IRL - The Phone Invasion

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(Based on the games 'simulacra', 'sara is missing' and 'doctor who - lonely assassin')

It was a calm winter day in mid december and emily was with david as the pair were christmas shopping, well it was more david christmas shopping as emily had her presents for tom, sebastian, ben, mima, casper, sunny and shadow already thanks to her magic, david was looking for something for john and oliver and emily offered to help him as she was getting bored at home, emily was wearing a pink beanie with a pom pom on top, a pink and white scarf, a pink and red fleece coat and little white boots while david was wearing a black hat with flaps that were fluffy on the inside, a big black coat, a brown scarf, black gloves and winter boot, underneath he had a jumper winter trousers and woolly socks on
"so, you got any idea on what to get them?" emily asks david as they walk together in the town
"i know what to get oliver as he seems to be a lego fan but they are so expensive" david replies and emily nods knowing what he means
"yeah, but you're forgetting you are a celebrity, you have loads of money like i do, i don't know how much i have bit i know it's a lot" emily says kinda seriously but she was smiling at david
"i do but i don't want to waste it, i have to keep some money for my retirement" david says a little amused but looking serious and emily giggles
"retirement?! friend, your 42, which is the same age as my dad so you're not going to retire for another...maybe 40 years or so" emily says smiling with her tongue sticking out and david looks at her having a amused poker face
"yeah but, it's good to save the money so you'll have enough for retirement" david says and emily giggles again happily "it's also good to save some money just in case oliver might want to go to college or uni, i heard from his teacher that he seems to be becoming really good at technology and scratching so he might be a video game developer in the future or something, i think it help that he has ADHD and you've told me that his special need help him focus on his favourite hobbies better so that's a bonus...emily?" he adds talking a bit then he notice emily wasn't replying to him
he turns around and sees emily looking confused as she was looking around, he also looks around and sees that everyone was just standing there like they were all hypnotised
"it's like dey have dose ear peice in like from da cybermen episode" emily says as she looks at all the people in the town which was quite a lot
"yeah, this-this is very odd" david says looking as confused as emily as his doctor side was coming out a little
suddenly the people just start walking away like someone was calling them and both david and emily watch confused as they all walk away having a hypnotised type of walk, david turns to emily and emily looks at him with both having confused faces and david was about to say something when he was cut off by screaming, both emily and david look over at where the screaming was coming from and it was a lady freaking out, the lady was a brown curly hair lady with light chocolate skin, brown eyes and she was wearing a frilly blouse with jeans and flat shoes.
"i'm not letting it take me! i won't! make it sto-o-op!" the lady yells freaking out and she stops in front of david and emily "please! take my phone!...i don't want to any-" she adds as she holds out her phone which emily takes then she cuts herself off as she goes still like what the others did
she then walks off joining the others and that left david and emily in a empty town really confused, emily then looks at the phone which was a iphone 15 pro with a pink, purple and white fluffy case with a heart charm dangling of it, emily examines the phone before she turns it on by pressing the power button and sees that the background photo was of the lady with a guy who emily couldn't tell was her boyfriend or brother, she then slide the bottom but it needed a number password to open the phone
"she went off and didn't tell us the password to her phone" emily says looking at david with a slightly annoyed face as she shows david the phone
the hint only said 'cookie's birthday' which made emily confused, suddenly the phone glitches up and it shows all the numbers as one number, the number ended up being 2-0-0-7 which mean july 20th, the phone was now open and in the background was a picture of a brown and black french bulldog which emily guessed was cookie, suddenly the phone glitches out and the pictur in the background changed into the brown haired lady but she looked really odd and different like it wasn't her, emily looks at the picture confused while david looks at her confused and then the picture does a jumpscare as it suddenly get closer though the glitched and does this really loud noise, emily freaks out as she throws the phone but luckily david catches it as emily threw it in his direction
"what was dat!?" emily says scared still a little freaked out as she looks between the phone and david
"what happened? i heard the noise but what causes it?" david asks confused as he looks at the phone then at emily
"da screen just...glitched up! and dere was dis scary ting dat was pretending to be da lady who gave us da phone" emily replies explaining the best she could
"well, it's a dog now and there is nothing wrong with the phone" david says as he looks at the phone confused with a head tilt
"hmm...dis is very strange, very strange!" emily says confused as she puts her paw on her mouth confused
"from that face, i have a feeling you've seen something something like this before" david says as he looks at emily's face and smirking a little
"yeah, well, kinda, you see, dere was dis game i saw on youtube called 'simulacra' and in da game, you have to find out what happened to a person by just looking though deir phone and it turned out dat da person was taken over by dis, rouge ai dat was...taking over the person though dating apps, games and though social media being a famous influencer on either twitter, intagram and youtube" emily explains as she takes the phone back from david and looks between the phone and david "so, i don't know if dere is a new app or something dat people are getting addictive to or something" she adds as she swipes though the phone
"maybe, we should go somewhere warmer as it's started to get a little cold out here" david says as he was starting to get cold
"oh yes, umm...where do you want to go? your house or my house?" emily says as she points to david then to herself
"my house as it's closer to your" david says and emily nods but looking confused
"ok...even though, i can teleport to both my house or your house, like how we teleported here" emily says confused as she looks at david
"oh yeah...i forgot" david says realising and he looked embarrassed as emily was giggling
"dat's okay, my dads sometimes forget dat dey teleported from one place to da other and sometimes ask where da car was to go home" emily explains and she giggles again "speaking of dem, dey are out seeing a show so dey aren't home at da moment, i forgot what da show is but yeah, i don't mind going to your place, i also realised i haven't seen simmy or oliver in a while" she adds thinking about it and david smirks at her
"i think you told me that your parents are out before we left to go to town" david says happily and emily smiles back at him
"oh yeah...anyway, let's get back on track and go to your house so we can figure out what going on with everyone, we can come back to shopping later as dis feels more important at the moment" emily says happily and she holds out her paw to david
david smiles and he takes her paw into his hand, emily then teleports out of the town to david's house, david's house was a 2 story family home in a countryside area so it was out of the way of the main road, david goes in the house with emily following and inside the house was as nice as outside the house, when you go in, you are in a little hallway and also see the stair case in front of you going upstairs, to the left of the stairs was the living room and the room was the right of the stairs was the dining room with the conservatory as it was the middle of the house then next to the dining room was the kitchen and the laundry room which is a room where the washing machine and dryer are kept, upstairs there were 2 bedroom which one was david and john's bedroom opposite of the stairs and one was oliver's bedroom which was to the right of the stairs, oliver's bedroom also had a bathroom attached to his room with a toilet, sink and shower in it while a bathroom was attached to david and john's bedroom with a toilet, sink and bath in it, next to david and john's bathroom was a airing cupboard full of clothes and then at the end of the corridor was another room which had become both an computer room and a place to put stuff which didn't fit in the attic, they also had a big back garden and it did have loads of kids play equipment but they were soon thrown away as oliver doesn't play in them anymore as he is 12 and is more interested on playing games on his pc and consoles
"i'm back!" david shouts announcing he has returned
"e!" emily adds joining in with the shouting out of habit
suddenly oliver pokes his head about and he smiles seeing emily, oliver being the son of david and john looks a lot like both of them together, epically when he does certian facial expressions, habits or emotions, kinda like emily with her looking like both tom and sebastian, he then bolts downstairs and gives emily a hug which she loved as she snuggled her head under his chin while wagging her tail happily, oliver has loved emily since he was a baby and emily loved him too like she was his auntie which kinda is true as david and john had made emily oliver's godmother, when he was a baby, emily would always take him away and by take, she would just drag him on the floor pulling him by his baby grow till they got into a play pen or cot where she proceed to groom him on the head like he was her kitten, she would also bring mima a lot to see oliver so she can bond with him which worked well as now, they see each other as cousins and when mima wasn't with her adopted sibling, she was with oliver and spend a lot of time together even if mima couldn't speak yet, the others were also now spending time with him and they all loved him as much as mima does
"oh! you happy to see her but you don't give your dad a hug!" david says offended that oliver went to emily first and not him
"e!" emily says happily with a nod and then does a silent giggle
"well, i haven't seen her in a while and i've missed her" oliver says happily stil hugging emily then he lets go of her as she flie a few inches away from him
"oh yeah, mima told me you with her, casper, sunny and shadow had a fun time da other day, what did you all do?" emily says happily and david could see if oliver was a dog, he would be happily wagging his tail and panting happily
"well, we went outside the back and played for a while then we came in and played a game for a while and then they went home with your husband" oliver says happily and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out "who's phone is that? i know it's not yours as yours is red" he adds pointing out the phone in emily's paw
"umm, oh yeah! question, have you witnessed anything odd lately?" emily says looking at the phone then asks oliver confused and curiously
"umm...i don't think-no wait! i have!" oliver says not thinking he did but then remembers something "when i was talking to my 3 friends about 20 mintues ago on discord while i was playing my game, it was all fun and laughter when it suddenly went quiet, i shouted their names but i never got a reply so i guessed that they went off to get something to eat" he explained and emily looks at david worried "why? what happened?" he asks and emily looks back at oliver stil worried
"you see, while me and friend were down town, we were talkin' when suddenly everyone just stands like statues den walk off like something was callin' dem, suddenly a lady came over to us, said how something was takin' her and gave me her phone before turnin' into da others and walked away, i den unlocked her phone by her phone glitchin' up and suddenly, dis weird glitch creature pretending to be da lady scares me and make me almost drop da but friend catches it before it fell to da ground, we don't know what's going on but we are going to find out" emily explains seriously and as she does explain to oliver that was going on, john comes into the hallway next to david wondering what happened as he overheard the talking from the kitchen
"that's weird, i was watching the news eariler and suddenly, the news hosts just get up and leave like it was an emergency but they didn't look scared" john says next to david and emily looks super confused as she had her paw on her mouth
"...*gasp* i better phone dad to see if him and seddy are okay" emily says as she realises and she takes out her phone while handing david the lady's phone
emily calls tom after she goes into the living room and picks tom's number and he suprisenly picks up real quick
"emily? thank goodness you're okay! something weird just happened" tom says on the phone and emily hums a little while nodding
"let me guess, you and seddy were minding your own business and den da people around you started to act strangely?" emily says sounding a little smug and tom was quiet for a second on the other end of the phone being suprised
"y-yeah, how did you know?" tom says surprised as he glances at sebastian then back at his phone and emily smiles a little before going serious
"me and friend saw it happen while we were christmas shipping together, well, more him christmas shopping den me but yeah, we saw it happen too and den this lady gave us her phone and now we believe dat the phones have something to do with dis so, whatever you do after dis call, don't go looking around on your phones! just go home and keep away from any technology for a while till me and friend figure out what's wrong, otay?" emily explains and she hears a hum on the other end
"okay, we are going home now and we will do nothing until this issue is solved" tom says calmly and emily nods and smile
"good, see you later, love you, kith kith" emily says happily and after some back and forth kissing noises emily hears tom hangs up the phone "right, let's get to seeing what is going on" she adds after she put her phone away
she goes over to david and takes the fluffy case phone off him after he hands over to her, she then goes into the sofa in the living room where she looks at the phone curiously, david joins her as he sits next to her, john sits by david wondering what was going on and happy to help and oliver goes back to his room to his room to chill out for a bit on his computer, emily looks at the phone and she looks at the apps to see if the lady had anything in her phone that emily didn't so she takes out her phone to see if anything was different about the phones
"let's see..." emily mumbles to herself as she looks between the 2 phones
she couldn't find anything at first so she asks david for his phone which he happily hands over but when she looks though the lady's phone and david's phone, she finally finds out what the differences were
"i's dis app right here, da 'social pixels' app" emily says as she points to the app to david to show him what she found
"i've heard about the app but what is it?" david says then adds as he remembers hearing the news talk about the app
"umm...i don't know, let me check my phone" emily replies confused and she goes to her phone
emily goes onto twitter on her phone and as she goes onto the search part of the app, she sees that social pixels was the top trending, she clicks on it and she sees that everyone was posting positive things about the app saying it was the best app they've used in a while, she looks at the pictures of the app and she sees why seems to like it
"hmm...from dese pictures, dis social pixels app seems to be like if twitter, tumblr, tiktok and reddit came together and had a baby" emily says as she shows david the pictures she found on twitter "why am i only hearing about dis app now though? i would of heard about dis app on tiktok as it was the only app i've used before i left to see you" she adds looking confused as she was thinking
"maybe you didn't see anyone talk about it, i remember you telling me that sometimes you get loads of doctor who content one day but the next you won't get anything at all" david says remembering a conversation he had with emily the other day
"...oh yeah! i must of not seen the video as my account lately is full of pet videos so i must of not seen it as it wasn't related to pets" emily says realising and nodding as it made sense to her "but, i know why i didn't see it, you two only saw it on da news but you were too busy to pay attention to it, dad and seddy wouldn't of seen it either, dey were too busy getting ready to go to dis show dey wanted to see but...i'm suprised he hasn't seen it" she adds then she points up when she says 'he'
it took david and john a second who emily was referring to but when they got it, they were a little puzzled on why oliver hadn't been shown the app either
"hold on, let me go and ask 'im" emily says and she flies upstairs to oliver's room
when she gets to oliver's room, she sees oliver playing on his computer and he sees her coming over to her
"what's up?" oliver says happily and emily looked curious
"umm, i was wondering if you heard of a new app that came out recently called 'social pixels'?" emily asked and oliver nods as he looks at his screen then back at emily
"yeah, my friends were obsessing about it during out video call eariler and they tried to convince me to download it, i told them i would later and then i forgot about it, why?" oliver explains and emily sighs in relief
"ok, good, don't download it! i think it's the reason everyone is acting weird" emily says to oliver and he nods seriously
"okay, i won't" oliver says and emily nods happily
she then goes back downstairs and she goes back on the sofa and looks at the lady's phone
"he heard of it but he didn't download it, thankfully" emily says as she looks up at david then back at the phone again
david and john sigh in relief as they lean into each other and emily also 'died' from her cuteness diabetes, tom and sebastian relationship was emily's number one best relationship but david and john's relationship was a close second, they relationship was adorable as they understand each other and they have a extrovert-introvert relationship like what tom and sebastian have with john being the introvert and david being a extrovert, they are even cute when they are with oliver with david being the dad that loves having fun with oliver and is the carefree dad even if david was the one who was pregnant with oliver while john is the calm yet motherly dad, they both are doing a good job raising oliver as he was a kind, sweet, loving and caring tween with ADHD as david also had ADHD but that could change when he is a teenager, when he was younger, he looked more like john but as he is getting to his teenager phase, he starting to look more like david and emily thinks it a little amusing to see oliver be a david jr from being a john jr before, emily did ask a while again why the pair didn't have anymore children after oliver as david came from a family with 4 siblings and the reply was that they just don't know and now is a little too late as the pair were now in their 40s and a preganacy at 40 is a little dangerous as the kid could come out with some medical issues like down's syndrome, severe autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy and other special needs or health issues.
"ok, now it's time to see what dis social pixel app is all about" emily says as she looks at the social pixels app
the app's picture was of a pixeled oc character and it was of a little gray goblin guy with glasses and its tongue sticking out, she opens the app and the layout of the home screen was like a mixture of tumblr and reddit, the bottom of the screen had 5 icons, one was the home screen, one was the search bar, one was a video icon, one was the messages and the last one was the profile which was of a silhouette of the glasses goblin guy, emily sees on the home screen was loads of people mostly saying 'hi! this is my account where i will post *this*and *that* so if you like the type of stuff, follow me!' as well as random pictures, the video icon was a video reel kinda similar to tiktok and youtube shorts, emily scrolls though the videos and like the posts, it was people saying hi and what they be doing on their account or showing off animations they did
"hmm...dis feels all normal so far, i wonder if-ah ha!" emily says to herself and then finds something she wanted to find
what she finds was in the messages and in the messages was a conversation between the lady and the mascot, goblin guy
'hello and welcome to social pixels! before you get going and post stuff, i like to do some questions with you, first question, what would you like to see on your home page? 1.make-up, 2.pets,,,, 6.fandoms and 7.others' '1 and 7' 'okay, what would you like to see?' 'woman's clothes, hair tutorials, healthy foods, male actors and puppies' 'okay, we get that set up for you right away...done! the home page is created into what you like' 'hey, would you like to know a secret about the app?' 'umm...sure?' 'you are mine now!' the text between the ai and the lady says and after reading it, emily looked a little shocked but not surprised
"it looks like, da app's the one dat took over everyone" emily says as she shows david and john the text convo between the ai and the lady
"why? what does a ai want with most of the population of humans?" john says confused as david takes the phone off emily
"i dunno, something like dis happened in a game i watched on youtube called simulacra and...i think i remember the ai saying dat it didn't like hoomans so it was just killing dem off one by one" emily explains thinking as she had her paw on her mouth
david takes his screwdriver out of his trouser pocket and he points the screwdriver at the screen, emily smirks with her tongue sticking out as she is seeing his tenth/fourteenth doctor side coming out while john was annoyed smirking as he couldn't believe he was married to a man-child but he realised he didn't really mind as he was cute
"let's see...ahh!" david says curiously as he looks at the phone then freaks out when the phone starts glitching
the phone lands on the sofa and it was now glitching like crazy and it was even rumbling now and again while the screen was going all sorts of different colours, soon the phone stops glitching out and emily and david look at the phone then at each other with worry, emily then pokes the phone gently a few times then she picks it up to see the phone looked okay
"umm...dat was weird" emily says as she looks up ar david confused "it's fine now...was dat the ai in da phone?" she adds as she looks around the phone confused
"i think it was, i guess it didn't like the screwdriver" david replies and he holds up his screwdriver
"of course i didn't like-whatever that thing is!" the phone says suddenly making emily freak out and drop the phone down next to her "what are you hypnotised like the others?!" it adds having a really scary robotic voice
"well, dey're too old and i'm too smart yet lazy!" emily replies looking proud then she gets serious "now, let everyone go! what do you need with loads of peeps, anyway?" she adds looking aggressive
"oh! you wouldn't understand what i'm doing, it too evil for you to even get" the ai voice says from the phone and emily looked confused
"i'm goin' to it hooman domination?" emily says listing off the usual villian plots
"or world domination?" john adds joining in with the thinking game
"or do you hate humans?" david adds too also joining in with a smirk on his face
"it's gotta be one of those 3, it always is" emily says as she points to the phone with a smirk on her face with her tongue sticking out
"...ugh! enough! i'm going to do my plan and you can't stop me!" the phone yells and emily pretends to flinch back with both david and john copying
"you wanna bet?" emily says smugly and electricity starts sparking off her
she then makes a bolt of electricity come off her body and it hits the phone causing the phone to dance about, when she stops, the phone goes to the ground and emily looks at it for a second before she goes over to it, she pokes it a few times and then david goes over to it and uses his screwdriver on it, the phone does nothing so emily picks it up again and takes it to the sofa looking curious at the phone
"d-did we get rid of it?" emily says confused as she looks at the phone then at david
"i-uhh, i think so...?" david replies looking super confused and emily looked worried
"hold on, i'll be right back" emily says holding her paw up and she then teleports away leaving david and john comfused as they look at each other
emily reappears in the town where she met the lady and she looks around to see if everyone was back, she couldn't see anyone so she thinks for a second till she gets an idea and teleports back to david's house, when she gets there landing on the sofa, she david looks at her wondering what was going on and emily smirks having a plan
"i need your screwdriver quick, i have a plan" emily says as she holds out her paw to david
david hands her the screwdriver without questioning her as he know she has a plan and emily disappears again to the town, when she gets to the center of town, she holds up the screwdriver after putting it in the right setting and a wave of sonic waves came from the screwdriver hitting everyone's phones as the wave went past, the wave caused the ai in the phones to get disabled and deleted and in turn caused all the people to get snapped out of the hypnotised trance as they looks confused, they all walk away still confused on where they were and start calling or text family and friends about what happened as well as find them, emily teleports the phone back to the owner who was looking for her phone then smiles seeing it again and she goes to her messages to text her friends, emily then teleports back to david's house and smiles at him
"dere, all solved" emily says happily as she throws the screwdriver back to david who catches it with one hand
"what did you do?" david asks as he looks at emily after he puts the screwdriver away in his pocket
"used my electricity mixed with a wavelength on da screwdriver to delete da social pixels app from everyone's phones as well as on da app stores so da ai is now gone and everyone is back to normal...dese 'threats' have become more and more easy to handle as of late, i wonder why" emily explains happily then she went to think "anyway, it's all sorted now so, do you wanna continue the shopping trio or wait till tomorrow?" she says then asks and david smirks as he looks at emily
"we'll do it tomorrow as todays been...interesting to say the least" david replies and emily smiles with a nod
"ok, see you here tomorrow!" emily says happily and she teleports back home
she reappears on the sofa on sebastian's side of the sofa as sebastian had taken her spot to cuddle tom, emily almost 'dies' from the cuteness and then she almost giggles as she remembers that sebastian had his hair bleached blonde for his role as young donald trump for a movie he's starting tomorrow, he explains to the pair what happened then she goes to her room to chill before dropping off to sleep waiting for tomorrow so she can carry on her shopping trip with david.
The End

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