IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob

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it had been a week since the mansion with jerma, jerma was now officially 8 months pregnant and him with ster did a video yesterday announcing the pregnancy in kinda the same way of emily's dream but without ster getting horny at the end, both jerma and ster's fans were happy that the pair were together and both are having a baby, the fan were also happy with the name emile but fan also said that they should of called it jeremy jr or steven jr or just junior but emily could see that they were all just joking around, jerma has been texting emily about stuff and he has told emily that he does have an idea for a event stream in july which emily was okay about as jerma would of had his baby at that point and he will be able to be active again.
today was a nice sunny day and today was also the uk event of comic relief aka red nose day, emily was on her phone texting david tennant as he will be going as a host and he was asking emily if she was going as she always goes if david was going too
'so are you coming this year?' david asks in his text and emily smiles widely
'sure i am! you know i'll go if you go' emily replies and david sends a smiley face
'good' david says and emily giggles happily 'oh! and i got to ask you something from the runners of the event' he adds and emily tilts her head a little
'what is that?' emily says and send a honking emoji
'well, there is this one live scetch that been planned that involves celebrities and we don't have enough so they want to ask me to ask you if your parents to come and do it?' david explains then asks and emily thinks about
'well, they aren't busy today or tomorrow from their movie they are doing together but i'll ask them anyway' emily says and she leaves the room with her phone on the bed
she goes to the living room and when she get there she sees tom and sebastian but they looked really scruffy in the hair
"emily! hi!" sebastian says seeing emily and she looked at them amazed shocked
"what's the matter?" tom asks and emily make her shock turn into a mischievous grin
"what been doin'? huh? huh!" emily says in a mischievous tone and making her voice go slightly higher then normal "you've been doing the naughty, haven't you?!" she adds and she giggles while tom and sebastian looked at each other then at emily looking slightly guilty
"how did you know?" sebastian asks and emily giggles mischievously
"vell firstly, you 2 are really scruffy in da hair and your hair is usually tidy especially if it's long like it kinda is now, secondly, you 2 have visible bruises on your necks, i can see dem!" emily says as she jumps onto the coffee table then points to tom and sebastian's necks where purple bruises are seen on the sides and the front "and thirdly...hehehe...your trousers are undone! hehehe!" emily finishes and she points to tom and sebastian's zippers on their trousers which were down and the button wasn't put in
both tom and sebastian do up their trousers while blushing with embarrassment and emily just giggles on the table, when the pair did up their trousers, they sat down again and then looked at emily who was smiling and giggling still on the coffee table
"ok, ok, i...*giggles*" emily says and then she slightly recovers "i came to ask you two somethin'?" she says still having a smirk on her face
"what is it?" tom asks and emily suit is her tongue out
"well, you know tonight is red nose day aka comic relief?" emily says and tom nods while sebastian was a little lost as he hasn't heard of comic before "...i can tell you're confused, seddy so let me explain...ok so comics relief is a bbc event to help really sick children and pets in da uk so to help they put a bunch of comedic scetches with popular uk actors and actress but lately dey've been inviting american actors and actress to help, but anyway, dis event is to help raise money and it helps a lot as they always get about over 50 thousand every 2 years while children in need which is another event the bbc have about da end of the year gets the same amount, it's just a tv show fun raiser and i've been doin' dem with my friend since 2006 when friend was da doctor" she explains and sebastian seems to understand
"so what about it?" tom asks and emily smiles
"well, in one of dis years live sketches, dey was suppose to be something dat involved a bunch of actors and actress both american and british but dey seems to be a shortest of actors and actress so i've been asked from the show runners thought friend if you 2 want to do it?" emily explains and both tom and sebastian think about it "i know you 2 are free from your movie both today and tomorrow so you could do it" she adds and gives a shrug
"yeah, we could" sebastian says looking at emily with a little smirk
"and we will!" tom says happily and emily giggles
"but what about these?" sebastian asks and points to his hickeys on his necks
"don't worry, i got dis!" emily says happily and she uses her magic to heal the hickeys on the pairs necks
when they were gone, the pair looked at each other to see if they were really gone and when they see that they were, emily smiles with her tongue sticking out and both tom and sebastian smile at her
"thanks emily, now what time do we need to be there for?" tom says then asks and emily puts her paw up
"hold on, give me a minute" emily says and she flies back to her room
when she gets there, she goes on her bed and texts her friend
'they've agreed to come and we'll be there at whenever we need to be there for' emly says and sends the text
'good! i think they want all the actors and actress there by 6 as the event starts at 7' david replies and emily nods
she then goes back downstairs with her phone and goes back on the coffee table seeing tom and sebastian hadn't moved
"ok, so dey want all the actors and actress at the studio by 6 as the event starts at 7" emily explains and both tom and sebastian nod
"well, we have an hour till we go so we better get ready" tom says and sebastian nods before getting up
"oh! and it's suggested you wear a suit but it's fun looking like a different colour to black" emily says before the pair leave the room
they both nod at her then go upstairs to their room to pick out a fun looking suit which they had loads off, they soon choose an suit and sebastian chose a light blue suit with a dark gray shirt underneath and tom chose a dark green suit with a light blue shirt underneath, after the pair got dressed, they were fixing up there hair with a brush and when it was brushed, it looked tidy and smart, meanwhile at the event hall for comic relief, david was already there and he was getting tidied up by the make up artists, he had told the shows runners that emily has agreed to being tom and sebastian with her and they had set up sighs on some changing rooms, he was wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt underneath and a blue and purple tie on, he was getting his hair styled while he was on his phone talking to emily
'when i arrive, i will come and find you!" emily says happily in her text which make david smirk
'i know you will, it's a habit to come find home then get a load cuddles out of me' david replied and emily send a shocked emoji
'how did you know?!' emily says in her text and david chuckles
'emily, i've known you since 2005 so i know you like the back of my hand' david replies in his text and emily sends a crossed eyes face
'oh yeah, i forgot' emily says in her text and puts a smiley face with its tongue sticking out
"there, all done!" david's make up artist says and david gets out of his chair
"thanks, danelle!" david says happily and he leaves the room
he walks down the hallway to go to the stage and he bumps into lenny henry walking up to the make up room as it was his turn in there
"hi david!" lenny says happily auto david
"hi lenny, it's your turn in the make up room" david replies and points with his thumb to the where he came from
"ah! about time, thanks for letting me know" lenny says and he walks passed david
david keeps walking to the stage and as lenny was about to get to the make up room, he was suddenly attacked by something, he try to scream but this white ink like stuff covers his entire body, he then came back looking completely the same but he had now orange eyes instead of his brown ones, he grins then goes off somewhere passed the make up room, back with emily and she was on turn living room ready to go to the studio, tom and sebastian then came down and they were ready too
"you 2 ready?" emily asks and the pair smile at her
"all ready, sweetheart!" tom replies and sebastian nods happily
"good, let's go!" emily says and she flies between tom and sebastian
the pair grab emily's paws as she then teleports all 3 of them to the studio, when they get there, emily makes them reappear by the studio back door and a lady was there
"ah! emily the cat, tom hiddleston and sebastian stan, i've waiting for you 3, follow me to your changing rooms!" the lady says politely and she walks ahead
emily, tom and sebastian follow her and then emily stops to smell a famillar scent making her wag her tail like a dog
"*gasp* him 'ere!" emily says and she gets happy "me frwiend!" she says happily and then she bolts off to find david
tom and sebastian watch her run off and then they carry on following the lady, emily finds her way to the stage and she finds david on the stage talking to a fellow host emily didn't know
"friend!" emily shouts happily with her tail wagging and it catches david's attention
"emily!" david replies and holds his hands out wide to catch emily
emily ran to david and he catches her as she jumps towards him, emily and david have a hug and when the hug was over, emily flies back a little big
"i'm 'ere!" emily says happily and points to herself
"i know, are you ready to do this?" david says happily and emily nods smiling with her tongue sticking out
"reah, especially with you!" emily says happily with her tail wagging and david chuckles
emily looks around to see people still setting up things for the event and everyone was super busy, meanwhile back with tom and sebastian, the lady had taken them to their changing room and their changing rooms had their names on the door right next to each other, tom goes into his changing room to the right of sebastian's door and as sebastian was about to go into him, he notice the name on the door that was next to his changing room on his left and he rolls his eyes annoyed
"EMILY!" sebastian yells and emily heard him at the stage
emily turns around and david watches her turn around then looks at where she was looking
"what is it?" david asks and emily turns to him again
"it's seddy!" emily says in worry and she bolts off to see what sebastian wanted
she gets to sebastian as quickly as she could and it was pretty quick and when she get to sebastian, he looked annoyed
"what wrong?" emily says in concern
"this! what is this?!" sebastian says and he points to the door next to him
emily looks at the door and on the sigh of the door was the name 'tom holland', emily starts giggling but then it turned into straight up laughter
"i-i-i didn't know h-he was 'ere! *laughing*" emily says as she lands on the floor laughing
tom came out of his changing room and sees emily laughing on the floor, he then looks over at sebastian and sebastian just points to the changing room, tom looks over and when he sees tom holland's name, it all make scenes to him why emily was laughing
"hey guys, what's so funny?" a familiar voice and emily opens her eye to see tommy smiling innocently
"t-tummy! i mean tommy!" emily says happily then giggles again
emily went over to tommy and they have a hug even with emily still laughing and giggling
"hi tom, hi sebastian, i didn't expect to see you 2 here tonight" tommy says happily to see the pair after he lets go of emily
"we didn't expect to see you either or be here, we were invited last minute due to low actors and actresses being here" tom explains and tommy nods
"i see, well, i'm going to me changing room, i'll see you all later...i think" tommy says and he goes into his changing room
the trio watch tommy go into his changing room and when he went in the room, tom went into his room leaving sebastian and emily
"stil can't believe he's here" sebastian whispers to emily in annoyance and points to tommy's door
"me too but hopefully, you won't be able to see him dat much tonight" emily replies and sebastian looks at her
"...i hope so too, i going to tell anthony about this" sebastian says and this make emily giggles
"don't bring anthony-banthony into dis" emily says looking jokingly annoyed
sebastian just gives her a mischievous grin and then goes into his room, emily quietly gigglies and then goes back to david to tell him what happened, as she was running to the stage, she sees a lot of people still trying to get things ready and then she just managed to dodge lenny henry who was weirdly wondering around
"oops! sorry peep!" emily says as she quickly turns to lenny and then keeps running
lenny stood there and he had a evil grin while his eyes still glowed orange before walking off, when she gets to the stage, she sees friend talking to someone so she runs over to him and sits on the stage so he can see her
"and yeah, i'm excited to do this, hi emily" david says then waves at emily when she sits on the stage next to him
"oh who what's happened, the tenth doctor and his companion emily have reunited after 12 years!" the interviewer says and emily giggles happily "emily, how does it feel to reunite again?" he asks and emily smiles happily with her tongue sticking out
"umm...great!" emily says and holds her paw up like she's giving a thumbs up then she looks over at david who smiles at her
"that's good, shall we find someone else to talk too?" the interviewer asks happily and he runs off with the camera man behind him
when the interviewer and the camera man was gone, david looks over at emily and emily was just huffing with laughter thinking on what happened
"what happened?" david asks and emily gave a little giggle
"well, turns out dat da show runner invited someone along dat i didn't expect to be 'ere, nor did seddy for dat matter" emily explains with a smile and she giggles a little louder
"who's that?" david asks curiously and emily snickers with a face scrunch
"it's umm...tommy or you know? spider man?" emily says and david smiles on who she means
"yes i know him buts what's wrong with him? i've heard he's super friendly and people love him" david says and emily gave him a 'really?' poker face
"reah...but dere is 2 peeps i know dat seems to have a big grudge ageist tommy and i live with one, da other is da best friend of da one i live with and dese 2 have such a massive grudge ageist tommy, it feels like i walked into a dangerous danger room" emily explains and david looked interested "it's kinda close to you and barrowman's relationship...barrowmen!" she adds and does the fist shake david did in that never mind the busscocks doctor who episode
"hehe, barrowmen!" david says and copied emily with the fist shake
the pair laugh and then they were told by a staff member that they had to behind stage as the show was going to start in 10 mintues so the pair went to the back stage, they saw the other hosts minus lenny henry waiting there as well as the other on stage acts that are going to happen thoughout the red nose day special, as everyone was waiting, lenny came into the room and everyone waves at him but he just ignores them
"umm..." emily says quietly as she sat on david's shoulder "is it me or does dat wenny guy to you?" she says in a whisper to david and points to lenny who was walking to stand somewhere
david looks at lenny and sees that he was walking a little differently to usual like he had a weird limp and his eyes looked completely different too being orange to his usual brown
"...yeah, he is acting and looking a little keep an eye on him to see what he does" david says and emily nods while licking her chops
it was soon time to go on and it was the lady who went on stage first with the audience cheering happily
"hello and welcome to the 2022 comic relief, we have a lot of special stories to tell and loads of funny sketches to show off to everyone tonight, but first, let's introduce the other hosts for tonight" the lady says with a smile on her face "first up, we have the great, sir lenny henry!" she says and everyone cheers as the doors open
lenny goes out onto the stage and he still looked funny but he had fixed his walk but the eyes were still orange
"hello everyone! welcome to red nose day and if you're all wondering where my red nose is? it right here!" lenny says happily and he pulls out a red nose from his suit pocket
while lenny talked, emily cringed as she can hear a strange slurping after effect to lenny's voice and it didn't sound nice, david then starts dancing in place as he was getting excited as he was his turn to go up on stage
"next up is the one and only, david tennant and emily the cat!" the lady says and david goes onto the stage with emily on his left shoulder
david and emily wave at the audience with smiling faces and they all cheered and yelled happily
"hello everyone, it's nice to be back at a red nose day!" david says happily and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"reah, happy be back" emily says happily and she headbutts david in the cheek making him smile
"now our first thing for tonight is a story about a little girl who is happy and carefree but she is suffering with a terrible illness" the lady says and then it jumps to the screen for the first child story
the story was a 5 year old girl name francine who like the lady said was happy all the time and very carefree loving flowers, nature and gardening but she was suffering from leukemia, she does need a blood fusion operation but francine's parents don't have the money to afford the operation, it then shows the red nose day website, phone number and text number help with francine and all the other children and pets, the video then ends and it goes to the lady
"so remember, if you want to help, call the number here, go to the website and donate at the donation button here and text this number here, all phone call will charge £1 per mintue but it's all for a good cause" the lady says and then it pans to lenny
"yes, now!" lenny says and he claps his hands "david don't you have somewhere to be?" he asks david and david nods his head
"yeah, i have to be outside the studio so i'll meet all of you in 5 mintues, bye!" david says and he then walks off with emily on his shoulder
the audience wave david and emily off and then it goes back to the lady and lenny with lenny looking excited
"what's got you so excited?" the lady asks lenny and lenny grins
"well, i've heard that we have a bunch of famous actors and actresses for the show tonight!" lenny sails happily and the lady looked worried
"that's great lenny but we have a little problem about that" the lady says and lenny looks at her confused
"what's that?" lenny asks confused and the lady leans into his face but making sure her microphone picks her up
"the bbc don't have enough money to pay for all these famous people!" the lady whispers angrily and lenny gains a really shocked face while the audience laugh at lenny's expression and the aggressive whisper
"we don't?" lenny says shocked and the lady nods at him "oh no!" he adds then runs off stage
"shall we see how this goes down?" the lady asks and the audience shouted a big 'yes!' "then let's see what happens!" she says then it goes to the screen after she points to the screen
the screen then shows up and it was a live feed that looked like a movie, it shows lenny storming down the hallway going to the changing rooms and as he walks down he looked agitated
"oh no! this is a disaster, how am i going to tell them without breaking their hearts about them not being on a special event show?!...and them not getting the money for it?" lenny says loudly sounding he was talking to himself but he was saying to to the audience too
lenny kept walking in a face pace and as he kept walking, he went passed david and emily who were chilling by a car but the car was covered up with a silk cloth to reveal it later, emily looks over at lenny and then she goes off to follow him, lenny then makes it to the celebrity changing room and when he reaches the first changing room, the name on the door was 'liam neeson' which made the audience cheer
"*sigh* okay" lenny says and he knocks on the door
"come in!" liam replies and lenny enters going halfway in the room
"hey liam, i have bad news to tell" lenny says and liam turns around in his chair
"what's that?" liam asks and lenny sighs again
"well, it looks like we have to cut your act from the show, we sadly haven't got the budget for it" lenny explains and liam gave a sad look "i know but there is no money for your act" he adds and liam picks up a fake land phone
"but i was going to 'find you and kill you' line but mix it up a little" liam says disappointed and lenny looked sorry for him
"i know" lenny replies and he shuts the door "ok, that's one down...about 7 to go" he says and he goes to the next door
the next changing room was a room away from liam's and it had 'jeff goldblum' on it which made the audience gasp, lenny goes in after knocking and he told jeff the same news he told liam
"aww! but i wanted to show off my new comedian act which is kid friendly by the way" jeff says and lenny rolls his eyes
"i know but i'm sorry, it has to be cut" lenny says and he shuts the door
he then goes to the next door and it had 'olivia colman' on it, he goes in after knocking and tells her the same thing he told liam and jeff
"oh!...ok? i was going to do a juggling act i just learnt to do" olivia says sounding disappointed
"i know but money doesn't really grow on tree and the bbc doesn't have enough but we will keep you around for the a later story" lenny says and then he shuts the door "ok, 4 left!" he says then walks off to the next room
the next room was a few room down to olivia's room and it had 'emma stone' on it which the male audience members gasp, lenny goes in after knocking and as he did emily flies passed and stops to wave at the camera, lenny then tells emma what he had told the other 3 celebrities and emma gasps
"but, i wanted to do a comedic act with another actor!" emma complained sounding like a spoilt child
"i know but no money" lenny says and he shuts the door before emma had a meltdown
lenny could hear emma throwing stuff around and detroying stuff and he sighs glad he got out of there
"ok, last 3" lenny says and he pulls out a key
he goes to the last 3 doors which were next to each other then he locks the door, he then walks away from the doors smiling and he looks at the camera
"there! now they've all been delt with, time to go back to the stage!" lenny says and he walks off
emily pokes her head from a little corner she was hiding in then she looks at the doors, she then looks over at lenny and focuses on the key he was throwing in the air
'need to get dat key!' emily thought as she looks serious
back at the stage and the lady smiles at the audience
"well, it seems you all didn't see who names were on the last 3 doors but luckily emily is over there to show them off, emily?" the lady says and r then it goes to the screen
the screen then showed emily but she was really near the camera as all you could see was a mixture of black and white with a cat head outline
"e!" emily says happily then she backs up a little to show herself
"can you show off the names of the 3 doors that lenny missed?" the lady asks and emily nods after a 5 second delay
"reah! ok, so, 'ere is da first door and in it is...tommy!" emily says and she shows off tom holland's sigh on his changing room door making all the girl audience members freak out "if peeps don't know who him is, he spooder man from the spooder man movies!" she adds and everyone nods to who he is "ok, next is...seddy!" she says as she shows off sebastian stan's door which made everyone cheer "if peeps don't know him, he plays rucky in da captian america movies and his my daddy, so reah!" she adds and everyone nods to who he is "and lastly!" she says as she shows off tom hiddleston's door making all the girls cheer happily "if you peeps don't know him, he plays poki in da thor movies!" she adds and everyone nods to who he was "and dats it, i would show dem off but dat wenny guy locked the doors so the doors won't open" she says and she tries opening tommy's door but the door wouldn't budge
"that's okay, hopefully someone will let them out soon" the lady says and then the screen turns off and ot goes back to the lady
"and now here is another video about a boy who really needs help" the lady says and it goes to the next children story
while the story was playing, emily was still at the 3 changing room doors of tommy, tom and sebastian while the camera men that was with emily had walked away and after she shakes the door of tommy's changing room door during when she was showing off the rooms, it got tommy's attention as he was now at the door shaking it
"emily? what happening? why can't i get out?" tommy says trying to open the door but it wouldn't open
"dat wenny guy has locked you, dad and seddy in your wooms, i need to get da key off da wenny guy somehow" emily explains and as she does, both tom and sebastian were trying to get out of their room as they shakes the door and handle but can't get out due to the locked doors "i'll be right back, don't panic and stay in your seats, okay?" she adds and the trio all say 'okay'
emily goes off and the trio go back into their chairs or on the sofa that was in the room, emily runs down the hallway looking for lenny but for some reason, she couldn't find him but she did find david who stayed where he was and was ready for his part to come up, the video about the boy ends and the lady repeats herself about reminding people about donating to the number, texting or use the website to donate the money.
"now, david has something to show us, don't you david?" the lady says and then the screen shows david by the covered up car
"me and emily sure do and it's...this!" david says happily and he reveals the car from under the cloth
"a car!" emily says happily as she flies around the car
"yes and this car cam be your if you enter out competition, this car had a very yellow inside, a very yellow steering wheel and it's can be used for couples or yourself!" david then he explains really aggressively
"friend! calm down! you're tryin' to get peeps interested in dis car, not scare peeps away from it" emily replies then she giggles
"if you want this car, use this phone number, text us with this number or use the website to enter!" david says carrying on being aggressive
"thank you david!" the lady says as it goes back to the studio "and now a it's time for our first sketch of the night!" she adds and everyone cheers as its shows a sketch
"friend! have you seen da wenny guy?" emily asks david and he shakes his head with a shrug
"no, i haven't seen him, why do you ask?" david replies and emily looks worried as she looks at david
"he's locked dad, seddy and tommy in deir changing wooms and has walked off somewhere with da key, i need to find 'im and get da key back" emily explains and david looked worried too "so, if he didn't come passed you as it's da only way to go back onto da stage, where he go?" she adds and the pair looks around with confused faces
"we need to look around" david says and emily nods
"but about us needed to go back in stage to host with da lady?" emily asks and she points to the stage
"...ok then, you go look and if you find anything, come find me, okay?" david says seriously and emily nods with her tongue sticking out
emily then runs off and david goes to the direction of the stage, meanwhile somewhere and lenny was somewhere dark when the thing that had possessed him come off him and it still had the key with it, lenny falls to the ground unconsious and the white ink thing goes off somewhere into the dark, back with emily and she was looking around between where she was with david and the changing room with the locked up tom, sebastian and tommy, she looked and sniffed around but she couldn't see anything different or smell a weird scent, she sighs and she goes back to the changing room, she then tries to see if she could use her magic on the lock to try and open it but when she places her paw on tommy's lock, a sting of pain hit her big paw pad and she pulls away quickly
'ow! dat hurt!' emily thought as she checks her paw to see if it was okay which it was
she then sighs and sits down between tom and sebastian's doors to think about what to do, meanwhile with tom in his changing room, tom was looking around his room to see if he can find anything to do, he looked around in the draws in his desk, he looked around the sofa and he looked basically everywhere in the room, he then spots a shelf he didn't look though and he goes over to it, he looks around on it and then he spots something, he grabs it and sees it was a key but it looked like a door key and not the skeleton key like what is used for the door
'what am i going to use this key for? there isn't a keyhole around here that fits this type of key' tom thought as he looks around then at the key again
he then sees something move at the light of the bottom of the door and he sees that is emily's tail as he knows that emily has a certain tail movement, he then gets an idea and goes to the door
"emily?" tom says and emily turns to him
"reah?" emily replies curiously as she looks at the bottom of the door
"i found this key but it doesn't go to anything in my room so can you see what it goes too" tom says and then he pushes the key under the door
emily gets the key and she looks it it, she smells it and then she picks up on the scent of the door the key goes to so she runs off to find the door, she ends up finding the door not that far from the changing rooms and she put the key in the door after seeing that the door was a mystery door as it didn't have a name on it and it was in a weird place, she opens the door and then she sees that it goes to a dark basement of sorts
'oh great! a dark place, don't like dark places' emily thought in annoyance with a annoyed poker face
she recovers then she goes downstairs, when she was at the bottom, she sees a light on the wall with her cat eyes and she turns on the light to see the room was a little basement room, the room looks like it hasn't been used in a long time as how everything looks untouched and dusty, she looks around the room to see if she can find something like mainly a key and after looking for about a mintue, she does find something and it was a key but it was attached to a note, the key and note were in a desk draw and next to the desk was a was round glass container that was smashed like something broke out of it
'info of experiment
name - experiment 502 also known as "the blab"
species - the man-made glob species
abillity - possess people and then controlled around with voice commands
info - the blab can be used to get people to do things if they are being stubborn about it, it's a hateful species but when agitated, the only way to calm it down is to-----------, the blab can also be calmed if it hears the voice of----------- saying the code word "experiment 502, turn off mode activated!",
"ugh! stupid smudges!" emily complains as she points to the smudges parts of the paper 'now i have to look at dese smudge parts closely to see what it says' she thought annoyed and she focus on the smudged words
she then looks at the key when she realised it was too dark to see the smudged words and she smells the end of the key for a scent, she then smiles when she smells the scent that the key goes too was the changing rooms and she leaves the room after turning off the lights, she then bolts over to the changing rooms with key in mouth and the note under her right wing to keep it there, meanwhile the white ink thing now known as the blab had somehow managed to get under the stage and was waiting to pounce while the lady and david were on stage
"ok so, now it time to see how much we've raised so far!" the lady says and david dances around happily
"oh yes!" david says smiling and him and the lady look at the screen "and we have raised so far..." he adds building up the suspense "£250.435.101 and 34 pence!" he says loudly and everyone in the room cheers as confetti falls from the celling
"thank you to everyone who has donated so far and you want to keep donating, here is the website, here is the text number and here is the-!" the lady explaians but stops as she sees the blab jump out and charge at david "david!" she says in shocked as david had this white ink thing on his face
suddenly david gets up but now he had this white mask on over his eyes and it had a smoke effect on the sides
"david?" the lady says concerned and threw david opens his eyes to reveal bright orange eyes
the blab then mixed with david turns into a strange t-rex looking monster and it roars loudly making the audience and the lady bolt off, meanwhile emily had made to to tom, sebastian and tommy's changing rooms when she scents something bad and it made her feel a pain in her heart
"*stree gasp* friend?" emily says as she looks back from where she came from still with her paw on her heart
she then shakes her head and goes to the doors, she puts the key in tom's door first and unlocks it, then in sebastian's door and unlocks that and then lastly tommy's door and unlocks that, the trio come out of the room and we're glad to be out
"emily! you found the key, where was it?" sebastian says happily then asks
"i found it in a weird basement i didn't know dis place had but no time to explain, i need to go to friend, something is wrong" emily replies and then she hands the paper to tom "also can you see what dose words say, i can't read it" she adds then bolts off
tom and sebastian looks at the 2 smudged lines emily pointed at and they were trying to figure out what it was trying to say while tommy didn't really know what to do as he stood by his changing room door, meanwhile emily had reached the stage and sees the blab t-rex thing
"oi! big blob ting!" emily calls out and the t-rex thing turns to her "give back my frwiend!" she demands and the t-rec thing roars in replie
it then turns back into david but still had the white eye mask on
"get off 'im!" emily demands and points to the direction of the door
the blab makes david laugh and emily snarls and growls, emily then gets an idea on how to try and defeat the blab without hurting david and she pulls out her pink microphone with her magic
"yo! let's 'ave a song battle!" emily says and holds out her microphone
the david blab smiles evily which made emily uncomfortable and then it grabs a microphone from the floor, the song then starts playing (which sounds like pteromerhanophobic from the fnf trollge files mod mixed with paedophobia also from the fnf trollge files mod) and emily was winning while the david blab was trying hard to cheat by trying to mess emiy up which wasn't working, when the song was over the david blab gets annoyed and squeezes the microphone in his hand
"emily!" a famillar voice says and it was tom with sebastian and tommy behind him "we found out what the smudge part says!" he adds and emily turns to him
"what does it say?!" emily replies wanting to know the answer
"it says 'to calm down the blab, you need to beat it at its own game'..." tom says and sebastian shrugs next to tom
"whatever that means" sebastian says unsure what it means
"hmm...i don't know either but let's figure it out!" emily says and she turns back to the david blab who looked ready for round 2
"wait! isn't that david tennant?! what happened to him?!" tommy says stunned and surprised
"we know but we aren't going to tell you" sebastian says looking annoyed tommy was still here with him and tom
the next song starts playing (which sounds like dystchiphobia from the fnf trollge files mod mixed with athazagoraphobia also from the fnf trollge files mod) and it sounded a little all over the place but emily managed to do it winning again ageist the david blab, emily smiles as the blab looked angry then it comes off david towards her, she gasps before the blab covers her eyes and tom, sebastian and tommy gasp in horror while david faints to the floor
"emily!" both tom and sebastian say at the same time
emily then gets up and she turns to tom, sebastian and tommy with the eye mask that david had on with the orange eyes, tom looks around and then he sees a microphone on the floor, he picks it up and stands a few feet away from the emily blab
"ok, my turn" tom says and sebastian looked worried but he knows tom can do it
the song starts playing (which sounds like incident song from the fnf trollge files mod mixed with left unchecked song from the fnf hypno lullaby mod) and while tom and the emily blab were going at it, inside emily's mind and emily wakes up in a black room
"wha-where am i?" emily says and she looks around
she then sees the blab in front of her and she goes over to it, she then sees it crying and she was confused
"why crying?" emily asks and the blab looks at her
"i've been forgotten! my master left me in that glass container and didn't come back,i feel lost, confused and-and..." the blab replies with a feminine voice and emily looked sad
"do you know why he left you?" emily asks and the blab looked puzzled
"i-i don't know, i...i remember seeing him looking at me in the container and then...umm...hmm" the n
blab says and looked lost "i don't remember"
"hmm...maybe..we can sing and it might jog your memory will dat help?" emily asks as a suggestion and the blab nods after thinking for a bit
the song plays (which sounds like redemption song from the fnf trollge files mod mixed with glossphobia also from the fnf trollge files mod) and as the pair sang, the blab started to remember more and more till the blab gasps in shock making the music stop
"i-i remember!" the blab says and emily looked curious "i-i was watching my master, dr.morgan, write something down and then these people in green uniforms came in, dr.morgan struggles to break free but the green uniform people took him away, the green uniform people then tried to get rid of me but...i broke out and escaped so then i've been living somewhere ever since anger took over me and that is what is possessing you" the blab explains and emily looked sad and worried
"is dere anyway to calm down your anger?" emily asks and the blab looks up at emily with its dark orange eyes compared to the light orange ones the anger blab had
"umm well, there is this song that dr.morgan always played on his radio and we could probably can sing that" the blab says sadly and emily nods
emily the blab then get ready to sing and the blab smiles a little, meanwhile outside emily's mind and emily blab and tom had finished the song, tom looked annoyed that the blab was still on emily and the emily blab looked angry with a snarl on her face, suddenly emily blab angry face went neutral and then she landed in a sitting position on the stage making tom, sebastian and tommy confused, suddenly a song plays (which sounds like 'don't fear the rain' by trickywi) and emily blab sounded so sad as she sang it, tom starts singing it with emily then sebastian and tommy join in too, halfway into the song, the emily blab gets angry and then yells
"NOO! i'm not going down yet!" the emily blab but mostly the blab says and then it throws the microphone in the air
the emily blab catches it and the music changed (which sounds like bushwhack mainly cablecrow part in the fnf zardy's maze mod mixed with ardolf from the fnf lycanthrope mod), the music sounded intense and to beat it, tom had to swap the microphone between himself, sebastian and tommy, when the song was done, the emily blab looked exhausted but the blab not looked furious
"i'm GOIN' TO KILL EVERY HOOMAN 'ERE, I HATE HUMANS SO MUCH, DEY TOOK MY HOOMAN FROM ME AND NOW DEY ARE TRYIN' TO KILL ME OFF!" emily blab says using emily's voice to talk "AND i'm GOIN' TO START WITH YOU 3!" she adds then electricity comes off emily's body
tom, sebastian and tommy try to run but the emily blab was faster and electrocute the trio, they yell in pain from being electrocuted and the emily blab looked at them with no sigh of stopping, behind emily, david gets up from his unconsious state to see emily shooting her electricity at the trio, he then wastes no time and grabs emily from behind and holds her close as electricity thrn shoots off all over the place, tom, sebastian and tommy fall to the ground going unconsious and they lie there as david was still holding onto emily
"LET GO OF ME! LET GO NOW!" the blab shouts in emily's voice but david doesn't budge with his still around emily and him on his knees
emily's electricity hits things all over the place hitting the stage, hitting the empty chairs for the audience, hitting the lights, hitting the cameras and other things, the emily blab struggled to get out of david's arms while she yells and screams but david still doesn't budge, meanwhile inside emily's head and emily can see that she has knocked out tom, sebastian and tommy with her electricity and it made her go into a shocked and stunned state
"oh no! i'm so sorry this has happened! but don't worry, i have an idea!" the blab says and it smirks at emily
it then starts singing (which is a reprise of the song that emily and the blab sang together earlier to get the blab's memory back) and it floats up a little with a glow, emily turns around to watch but she still looked stunned, the glow then becomes brighter and emily closes her eyes from the brightness, meanwhile outside and the emily blab was still electrocuting everything but then the lightning calms down making david loosen his grip on the emily blab, suddenly the blab came off emily's eyes and jumps away a little, emily opens her eyes to reveal her electric blue eyes then she looks over at the blab
"i'm me again!" emily says but she sounded really weak in her voice
"emily?" david says and emily looks up at him but he wasn't looking at her "the blob thing" he says as he looks over at the blab
emily looks over too and sees the blab jerking about like it was having a fight with something
"...ugh! you little pest! getting in my way!" the blab says but it was the evil part
"i-i had too, you injured at least 5 people and frightened away the others!" the good side of the blab says still fighting the bad side
"so, they deserved it! they took out master away!" the bad side of the blab says annoyed
"not all of them! maybe some but all of them" the good side of the blab says and it sighs "you need to calm down, please! you are too aggressive!" it adds and the blab jerks backwards
"no! all humans must die, all of them!" the bad side of the blab says and it starts jumping around
"*sigh* you've left me with no chose" the good side of the blab says and it clears it voice "experiment 502, turn off mode activated!" it says in a unfamiliar man's voice
"NOOO!" the bad side yells and then the blab then stops
the blab then sinks into the ground then dissolve into nothing, david and emily watched the whole thing and emily then felt sad that the good side of the blab was gone, it seemed to be friendly, kinds, intelligent and caring.
"emily" the voice of the good blab says in emily's head "thank you for saving my memories, you helped me overcome by bad side and now i must go, goodbye" it says then the voice disappears
emily smiles a sad smile then she looks over at tom, sebastian and tommy who were still unconsious, she gets sad again and she looks up at david
"what do now? do we keep goin' with the event or is it cancelled?" emily asks weakly and david looks around at the empty stage hall
"uhh...i-" david says and then some people came back in the room after hearing the silents
they look around and when they see that the monster had gone, they tell everyone else to come back inside, everyone comes back into the room and as they do, emily jumps out of david's arms and slowly and weakly went over to tom, sebastian and tommy
"i better take these 3 home" emily says as she looks over at the unconsious trio
"ok, will you be able to do it?" david says and he looked concerned
"reah, it's my electricity dat has been drained not my magic" emily says as she looks at her shaking paw "so i'll be able to take dem back home" she adds happily and gives david a smile with her tongue sticking out
"will you come back?" david asks and emily looks at her paws again thrn at her wings
"i don't know, maybe? depends i gain strength somehow" emily says and david nods
"ok, i'll see you whenever" david says and emily giggles
"reah! see ya!" emily says and she teleports away with tom, sebastian and tommy
she first ends up at her, tom and sebastian's house and puts tom and sebastian to bed, she then teleports tommy to his house and emily drops tommy off in his bedroom after saying hi to tommy's parents and brothers, after tommy was in his bed still unconsious but now more asleep, emily teleports back to her house and she sits on the sofa in the living room, she was still shaking from their electricity being completly drained from her but the shaking wasn't as aggressive as before, she then thinks on what to do, does she stay at home and wait for tom and sebastian to wake up or does she go back to the red nose day event and help david, she thinks on what to do when she hears a sturring noise upstairs, meanwhile upstairs and it was sebastian who woke up first, he looks around after opening his eyes and he was confused
'h-how did we get back into the bedroom? is emily okay?' sebastian thought in question as he looks around
suddenly he hears the door open and it was emily looking at him concerned after she had opened the door
"emily?" sebastian says and emily smiles a little while wagging her tail
"hi! you okay?" emily says with a weak broken voice
"...i think so?" sebastian says and he gets out of bed
he feels fine and looked fine too after being electrocuted, emily sighs in relief and she jumps onto the bed
"how did me and tom get here?" sebastian says as he sits back down on the bed and points to tom when saying his name
"i brought you 2 back" emily relpies with a weak voice and sebastian can see she was shaking
"how? you don't look well as you're shaking like a electric toothbrush" sebastian says with concern and emily smiles a little
"my magic still works, it's just my electricity dat has been drained by dat blab using it to destroy da stage" emily explains and sebastian nods still having a worried face "also i will be foine when my electricity builds up again so i won't be shakin' anymore and i won't have a weak sounding voice" she explains and sebastian gave a worried smile
"at lease you'll be okay, i'm glad you're safe" sebastian and he picks up emily to hug her
she snuggles into sebastian and she starts purring happily while sebastian cradles her into his chest with her head under his chin, after the hug emily goes next to sebastian and then sebastian remembers something
"what happened to tom?" sebastian asks and emily thought for a second before she realised that sebastian was talking about tommy
"oh! tommy, i took 'im back 'ome to 'is fam" emily replies and sebastian nods looking annoyed but emily could see in his eyes that he is releived tommy is safe and sound
suddenly a noise was hear and both sebastian and emily look over to see tom was waking up
"huh? how did-?" tom says a little confused then sees sebastian and emily
"hi dad! are you okay?" emily says in worry and tom looks at himself
"i think so, hold on..." tom says then he gets up out of bed
he walks around and sees that he was okay dispite the fact he was electrocuted by emily, tom then sits in the bed and he picks up emily and hugs her close
"i'm so glad you're okay, i was scared seeing you like that" tom says sounding like a worried mother
"reah, and i'm so glad you 2 are okay too, i know it wasn't me who electrocuted you 2 and tommy but i still feel really upset dat it was my fault you 2 and tommy even got electrocuted in da first place by being taken over by dat blab" emily replies and she looked sad as her ears droop down in sadness
"what happened to the blob thing anyway?" sebastian asks and emily looks over at him
"it fought itself as it had a bad side and a good side and den da good side sacrificed itself to stop da bad side so now it's gone" emily explains and sebastian nods with tom nodding too
suddenly emily felt overwhelmed and she began to cry into tom's chest, both tom and sebastian were a little confused by the sudden outburst but then they realised that emily felt sorry for hurting them without it being her fault
"i know it wasn't my fault b-but, i put you two in danger and even my friend too, i was s-suppose to protect you 2 and my fr-friend from the danger" emily says upset and she silent cries some more
"i know and you did till you got possessed but then we are still here and that electric shock we got only knocked us out" sebastian explaians and emily looks at him with tears going down her face
"...b-but it could of been worse...i'm g-glad it wasn't" emily says still upset and she  smiles a little
she then cries again as a bad thought came into her head and tom calms her down by stroking her chest and cuddling her as it's all he can do while sebastian also strokes emily's check now and again, while comforting emily, tom and sebastian got washed and changed into their pyjamas then at that point, emily had fallen asleep from crying and being weak from her electricity drain, soon tom and sebastian fell asleep too with emily sleeping on sebastian's chest and the pair close to each other just in case emily wakes up at some point.
The End

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