IRL - Intagram Story Time

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(Based on the 2020 quarantine instagram story that sebastian uploaded on instagram)

It had been a few months since the time emily, sebastian and tom went to the my little pony world where emily retrieved a flower gem tiara/bracelet and sebastian and tom are now accidentally married which they don't mind, the trio are now living together in a house in a small village in the uk which they bought in mid august and they sold their old houses, emily helped tom and sebastian move to the new house with the help of her teleportation and her magic to put everything away and it didn't take long to settle down in the new house, the house was medium sized with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, one bedroom was emily's room which she designed herself with magic so no money was involved into making it, there was tom and sebastian room which looked a little plain but they liked it and then there was the spare room for when guests come over, there was also a living room and a dining room which are in one room, a kitchen, conservatory with a medium sized garden which is just flat grass with some flower and bushes around the fence and a computer room by emily's room that is mainly for emily to use but the other 2 use it now and again for important things.
the trio were happy in their house and they were all happy with each other, the trio were also taking a acting break till they had to go and start recording their marvel tv shows, both tom and sebastian also had to keep themselves a certian way sebastian had to keep his hair short but still have a bit of a scruff on his face while tom had grow his hair and keep a clean face, emily didn't need to do anything as she's okay the way she is and she doesn't mind, tom and sebastian fans have found out that the pair were married after pictures appeared of them together more often with emily too and revealing their wedding rings and their reaction was 'oh, ok, alright then', there was that 10-15% of fan that were spicy about it but it had been all positive and tom, sebastian and emily were fine with it.
meanwhile with emily fans and they were happy that she had both her parents together as a couple and living together, emily was also happy she had both her parents together and she was also happy that tom and sebastian got on so well, they did bicker now and again mostly about her but that what marry couples do and emily still wasn't use to them being all lovey-dovey to each other but she was getting there, everything was fine with the trio and this day was like all the other normal random days with the 2 actors and a red and white cat with wings.
it was a normal evening and the trio were sitting on the sofa minding their own business, sebastian was on his phone and emily thinking he's texting anthony because she knows he is texting anthony, emily on her tablet checking social media which are twitter, tumblr, reddit and using her phone to check instagram and tom was watching the tv while now and again checking his phone.
sebastian was was checking his instagram after texting anthony and after looking though comment with liking or commenting the positive messages and deleting the negative one he saw a comment that made him think
'hey sebastian, do a instagram story on what will happen if you were stuck in your house' the comment says and sebastian thought about it
he wanted to do it but what could he do? he tried to think on what to do but he couldn't, he then looked over at emily who was on her tablet but then she looked over at him as she sensed him looking at her, she then smiles with her tongue sticking out and he tells her to come over to him
"vhat?" emily says when she sits next to him
"i was given an idea on instagram on a instagram story i can do but i don't know what to do" sebastian says and emily tilts her head a little
"what was the idea?" emily says and sebastian shows her the comment "hmm...what would you do if you were trapped in da house?" she asks
"umm...i would umm...maybe clean it?" sebastian says after thing it over
"hmm...yeah you can clean da house" emily says thinking too "then you would probably sing you emotions away with a karaoke in the bedroom or somethin'," she adds and then giggle when sebastian pulls a face
"so if i was trapped in the house, i would clean up the house then have a karaoke after?" sebastian says thinking out loud
"you can also do stuff like read a book...umm...take a bath instead of a shower...umm...and...other stuff" emily says giving sebastian some ideas
"...ok, i think i have a plan now" sebastian says happily and he stands up
"if you are going to clean the house, that will save a job for tomorrow" tom says and both emily and sebastian look over to him to see he was now reading a book "just don't be too loud with the music, this house isn't sound proof" he adds in his parent tone
"i can make the bedroom sound proof for a bit" emily says and holds up her right paw with magic coming off of it
"oh, that's okay just...don't bang around too much" tom replies still in his parent tone
"yes...tummy!" emily says dramatically and falls on her back then giggles
"ok, let's start a story!" sebastian says as he holds up his phone and emily smiles with ther tongue sticking out
"yay!" emily replies and sebastian walks off into the kitchen
sebastian starts his instagram story by taking out the trash, cleans the surface of the kitchen counters, sorts out the food in the cupboard, fridge and freezer and mops the floor, when he was done in the kitchen, he did the dining and living room too but he didn't record that part and emily watched him do it, when he done with that he panned his phone around the room to show how clean it was getting both tom and emily in the video then he does a zoom back on emily
"hewwo!" emily says quietly but audible with a wave
sebastian looks at her, then goes over to her, grabs her, mouths to tom on what he was going to do and then they went upstairs
"where we goin'?"emily asked looking at him as he had his phone on her
he then takes emily to the bathroom and sticks her in the bathtub
"baff tem!" emily says happily looking at sebastian with his phone
sebastian than turns on the tap of the bath, waits for it to get warm and then puts it on the shower hose, he then washes her down making her wet and then puts pet shampoo and conditioner on her
"gonna be squeaky clean!" emily says happily yet calmly as he starts rubbing the shampoo onto her
he scrubbed the shampoo all over emily from her paws to her wings to her tail and when he was done he rinsed the shampoo off and after that was done, he takes emily out of the bath, puts her on the shut toilet seat and dries her off with her favorite red towel, when she was dry she became really poofy and now she looked like a red and white cotton ball with a head, limbs, a tail and wings
"i'm poofy!" emily says realising she's poofy as she looks in the bathroom mirror and then she giggles
sebastian then opened the door and she bolts out going downstairs to the living room, she jumps into the living room with a pose to see if tom would have seen but he didn't, she then jumps onto the sofa doing the pose again and tom see this time
"aww! a poofy baby!" tom says seeing emily and emily had this cheeky grin
"poofy babo!" emily replies then she giggles "had a baff, made me poofy" she says after giggling
"well you look very clean" tom says and he pets emily as she goes over to him
he tries to flatten the fur but it would just stick back up again and emily didn't mind it sticking up and being poofy
"emily! i need you!" sebastian shouts and emily runs off back upstairs
tom watches emily go back to sebastian and when she was gone he smiles and chuckles a little before going back to the book he was reading, emily finds sebastian in his and tom's bedroom and he was sitting on the bed
"ok, need you to put up the sound proof bubble now" sebastian says and emily nods
she uses her magic to put up a sound proof sheild and now the whole room was sound proof
"ok, sound proof is on" emily says happily and sebastian smiles
he then sets his phone on a phone stand that is by his radio and cd player which can also play songs from his phone as it was bluetooth and he starts to play different songs that he sang too, he first danced and sang to a cheerful song, he then went over to the bookshelf and grabbed a book, he then laughed at the book on a random page and his laughing made emily laugh, he then went back to the radio/cd player and he now plays a different song, he then played a sad song and he lied on the floor for it
"🎵i wanna know what love is🎵" sebastian sang and emily lied on the floor with him
"but you do! me and dad give it to you all the tem!" emily says and sebastian looks at her
"your right! never mind" sebastian replies and he stands up
the next thing he does is go over to the door, sit down on floor and starts switching on and off the light
"no, seddy! what doing? it's okay!" emily says as she bolts over to him
sebastian couldn't keep a straight face as emily started headbutting him and then he gets up while holding emily, he then picks his phone and he stops the video
"i think that's it" sebastian says to emily "by the way you feel really soft" he adds and starts stroking emily feeling her soft fur
"i know, you did give me a baff" emily replies and sebastian chuckles
they then go back downstairs when emily takes off the sound proof spell and sebastian goes back to where he was sitting in the first place
"did you do your video?" tom asks as sebastian sits down and emily goes back to where she was
"yep" "yeah" both sebastian and emily says and tom nods
sebastian starts editing the videos and after a bit he finally uploads the video to his story, it didn't take very long for him to get messages about how much his fans loved the video and not long after emily found the video uploaded onto youtube and the video was getting popular, she then giggles at some of the comments she found in the comment section
"omg! is that tom in the background?!" "yeah, did you forget tom and sebastian are married" "i can't believe they are married but i love it" "at least the house is super clean now" "squeaky clean!" "omg! poofy emily looks so cute!" "i love poofy emily!" "emily looks so puffy i wanna hug her!" "i love how okay emily is about taking a bath" "i love sebastian's wedding ring, it's so gold and shiny" "what are you? a raven?" "maybe i am!" "this is very funny, i love the part where sebastian forgot he was loved" the comments says and emily just giggles
"you did a good job on da video, the peeps love it" emily says to sebastian
"good, i've been getting a lot of texts about how cute and poofy you are" sebastian says and points to emily
"i am very poof!" emily replies and does a proud pose "...which will probably go away after i sleep" she says realising and looked disappointed
"don't worry, we'll just have to give you a bath again" tom say and emily thinks about it
"hmm...maybe...maybe" emily says after thinking about it
she then yawns and then looks at the time, it was about half past 10 and she decided to head to bed, both tom and sebastian weren't that far after her and the trio were now fast asleep in their bed having a dreamless night.
The End

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