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After the Tattoo Exhibition, Wang Yibo's place suddenly became a hive of activity. The photos from the show were rounded up several times on social media platforms, and the address of their store was no secret as there were many out-of-towners that came over just to get a tattoo with Wang Yibo, and even more local ones.

Technology was indeed cutting-edge for one thing as, in addition to the tattoo exhibition being next to the location of the organizer, the previous price of five thousand went up. Wang Yibo was at this price level, not to mention that the difference was more than twice. For a big picture to be done at the price difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars, it was worth it to buy a plane ticket to fly over.

Xiao Lin originally had minimal pressure at the front desk as the daily number of people that came were limited and were generally in advance with WeChat or telephone. The little girl read the gossip every day and did her nails quite well, but this time, there were suddenly more people coming so she was a little confused.

These people had been with Wang Yibo for so long that they had long been accustomed to a fixed number of customers every day, and they talked about the figures or were all busy doing tattoos. Not to mention Lu Xiaobei and Xiao Lin, even the other tattoo artists in the store also did not have much happiness. The reason they hung here was because this place originally did not lack customers, and tattoos were unlike opening a restaurant to cook so no matter how many people came, they could only do a certain amount of people in a single day. Since they had been working with Wang Yibo, they were used to his character that was not too flashy. The slot was usually scheduled for two months out so they could relax.

The people who came were not only customers, but also colleagues in the industry who wanted to watch and communicate. There were also many circles of tattoo artists who wanted to come over to pay homage to the store and wanted to follow Wang Yibo to learn something. There was the willingness to spend money, and they even said to Wang Yibo, "You open a class to accept students, no matter how much the tuition is, you state the price."

Wang Yibo was helpless and said, "It's not about the money, thank you for looking up to me. I don't know how to teach anything, and I'm not really at a level where I can teach people, many places have classes that are better than mine."

He didn't say anything more, and told everyone that he would be busy with his own things and would not be able to respond again, but they wanted to learn something from Wang Yibo so they all gave support to East University where Tao Xiao Dong was.

They were originally very casual at the tattoo parlor and unless the customer himself asked, it was otherwise done in the hall. Now that more people were suddenly watching, the store was too busy so tattoo artists went to work in the tattoo rooms. Lu Xiaobei and Wang Yibo hid upstairs, and no one was left in the lobby.

Xiao Zhan came over on weekends when there was no one downstairs except for Xiao Lin, and he looked back at Xiao Lin before he cried and laughed, "Is this how it's supposed to be now?"

Xiao Lin's face was bitter. "The coffee and juice are finished, and the new ones haven't arrived yet, Brother Xiao, do you drink milk tea?"

Xiao Zhan laughed and shook his head. "I don't drink it. Where's Wang Yibo?"

"The boss is upstairs." Xiao Lin pointed upstairs. "I don't know in which room. You can ask."

Xiao Zhan went up to each room with closed doors and knocked on one of them first before he asked, "Who's in there?"

Lu Xiaobei's voice came through, "Come in, Brother Xiao, it's Beibei!"

Xiao Zhan smiled and opened the door. Lu Xiaobei was inside wearing a mask and doing leg-rings for a beautiful woman. Xiao Zhan greeted, "Hello, Xiao BeiBei."

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