IRL - Mima The Stowaway

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(Based on the event sebastian has been going to as of late with the golden globes and the critic choice awards which in this is one big event, this is also a update on sunny and shadow)

It has been a few weeks since the twins were born and emily with ben's help has been taken great care of them, the twins were now the same age as a 8 week old kitten/puppy and they had 2 different personalities, sunny who has revealed she has dawn sky pink eyes is a happy and loving girl who very curious about everything, is very affectionate, gets on well with mima and they play all the time and she loved getting groomed and kisses from emily, on the other hand shadow who has revealed he has some night sky purple eyes is a bit more independent, he does like to hang around casper as casper is a calm boy but most of the time, he likes to be on his own and emily knows he loves sunny and keeps an eye on her but he pretends he doesn't, this doesn't mean is fully independent as he likes to snuggle up to emily, ben, sunny, casper and mima and he can be affection when he wants to be but he perfers being on his own, also according to lauren when she did a examination on the pair a week ago, she told emily that the pair seem to know magic and the magic is stored in sunny's small pink and red unicorn horn and shadow's blue and purple kirin type antlers which are more like goats horns then antlers as lauren found out during the examination that they can't be shed like normal deer antlers, a few other things lauren found out though her examination is that sunny and shadow's wings are almost the same size with sunny's being slightly smaller due to her gender, shadow's scales on his back feel like dragon scales and are blue with a purple tint, sunny's teeth are very sharp to the point they could bite though anything, shadow's white tuff of fur on his chest is made out of both fur and feathers and lastly, shadow ball of fur on the tip of his tail seems to be a different fur texture to the fur around his body which lauren found out is due to kirin part in shadow with then having fancy tuffs of fur at the end of their slim tails. the twins also are really healthy even when it took 4 months for them to hatch and lauren told emily that the twins will most likely keep being the same size as casper and mima who still look like they are 8 week old and emily likes that they get to stay small as she likes them small as they are easier to handle, overall the twins were healthy, happy and are very well looked after thanks to emily and ben.
today it was the 18th of january late in the day about 9:30pm, emily was in her room on her tablet and as she was on her tablet she had mima, casper, sunny and shadow with her as ben wanted some time alone to play a new game that came out, mima was by emily playing with her tail, casper and shadow were snuggled up together keeping each other warm and snoozing till it was bedtime and sunny was playing with a ball with a bell in it, as emily was on her tablet, she could hear sebastian in the other room sorting out his outfit, he and just him has been invited to the golden choice awards (the golden globes and the critic choice award mixed together), he didn't know why they invited just him but he didn't mind, tom was busy doing something involving his next movie he is helping to produce and emily is looking after the babies so he was left to go on his own, he was in his and tom's bedroom looking in the waldrobe choosing which suit to wear to the event.
back with emily and she had fallen asleep as she didn't realise how tired she was, as she slept, sunny, shadow and casper had joined her snuggling up to her and fell asleep as well only leaving mima awake, as mima sat on the bed, looking at her mum and her adopted siblings, she was bored and she didn't know what to do but then she notice the door was open a jar so she decides to jump off the bed, when she gets off the bed, she heads out the door and looks around to see if she can find anything interesting, as she was looking around, she looks inside tom and sebastian's bedroom to see sebastian putting on a dark blue t-shirt on, she wags her tail happy to see sebastian and she runs into the room with sebastian not seeing her run in as he looked away from the door, she then jumps on the bed and starts sniffing sebastian's suit jacket that was on the bed while sebastian was looking at himself in the mirror
"...yeah, this will work" sebastian says to himself as he looks at himself in the suit bottoms and the shirt in the mirror
mima was still sniffing the jacket till she went inside the right pocket of the jacket as there was a strange scent in there, sebastian then goes to grab his jacket and when he pulls it up, mima falls into the pocket more ending up upside down and squished in the pocket, sebastian then puts the jacket on and when it was on, he looks at himself in the mirror again
"yep, this will do" sebastian says happily with his look and he didn't even notice his right pocket looking a bit bigger them his left pocket
sebastian then went downstairs to see tom and when he gets into the living room, he sees tom at the dining room table on his macbook laptop, tom looks up at sebastian who was showing off his suit with a small open mouth grin and he looks down again with a little smirk
"you look scruffy...cute! but scruffy" tom says in a emotionless tone but he was still smirking
"what do you mean scruffy?! is it the face?" sebastian replies confused and then puts his hands on his unshaven face
"...yes" tom says simply and sebastian pulls a half smirk
"well, i won't be gone for very long, a few hours at most and i don't think i won't be winning any awards or anything" sebastian explains as he checks if he has his phone and other things with him in his trouser pockets "besides, there will be loads of pictures and videos taken there and emily told me that the fangirls of me seem to love it when i have a scruffy face so..." he adds and he looks up at tom to see how he reacts
"strange, emily told me that my fangirls seem to like my face clean over having a beard" tom replies as he puts his hand down his clean face
"i think you look handsome with both a beard and clean" sebastian says and he had a little pink blush on his cheeks
"aww, thank you darling" tom says happily and he smiles affectionly at sebastian making him smile back affectionly "you better get going, it's coming up to 10pm" he adds and sebastian checked the clock on the self above the fireplace to se if it was true which it was
"oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, dear" sebastian says happily and he goes over and gives tom a goodbye kiss
after the kiss, sebastian steps back answer he puts his right fingers on his ring, he then teleports away and then reappears at the golden choice awards red carpet still not noticing that mima was still in his right jacket pocket, meanwhile in the jacket pocket and mima was comfy in the pocket, she didn't find the smell she was looking for but she had forgot about it after she fell in the pocket, she gets comfy and she wonders where she was going, back out the pocket and sebastian was getting his pictures taken by the paparazzi and he was smiling and standing next to some actresses, he stands there for a bit and when he moves away for more actors and actresses to get their photo, he feels something move in his right jacket pocket, he goes into his pocket and he feels something fluffy, he then pulls out the fluffy things and he sees that it was mima
"mima?!" sebastian says in surprise as he holds mima to his face and mima gives him a squeak bark and was wagging her tail "how did you get in my pocket?" he asks her and she just wags her tail with a open mouth and her tongue sticking out
"oh my god! look at that cute kitten!" a actress says pointing to mima in sebastian's hands
all the celebrities and the paparazzi look over at sebastian who looked worried as he stands there holding mima, mima was looking around and she was confused why everyone was looking at her but then was scared as loads of ladies came over to her and sebastian
"aww! look at the cute baby!" one actress says looking at mima
"i've never seen anything this cute before" another actress says with her hands together on her right cheek
sebastian tries to move away but the ladies were almost surrounding him making his slightly anxious, then security came along and pushed all the actresses away making sebastian escape, he sighs in relief when he gets out of here and then looks back to see the security guards pushing all the actresses away getting them back on track, sebastian then holds up mima and gives her a little smile
"it's passed your bedtime, you know, aren't you tired?" sebastian asks mima to only get a head shake from her
sebastian sighs and then takes out his phone to text tom on what happened, he puts mima in his pocket so he didn't have to hold her and he clicks on tom's name in the messages
'i have a stowaway' sebastian says in his text and sends the text with a picture of mima in his pocket
'how did that happen?' tom replies in his text and sebastian put a 🤷🏻‍♂️ emoji
'i don't know, i think she crawled into my jacket pocket when i wasn't looking, she also told me she's not tired so i think she got bored and wondered off from emily's room' sebastian says in his text 'what's emily doing anyway?' he asks and tom doesn't reply for a few seconds
'she's asleep in her bed with casper, sunny and shadow' tom says in his text and sends a picture of emily asleep with the adopted trio
'oh, that makes sense how mima managed to sneak off' sebastian says in his text and tom sends a 😄 emoji
'i can tell now that mima is a lot like her mum when she was a kitten' tom says in his text and sebastian sends a 😌 emoji
'yep...damn it! now i feel old!' sebastian says in his text with a 😫 emoji and tom sends a 😆 emoji
'how do you think i feel? i'm a year older then you and im going to be 42 this year in a month while you will be 41 in august' tom says in his text and sebastian sends a 😅 emoji
'don't remind me' sebastian says in his text with a 😖 emoji
"everyone needs to head inside now!" a man shouts at the door and some of the celebrities start heading inside the building
'they're going in now, i'll talk to you later, love you' sebastian says in his text and sends a ♥️ emoji
'love you too, darling' tom says on his text and also sends a ♥️ emoji
sebastian smiles as he watches the hearts go up the screen and then he puts his phone away, he goes inside with mima i'm his jacket pocket and looks around at also of the celebrities hanging around the lobby to go in the main hall, meanwhile back at home and emily was still asleep in her bed with sunny next to her and casper lying by her tummy with shadow top half ontop of his waist, suddenly as they were all asleep, sunny's pink and red horn on her head starts glowing as well as shadow's small blue and purple antlers, the pair wake up and see that they were in a white area, they look around confused then at each other confused till a light appears in front of them, they look ahead and see 2 orbs of light, one which was opposite sunny was the same colours of her eyes which was like the morning dawn of yellow and pink while the one opposite shaodw was like his eyes which was like the blues and purples of the night sky, the orvbs of light then float toward the pair and sunny's orb goes to the top of her horn while shadow's orb went between his horns, sunny's orb then absorb itself into sunny's horn while shadow's orb goes into his antlers.
suddenly the pair could see things that they've never seen before and they were confused at first on what they were till sunny finds out she can see people's dreams while shadow could see people's nightmares, shadow then makes his antlers glow and he can see that the nightmares people were having went away and turned into dreams, sunny then makes her horn glow and the dreams she had and the new ones she can see thanks to shadow turning then from nightmares into dreams were now good dreams, as sunny finishes her part and seeing everyone's dreams were happy, the pair suddenly felt something around their necks, they put their paws on their next to feel that they had collars on, sunny's was dark pink with a dream cloud as a tag while shadow's was dark purple with a gray dream cloud tag, the pair then realised that they had a purpose like what emily, mima and casper did and sunny's was to help people have happy dream while shadow's was to destroy nightmares, sunny was the goddess of dreams while shadow was the god of destroying nightmares.
the pair then woke up slowly and as they do, they look at each other, they then look down to see that they still had their collars on with the tags and sunny smiles at shadow while shadow looked annoyed but then gave a smirk, they then fell back to sleep again and smiled in their sleep seeing that they now had a purpose, meanwhile back with sebastian and mima and the show went really well, the happy the audience got is when breading freaser won best actor award for the whale movie he was in and it was the only thing people remember from the event, mima ended up falling asleep about 30 mintues after it started and sebastian had her in his jacket by his left side of his chest so she could sleep in a warm place by his heart, it was the end of the event and sebastian teleports home with his ring, when he gets home, it was 2am and tom has already gone to bed as the living room was dark so he heads upstairs, he goes into emily's room first to drop off mima and he places her next to emily, mima snuggles up to emily and sunny still asleep and sebastian smiles before he head to his and tom's room, sebastian gets ready for bed and he snuggles into his warm comfy bed next to tom who was already asleep and he quickly falls asleep warm and comfy.
the next morning, emily wakes up at 7am and she had a cat stretch and yawn, she then looks at her 4 babies smiling at them but then notice that sunny and shadow had collars on, she looks at them and sees that they've become a god and goddess which made emily happy
"let's see what you are" emily says to herself and she looks at their tags " you're the goddess of dreams...and you are the god of...nightmares and destroying nightmares" she says to herself as she looks at the tags "i need to tell lauren and ben about this" emily says and she grabs her phone
she texts lauren and ben about what happened and lauren confirms that sunny was the goddess of dreams as well as making happy dreams and shadow was the god of making and destroying nightmares, ben was happy as emily was with the news about the pair and he will be picking up the 4 babies layer for a play day, emily smiles and then checks social media, on tumblr and she saw sebastian trending which wasn't a surprise to her but what was a surprise was that some of the pictures of him had mima with him which made her look at mima confused
"i thought she was asleep like the other 3 were but...i guess she wasn't sleepy and decided to go with seddy" emily says to herself and looks back at the pictures "they are good pictures of her, though" she adds and smiles
she saves the good pictures of mima to her photos and then prints out the pictures using the printer in her computer room, they were printed onto photo paper and emily puts the photos into a big photo album she has of mima, casper and now sunny and shadow, she then puts the album away on her bookshelf and then starts grooming the sleeping babies to wake them up.
The End

Stories of Emily the Electric Catحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن