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"Professor Xiao, it's not that I didn't want to continue. Don't be angry."

This sentence directly caused Xiao Zhan to pause in place. He did not expect Wang Yibo to say such a formal sentence, and just now all his emotions were gone so he almost instantly softened.

He also wanted to ease up a bit, but he now naturally went along with Wang Yibo's words. He looked at Wang Yibo with a raised eyebrow and a faint smile. "Not that you didn't want to continue? Then you want to continue? What do you want to continue...Mr. Wang?"

Wang Yibo's demeanor was somewhat serious, but he answered frankly, "Just to continue. Just like you said before."

Xiao Zhan had said, "I can be there for the rest of your life" on Wang Yibo's birthday which was almost against Wang Yibo's lips.


Xiao Zhan touched his nose and softened his attitude before he deliberately made a joke, "I've said too many things. I don't know which one Mr. Wang is talking about."

He didn't want to be difficult, but it would be tough to get Wang Yibo to repeat that. Thus, Xiao Zhan laughed and continued, "Okay, I'll go back and think about it myself. I'm not angry just now, don't worry about it. Just think of it as I...had a little temper. Spoiled..."

He wanted to say "spoiled and arrogant ", but the phrase turned around on the tip of his tongue and retracted. Professor Xiao was older after all, and he was still a bit ashamed to say such words.

"Okay, as long as you aren't angry." Wang Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan and organized his words with a sincere expression in his eyes. "Professor Xiao, I have never told you about my past. I'm not a very good person. Sometimes I'm very negative, and I don't really want to talk about the past. But I don't mean to disrespect you."

"I know." Xiao Zhan rested one arm on the steering wheel while half-lying there and looking sideways at Wang Yibo. He nodded and waited for him to speak.

"Those few people in the shop just now are nothing, and usually do not come into contact with me." Wang Yibo said, "They are very annoying, and I was not willing to let you meet with them. You do not need to have any interactions with those people."

Xiao Zhan still nodded his head, not talking and listening to him.

"They are triad members who want to use my shop to launder money. It's a fantasy. Don't worry about it." When Wang Yibo mentioned them, he felt annoyed and frowned slightly with disgust written on his face.

Xiao Zhan thought Wang Yibo was quite cute and laughed.

When Wang Yibo spoke, Xiao Zhan did not interrupt much. He had always been a good listener, and Xiao Zhan listened carefully to everything Wang Yibo said since he knew that this was the sincerity that Wang Yibo had put before him. After hearing the story, his mood was not as calm as it was at the beginning.

It was because these messy things were linked to a person whom Wang Yibo called Yaning.

They met in Taiwan, at a tattoo shop in Taipei, where Tang Yaning was a friend of the owner and a tattoo artist. Wang Yibo met the owner a few times to talk about tattoos, and over time, they became acquainted.

At that time, Wang Yibo was in his twenties, and not as sullen as now. His figure, looks and temperament were conceivably very attractive. They got together more than half a year later, but there were often conflicts.

When Wang Yibo spoke of these, he omitted things since he did not seem to be good at telling stories. His statements were very short while saying the most straightforward content without any emotion.

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