatrator says and she heads towards a portal with miss.pauling behind her
the adminatrator goes though the portal and miss.pauling follows behind her after waving at emily who waves back, when the pair were gone, the room went back to what it was before the issue started and even everyone came back as the production crew was back
"umm, emily?" sebastian says as he looks at emily who was still looking where the adminatrator and miss.pauling were
emily looks at sebastian and tom, then at david before putting the suitcase on the floor and then looking at the block of australium in her paw, she sees her reflection in the australium while the picture of the man and the kangaroo boxing was still in the middle of the block and then she sees a light shine in her left eye around her blue eye then her pupil
'what did i get myself into?' emily thought as she still looks at the australium looking worried
"emily?" tom says concerned and emily looks at at tom looking both worried and confused
"umm...i'll be right back" emily says calmly and she grabs the suitcase off the floor
she disappears after she puts the australium in the suitcase with the others and she reappears in her room back home, she first has a bath to wash off all the mud and when she was clean and dry, she jumps on her bed and open the suitcase, in the suitcase was 6 blocks of different colours, the first one emily picks up was australium which was gold with the man and the kangaroo boxing on the top, she puts it next to her and the next one she picks up was britishium which was ruby red white with a picture of a elegant lion on the top, the next one was amercianium which was sapphire blue and it had a picture of a flying eagle on the top, the next one was japanrite which was clear diamond white and the picture on the top was of a panda sitting and eating bamboo, the 5th one was called icelandite which it was a emerald green and the picture on the top was a puffin and lastly, the last block was called canadaium and it was a kunzite pink with a picture of a moose on the top
"hmm, i didn't know dere was so many, so why is everyone so obsessed with australium?" emily says to herself as she looked at the australium block "...meh, i'll figure it out later, i need to go back and carry on filming da doctor who episode" she adds and she puts all the blocks back in the suitcase
she then puts the suitcase in a draw in her room, she then disappears again from her room and reappears back at the set where everyone was getting ready to film the next scene for the doctor who episode, emily gets ready as she puts her phone away and puts on her ring to turn her human and everything went back like nothing happened.
The End

Stories of Emily the Electric CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora