Spike Imagine - Acting

Start from the beginning

I hit him with the book. "You heard me! Leave me alone. Go bother Buffy or Joyce, I don't know."

"Nah, pet. You really want me to leave you alone here, in the dark, in a town crawling with vamps? They don't need to be invited in, you know."

"Yes, I know," I sigh. Practising would be easier with someone to bounce off of. "Can you act?"

He makes a noise which is a cross between a laugh and a scoff.

"Remember? Poet? I've tried my hand at acting." he smirks and I relent, giving him back the script.

"But you were an awful poet."

"I'm going to ignore that." Spike looks down, "Now then," he says like an old man, scanning through the pages.

"Act Four, Scene One." I tell him, taking my place on stage. 

He shrugs off his leather jacket and I try not to look at his arms. I fail. He dumps it in the corner of the stage. 

 "Ah, ok. I see... From the top?" 

Why are all his t-shirts so tight? I shake my head.

"No, go from..." I step over to him, finding the line I want to go from. I prod my finger at it and he hums. He's standing too far to the left. "Come here." I point to the stage and he takes a step forward, looking confused. "No, there. Look," I grab his arms and gently place him in the right spot. My hands feel hot and clammy on his icy skin. "There." 

He's smirking at me as I take my position. "What?"

"Nothing." he dismisses. 

"Ok, so it's the bit where Benedick comforts Beatrice because her cousin, Hero, just got called a whore at her wedding. Standard, I know. Then, Benedick..." I want to fall through the stage's trap door when I realise what scene I've picked. The love confession scene. 

Beatrice and Benedick are two characters that clash all the time. Upon my first reading, I didn't understand when they confessed their love for each other, but now, it's one of my favourite scenes. I won't let Spike ruin that. It's fine. I'm a professional. It's acting, after all. 

I cough. "Start from the top of the page."

Spike clears his throat. "Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged."

"How much might the man deserve of me that would right her!"

"Is there any way to show such friendship?"

"A very even way, but no such friend." Spike is stepping closer to me. This is usually what I do with Gary, so I step closer to him too. 

"May a man do it?" Spike asks, looking up at me, placing his script-free hand on my shoulder. I pause. That's what Gary does too.

I break character, "Have you been watching me rehearse?"

He swallows, but admits, "Maybe. Once or twice."

"Spike!" Blush rushes to my cheeks. 

He drops his hand from my shoulder, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's only 'cus there's not much to do in this town. And if it's any consolation, you're good."

"Ugh. Fine. Ok." I take a deep breath and focus.  "It's... It's a man's office, but not yours." 

"I do love nothing in the world so well as you." Our eyes lock and for a brief second, I forget what's going on. "Is not that strange?" 

"As strange as the thing I know not." I step out of his reach, pacing.  "It were as possible for me to say I loved nothing so well as you, but believe me not, and yet I lie not; I confess nothing, nor I deny nothing." I pause dramatically and say softer, "I am sorry for my cousin."

"By my sword, Beatrice, thou lovest me!" Spike cries, bounding over to me. I have a feeling he's more familiar with the script than he lets on. 

"Do not swear and eat it."

He takes my hands. This isn't how Gary and I perform, but I push him out of my head and focus on Spike instead. I like the way he looks at me more. I mean, he plays a very convincing Benedick. "I will swear by it that you love me, and I will make him eat it that says I love not you."

"Will you not eat your word?" 

He glances down at the script, "With no sauce that can be devised to it. I protest I love thee."

I feel myself blush. "Why then, God forgive me." This is when I glance wistfully into the audience, but I can't tear my eyes away from his. I should. I'm supposed to, but it's like I'm trapped. 

"What offence, sweet Beatrice?" he whispers. I want to jab at him that the audience wouldn't be able to hear but my brain is too fuzzy.

"You have stayed me in a happy hour. I was about to protest I loved you." I say. 

"And do it with all thy heart." Only now do I realise Spike's been leaning down to converse with me, so when he stands to his full height, I feel really small. But not small in the sense that I'm too scared to reach up and kiss him. 

I break away and say, "I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest." 

That kiss could have been justified in the name of acting. But then he leans down and kisses me, grabbing at my hips and pulling me closer. 

He doesn't know his next line. Frankly, I don't think I know mine. 

This doesn't feel like acting anymore.

I'm the one to pull back. 

Spike's panting.

I'm panting.

I thought vampires didn't breathe?

He coughs and picks up the script off the floor. I don't know when he dropped it.

"Come, bid me do anything for thee."

I stare blankly at him. 

"Kill..." he prompts and I remember.

"Kill Claudio." I say quickly with no feeling.

"Ha! Not for the wide world." he reads, his words blurring into one as he rushes.

"You kill me to deny it. Farewell." I end the scene and he throws the script into the wings to touch me with both hands, kissing me over and over. 

AHA. We love unrealistic wattpad fanfiction<33
Keep reading for part 2 :0

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